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CNBC why Xbox failed in Japan?


I never said or even insinuated that in any way. Also, was Iphone a success from day one or did Apple have to first include more Japan centric features for it to eventually become that?

The iPhone succeeded over here because there were no alternatives: Android phones weren't even released in Japan until a year later, and for a significant period of time they were all terrible, mostly cheap Chinese-made models that nobody remembers. The Pixel series wasn't even released in Japan until 3. Due to that first impression Android is still kind of regarded as a budget alternative by casual users to this day.

That being said the one thing the article is right about is Japanese feature phones, smartphones didn't really catch on until 2011-2012.
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Japan has exquisite taste

and higher IQ. /jk

anyway, MS should not give up on the eastern market. At least I believe the lack of exclusive asian games is one the reasons xbox brand can't expand its recognition in the worldwide market. Just offering what is already on playstation won't get them nowhere.
Japan has exquisite taste.
One of many things that i love japanese people.

To be Honest... Xbox dont have japanese games... Who person want a mediocre exclusive like the NEW battletoads, sea of thieves or Crackdown 3? Vs Sony exclusives like Gravity Rush 1 and 2, The last of us part II, God of War or Switch Links awakening, astral chain, fire emblem three houses?

Its normal that Doesn't sell in Japan that they have good taste.

For me I dont even want to see the NEW Xbox next gen... The Brand dont even take my attention.


Japan is not an important market. The sooner MS realizes this and stop wasting money over there the better. The only thing they need to do is to make Persona multiplat and thats it. Or better yet maybe create their own.


are in a big trouble
We'll never forget those we lost on this day. :messenger_crying: :messenger_crying:

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One of many things that i love japanese people.

To be Honest... Xbox dont have japanese games... Who person want a mediocre exclusive like the NEW battletoads, sea of thieves or Crackdown 3? Vs Sony exclusives like Gravity Rush 1 and 2, The last of us part II, God of War or Switch Links awakening, astral chain, fire emblem three houses?

Its normal that Doesn't sell in Japan that they have good taste.

For me I dont even want to see the NEW Xbox next gen... The Brand dont even take my attention.
You really ought to get a tag for your infactuation with Gravity Rush. "Secretly in love with Kat" or something.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Japan is not an important market. The sooner MS realizes this and stop wasting money over there the better. The only thing they need to do is to make Persona multiplat and thats it. Or better yet maybe create their own.
The japanese market is super important imo


Japan has their own Sony and Nintendo. If a foreign company wants to break ground in Japan they have to offer something different to what they have. In MS case they don't. They see Xbox as a Western system that's available to buy in Japan, nothing more.


Japanese are heavily nationalistic. They would rather support their home grown company's.
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Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Japanese are heavily nationalistic. They would rather support their home grown company's.
I don't think that was the problem. The value proposition of the Xbox wasn't in line with what japanese people wanted. It did eventually get a few of big japanese games, but by the time that happened the brand was already stigmatized. Microsoft fucked up in Japan on a lot of fronts.

It's not just xenophobia imo, at all.
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Because shit happens, apparently it was the american way Microsoft worked, even if ironically it had brought tons of multi and exclusive japanese games, also its bulky design.

Then on the X360 they tried to fix that, it sold better, but not what they expected, and they had two issues:

1) They couldn't throw money for every japanese niche games to be exclusive/release on the platform, they had to go to the multiplatform route as in the west at some point and it didn't happen.

2) Japanese gaming industry gone to a downfall where all but very few exclusives on the system were worth in quality, but they are even considered inferior compared to what those developers did in the 128-bit generation. At that point, the majority of the high profile games would be multiplatform and started to skip the X360 in Japan by 2011 due to horrid sales.

On the Xbox One they decided to middle finger markets that didn't have even a decent sales share for the 360. But they were shortsighted, what worked in the X360 didn't work here, and the tables had turned, western games have declined in quality and Japan is back in, what Microsoft is looking now is to get the western releases of smaller japanese games.
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Imagine if Nintendo had tried to advertise their consoles with Miyamoto holding sushi on one hand and a controller on the other... how would the American audience feel?
Hah. There's a kind of desperation in that Xbox advert. It's as if Bill Gates is saying: “Look Xbox is great – just like this cheap greasy hamburger!”
the xbone was designed for an average american-sized living home, which is MUCH bigger than those in Japan.
......... lol.
Streaming is not an alternative to console and never will be and delivery will always be secondary to games.
Wrong, streaming will take off, just a matter of time.
iPhone says hi.

Contrary to the popular belief, it's not a matter of "racism" against American products.
It's a matter of hype, that's all.
I'm willing to stand up for the future I want. Looking silly is not a concern, who want's to hand ownership over to corporations and diminish the value of games....

Streaming is not the future I want, I am willing to take my money off the table if that seems like it's inevitable.
I will also try to convince as many as possible to do the same. My kids will get other toys.... I'm very serious about this.
You can sure stand for the future you want, doesn't mean it's gonna change anything, even if you take your money off the table + convince people you know & your kids, in the future baby's gonna play games on their parents phones (currently happening btw) then when he grows a little move to youtube and guess what, STADIA button is below the youtube video, add to that the youtuber shouting every minute don't forget to check this game is fun just click on the STADIA button down below.
Anyway console gaming gonna be a niche.
Famitsu readers' favorite game of all time is on average Final Fantasy X...
FFX wasn't that bad, i finished it :messenger_grinning_squinting:.


They didn't make enough shitty JRPGS with zero gameplay, dating sims, or hentai tentacle rape games. Also, the Japanese are horribly racist and would never go with a machine made by round eyes over one of their own. Finally, and the real nail in the coffin is that the gigantic Xbox gamepads served as a constant reminder of how tiny their genitals are.
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......... lol.

Wrong, streaming will take off, just a matter of time.

It's a matter of hype, that's all.

You can sure stand for the future you want, doesn't mean it's gonna change anything, even if you take your money off the table + convince people you know & your kids, in the future baby's gonna play games on their parents phones (currently happening btw) then when he grows a little move to youtube and guess what, STADIA button is below the youtube video, add to that the youtuber shouting every minute don't forget to check this game is fun just click on the STADIA button down below.
Anyway console gaming gonna be a niche.

FFX wasn't that bad, i finished it :messenger_grinning_squinting:.

So you still think phones are going to destroy consoles? hahahaha

People like you talk about how great streaming could be but the problem is how bad it is and how bad it can become at any time.... you talk about potential but I talk about reality.
The fact is that broadband and variable connection speeds and throttling, high usage times and many other factors can reduce the quality of this below what is acceptable quite a lot.

Consoles are dependable and you can get all the content right there with all of the other services integrated.

You are correct in saying consoles are niche. Niche is a few hundred million people. Those are console gamers, they will not change to streaming and as you can see from the last thread about Stadia here...... it had one reply from VoostKain. Not exactly popular.

There is no buzz around Stadia and it's out very soon, there is a million times more excitement around PS5 and Scarlett and they are a year away....

Microsoft is worth more than Google, has more resources and connections than Google and has been in gaming for almost 20 years and could not win even one round against PlayStation.

How are they going to entice anybody to play on that thing if the best they have is Ubisoft shite?
So you still think phones are going to destroy consoles? hahahaha
:pie_thinking: I never said that.
People like you talk about how great streaming could be but the problem is how bad it is and how bad it can become at any time.... you talk about potential but I talk about reality.
Actually i talk about reality not potential, streaming is happening either you like it or not, if you're not concerned guess what other people are, the world doesn't evolve around you.
The fact is that broadband and variable connection speeds and throttling, high usage times and many other factors can reduce the quality of this below what is acceptable quite a lot.
They already know that and should be fixed in no time, they have the servers to support it, add to that connexion are getting better & cheaper thru the years.
Consoles are dependable and you can get all the content right there with all of the other services integrated.
According to your logic games should only run in consoles, but that's not the case.
You are correct in saying consoles are niche. Niche is a few hundred million people. Those are console gamers, they will not change to streaming and as you can see from the last thread about Stadia here...... it had one reply from VoostKain. Not exactly popular.

There is no buzz around Stadia and it's out very soon, there is a million times more excitement around PS5 and Scarlett and they are a year away....
Consoles gonna become more niche when streaming get's popular, you should know that "core gamers" are a small % compared to mainstream , and Stadia is aimed at them, you don't need a console to play video games anymore.
Statdia needs no buzz it's gonna always be next to the subscribe button on youtube xD.
Microsoft is worth more than Google, has more resources and connections than Google and has been in gaming for almost 20 years and could not win even one round against PlayStation.
Stop it :pie_roffles:.
How are they going to entice anybody to play on that thing if the best they have is Ubisoft shite?
Ask Nintendo.


Eurogamer had a great article on this back in I think 2013.

It was about how Microsoft brought in Bill Gates to give a speech on the xbox. They had a speech for him all set to appeal to the Japanese senses and sensibilities. The speech was later changed and went from being subtle and praising Sega's former President Isao Okawa who was highly respected in all of Japan and turned the speech in a typical business pitch. Which works well in the United States and Europe, but turned off many of the Japanese.

Add in the fact the console looked like a black brick with no aesthetics at all; Microsoft was deep in the back. The nationalistic nature of the Japanese sealed the deal of death.


its mostly because its an american console. if it would have been a japanese console it would have sold much much more


:pie_thinking: I never said that.

Actually i talk about reality not potential, streaming is happening either you like it or not, if you're not concerned guess what other people are, the world doesn't evolve around you.

They already know that and should be fixed in no time, they have the servers to support it, add to that connexion are getting better & cheaper thru the years.

According to your logic games should only run in consoles, but that's not the case.

Consoles gonna become more niche when streaming get's popular, you should know that "core gamers" are a small % compared to mainstream , and Stadia is aimed at them, you don't need a console to play video games anymore.
Statdia needs no buzz it's gonna always be next to the subscribe button on youtube xD.

Stop it :pie_roffles:.

Ask Nintendo.

In case you haven't noticed, Google is not Nintendo..... they are not Sony either, they are not even Microsoft. They don't have even one recognizable IP or anything lined up that looks even decent.

There is no interest, even sites like Google9to5 seem like they are straining to cover the thing, there is no enthusiasm.


I always assumed Japanese people (in Japan at least) preferred a Japanese product for one reason or another. No different than Americans who look for made in America tags.


Gold Member
Yes, each one is it's own entity.

Like playstation & microsoft when they started, look where they are now.

Halo was a day one launch game with MS' first Xbox, so they're already way ahead of Google on that. Sony launched their first console with games like Warhawk and WipeOut that showed off the system and were exclusive (at first).

I'm not sure why you think streaming is a given just because a big company is doing it. Google Glass was once something the tech nerds all thought was inevitable after all. Stadia is certainly convenient, but it's not that cheap, and the quality isn't that impressive. Now if MS and Sony lose their mind and try to sell the next round of consoles for $600+, that might give Google an opening.
Halo was a day one launch game with MS' first Xbox, so they're already way ahead of Google on that. Sony launched their first console with games like Warhawk and WipeOut that showed off the system and were exclusive (at first).
What makes you think Google wont have their own exclusives, because they dont have a launch title.
I'm not sure why you think streaming is a given just because a big company is doing it. Google Glass was once something the tech nerds all thought was inevitable after all. Stadia is certainly convenient, but it's not that cheap, and the quality isn't that impressive. Now if MS and Sony lose their mind and try to sell the next round of consoles for $600+, that might give Google an opening.
Lol are you serious, im not gonna debate what Google is capable of besides pointing every road to them, i dont get the google glasse reference wich has nothing to do with this debate, like ps vita and psvr doesnt prevent playstation selling more ps4's.


Reverse groomer.
What makes you think Google wont have their own exclusives, because they dont have a launch title.

Lol are you serious, im not gonna debate what Google is capable of besides pointing every road to them, i dont get the google glasse reference wich has nothing to do with this debate, like ps vita and psvr doesnt prevent playstation selling more ps4's.
They're capable of making a search engine that people use every day. A search engine that also spies on you, to add.
They're capable of making a shitty translator.
They're capable of making a Slideshow maker that pales in comparison to powerpoint.
The only thing i saw that's good about them is their phones. Yeah, it's being made by a bigass company and it's streaming, doesn't 100% mean it's going to succeed and be the future of gaming.


I got the impression that Micrisoft gave up on the Japan fantasy, and only court Japanese devs for multiplats and exclusives to offer more variety in their software portfolio to other markets where they're more competitive.


It failed because it didn't have any games Japanese wanted to play.

The xbox is purely for the red bull swilling, blow everything with big guns, wear half a car for armor, dorito munching, adolescent teens in their mountain dew pajama pants. Xbox is for Americans and not most others.

I mean they have had some games here and there I enjoyed but every system of theirs is consistently the least played system in my house. Playstation and PC always beat it. My xbox one s will be the last Microsoft system I own.

But in the end it's simply useless for Japanese on the whole because it has nothing they want to play. The few games it had they wanted were on systems they already owned.


I got the impression that Micrisoft gave up on the Japan fantasy, and only court Japanese devs for multiplats and exclusives to offer more variety in their software portfolio to other markets where they're more competitive.

This is what happens nowadays.
Business wise Japan was never an important market, and not a single American gaming system did well there, and I'm not just talking about consoles.

If Xbox wanted to have "passable" sales in Japan, they would have went to Hitachi, NEC, Kyocera, or Sharp and paid them 10% of each Xbox sale to slap their brand logo on the box.

Games were never the issue. It took them until this gen to realize they were throwing money into a dumpster fire. Silly Ms.
They're capable of making a search engine that people use every day. A search engine that also spies on you, to add.
They're capable of making a shitty translator.
They're capable of making a Slideshow maker that pales in comparison to powerpoint.
The only thing i saw that's good about them is their phones. Yeah, it's being made by a bigass company and it's streaming, doesn't 100% mean it's going to succeed and be the future of gaming.
🤭 hhhhhhh.


One of many things that i love japanese people.

To be Honest... Xbox dont have japanese games... Who person want a mediocre exclusive like the NEW battletoads, sea of thieves or Crackdown 3? Vs Sony exclusives like Gravity Rush 1 and 2, The last of us part II, God of War or Switch Links awakening, astral chain, fire emblem three houses?

Its normal that Doesn't sell in Japan that they have good taste.

For me I dont even want to see the NEW Xbox next gen... The Brand dont even take my attention.
Hmm, I don't get it why you mentioned games with mediocre sales in Japan instead of the true monsters that XB1 lacked on Japanese market like

Dragon Quest 11 3.7m(PS4, 3ds, and Switch)
Smash Ultimate 3.3m
Splatoon 3.1m
MK8D 2.5m
MHW 2m(PS4)
SMO 2m
BOTW 1.7m(Switch and WiiU)


One of many things that i love japanese people.

To be Honest... Xbox dont have japanese games... Who person want a mediocre exclusive like the NEW battletoads, sea of thieves or Crackdown 3? Vs Sony exclusives like Gravity Rush 1 and 2, The last of us part II, God of War or Switch Links awakening, astral chain, fire emblem three houses?

Its normal that Doesn't sell in Japan that they have good taste.

For me I dont even want to see the NEW Xbox next gen... The Brand dont even take my attention.

Gravity Rush 2 = 120k
God Of War = 116k
Last Of Us = 280k
Link's Awakening = 220k
Fire Emblem 3H = 230k
Astral Chain = 50k


The correct answer should've been

Pokemon SnS
Monster Hunter World
Smash Bros Ultimate
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Splatoon 2
Mario Kart 8D
Animal Crossing


They're capable of making a search engine that people use every day. A search engine that also spies on you, to add.
They're capable of making a shitty translator.
They're capable of making a Slideshow maker that pales in comparison to powerpoint.
The only thing i saw that's good about them is their phones. Yeah, it's being made by a bigass company and it's streaming, doesn't 100% mean it's going to succeed and be the future of gaming.
It’s really not spying if you know about it. Everyone these days knows that google hoards your data when searching with their search engine.

It failed because it didn't have any games Japanese wanted to play.

The xbox is purely for the red bull swilling, blow everything with big guns, wear half a car for armor, dorito munching, adolescent teens in their mountain dew pajama pants. Xbox is for Americans and not most others.

I mean they have had some games here and there I enjoyed but every system of theirs is consistently the least played system in my house. Playstation and PC always beat it. My xbox one s will be the last Microsoft system I own.

But in the end it's simply useless for Japanese on the whole because it has nothing they want to play. The few games it had they wanted were on systems they already owned.

Depends on which console, the 360 underperformed horribly too just like the One but it wasn’t as bad and they had several niche titles that were great but were not home runs like Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon. It wasn’t all big guns and blowing shit up.
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