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‘Kids, there is no Santa’: Pastor unloads on families waiting to take Christmas photo

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Really Really Exciting Member!
“Don’t lie to your children and tell them there’s such a thing as Santa, when you know in reality that there are no flying reindeer, there is no workshop at the North Pole. . .

Sure dude... as long as you stop telling them that an old man in the sky watch over them and that you're going to join him when you die if you're a good boy/girl, or else you're going to join Satan in hell. Irony.


Why knowingly make a factually wrong statement?

Santa currently acts mainly as a commercial cartoon character for Coca-Cola.

Yeah but that's Finland. When you consume so much homebrewed alcohol, have the Northern Lights in the sky all the time and live right next to a crazy neighbour like Russia, you're bound to start believing you're seeing weird stuff. :p

I knew you weren't being serious.
Santa currently acts mainly as a commercial cartoon character for Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola features him prominently in their ads during Christmas season, but so do all companies.
I don't know anyone, or have heard of anyone, associating Santa with Coca-Cola.







I have been interpreting this saying incorrectly for my entire life? I always thought that it means you shouldn't throw stones because they can be easily tossed back at you and damage your glass house for even greater damage. (not that you are throwing the stones from INSIDE the house)


yes, that talented of a member
Evangelical Christians...where entitlement and narcissism are pillars of salvation, a philosophical foundation where their actions, no matter how violent or harmful (emotionally harmful in this case) are made righteous and infalliable in the name of God. A toxic ultimatum of "believe what I believe or be condemned for eternity."

Horribly angering.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I think it's great that he's preventing people from lying to their children, but someone should tell him that his parents lied to him about God.

technically speaking Santa is a real person in the same essence that Jesus is a real person


Coca-Cola features him prominently in their ads during Christmas season, but so do all companies.
I don't know anyone, or have heard of anyone, associating Santa with Coca-Cola.

His current look is directly derived from the coca-cola santa design. But you are right that other companies can use the character as well, he's not exclusive to coca-cola.

technically speaking Santa is a real person in the same essence that Jesus is a real person

Don't historians agree that Jesus existed? I don't think there's any records of a living person who would be the the origin of the Santa-character (it was a tradition where a group of people dressed up).

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe



I have been interpreting this saying incorrectly for my entire life? I always thought that it means you shouldn't throw stones because they can be easily tossed back at you and damage your glass house for even greater damage. (not that you are throwing the stones from INSIDE the house)

nah you got the metaphor right

Don't historians agree that Jesus existed? I don't think there's any records of a living person who would be the the origin of the Santa-character (it was a tradition where a group of people dressed up).

St. Nikolas -> Sinterklaas

also the supposed coca cola imagery actually is way older
i don't really believe in god, but comparing a belief in a higher power to believing in santa is so laughably stupid and obnoxious, my god


For you.
His current look is directly derived from the coca-cola santa design. But you are right that other companies can use the character as well, he's not exclusive to coca-cola.

Don't historians agree that Jesus existed? I don't think there's any records of a living person who would be the the origin of the Santa-character (it was a tradition where a group of people dressed up).
The Santa character is based on Saint Nicolas.

i don't really believe in god, but comparing a belief in a higher power to believing in santa is so laughably stupid and obnoxious, my god
A teleporting fat dude that rewards you for being good?
Yeah, not similar to religion in any way at all.





I have been interpreting this saying incorrectly for my entire life? I always thought that it means you shouldn't throw stones because they can be easily tossed back at you and damage your glass house for even greater damage. (not that you are throwing the stones from INSIDE the house)

Honestly, it works both ways (same meaning)


never left the stone age
While I don't necessarily agree with this man's methods I do agree with his message. The truth of the matter is the Lord YOUR God gave his only begotten son on the first Christmas 2017 years ago. Santa is a lie perpetuated by Godless corporations to sell merchandise and distract Americans from following the path set by the Lord YOUR God Jesus Christ.

My God huh. I was trying to come up with a witty remark that didn't sound like edgy atheism but I can't. Fuck.

The Santa character is based on Saint Nicolas.

A teleporting fat dude that rewards you for being good?
Yeah, not similar to religion in any way at all.

Wow, Santa is fucking God-Lite isn't he? Be nice or get coal for christmas = be nice or become a lump of coal in the fiery pits of hell
Grow up.

Yes there is no proof that religious deities exist, but religions are as old as humanity with billions of followers and have shaped our culture as a species. Santa is the mascot for Coca-cola.

Get off your internet cool kid horse and think for a moment before shitposting.



A teleporting fat dude that rewards you for being good?
Yeah, not similar to religion in any way at all.

Hitler was a human. You are a human.

I'd say you're basically the same thing as Hitler.

So deep.

Protip: those atrocities are possible with or without religion. The true cause behind them is the struggle for power and always has been and always will be.

Jesus existed in the same way the Odyssey is based on real events.

Ok I'm not saying I'm an expert in the matter, but I remember reading about research on Jesus as a historical figure (and yes I also remember reading opposing views that said the research didn't yield enough data). Of course I am referring to an actual person living during those times and being an inspiration for the religious figure (which I don't believe in).


For you.
Hitler was a human. You are a human.

I'd say you're basically the same thing as Hitler.
Then according to you nothing ever in existence can ever be compared to anything else because it's not exactly the same as the other thing? I'm not sure you know how comparisons work.


Then according to you nothing ever in existence can ever be compared to anything else because it's not exactly the same as the other thing? I'm not sure you know how comparisons work.

No. Your examples are extreme and binary. Because people argue against you in comparing a world religion to santa claus, you take a martyr position and give a ridiculous counter-example.

Like someone else already said, you can compare Santa and Jesus in some conceptual level.


For you.
No. Your examples are extreme and binary. Because people argue against you in comparing a world religion to santa claus, you take a martyr position and give a ridiculous counter-example.

Like someone else already said, you can compare Santa and Jesus in some conceptual level.

A interesting comparison you bring up though: Hitler was a mass genocidal maniac, and I'm not.

Santa doesn't really have any historically recorded genocides made on his name, Christianity does.

So by your own metric, Santa>Christianism.


Maturity, bitches.
"when you know in reality that there are no flying reindeer, there is no workshop at the North Pole!"

Well this is true.

The reindeer and workshop are in Lapland.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm sure these kids will totally want to learn more about this Jesus guy now. Nothing better than a crazy dude yelling his brains out to accomplish this.


Look, as long as we can all agree that polar bears love the taste of ice cold coca cola, everything else will work itself out.


A interesting comparison you bring up though: Hitler was a mass genocidal maniac, and I'm not.

Santa doesn't really have any historically recorded genocides made on his name, Christianity does.

So by your own metric, Santa>Christianism.

I'd say the current christmas craze and commercialist hysteria borderlines on crime against humanity.


It's very rare that I will condone violence, but this guy desperately needs a good smack in the mouth. How no parent - or even random passerby - did not do so is beyond me.


While I don't necessarily agree with this man's methods I do agree with his message. The truth of the matter is the Lord YOUR God gave his only begotten son on the first Christmas 2017 years ago. Santa is a lie perpetuated by Godless corporations to sell merchandise and distract Americans from following the path set by the Lord YOUR God Jesus Christ.

Wow. Wow. What did I just step into?

Well, that was an incredibly shitty thing to do.
His type are actually the most annoying kind of Christian evangelism.

Seriously, why destroy the idea of Santa for a bunch of kids?]
Very selfish and not very Christian.


OléGunner;226577117 said:
Well, that was an incredibly shitty thing to do.
His type are actually the most annoying kind of Christian evangelism.

Seriously, why destroy the idea of Santa for a bunch of kids?]
Very selfish and not very Christian.

Well, as Ghandi purportedly said, "I like your Christ. Not so much your Christians". There is so much truth in that. If it turns out that Christians were right and there is a God and heaven and all that, I think a lot of Christians would actually go to Hell for their decidedly un-Christian ways.


Faith in Santa isn't hurting anyone and no former kid in world history holds a grudge against their parents for lying to them and getting a wonderful Christmas morning in exchange. This Pastor is a hypocrite at best and a complete twat at worst.

When kids start shooting up Planned Parenthood clinics in the name of Santa then let me know.





I have been interpreting this saying incorrectly for my entire life? I always thought that it means you shouldn't throw stones because they can be easily tossed back at you and damage your glass house for even greater damage. (not that you are throwing the stones from INSIDE the house)

Nah, you had it right; the picture is a reference to Karl Pilkington misunderstanding the quote on the Ricky Gervais podcast

He was asked what he thought it meant and said "If you live in a glass house, don't be chucking stuff about."
Protip: those atrocities are possible with or without religion. The true cause behind them is the struggle for power and always has been and always will be.
That's alone doesn't explain the atrocities comitted. Specific beliefs drive specific behaviors. Catholics don't take the Eucharist solely because they want to justify eating crackers. I didn't used to condemn homosexuality just because I thought homosexuals were icky. I believed it was the right thing to do because of specific scriptures and a fundamental belief they were the decrees of a perfect god.
I think we all just need to get along and not insult each others ideas and or faiths. Its the holidays guys its meant for goodwill and love!
If you have have harfmul ideas, always be ready to have them criticized.

I'd say the current christmas craze and commercialist hysteria borderlines on crime against humanity.
Pro tip: it's not consumerism that drives this behavior; people will always look for excuses to trample others at Walmart.


His current look is directly derived from the coca-cola santa design. But you are right that other companies can use the character as well, he's not exclusive to coca-cola.


Don't historians agree that Jesus existed? I don't think there's any records of a living person who would be the the origin of the Santa-character (it was a tradition where a group of people dressed up).

They mean that the current view on both Santa and Jesus are so far removed from the hypothetical historical person they are based on that they could very well be considered as imaginary people. The only thing the traditional Santa Klaus and the original St. Niklaas share, just like the original 1st century preacher and the Bible savior share, is a name.


They mean that the current view on both Santa and Jesus are so far removed from the hypothetical historical person they are based on that they could very well be considered as imaginary people. The only thing the traditional Santa Klaus and the original St. Niklaas share, just like the original 1st century preacher and the Bible savior share, is a name.

In the case of Jesus this isn't true.


Edit: even though it's a wiki link, it contains reputable sources (like B. Ehrman and so on)

Edit 2: santa = god is an reduction ad absurdum fallacy


While I don't necessarily agree with this man's methods I do agree with his message. The truth of the matter is the Lord YOUR God gave his only begotten son on the first Christmas 2017 years ago. Santa is a lie perpetuated by Godless corporations to sell merchandise and distract Americans from following the path set by the Lord YOUR God Jesus Christ.



I don't like Santa Claus and how parents raise their kids believing in a lie before finally telling them/or kids find out by themselves.
Now I will get 100 replies about how this is the same as religion, which I disagree with
But, this man doesn't have the right to go around meddling in other people's business.

I don't there is an adult out there that is angry at their parents for letting them believe in Santa Claus.


Santa ain't real, but your projection of a personal overseer and maker of the universe is?

Is this intentionally ironic?


I don't like Santa Claus and how parents raise their kids believing in a lie before finally telling them/or kids find out by themselves.
Now I will get 100 replies about how this is the same as religion, which I disagree with
But, this man doesn't have the right to go around meddling in other people's business.

And I see no harm in it. And I spent years trying to prove he doesn't exist (while still believing). Now I miss that magic of when the stocking was full and presents appeared under the tree. Personally I didn't have this feeling of betrayal from my parents, I found it fun though to argue it (and sneak out and see them filling the stockings and prove it). But I also loved the magic.

If I had kids I'd totally give them the lie too so they can enjoy the fun.

(And I'm not even Christian. I just love Christmas and all the traditions).



Nothing in that links contradicts me though? The "historical Jesus" and the Bible Jesus are so far removed that "the only two events subject to "almost universal assent" are that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and was crucified by the order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate." Bible Jesus is a Fairy tale.

Unless you happen to believe in his miracles, but it's just that, beliefs. Which draws an interesting parallel to the story of Santa Claus.


Fucking Texas, Christmas isn't even about Jesus either. The birth of your savior is off by a couple of months.

Thanks for slandering my state, but if you notice the preacher is from Alaska and he travels around. The people in Texas were trying to shut him up.

Reading comprehension not even once.


Nothing in that links contradicts me though? The "historical Jesus" and the Bible Jesus are so far removed that "the only two events subject to "almost universal assent" are that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and was crucified by the order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate." Bible Jesus is a Fairy tale.

Unless you happen to believe in his miracles, but it's just that, beliefs. Which draws an interesting parallel to the story of Santa Claus.

You said the only thing they share is a name. Whether through hyperperbole or otherwise the claim is still false.
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