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Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition | Hype Thread | We're Really Feeling It

Reduction? Say it ain't so... Didn't even think she had large knockers in the first place tbh

can I cancel my multiple collector's edition pre-orders and burn the xenoblade shrine I set up then

once you see it it can't be unseen

but to be fair it is just the way the original was shaded with shadows and light on her cleavage the new desing does not offer any roundness it is like someone hates boobs

don't cancel until we find out if they took out the swimsuits or put some more in
Not sure if I should get this. I own it on the "new" 3dsxl (fire emblem styled) and never got around to playing it.

I own xenobalde2 on switch. I put a number of hours into and got to the town where you meat the fat, short annoying bird like dude who hides you out at his house while Pyra cooks with her fire.
The game seems very very slow , and loaded with systems on top of systems. I like depth in my games but this is ridiculous it feels overkill and momentum is killed with all the damn fetch quests in the towns.
So I put it on hold.

How is xenblade1 different? is the story more mature or more goofy (I would prefer a more mature tale) Does it have all these fulf systems and weird named items and concepts? I was having trouble keeping up with it as it just wasn't interesting.
This being said I loved FF12, is xenoblade 1 anything like that?
once you see it it can't be unseen

but to be fair it is just the way the original was shaded with shadows and light on her cleavage the new desing does not offer any roundness it is like someone hates boobs

don't cancel until we find out if they took out the swimsuits or put some more in

Completely fair! Don't scew it up nintendo lol

Not sure if I should get this. I own it on the "new" 3dsxl (fire emblem styled) and never got around to playing it.

I own xenobalde2 on switch. I put a number of hours into and got to the town where you meat the fat, short annoying bird like dude who hides you out at his house while Pyra cooks with her fire.
The game seems very very slow , and loaded with systems on top of systems. I like depth in my games but this is ridiculous it feels overkill and momentum is killed with all the damn fetch quests in the towns.
So I put it on hold.

How is xenblade1 different? is the story more mature or more goofy (I would prefer a more mature tale) Does it have all these fulf systems and weird named items and concepts? I was having trouble keeping up with it as it just wasn't interesting.
This being said I loved FF12, is xenoblade 1 anything like that?

I've played XC and XCX inside out, but I've yet to play XC2. My general understanding is that story and characters are stronger in XC1 than the other games. I personally found this to be the case, the tale was quite a grand and enthralling journey by the end, and I have an enduring love for the characters 10 years later.

As for the systems on top of systems, that is indeed the case in XC1, but I assume XC1 is probably the least complex of the 3, since the succeeding games elaborated on XC1's battle system. I can only compare it to XCX, which is has even more deep systems (and where I actually enjoy the combat in even more, but understanding it all is also even more difficult in XCX.) So it is deep in a way that can be confusing to learn, but probably not as much as XC2.

In my case, I'm not sure I would have ever appreciated the depth of the mechanics the way I do if I didn't watch expert players on youtube break down the nuances of the game. That's definitely gonna sound stupid to some people but for me it was like a light bulb going off and I was like "oh, I can do that kind of thing? I've been playing the game in such a simple way, but I've actually got many interesting powers up my sleeve I never appreciated!" and that inspired me to go off and try things and chase down the hidden super bosses and stuff like that. That's not for everybody but I think you could play through the game just fine without going into the deeper mechanics and sticking to the story, though I'm glad I did seek help to "decrypt" them personally.

As for FF12 comparisons, there is something similar about the way combat feels, but you must know that already as I assume XC2's battle system also feels that way. So I guess you're referring to the mature dialogue? I had the pleasure of replaying FF12 on the switch recently and I gotta say, I was really struck hard by how sophisticated the dialogue of the Arcadian empire was. I enjoyed it a lot. While I like the story beats of XC1 more than FF12, it doesn't have dialogue that posh, sorry. But it does have really charming British voice actors, it just they're less lords and more lads, as it were. They're not much slurping on tea as they are leaving the missus to get pint down the pub, if that makes sense.
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The nicest person on this forum
Day 22

Not sure if I should get this. I own it on the "new" 3dsxl (fire emblem styled) and never got around to playing it.

I own xenobalde2 on switch. I put a number of hours into and got to the town where you meat the fat, short annoying bird like dude who hides you out at his house while Pyra cooks with her fire.
The game seems very very slow , and loaded with systems on top of systems. I like depth in my games but this is ridiculous it feels overkill and momentum is killed with all the damn fetch quests in the towns.
So I put it on hold.

How is xenblade1 different? is the story more mature or more goofy (I would prefer a more mature tale) Does it have all these fulf systems and weird named items and concepts? I was having trouble keeping up with it as it just wasn't interesting.
This being said I loved FF12, is xenoblade 1 anything like that?

3DS version is a sin that should have never been made it is just way too ugly for what X1 was meant to be. Before Breath of the Wild, Xenoblade XC was my number 2 favorite game. Xendoblade X was my favorite. XCX is a very different game but I liked it the most out of all of the Xenoblades.

Xenoblade 2 is not an easy game to get into for some folks new to the series, it has a slow start, I don't feel the story really grabs you until chapter 5 or 7, it has the most systems but I loved the Blades becoming your partner system. The story is very sweet, I don't think it is better or worst than the first game or X, X has a poor ending I feel it ends on a mystery which sucks.

If you start with this edition of X1 you might find you wan't to explore the story of X2 more and more so the slow start would not bother you as much after you have finished this game and got into the world of the series.

I never put less than 500 hours into a Xenoblade game, I feel you have to at least have 300+ hours in New Game Plus to really understand a Xenoblade game it demands that much investment IMO. People who spend 10-20 hours with it and claim they hate it are missing out on something special. But I get it, I like The Witcher 1 and like 2 but could not get into The Witcher 3 and I hear it is the best one in the series. Yet I just could not identify with the characther anymore and I really hate horror themed games. Any game that focuses on the darkside in horror too long turns me off.

Xendoblade 1 is very special to me, I think if I go through it again it might beat out Breath of the Wild in some areas for me.
The system is a little challenging but not as complex as X or 2. You will still need 300 hours to get every side quest done. The world and the Story are worth it but it could be not for you.

I would not say Xenoblade 1 is more mature than Xenoblade 2, X2 has a lot of anime styled fanservice lots of jokey characters but there is still very serious dark subjects being delt with. The story is very good. If you can't laugh at nopons or don't find them charming it might be a lost case. Since that dude and his relationship with his robot and wanting to be like Rex is a nice part of the story. The cast and X2 is very charming for me every rare blade added something for me, I was forced to seek out all their quests.

I had over 2,000 hours on Wii U with XCX I really loved Elma.
Had about 600 hours on Wii with XBC
I have 500 hours on my Switch with X2
I started a new game after 140 hours because I made a mistake or something I forgot what it was it might have been a choice or a blade so I started the game over using another account on my Switch. I must have played New Game Plus 3 or 4 times before the Torna side story DLC.

I like Rex better than Shulk. A lot of Xenoblade fans shit on Rex because he is more of a child than Shulk. I like this about him he is not a destined to be God type hero. Boy Meets Girl. Perfect story for me. Rex and his harem is better than what I found in X1.

I like Elma better than Pyra or Mythra but in the end XCX and X2 are fresher on my mind than X1
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Yeah they each offer different things.

Like I said, I gotta give it to XCX because of my love for the overdrive mechanic added to its battle system, and the joy of exploring Planet Mirra in my mech and smashing super bosses.

But XC1 is amazing too and I'm super hype for this 10 year anniversary HD reunion with Shulk and the gang!

Yeah they each offer different things.

Like I said, I gotta give it to XCX because of my love for the overdrive mechanic added to its battle system, and the joy of exploring Planet Mirra in my mech and smashing super bosses.

But XC1 is amazing too and I'm super hype for this 10 year anniversary HD reunion with Shulk and the gang!

I was really pissed when X1 was ported to 3DS and not Wii U it was my dream HD game I wanted it so bad. X1 has a world that no one can really ever copy it is just an amazing concept. But Mira was very different but somehow more satisfying. Took you forever to get your ass into a Mech / Doll / I hated when NOA called them Skells ugh.

I think getting into a mech kinda solved the mystery of Mira for me. If you fly to the very top or the edge of the map the design choice there just clued you in on what is going on there. A Very subtle unspoken hint made the SCI-Fi theme shine and made me forgive the ending a bit more.

I really need to get a new gamepad so I can play my Wii U again I really miss XCX

playing this game will make me miss X even more.
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I was really pissed when X1 was ported to 3DS and not Wii U it was my dream HD game I wanted it so bad. X1 has a world that no one can really ever copy it is just an amazing concept. But Mira was very different but somehow more satisfying. Took you forever to get your ass into a Mech / Doll / I hated when NOA called the Skells ugh.

I think getting into a mech kinda solved the mystery of Mira for me. If you fly to the very top or the edge of the map the design choice there just clued you in on what is going on there. A Very subtle unspoken hint made the SCI-Fi theme shine and made me forgive the ending a bit more.

I really need to get a new gamepad so I can play my Wii U again I really miss XCX

playing this game will make me miss X even more.
How's your PC? The game runs beautifully on Cemu, I'm getting 4k60fps with no dips, so an older PC should still do 1080p30 without issues. The latest Wii U firmware is fully supported by exploits too, so very easy to dump your own games.

Today is the 5th anniversary of Xenoblade X's release in Japan, so here are a few screens I've taken. 4k/60fps mods, with in-game anti-aliasing and the offline tag modded out.


How's your PC? The game runs beautifully on Cemu, I'm getting 4k60fps with no dips, so an older PC should still do 1080p30 without issues. The latest Wii U firmware is fully supported by exploits too, so very easy to dump your own games.

I just have a macbook never went to the PC side of things until I get truly curious about games on Steam. Everytime I do boot up windows for a game I end up modding the hell out of whatever I play until I crash my mac. I really need to look into a beefy PC I want to play Flight Sim 2020

Do they have uncensored swimsuit mods for XCX or something? I should not ask that I don't want to know...
The day I enter the Cemu world is the day i never buy a Nintendo product again. Such dedication has to be respected fans who go that route are very dedicated.


I just have a macbook never went to the PC side of things until I get truly curious about games on Steam. Everytime I do boot up windows for a game I end up modding the hell out of whatever I play until I crash my mac. I really need to look into a beefy PC I want to play Flight Sim 2020

Do they have uncensored swimsuit mods for XCX or something? I should not ask that I don't want to know...
The day I enter the Cemu world is the day i never buy a Nintendo product again. Such dedication has to be respected fans who go that route are very dedicated.
Not sure if there are pre-existing mods as I'm playing the Japanese version that had no censoring to begin with, but it is possible to mod the game and swap files around (I've swapped a certain characters models around) so it is possible.

There are also patches that can patch the code and unlock things like Dolls before you get a licence, or getting the end-game bonus equipment from the shop right at the start. I've even started learning to make my own patches, having made one to unlock fashion gear, one to ignore level restrictions (equip gear or Dolls of any level, though I'm not actually using that myself besides testing) and just last night created one to fully unlock all DLC (HB, and 3 others require DLC in the Japanese version, and my DLC dump wasn't working so I patched around it).

I'm only getting into Cemu myself now that the Wii U is gone, and I already own all the games I would ever want to play.
Not sure if there are pre-existing mods as I'm playing the Japanese version that had no censoring to begin with, but it is possible to mod the game and swap files around (I've swapped a certain characters models around) so it is possible.

There are also patches that can patch the code and unlock things like Dolls before you get a licence, or getting the end-game bonus equipment from the shop right at the start. I've even started learning to make my own patches, having made one to unlock fashion gear, one to ignore level restrictions (equip gear or Dolls of any level, though I'm not actually using that myself besides testing) and just last night created one to fully unlock all DLC (HB, and 3 others require DLC in the Japanese version, and my DLC dump wasn't working so I patched around it).

I'm only getting into Cemu myself now that the Wii U is gone, and I already own all the games I would ever want to play.

Nice that sounds really cool, I'll have to look into that close to next year too busy these days but at least I know that is a plan. Thanks for the info.


The game seems very very slow , and loaded with systems on top of systems. I like depth in my games but this is ridiculous it feels overkill and momentum is killed with all the damn fetch quests in the towns.
So I put it on hold.
You don't have to do any of the fetchquests in XC2.
None of them are interesting or worth doing anyway.

The game ain't all that deep as it appears at the first glance.

Focus on only doing main story quests, disable random encounters and ignore all the secondary fluff, and then the game becomes quite short and enjoyable.


I'll probably check it out eventually. I liked xc2, but I've got a bunch of games on my backlog I gotta play first.
dude some of those trailer voices are not the same at all as in game at all

I guess people's voices change over the years but lol no wonder that trailer took forever to convert from Japan
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It would be my first Xeno game since Xenogears, which I gave up on the last part, where whole thing became just text driven narrative.
I heard so many good things about it, so even though my first Xeno experience was something of unexpected - I'm looking forward playing it!
New gfx looks gorgeous - even more so than already impressive (for the time) Wii ver.

As my obsession with Animal Crossing is now dwindling down a bit - this would pick up quite well I think. :)
found it funny that this youtuber just brought up something we talked about in this thread during his stream a moment ago

he said he gave up on X2 a few times until now while in lockdown the battle system finally clicked. It is interesting to watch someone who plays other games try to get into something like this

at least he went back to the game after giving up twice

oh here we go with the shitting on Rex as a protag
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found it funny that this youtuber just brought up something we talked about in this thread during his stream a moment ago

he said he gave up on X2 a few times until now while in lockdown the battle system finally clicked. It is interesting to watch someone who plays other games try to get into something like this

at least he went back to the game after giving up twice

oh here we go with the shitting on Rex as a protag

I mean his VA didn't do him any favors and he had to follow up shulks performance so not an easy task. Truth be told when Rex is speaking normally he's alright, it's when he has to emote he looses me save 1 part near the end of the game that was pretty great.


The nicest person on this forum
I mean his VA didn't do him any favors and he had to follow up shulks performance so not an easy task. Truth be told when Rex is speaking normally he's alright, it's when he has to emote he looses me save 1 part near the end of the game that was pretty great.
Are we talking English VA for XC2? I always played that game with Japanese audio.
I actually like Rex and his chemistry with Nia is really good, in fact I like the chemistry between party members in XC2.

I am just a Rex defender because I just liked him better the Shulk, but it has been so long since I played as Shulk so I hardly remember. I think Rex is a bit less smart version of Shulk. He is a little airhead type of boy. Still he has a kind heart yet clueless. He works hard sends money back home. A simple little guy that got suckered into a mess way over his head. Because of his big heart the keeps pushing himself.

I mean his VA didn't do him any favors and he had to follow up shulks performance so not an easy task. Truth be told when Rex is speaking normally he's alright, it's when he has to emote he looses me save 1 part near the end of the game that was pretty great.

I understand anyone who does not like the English voice acting in any JRPG. I am not going to play Final Fantasy 7 Remake anytime soon for the same ass reason the english voices takes me out of the game because some of the lines sound way too damn cheesy.

Does Rex have facepalm moments yell yeah but he still had enough charm to keep me from being annoyed.

I am more concerned with players like this Youtuber who shit talk Rex because he is not more aggressive with his Waifus. These fans think he is way to clueless about the feelings of the girls like Nia and Pyra. He should have noticed and acted more cool or whatnot. I did not find that a bad thing at all there are plenty of cool characthers who can be smooth with the women, Rex is just a boy trying to grow up. He still ends up with 3 wives at the end of the game. To me he was less clueless than most Harem Manga leads who can't make a decision on which girl he likes most.

Not liking Voice Acting is perfectly fine. But wanting to rewrite the character's personality is wrong imo, his personality is just part of the story being told this is who he is.

The only reason I don't play my games with Japanese voices anymore is due to being blind in my right eye and reading text would triple my playing time which is already pretty extreme in this series.

Elma > Rex > Shulk for me. Although it is just because I can't remember Shulk as much as I do the others. I never hated Shulk he fit like a glove I did not feel detached from him or his motivation.
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Gold Member
After playing XC2 with English audio, I can't even think of using Japanese anymore. First reason is Nia, her Japanese voice is intolerable. English on the other hand is my favorite voice in the whole game (I demand more roles for Catrin-Mai Huw). And second, Malos. David Menkin is perfect in the role and even delivers a spine-chilling scream.

So yeah, I enjoy English VA in Xenoblade (and most games in general).


I am just a Rex defender because I just liked him better the Shulk, but it has been so long since I played as Shulk so I hardly remember. I think Rex is a bit less smart version of Shulk. He is a little airhead type of boy. Still he has a kind heart yet clueless. He works hard sends money back home. A simple little guy that got suckered into a mess way over his head. Because of his big heart the keeps pushing himself.

I understand anyone who does not like the English voice acting in any JRPG. I am not going to play Final Fantasy 7 Remake anytime soon for the same ass reason the english voices takes me out of the game because some of the lines sound way too damn cheesy.

Does Rex have facepalm moments yell yeah but he still had enough charm to keep me from being annoyed.

I am more concerned with players like this Youtuber who shit talk Rex because he is not more aggressive with his Waifus. These fans think he is way to clueless about the feelings of the girls like Mia and Pyra. He should have noticed and acted more cool or whatnot. I did not find that a bad thing at all there are plenty of cool characthers who can be smooth with the women, Rex is just a boy trying to grow up. He still ends up with 3 wives at the end of the game. To me he was less clueless than most Harem Manga leads who can't make a decision on which girl he likes most.

Not liking Voice Acting is perfectly fine. But wanting to rewrite the character's personality is wrong imo, his personality is just part of the story being told this is who he is.

The only reason I don't play my games with Japanese voices anymore is due to being blind in my right eye and reading text would triple my playing time which is already pretty extreme in this series.

Elma > Rex > Shulk for me. Although it is just because I can't remember Shulk as much as I do the others. I never hated Shulk he fit like a glove I did not feel detached from him or his motivation.
Oh shit I forgot about that part of the story. She got did worse than melia, I think the devs were trying to one up themselves. I lost it at that part.
Ok I'm interested why do you think Elma is better than both shulks and Rex?
Oh shit I forgot about that part of the story. She got did worse than melia, I think the devs were trying to one up themselves. I lost it at that part.
Ok I'm interested why do you think Elma is better than both shulks and Rex?

Not really that big of a deal as you might thing I could easily say the order is exchangeable depending on which game I am playing right now. I value all 3 very closely but in my head that is the order of what the character's impact on my experience at the time I played these games. 2,000 hours goes a long way but I think Elma kept me playing so much of this world.

Elma is just more interesting aspect of Xenoblade for me I like Sci-Fi, I like all the little twists in XCX you find out along the way without spoiling anything the different changes you find later in the story.

Beyond that she looks and acts badass, she is also part of a weird and annoying long running anime / manga design trope of a Darkskin character with white hair. I am a black guy so it always annoyed me a bit but I identified with these characters as being different than the norm, yet no being called African per say they are just different or tanned. To me it was almost like these people what to have an black person in their story but not sure how to do it so they are creating a new kind of people dark skin with white hair. It annoyed me and made me pay closer attention to that character in whatever series it was I ended up liking most of these characters a lot.

Urd from Oh My Goddess was one of my early favorite characters. Elma just brings back some of those attachments but brought a lot more depth to the table in a series I really love. Besides she kinda had to carry the game since your main avatar could not even speak much very 'Link' like, I played as a female and tried to make her as close a clone of Elma as I could.

If you read many manga series or seen many anime you can't really miss that dark skin, white hair character. In games you find that a lot too, Twintelle in ARMS for example.

This is mostly the only reason Elma might never lose her number one spot in my mind, not because Shulk and Rex are less interesting but Elma did not have to exist, she was a pleasant surprise. She is like Marina in Splatoon 2 as much as I love Splatoon did not expect Marina I loved her right away. Elma is number one in a long history of following Characters with her design choice.
Oh shit I forgot about that part of the story. She got did worse than melia, I think the devs were trying to one up themselves. I lost it at that part.

I posted Mia (famous XCX quest character) You got that I meant Nia

Nia + Rex all the way for me they are sweet from the beginning she teases him you could tell she was into him

I like what happens when you play New Game Plus in the title screen so in my head canon Rex has 3 wives Nia is not really going anywhere anyway she can't leave him


Amazon removed the delivery date from my collectors edition. Now I have only gamestop to hope I get it on time which I don't really trust 😩 god damn it :( doesn't look like I will be playing it on may 29th. Unless I buy the regular version.

Edit: I pre-ordered two collectors editions in case this happens...
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I posted Mia (famous XCX quest character) You got that I meant Nia

Nia + Rex all the way for me they are sweet from the beginning she teases him you could tell she was into him

I like what happens when you play New Game Plus in the title screen so in my head canon Rex has 3 wives Nia is not really going anywhere anyway she can't leave him
Took me a minute, I think I remember her I think it was a running gag of her going missing. The side quests before hand were annoying af though......if I remember correctly.
Not really that big of a deal as you might thing I could easily say the order is exchangeable depending on which game I am playing right now. I value all 3 very closely but in my head that is the order of what the character's impact on my experience at the time I played these games. 2,000 hours goes a long way but I think Elma kept me playing so much of this world.

Elma is just more interesting aspect of Xenoblade for me I like Sci-Fi, I like all the little twists in XCX you find out along the way without spoiling anything the different changes you find later in the story.

Beyond that she looks and acts badass, she is also part of a weird and annoying long running anime / manga design trope of a Darkskin character with white hair. I am a black guy so it always annoyed me a bit but I identified with these characters as being different than the norm, yet no being called African per say they are just different or tanned. To me it was almost like these people what to have an black person in their story but not sure how to do it so they are creating a new kind of people dark skin with white hair. It annoyed me and made me pay closer attention to that character in whatever series it was I ended up liking most of these characters a lot.

Urd from Oh My Goddess was one of my early favorite characters. Elma just brings back some of those attachments but brought a lot more depth to the table in a series I really love. Besides she kinda had to carry the game since your main avatar could not even speak much very 'Link' like, I played as a female and tried to make her as close a clone of Elma as I could.

If you read many manga series or seen many anime you can't really miss that dark skin, white hair character. In games you find that a lot too, Twintelle in ARMS for example.

This is mostly the only reason Elma might never lose her number one spot in my mind, not because Shulk and Rex are less interesting but Elma did not have to exist, she was a pleasant surprise. She is like Marina in Splatoon 2 as much as I love Splatoon did not expect Marina I loved her right away. Elma is number one in a long history of following Characters with her design choice.
Elma was the best character in that game, well besides vandham, it's a shame that if there ever is a second Xenoblade character rep in smash it will be pyra. For me my strongest emotion I remember from xcx was my burning hatred for tatsu, fuck him. We need a sequel to that game the twist at the end needs some answers.
Took me a minute, I think I remember her I think it was a running gag of her going missing. The side quests before hand were annoying af though......if I remember correctly.

Elma was the best character in that game, well besides vandham, it's a shame that if there ever is a second Xenoblade character rep in smash it will be pyra. For me my strongest emotion I remember from xcx was my burning hatred for tatsu, fuck him. We need a sequel to that game the twist at the end needs some answers.

Cooking Tatsu fixes everything.

To me the end is answered I think they hint at it enough that it makes sense
a simulation


Cooking Tatsu fixes everything.

To me the end is answered I think they hint at it enough that it makes sense
a simulation
The X art book has some art that points towards that theory.

We should get a sequel anyway, I believe Takahashi once said he'd switch between fantasy and sci-fi, so we should be due for an X sequel or prequel.

My personal theory is that
all three Xenoblades are connected, with the Earths destruction at the start of X being the same event that created the universe's of Xenoblade 1 and 2. If I'm right we might see something in the new epilogue pointing to that.
The X art book has some art that points towards that theory.

We should get a sequel anyway, I believe Takahashi once said he'd switch between fantasy and sci-fi, so we should be due for an X sequel or prequel.

My personal theory is that
all three Xenoblades are connected, with the Earths destruction at the start of X being the same event that created the universe's of Xenoblade 1 and 2. If I'm right we might see something in the new epilogue pointing to that.

They did not release the Fantasy game yet imo.

I think Xenoblade 2 was very SCI-FI not as deeply modern as XCX but still (what the world tree is and the science in evolution is a pretty deep Sci-Fi theme)

I am going to spoiler tag a block of text but I'll try to stay within what we see in trailers anyway so it really is nothing we should not discuss openly
The hints of what Mira is are already deep in the game it does not leave you with any doubt that is what it is, if you walk to the edge of the map in Breath of the Wild for example a game world Monolith Soft had a large part in creating they don't give you the same signals or feedback that Mira does on its map. If it is hinted in an Artbook even more reason not to doubt that is what they are going for. Mira is a simulation they did not have to show the edge of the map like it is a holodeck from Star Trek if they did not want you to think that. I think the planet is a Simulation, I am not saying the war and the Earth blowing up is, what they crashed on is a simulation world it consumed them. Something created Mira. Mira is connected to XB2 but the god had a different solution on how to handle things.

There is also no doubt that the games are connected, it is not fanservice at all that Elma shows up in XB2 although you need a season pass to get her. The devs want that connection no matter how faint it is.

I think the way the games are connected is less likely to solve or tell what is going on in one game's world, the story either tells you or hints at what is going on in each game world. Yeah they are triggered by one event but how that event shapes their worlds goes in very different directions.

2 large titans fighting dies (fleas living on them continue the hatered between them)

a war between 2 alien races destroys Earth, survivors try to escape in massive ships only to be chased down and blown out of space

a world tree tells of a mystery of long ago, a God is born he recreates evolution into a strange cycle of rebirth

it is very hard to boil down each game into those tiny confined elements because there is so much more complex stuff going on but none of out theories matter as long as the devs can just write in a God that simply snaps his finger to make something happen in that world.

I don't think the Lore of Xenoblade can ever come down to Earth like lore in Dark Souls or other games with deep but clear Lore.

Xenoblade tries very hard to borrow symbolism from very complex themes creating a muliverse that only has echoes of similarity

When each world has a different name for the same entity it makes it kinda hard to connect things and call it canon unless in this case the developers of that story try very hard to retcon connect the worlds anyway.

The inconsistency we find is deliberate though it always has been in Xeno games. It is like how different cultures or tribes create their own version of what God is and the lore around that god. Each has there own ideas.


I'm pretty sure Xenoblade 1/2 counts as fantasy to Takahashi. Not LotR style fantasy, more Final Fantasy style, but still more fantasy than sci-fi.

While I agree Mira may be artificial, as it does have artwork depicting an area of land either being created or destroyed into blocks, I'm not sure if Monoliths choice to box in the map (as opposed to having it loop round) was a hint towards that, as there is artwork showing a full planet. It could be of course that what we get in X is all there is now, and more gets created later, but we'll see.

As for how the worlds connect, I think the gate will be the key. The gate is what created the X1/2 worlds, and if the 3 are connected as I think, it would have been present on Earth when the alien attack began, and may be what the Ghosts travelled to Earth for in the first place. We know a battle was taking place when Klaus performed his experiment after all.


The nicest person on this forum
I would say Xenoblade 2 is similar to original Nier that con be considered both Fantasy and Sci-Fi.
If yau guys say so, I always think of Fantasy as unicorns and dragons and shit so all the creatures in Xenoblade can fit that role easy enough. But Sci-Fi requires technology and science themes which is always the underlayer of Xenoblade. I am not sure how Takahashi makes the distinction between those 2 terms.

I am not really seeing the difference between Xenoblade and say something like DUNE.
I'm pretty sure Xenoblade 1/2 counts as fantasy to Takahashi. Not LotR style fantasy, more Final Fantasy style, but still more fantasy than sci-fi.

While I agree Mira may be artificial, as it does have artwork depicting an area of land either being created or destroyed into blocks, I'm not sure if Monoliths choice to box in the map (as opposed to having it loop round) was a hint towards that, as there is artwork showing a full planet. It could be of course that what we get in X is all there is now, and more gets created later, but we'll see.

As for how the worlds connect, I think the gate will be the key. The gate is what created the X1/2 worlds, and if the 3 are connected as I think, it would have been present on Earth when the alien attack began, and may be what the Ghosts travelled to Earth for in the first place. We know a battle was taking place when Klaus performed his experiment after all.

I am not talking about how Mira is boxed in every map in games has an edge or a box world you cannot go beyond that is a known factor in games, I am talking about what happens when you touch the edge. It is not that it does not loop I'm talking about the texture design mesh of blue lights showing you a grid like it is a holodeck

Xenoblade 1 has an edge of the map, Xenoblade 2 has an edge of the map mostly they will put something you cannot cross before you get to it. But you can swim in some areas to reach it, they don't do what Xenoblade X does. I wish I had a video I could link to but it has been such a long time it would take ages to find a video of someone flying a doll to the edge of the map to show the design of the forcefield you hit
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