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I'm playing Red Dead Redemption 2

Jon Neu

Best game of this gen?

Best game of this gen.

I'm like at 60% of the game, just after:

Rescuing John Marston

And I'm already amazed at the scope and the craftmanship of this game. I don't think nothing comes close so far in this gen. Even the characters and the story are amazing. When I was coming back home at night while raining and suddenly that song started playing, I was like daaaaaamnnnn, this is some HBO shit.

I‘m already salivating about what Rockstar is going to be capable of doing with the next gen machines.

PD: I need Rockstar to make a Game Of Thrones game for the next gen.
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Very beautiful game, lots of effort was put into making it, it's worth playing it once. On a downside, core missions design hasn't changed since GTA III.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Absolutely loved it. Can't wait to play it again on PC once I upgrade later this year or next year.


FYI Stadia has "free" 2 week trial at the moment, and to my knowledge it includes RDR2. (you'll need a credit card to register)


I absolutely adored it. However, I hit a point in the middle where it felt like a chore to complete. Once I pushed through it, it immediately picked back up and was incredible. The characters, writing, graphics, details, and the music. All so amazing.

Just one of those experiences where I'd highly recommend doing the main/primary quests first, and then going back and doing extra stuff. You can get burnt out pretty easily. :(


There are huge problems arising from the fact it is a direct prequel...totally lessens the impact.

Has some great moments and I really liked Arthur as a character but the gameplay is still not very good.

The story just doesn't have the pace and punch of the first game. Still, it is a visual feast.


Finally got a new rig to power this game at 3440x1440 and my god.. what a game it is. I can't get over how thought out and detailed just about everything in this world is.

Rockstars best work to date, easily.


It's fucking shit. It's so far up its own backside it just doesn't realize its actually story is a load of crap & its missions are on-rails scripted boredom from a bygone era (follow the waypoint on the mini-map, hello 2003). It also thinks some western music, some long, deep, introspective conversations & deep, dark political themes with shit-bag asshole main characters are what makes a good western.

Wrong. The protagonists are horrible, the story is horrible & gameplay is so slow & cumbersome it makes a mockery of its pretences at "realism". The graphics are good though. Even on the base consoles. I also enjoyed the treasure hunts & buying horses. Oh & shooting actually improves when auto-aim is disabled. But that's it.
2080TI and dont enjoy it at all. The pacing is very slow, controls are not intuitive and no point was it immersive =\

First game I realised, where just incredible graphics cannot hold me, because I dont enjoy exploration process
and also TAA implementation...


An amazing technical accomplishment with a ridiculous amount of attention to detail. Also, pretty boring, poor controls and a slog.

Overall, still a good game, but nowhere near game of the generation for me.


Unconfirmed Member
Picked it up on PC for £35 and it’s ok - looks nice and the story is ok but it’s just not grabbed me like I hoped it would. Then it started just crashing to desktop when I tried to start it so I uninstalled it.

Jon Neu

It also thinks some western music, some long, deep, introspective conversations & deep, dark political themes with shit-bag asshole main characters are what makes a good western

Seems to me you are making up stuff to hate on the game. Conversations are quite the contrary of what you are saying: Arthur is a very simple man and any conversation with him tends to be short and easy. Of course that doesn't mean there isn't political and philosophical issues behind Arthur's words, but they are presented in a much more simpler way. It's a pretty straightforward tale but done really well; with characters with such different mannerisms and charismatic personalities.

Arthur Morgan is easily one of the best protagonists of any videogame ever. And Dutch is also amazing. Both their narrative arcs are simply amazing, to the point of making me, the player, change my way of playing the game based on how Arthur evolves through it.


Graphics, detail, characters, story, music... these are so great that manage to largely offset the frankly mediocre and outdated gameplay mechanics.

Personally I prefered the more west/Mexico setting of RDR over the more southern of RDR2 but I’m still glad the game existed and I played it.


A game trashed by unecessary realism and input latency. So much potential wasted.

RDR1 easily beat by large margin.
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Can’t Git Gud
Finished but would not replay. Liked death stranding much more when it comes to slow open world games


it was my goty 2018 with gow, but it's far from a perfect game or game of the gen for me.

but it is the biggest technical achievement of the gen on these ancient hardware, that's for sure.

mission design is some of the most scripted shit i ever seen in an open world game, you had to literally follow any instruction from the virtual film director if you don't want to fail, it's suffocating at times.

in terms of storytelling, arthur is an incredible character and his arc is easily the best thing but the plot itself is not really that great overall, and it's padded as hell.
you have some good secondary character like the hosea, charles, uncle, dutch, sadie and john but the others are ambulant cliches without much deep, even micah is cartoony level of villany and just the worst human being ever, same for the pinkerton guy milton.

and the "just another job" get stale pretty fast considering how visibly mad dutch is and how bad he is at making plans while still being blindly followed by the others.

but maybe i didn't loved the plot that much because i really don't care about the western genre to begin with.

the camp with all the unique interaction and script was another high point of the game, except for the forced slow walking, aaaaargh.

ps4 pro version was a blurry mess with broken hdr, i kinda want to double dip on pc just for the better iq and 60 frames.

oh yeah almost forgot, aim system and cover system are probably worst than killswitch on ps2, the only redeeming quality for the shooting part are the incredible hit reaction and body physics thanks to euphoria engine.
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This game is still on my wish list. Trying to knock out some games on my backlog before I purchase anything new. Game Pass doesnt help my backlog though. They keep adding some amazing games. 🤣


Story, art direction, graphics, music&sound design, acting, those are all top notch.

Unfortunately the game is botched by some of the worst game design i've seen in years, it beats even previous R* games which weren't very good in that aspect to begin with.

On the AAA spectrum, i'd say best game of this gen goes for Nier Automata. For games in general, i'd give the title to Undertale.
This game is, clearly awesome. I can only think the people saying they hate it in single punchy sentences just want to bust bubbles~ like another poster i uninstalled this to save space while I'm busy with other stuff, but i played 5 hours of it.. besides the tutorial i have genuinely done nothing but howdy people and hunt deer and I'm already certain it's a fantastic game.
ne thing, i would rather be a good guy than a crook, do i hope the game let's me choose that. When i finally play to complete it.


I loved it on my first play through but replaying this game is a chore because the missions are so linear and boring and repetitive. Did they not hire level designers for this game? After the first play through, you know all the story beats and then it’s clear that every mission is slowly ride horse to this area halfway across the map and listen to a conversation, hold L2 and press R2 a few times, then ride back.


I really loved RDR2. Played it for a couple hundred hours. Which is great.... but skewed my opinion. I had played the game so much that I had forgotten how terribly long it took me to adapt to the clunky controls or how many game mechanics I had learned about online (cuz the game never explained them). I booted it up after a few months away and WOW was I reminded of how the first few hours felt....(shudders). Still think it is a great game, but not game of the gen. Needs a metric ton of polish (can we say Next gen re release?)


Red Dead Redemption 2 is fantastic. I thought it improved upon many things the first game did and more.

Arthur Morgan is definitely my favorite protagonist in a Rockstar game, probably one of my favorite in gaming period. A lot of the times Rockstar falls flat when portraying their main characters as antiheroes and they come off more as scumbags (particularly in GTA 5). But with Arthur you do feel sympathy for his plight and the game doesn't sugarcoat his criminal actions in the game as anything but heinous, which makes his redemption at the end of the game carry more weight.

The other characters are also great as well and Rockstar probably created their greatest pair of villains in Micah Bell and Dutch Van der Linde. Graphics and sound are top notch and the soundtrack is marvelous.

My only real problem with RDR 2 is the gameplay. Let's face it, Rockstar's control scheme is a little dated at this point and needs some improvement down the line. I didn't encounter too much frustration but there were some moments where the controls pissed me off. Their mission design also needs some tweaking.

I think the game is still great but Rockstar really need to improve upon a lot of things with their next title (possibly GTA6).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
How they handled the "fall" of Dutch Van der Linde was brilliant and perfectly paced. His increasing derangement and how it revealed how much of a piece of shit he had probablyu always been was executed extremely well.
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How they handled the "fall" of Dutch Van der Linde was brilliant and perfectly paced. His increasing derangement and how it revealed how much of a piece of shit he had probablyu always been was executed extremely well.
I honestly hated Dutch more than Micah. Don't get me wrong, I think Micah is scum and the hate he gets is definitely earned. But Micah at least is honest of how horrible he is, unlike Dutch. Dutch is a fucking hypocrite who likes to present himself as some enlightened leader of a band rebellious outlaws instead of the crooked gang leader he really is.


Got to chapter 3 and not been back. The game play is laborious. When I have to plan my day just to skin a bison I give up. I did enough slow animation loops searching draws, cupboards and dead cowboy pockets to last me a life time. And for the love of christ, I'll tell you when to reholster my gun!!!
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Yup when you come back to the mainland and that music play my first thought was yea this is totally like a movie.

Most emotionally impacting game I've ever played, this has remained my PC wallpaper since completing it, reminds me to struggle to be more like Arthur and less like Neogaffers

Holy shit i just posted a spoiler, enjoy the ending!
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The Shift

I'm about an hour in and quit out. The game didn't even give me an opportunity to save. In that time the gameplay probably consisted of 10-15% and the rest of the time was dialog/story exposition.

Don't really know if I have time for it - I'll give the online a go with friends, maybe the gameplay is front and centre in that mode.
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