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Damn, they're STILL burying Reagan?!?

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Ronald Reagan has been getting so much post-mortem fellatio that you'd think we were a nation of necrophiliacs.


Hournda said:
Ronald Reagan has been getting so much post-mortem fellatio that you'd think we were a nation of necrophiliacs.

Hey mods, think we can get some kind of signature system in place?
OmniGamer said:
Way to speak in absolutes....I didn't say they're ALL sheep...i didn't even say "most"...I said "so many". And I do believe there are "many" who are just doing that just to be a part of something and/or satisfy their sense of "duty" as an American. And IMO, you don't need to go through those motions to pay respect and mourn...and it would seem more worthwhile to say thanks to the man while he was actually still alive, instead of to an inanimate casket. Call me whatever you may wish(cynical, naive, unpatriotic(ha)), but it's no secret many people change their tune about someone when that person dies.
I think "cynical" and "judgmental" will suffice here.


RobotChant said:
Did anyone catch Ron Reagan Jr's jab at Bush Jr. during the eulogies? I paraphrase: "My dad never wore his religion on his sleeve; he never used his religion as a political advantage like some people"

I admit it, I chuckled. Hell, that's the reason I won't vote Republican these days.


Setec Astronomer
I'll have to agree with a number of other certain posters who have expressed ambiguity towards this matter. That being said, everyone who wanted to mourn for him absolutely should. He was important to a great deal of people and they deserve the chance.

BTW, Ron Reagan isn't conservative. ;)

MIMIC: CNN was your only escape? Wrong.


Spike Spiegel said:
I think "cynical" and "judgmental" will suffice here.

So it's outside of the realm of possibility for there to be a substantial amount of people "conforming", yet not outside of said realm for everyone there to be deeply moved individuals who were "touched" by Reagan?
Spike Spiegel said:
I think "cynical" and "judgmental" will suffice here.

No, cynical is the Republican milking machine that's sucking the dry, dead teats of Reagan's death. Cynical is actress Nancy Reagan turning her head toward the cameras for one last tour de force performance as she threw herself on the casket. I believe she was truly mourning, but come on. Photo-op city. It's all gross, crass and ungraceful. Kennedy died on a Friday afternoon and was buried on a Monday. The Reagan cadaver magical mystery tour should have taken a page from Harry Truman, whose code was, "Do not impose." He left an order that there were to be no eulogies at his funeral. Although, I'm not sure whether he died during an election year or not.
Point 1: The coverage did seem overblown but, this was the first state funeral in over 30 years so it is a historical event that needs to be covered. Overcovered? Mayber but, in a 24 hour news cycle that's how it goes.

Point 2: Regardless how you feel about the man (for those of us old enough to remeber him) he was the President and should be given the respect due of that station.

Point 3: It was sad to see Nancy mourn the loss of her husband (yes he was 93 million and people die). But, loss is loss no matter how you slice it.

Point 4: When people die it is usually an orgy of good tidings about how great the person was. Who in the heck is going to spend time talking about all the fucked up things Regan left the country with, when the are laying dirt on his grave? That's not reasonable in any funeral. As time goes on that will change.

Now that that is done let's get back to politics. Reagan dying is one the the best things to happen for the Repulbicans this year. If they can craft Bush into the new Reagan (much like they coattailed his name recogonition to hoist Bush into office) you have a much better case for relection. I mean hey fundamentalist terrorism is equal to Communisim right?
Cynical is actress Nancy Reagan turning her head toward the cameras for one last tour de force performance as she threw herself on the casket.

OMG she was mourning husband!!! THE HUMANITY!!!!! STONE HER!!!!!



Setec Astronomer
Now that that is done let's get back to politics. Reagan dying is one the the best things to happen for the Repulbicans this year. If they can craft Bush into the new Reagan (much like they coattailed his name recogonition to hoist Bush into office) you have a much better case for relection. I mean hey fundamentalist terrorism is equal to Communisim right?
No, it's not the best thing to happen. When it comes down to it, comparing W. Bush with Reagan only makes it more clear how much he isn't Reagan, not how much he is. Aside from being the figurehead of a political platform certain people are undyingly fanatical about, he has absolutely nothing of what Reagan had otherwise.
Doth Togo said:

Which ceremony was that taken from? I'd love to have a URL to that.

It was during the last ceremony in Simi Valley. I guess Ron Jr. just couldn't help himself. He's been vocal about his dislike of the Bush administration, and he doesn't like the Bush acolytes comparing Bush’s likeness to his father at all.


Minotauro said:
What's worse about this whole situation is the people standing in line for hours to LOOK AT A FUCKING COFFIN. For Christ's sake, what sense does this make? What does slowly walking past a wooden case holding a corpse signify? I just don't get it.

Ten bucks says he wasn't even in there anyway.
I really don't get that either...if the coffin is open like they did in that string of Russian president funerals in the late 80's then it'd mean something, but when you're looking at a closed coffin that might contain nothing more then the crushed ten commandments from Raiders of the Lost Ark, it seems a little silly to me. But this is coming from someone that hasn't attended a funeral since I was 4, so what do I know.

OmniGamer said:
...and it would seem more worthwhile to say thanks to the man while he was actually still alive, instead of to an inanimate casket. Call me whatever you may wish(cynical, naive, unpatriotic(ha)), but it's no secret many people change their tune about someone when that person dies.


I rarely watch the news anyway, so I was able to avoid the inevitable shlong sucking that's taken place this week. I simply took further measures to ignore it all. It sucks that he died though (sucks when anyone dies, no matter who he is), particularly with an affliction like the one he suffered from. But I still find it bizarre that people could mock him and that affliction for years, then turn around and join in the mass chorus of praise after expiring.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>BTW, Ron Reagan isn't conservative. <<<

Of course he isn't. He's dead. :p
Hitokage said:
No, it's not the best thing to happen. When it comes down to it, comparing W. Bush with Reagan only makes it more clear how much he isn't Reagan, not how much he is. Aside from being the figurehead of a political platform certain people are undyingly fanatical about, he has absolutely nothing of what Reagan had otherwise.

I don't disagree with you but, you are talking about an electorate that has been led by the nose with outright lies and have fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. An electorate that elected a man based on the strength of his name alone. All Rove has to do is shape Bush into Reagan with a few targeted words like conviction, integrity, terror is the new threat to democracy, focus. So on and so forth, besides the fact that you know for the convention they are going to drag Nancy back out to stump for the Bush (and a part of me says they should because it was his party and they should have some memorial at the convention). I'm saying that people now a days aren't astute enough to tell the difference. Besides, it's not like Reagan was some great savior of the people.

Ronald Reagan - dead

Ron Reagan - alive


Setec Astronomer
Well, I mentioned that... but seriously...

...who in their right mind would ever call W. Bush a "great communicator"?
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