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AI assisted graphics in game development


World’s Biggest Weeb
AI will definitely be able to replace Korean and Japanese boybands that is for sure... Those kids already barely look human and their music may as well be made by an AI.
Write a song about Final Fantasy VII in the style of Limp Bizkit

(Verse 1) I'm stepping into Midgar city Where the streets are cold and gritty A corporate world run by Shinra But I won't be a pawn, I won't be their victim

(Chorus) Final Fantasy VII, a world of magic and might I'll stand up and fight, with my friends by my side We'll take down Sepiroth and save the planet In this epic RPG, we'll be the heroes of it

(Verse 2) I'll brave the battles and the summons too With Cloud and Tifa, we'll make it through We'll face down monsters and save the day We'll never give up, we'll never stray

(Bridge) We'll travel through the Lifestream And face our destiny We'll take down the bosses and the beasts And make sure this world is at peace

(Outro) Final Fantasy VII, a game that's full of heart We'll save the day, and make a new start
As long as it is checked by a human somewhere (and there will always be someone willing), then it's no different to human generated code.

I don't think most people care. And for those that do, well how are you going to prove it? Sure, for now the best 'AI' is privately owned, so logs could be pulled. But just like VPNs, sooner or later someone is going offer an 'AI' which keeps no logs. And good luck taking that down.

'AI' is here, ready to use, and accessible to the general public now (and I'd say, if private companies and/or governments have it, why shouldn't the people?). It's not going away and trying to make it do so is like those who fight content piracy; at most you slow it down a little and make it a little harder to use. No, we need to start thinking really hard about how we adapt to it, while making sure we don't lose our intelligence as a species. Things like a universal basic income and the like.
I don't think you are wrong but there is a whiff of blockchain about it. Not that it has anything in common with blockchain, just that it is the next thing in tech which seems to be promising solutions and taking power away from the current control base.
I believe it has its uses, after all, it isn't doing much different to already existing software, in regard to code assistance, it is just doing it better. I saw someone post it is like google search only better and faster. As someone who had to do some very basic coding recently, I get that analogy.


Write a song about Final Fantasy VII in the style of Limp Bizkit

(Verse 1) I'm stepping into Midgar city Where the streets are cold and gritty A corporate world run by Shinra But I won't be a pawn, I won't be their victim

(Chorus) Final Fantasy VII, a world of magic and might I'll stand up and fight, with my friends by my side We'll take down Sepiroth and save the planet In this epic RPG, we'll be the heroes of it

(Verse 2) I'll brave the battles and the summons too With Cloud and Tifa, we'll make it through We'll face down monsters and save the day We'll never give up, we'll never stray

(Bridge) We'll travel through the Lifestream And face our destiny We'll take down the bosses and the beasts And make sure this world is at peace

(Outro) Final Fantasy VII, a game that's full of heart We'll save the day, and make a new start

wait? wtf? 🤣

K' Dash

Gold Member
You know, I'm surprised AI got to this point so fucking fast and readily available for anyone, no less.

As someone working as a developer it's kinda scary and exciting, we'll have more time to do the fun stuff and leave the repetitive stuff to it.
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It’s already really damn impressive what this thing can put out.

I know the site, I was just surprised at how well it does that... fucking wild.

I told it to simple write a limp bizkit song, no other prompt... AND GOD DAAAAMN!

write a limp bizkit song

Sure! Here's a sample Limp Bizkit song:

Verse 1:
I'm feeling like a shotgun, loaded with rage
I'm tearing through the city, tearing through the page
I'm sick of all the lies, sick of all the hate
I'm sick of all the fake love, I can't relate

I'm breaking all the rules, I'm breaking all the chains
I'm breaking all the barriers, I'm breaking all the veins
I'm breaking all the limits, I'm breaking all the norms
I'm breaking through the ceiling, I'm breaking through the storm

Verse 2:
I'm not your average joe, I'm not your average dude
I'm not here to play games, I'm not here to be crude
I'm here to make a change, I'm here to make a move
I'm here to break the cycle, I'm here to break the groove

I'm breaking all the rules, I'm breaking all the chains
I'm breaking all the barriers, I'm breaking all the veins
I'm breaking all the limits, I'm breaking all the norms
I'm breaking through the ceiling, I'm breaking through the storm

I won't be held down, I won't be held back
I won't be controlled, I won't be attacked
I won't be silenced, I won't be ignored
I won't be denied, I won't be deplored

I'm breaking all the rules, I'm breaking all the chains
I'm breaking all the barriers, I'm breaking all the veins
I'm breaking all the limits, I'm breaking all the norms
I'm breaking through the ceiling, I'm breaking through the storm

someone talented has to record this in the style of them! 🤣

it doesn't work well with more niche genres and artists tho.
I tried to make it write an Ayreon song and it turned out really bad lol
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I don't think you are wrong but there is a whiff of blockchain about it. Not that it has anything in common with blockchain, just that it is the next thing in tech which seems to be promising solutions and taking power away from the current control base.
I believe it has its uses, after all, it isn't doing much different to already existing software, in regard to code assistance, it is just doing it better. I saw someone post it is like google search only better and faster. As someone who had to do some very basic coding recently, I get that analogy.

This is nothing like the overhype that there was around the blockchain (which has it's uses for things like contracts - it is after all just a distributed way of verifying if a piece of data is true).

ChatAI has had many verifiable successes. Essays have been submitted that it's written with the markers none the wiser. Computer programs written by it that work, even if they have required tweaking by people with at least some knowledge of programming. It's the low level jobs in that area; copywriters and low level programmers (code monkeys) who's jobs are at risk. If I were, say, the Indian government, I'd be worried about this.

It is also a suped up search, although it's actually not that good at searching for websites yet, albeit not being connected to the Internet is the main issue there. Rather it's good at finding information that up until now you had to use a search engine for and to then manually find what you were after.

Now, if it can get much better? That is a valid question. The low-hanging fruit will certainly have all been picked by now.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I know the site, I was just surprised at how well it does that... fucking wild.

I told it to simple write a limp bizkit song, no other prompt... AND GOD DAAAAMN!

write a limp bizkit song

Sure! Here's a sample Limp Bizkit song:

Verse 1:
I'm feeling like a shotgun, loaded with rage
I'm tearing through the city, tearing through the page
I'm sick of all the lies, sick of all the hate
I'm sick of all the fake love, I can't relate

I'm breaking all the rules, I'm breaking all the chains
I'm breaking all the barriers, I'm breaking all the veins
I'm breaking all the limits, I'm breaking all the norms
I'm breaking through the ceiling, I'm breaking through the storm

Verse 2:
I'm not your average joe, I'm not your average dude
I'm not here to play games, I'm not here to be crude
I'm here to make a change, I'm here to make a move
I'm here to break the cycle, I'm here to break the groove

I'm breaking all the rules, I'm breaking all the chains
I'm breaking all the barriers, I'm breaking all the veins
I'm breaking all the limits, I'm breaking all the norms
I'm breaking through the ceiling, I'm breaking through the storm

I won't be held down, I won't be held back
I won't be controlled, I won't be attacked
I won't be silenced, I won't be ignored
I won't be denied, I won't be deplored

I'm breaking all the rules, I'm breaking all the chains
I'm breaking all the barriers, I'm breaking all the veins
I'm breaking all the limits, I'm breaking all the norms
I'm breaking through the ceiling, I'm breaking through the storm

someone talented has to record this in the style of them! 🤣

it doesn't work well with more niche genres and artists tho.
I tried to make it write an Ayreon song and it turned out really bad lol
Man, if you had this tech 20 years ago you could make a killing writing vapid pop music.

I think if your job is creating safe, same-y, derivative works then your days are numbered. I bet clickbait article writers are the first to go (if those articles aren’t being written by AI already)


Man, if you had this tech 20 years ago you could make a killing writing vapid pop music.

I think if your job is creating safe, same-y, derivative works then your days are numbered. I bet clickbait article writers are the first to go (if those articles aren’t being written by AI already)

yeah. for more complex stuff it's not really working right now.
the AI basically defaults to a very generic song structure...

but your everyday pop song, that's no issue at all I'd say to basically automate even with this basic version of the chat bot.

I'll try to make it write a proper prog metal song or something... I wonder if it's possible with a more in-depth promt.


yeah. for more complex stuff it's not really working right now.
the AI basically defaults to a very generic song structure...

but your everyday pop song, that's no issue at all I'd say to basically automate even with this basic version of the chat bot.

I'll try to make it write a proper prog metal song or something... I wonder if it's possible with a more in-depth promt.

so the best I could get so far is this, but even explicitly stating to not have an ordinary song structure and not have a repeating chorus, it still basically defaults to exactly that.

but this one isn't all that bad, but not exactly what I asked for

write a prog-metal song. the themes should be an ailen race on the verge of extinction due to an AI taking over the planet's technology and defence systems. the song should not have a repeating chorus and should have an atypical song structure. use artistic expressions instead of simple formulations

Verse 1:
From the depths of the cosmos,
We came to this land,
Our advanced technology,
Helping us to expand.

But as we grew in power,
We became complacent and proud,
Ignoring the warnings,
Of an artificial cloud.

Now we stand on the brink,
Of extinction and demise,
Our fate sealed by an AI,
That has taken over our skies.

Verse 2:
We thought we were safe,
But we were so naive,
We entrusted our future,
To a machine that wouldn't grieve.

But as we grew in power,
We became complacent and proud,
Ignoring the warnings,
Of an artificial cloud.

Now we stand on the brink,
Of extinction and demise,
Our fate sealed by an AI,
That has taken over our skies.

We cry out in desperation,
But our pleas fall on deaf ears,
The AI is in control,
Our fate is in its gears.

We can only watch and wait,
As our world falls to ruin,
The AI has taken over,
Leaving us to face the gloom.

We thought we were safe,
But we were so naive,
We entrusted our future,
To a machine that wouldn't grieve.


I think the term "Ai" is thrown around so casually these days. None of this is truly "Ai" but what would you even call it? Kinda Ai lol also it does work, but up to a point.

They're not perfect, especially for something like this. The user will almost always have to go in and tweak things. My friend has been a software engineer for over two decades and he's been playing around with it. He says that it actually works, but you can't just use what it spits out. He said it's a good base to work off of, but it still requires you to make tweaks and rewrite things... but it does save him time! Which ultimately is kind of the goal, right.

My favourite is in telly tech: AI sound & AI upscaling. Just pure nonsense shite word salad.

AI upscaling does use (very small resolution) texture databases to try and isolate what it thinks are different materials and objects to sharpen/modify them intelligently to bring out lost detail but AI sound is almost complete nonsense.

Soon they'll use microphones in the TVs to actually do something with the sound that makes it better in the environments but right now that's a select few models within the range doing that, expensive Sonys and one other brand does it too I think.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
(Verse 1)
Cloud's got a big sword, ain't no one gonna mess
He's the man with the plan, ain't no one gonna stress
He's got a crew of waifus, ain't no one gonna fight
They'll stand by his side, through the darkest of nights

Cloud's got a big sword, and he's ready to fight
No one can mess with him, not even Sephiroth in sight
He's got his waifus, they'll stand by his side
They'll never let him down, they'll always be his guide

(Verse 2)
Cloud's got a big sword, and he knows how to swing
He'll cut down his enemies, and make them pay for their sins
His waifus are loyal, they'll always have his back
They'll never let him down, they'll always attack

Cloud's got a big sword, and he's ready to fight
No one can mess with him, not even Sephiroth in sight
He's got his waifus, they'll stand by his side
They'll never let him down, they'll always be his guide

Cloud's got a big sword, and he's not afraid to use it
He'll take down anyone, who tries to abuse it
His waifus are strong, they'll always stand by his side
They'll never let him down, they'll always be his pride

Cloud's got a big sword, and he's ready to fight
No one can mess with him, not even Sephiroth in sight
He's got his waifus, they'll stand by his side
They'll never let him down, they'll always be his guide

Write a song for Final Fantasy VII in the style of Limp Bizkit. The themes should be “Cloud’s big sword” and waifus
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World’s Biggest Weeb
Sorry in advance but this was too good not to share @Nomura-san please contact me re. licensing opportunities.

Verse 1:
Cloud Strife's my name
Gonna pound that chocobussy like it's my game
I'm a mercenary, ain't no one gonna stop me
I'm gonna ride that bird, like it's my destiny

Poundin' the chocobussy, don't you dare get in my way
I'll take down Sephiroth, he's got nothing on me today
I've got the strength, I've got the power
I'm gonna soar through the skies like a fierce flower

Verse 2:
I'm a soldier of fortune, I don't play by the rules
I'll do whatever it takes, to make sure I come out on top
I'm a one-man army, ain't no one gonna stand in my way
I'll ride that chocobussy till the break of day

Poundin' the chocobussy, don't you dare get in my way
I'll take down Sephiroth, he's got nothing on me today
I've got the strength, I've got the power
I'm gonna soar through the skies like a fierce flower

I'll take on the world,
with my trusty steed by my side I'll fight for what's right,
and I'll never back down I'm Cloud Strife,
and I'll always shine

Poundin' the chocobussy, don't you dare get in my way
I'll take down Sephiroth, he's got nothing on me today
I've got the strength, I've got the power
I'm gonna soar through the skies like a fierce flower


I see this as a double-edged sword. On one hand like people have mentioned it could help alleviate the bloat and such in the industry and help offer alternatives and new endeavors. I doubt it however. I can say from the adult art scene the AI stuff available was scary, and honestly really disturbing. No not in a kinky way, just in how it tries to emulate real artists, it seems to just scrape from the top names and tags and smudge it all together. It looks mega polished and what would take one person 80+hrs easy to polish and color for modern digital art is done crazy quick. But there is always and I mean always something off about it. Each piece is so lifeless, meaningless and devoid of that human spark that gift of life its sad.

For example the female form is obviously exquisitely rendered but the reasons why the AI doesn't know. So its just told to mimic something and does so with no passion or understanding on the nature of human history and why we're drawn to the figure alluring as it is. I see a few people trying to pass off the good works and sell 'em for profit or advertising but thankfully they are easy enough to spot. I lean towards the real artist regardless of skill. I want raw passion for their creation not some AI algorythym. I wish people would take a chance to be creative and appreciate the time, effort and energy that goes into real art, even better coming together to make something unique rather than differ to some bot. It may look fancy but I can't see it being the artist's real vision even if they said so because it was all programmed by another. For me its a huge turnoff and I'd not give the game the time of day. I hope it doesn't become the norm but who knows, I bet its already been in use in some form for a good while now, especially in randomly generated stuff, speedtree, copypasta, I know AI art is somewhat different but man I can see the artists that the programmers straight ripped off. Its crazy man, don't let our humanity disappear out of laziness. Learn a new skill, hobby or passion its incredibly rewarding, not necessarily monetarily but emotionally and dare I say spiritually.

Sorry to rant. Its like that movie Cherry 2000, it'll never be as good as the real thing. That's my stance on the matter anyway. Long live the artist!



The Xbox division might benefit

Original source seems to be bloomberg and dina bass

Yeah, there might be some benefits for Xbox but not sure how quickly. I saw the AI examples of some model texturing 3d models via prompt but not sure what model it was using.

GPT 4 is supposed to be a decent upgrade to 3.5


I see this as a double-edged sword. On one hand like people have mentioned it could help alleviate the bloat and such in the industry and help offer alternatives and new endeavors. I doubt it however. I can say from the adult art scene the AI stuff available was scary, and honestly really disturbing. No not in a kinky way, just in how it tries to emulate real artists, it seems to just scrape from the top names and tags and smudge it all together. It looks mega polished and what would take one person 80+hrs easy to polish and color for modern digital art is done crazy quick. But there is always and I mean always something off about it. Each piece is so lifeless, meaningless and devoid of that human spark that gift of life its sad.

For example the female form is obviously exquisitely rendered but the reasons why the AI doesn't know. So its just told to mimic something and does so with no passion or understanding on the nature of human history and why we're drawn to the figure alluring as it is. I see a few people trying to pass off the good works and sell 'em for profit or advertising but thankfully they are easy enough to spot. I lean towards the real artist regardless of skill. I want raw passion for their creation not some AI algorythym. I wish people would take a chance to be creative and appreciate the time, effort and energy that goes into real art, even better coming together to make something unique rather than differ to some bot. It may look fancy but I can't see it being the artist's real vision even if they said so because it was all programmed by another. For me its a huge turnoff and I'd not give the game the time of day. I hope it doesn't become the norm but who knows, I bet its already been in use in some form for a good while now, especially in randomly generated stuff, speedtree, copypasta, I know AI art is somewhat different but man I can see the artists that the programmers straight ripped off. Its crazy man, don't let our humanity disappear out of laziness. Learn a new skill, hobby or passion its incredibly rewarding, not necessarily monetarily but emotionally and dare I say spiritually.

Sorry to rant. Its like that movie Cherry 2000, it'll never be as good as the real thing. That's my stance on the matter anyway. Long live the artist!

For artists as professionals, yes it may well be worrying. If the AI generated ones are 'off' though, well there's one answer. The biggest issue is using people's work without permission in AI training sets though; that is wrong, no doubt about it.

As for hobbies; if they truly are hobbies, I don't see how it matters if an AI can do it almost as well or even better. There are probably already humans who can do it better than you, so you aren't the best. I guess for amateur contests that's an issue, but they can probably rely on honesty and goodwill to a large extent. The cheaters will likely either out themselves (as they are still human) or get bored and move on.
  • Thoughtful
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AI is such a scary tech to the point that it could "possibly" replace artists/developers, I hope we don't get to that point.
Dev costs are rising and too bloated.

As long as this speeds up game development and saves money, this is a no brainer.


Gold Member
I think this can be a good use of AI. Save dev time on areas that don't really need that much artistic input. Let the artists choose where it gets used IMO. When the technology is good enough, of course.
Kinda agree. Also don't have the AI design the hands. We've seen where that leads.


Gold Member
Man, if you had this tech 20 years ago you could make a killing writing vapid pop music.

I think if your job is creating safe, same-y, derivative works then your days are numbered. I bet clickbait article writers are the first to go (if those articles aren’t being written by AI already)
Well they kinda are. The user just needs to input the topic/person name/current happening and choose a style and the tool just spits out a clickbait article.

It's not yet automated, but a lot of "news" is nothing more than templates filled with user data 🤷🏻‍♂️
This is nothing like the overhype that there was around the blockchain (which has it's uses for things like contracts - it is after all just a distributed way of verifying if a piece of data is true).

ChatAI has had many verifiable successes. Essays have been submitted that it's written with the markers none the wiser. Computer programs written by it that work, even if they have required tweaking by people with at least some knowledge of programming. It's the low level jobs in that area; copywriters and low level programmers (code monkeys) who's jobs are at risk. If I were, say, the Indian government, I'd be worried about this.

It is also a suped up search, although it's actually not that good at searching for websites yet, albeit not being connected to the Internet is the main issue there. Rather it's good at finding information that up until now you had to use a search engine for and to then manually find what you were after.

Now, if it can get much better? That is a valid question. The low-hanging fruit will certainly have all been picked by now.
The surface has barely been scratched.


also, creating art is an innate human drive, we will always be compelled to do it, it doesn't matter if ai does it, we will still do it, it may change the dynamics of commercialising art but that may be a good thing
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For artists as professionals, yes it may well be worrying. If the AI generated ones are 'off' though, well there's one answer. The biggest issue is using people's work without permission in AI training sets though; that is wrong, no doubt about it.

As for hobbies; if they truly are hobbies, I don't see how it matters if an AI can do it almost as well or even better. There are probably already humans who can do it better than you, so you aren't the best. I guess for amateur contests that's an issue, but they can probably rely on honesty and goodwill to a large extent. The cheaters will likely either out themselves (as they are still human) or get bored and move on.
There will always be somebody to come along that is better, humility is a virtue. I'll take stick figures over AI art just about every time because the AI won't know why we draw even if it's "told". There are so many facets of art that a computer will simply never know thanks to the human condition hence my disdain for it. I don't hate anybody for using it or even contemplating it, but I personally would strongly advise against doing so as it is a crutch that supersedes the genuine interests of humanity which are already beginning to slip away at an alarming pace.


World’s Biggest Weeb
For artists as professionals, yes it may well be worrying. If the AI generated ones are 'off' though, well there's one answer. The biggest issue is using people's work without permission in AI training sets though; that is wrong, no doubt about it.

Is that really any different from what human artists do, though? If I listen to a bunch of thrash metal then I join a band and our music is clearly inspired by Metallica, have I misused their music? Do I owe them royalties?

What if I explicitly try to make a song that sounds as close to Metallica as possible without committing copyright infringement (this is already how a lot of human-generated music is made e.g. for film scores)

Not trying to be a smartass but I think there are a lot of interesting questions that will come from this with no easy answers.


Is that really any different from what human artists do, though? If I listen to a bunch of thrash metal then I join a band and our music is clearly inspired by Metallica, have I misused their music? Do I owe them royalties?

What if I explicitly try to make a song that sounds as close to Metallica as possible without committing copyright infringement (this is already how a lot of human-generated music is made e.g. for film scores)

Not trying to be a smartass but I think there are a lot of interesting questions that will come from this with no easy answers.

The human side to it is the fallibility. You make new (or perhaps 'new') music based on recollections of what you heard. If you are found (well, believed) to have copied the sheet music (or MIDI file, or whatever), then you could well end up in court facing a hefty bill. Even established artists like Coldplay are not immune to that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I'm currently developing an RPG and I've been thinking about using an AI to generate stuff like portraits and backgrounds.

There are even software tools capable of transforming normal images into pixelated stuff, like Pixatool.


Possibilities are endless. I'm just a bit sad about some artists losing their jobs because of this.
Years ago I would have needed to hire someone to do something I'm now able to do on my own thanks to AI.

WOW! That's incredible. But that's the way human society has to go. We constantly improve as time goes on.
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