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Cops in standoff w/couple in car shoot them dead...turns out the couple was sleeping

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Because their conservative unions want no part of gun legislation.
Some Police organizations have been consistent gun control supporters for years and regularly campaigned against things like concealed carry. Some are very anti gun control. depends on type of leo (sherriffs vs police) and geography. A lot more complicated than cops are against gun control.
So I took some time to digest this story and one thing really stands out to me. If the cops come up on a car with two people unconscious inside, shouldn't their first reaction be to make sure they are alright? If they are unconscious and not responding, shouldn't your first instinct as a police officer that is SUPPOSED to help and serve people to , you know, try and help them to make sure they are alright? I get the big reaction is that they shot two sleeping/unconscious people in a car and that is just so absurd but for some reason it makes it even worse for me that their collective first response wasn't to make sure they weren't in trouble or needed help from poisoning, car fumes, etc. Theres talk about them being jumpy and trigger happy but i feel them missing the most basic and important part of their job as not just one officer but a collective on the scene was totally not even a thought process for them, when dealing with a black couple.

There was an incident a while back where an unresponsive man was tazed by police. If I recall he had suffered a stroke and thats why he wasnt responding, because he was in a medical emergency and couldnt physically comply.

Guy was black, by the way.


There's literally only two ways this went down, and only one actually happened, based on the news released:

1) Couple has violent armed standoff for 45 minutes ending in police shooting them dead on busy street

2) Couple passed out drunk in car for 45 minutes end up shot by police for no reason


I'm not sure what to say at this point. The police climate absolutely terrifies me but it's unlikeLY anything will be done to change it.

We had a good run.
I cant help but think of the confusion and fear going through the minds of the victims as they suddenly wake up to being surrounded by a gang of angry trigger happy fucks screaming at them before they open fire.
This story makes no sense at all. There is clearly more that someone doesn't want to tell.

Just like that story where the guy "backed up" and it turned out that the cops had it out for the guy. This must have been planned.

Fucking ridiculous. As these incidents of incompetence and prejudice mount and continue the police are only hurting themselves and making their jobs harder.


This story makes no sense at all. There is clearly more that someone doesn't want to tell.

Just like that story where the guy "backed up" and it turned out that the cops had it out for the guy. This must have been planned.

Fucking ridiculous. As these incidents of incompetence and prejudice mount and continue the police are only hurting themselves and making their jobs harder.

Don't worry.

They are investigating themselves.


I wonder police murdering black people will go the way of US mass shootings, at first the coverage garners tons of responses and calls to act but as nothing changes it becomes mundane and people start to just accept and ignore it.

From what I understand it has been this way for a really long time but only recently come in to the media spotlight.

Here you've got two people literally being murdered for sleeping while black and it's likely there will be zero consequences, how do you change something like that?
I wonder police murdering black people will go the way of US mass shootings, at first the coverage garners tons of responses and calls to act but as nothing changes it becomes mundane and people start to just accept and ignore it.

That's how it is now.



All three cops had bodycams on too and it was fully recorded

This is messing my head up so much.

I can't fucking stand it that things like this happen in the US. Why are cops insulated from assault charges in cases like this? Why is it okay for them to attack us? Do they not realize that at some point soon people here are going to feel justified in arming themselves to protect themselves and their families against the police?
I wonder police murdering black people will go the way of US mass shootings, at first the coverage garners tons of responses and calls to act but as nothing changes it becomes mundane and people start to just accept and ignore it.

From what I understand it has been this way for a really long time but only recently come in to the media spotlight.

Here you've got two people literally being murdered for sleeping while black and it's likely there will be zero consequences, how do you change something like that?
Already there. I see near-daily news stories about black people being killed or treated terribly by police that never reaches the public. And even the stories that reach the public are forgotten about. How many people can name even a few of the people killed from the last few months?

Trojan X

They could uncover that they were notorious robbers for all I care, the fact theg were killed in their sleep classed this as murder. All police officers involved should be affected, every single one. All should be removed, imprisoned, the works. If this happened in an asian country, all the officers involved would be screwed without a second thought. That was careless and pathetic to the fullest degree.
Fucking hell, WHY!? Just why!? I'm so fucking sick of this shit, I'm tired of reading about another black person getting turned into a stat. Why does this have to keep happening...just.........just why.
They could uncover that they were notorious robbers for all I care, the fact theg were killed in their sleep classed this as murder. All police officers involved should be affected, every single one. All should be removed, imprisoned, the works. If this happened in an asian country, all the officers involved would be screwed without a second thought. That was careless and pathetic to the fullest degree.

Or get a few weeks off with pay.


Tagged as I see fit
I love that they add to the disgust by releasing their records. If they didn't have records, then what?

America is legit frightening in many many ways.
In my mind, this deserves nothing more than a complete refutation from other police officers, the mayor, governor, etc.. followed by arrests and jail time.

In reality, the shrugging of shoulders will accompany comments of, "Hmm. This isn't right, someone should do something." Meanwhile, those children will get a dark lesson of their worth in the eyes of police.


This shit makes my blood boil, what the fuck is going on these days?

There's nothing "these days" about it. Shit's always been bad, we are now merely in an age in which things are harder to keep quiet. An age of the internet and people standing up for themselves.


Omfg what the actual fuck?! Really? fucking really?! 7 kids are now parentless because this bevis and butthead tier police work?!

Geez, they would have been safer driving home tired. So much for pulling over to rest when tired on the road.
So.......what, nine children are now orphaned because.......their parents fell asleep in a car?


I've said it before and Ill say it again.

America in terms of policing, is DISGUSTING and the absolute worst thing about it is that America is absolutely fucking okay with that.

That in turn, makes America disgusting in a way. IMO. Sorry to upset anyone, but..

To make it worse, ANY-SINGLE-BODY who try to campaign against it, from the Black Panthers to Black Lives Matter to frigging Beyoncé are cast as a fucking radical trying to stir up shit by what the entire rest of the world can see as a blatantly racist movement called the Conservative party.

Like, its okay to have a problem with the fact that the American government blatantly murders more Americans than Osama Bin Laden could ever hope to, but don't you DARE try to actually do something about it....know your place....

I am so glad I do not have to raise my ten month old son in America.


Neo Member
... I mean idk what to say, either theres something im not quite understanding or an important detail was left out cause no matter what situation i try to view this its flat out murder
This story is confusing how can you stay asleep through this? Why would cops shoot at some one that is sleeping you can clearly tell if someone is sleeping. If you have 9 kids to take care of why are you sleeping in a car? None of this makes sense.
This story is confusing how can you stay asleep through this? Why would cops shoot at some one that is sleeping you can clearly tell if someone is sleeping. If you have 9 kids to take care of why are you sleeping in a car? None of this makes sense.

It's possible if they were heavy sleepers besides that is still no reason to shoot at a car.... I mean the police "feared" for their safety.... Really???


This story is confusing how can you stay asleep through this? Why would cops shoot at some one that is sleeping you can clearly tell if someone is sleeping. If you have 9 kids to take care of why are you sleeping in a car? None of this makes sense.

Why would the cops get in a "standoff" with 2 people sleeping in their car?
This story is confusing how can you stay asleep through this? Why would cops shoot at some one that is sleeping you can clearly tell if someone is sleeping. If you have 9 kids to take care of why are you sleeping in a car? None of this makes sense.

They arranged for their kids to be taken care of while they had a night out.

That makes perfect sense. People do this every day.

They slept in the car because it was 3am after a night out and it possibly wasn't safe to drive.

That makes perfect sense. People do this every day. Its literally the recommended thing to do in that situation.

Supposedly having a gun, in America? Do I even have to say anything here?

Killing people for sleeping?

That doesn't make any sense. Nobody ever does this, except for when the police decided to assassinate spokespeople from the Black Panthers by shooting into an apartment from the hallway where a 10 month pregnant lady was sleeping. Or the many other times past and present that people decide to murder people. That's the only time people get shot in their sleep. Or when police throw flash bangs into houses and burn little girls alive in their beds. And face no charges.
Reminds me of California settling with the mother daughter who were delivering newspapers and had their truck shot over 200 times. The cops luckily were as incompetent in shooting as they were in identifying suspects. This was during the manhunt for that former cop. Who happened to be over 6 ft tall and black. Not female and Asian and two people.

The last sentence of this post made me lol. Love the way you phrased that.
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