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BLM protesters at Dartmouth College storm library and yell at people

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By all means, spread the message. But do it in a way that does not interfere with the lives of others who have done nothing. Do it in a way that does not involve doing the same kinds of things you are protesting against. It's pretty simple.

Interfering in the lives of others works.


So there's a video of demonstration that shows one thing and then an article of apparent hearsay saying other things happened and I see a lot of people ignoring that mountain of salt to take.


Explain what they should be doing then, please.

I believe in peaceful protest in accordance with freedom of speech. Not acts like disrupting the lives of innocent people by blocking traffic and attacking innocents at a library with racial name calling. That is not going to win any support.


This thread is a great example why you shouldn't use the washingtontimes or breitbart or any of those terrible right wing "news sites" as sources.
So tired of blm already. They're not doing anything but hurting their cause

I know right how dare those uppity negroes fight for the right to be treated as humans.

I'm tired of people like you that never gave a fuck about the movement and don't know shit about the movement and what they have accomplished but take every opportunity to try to shit on them because some side group that uses the name might have done some dumb shit.
Believe me, I don't. Because I have not done anything. But tactics like this are clearly shaming people for being white and it's ridiculous.

Glad we've cleared things up and don't have to beat around the bush with a #WarOnCops and #WarOnChristians. All white people are being persecuted you guys!


By all means, spread the message. But do it in a way that does not interfere with the lives of others who have done nothing. Do it in a way that does not involve doing the same kinds of things you are protesting against. It's pretty simple.

Meh. I'm okay with a little disruption - nothing described in the article is cool with me, but the video itself is benign
So tired of blm already. They're not doing anything but hurting their cause
This is just an isolated incident with supposed supporters who turn out to also be rude douchebags. They shouldn't be seen anymore as the face of legit BLM supporters, same as you shouldn't use ISIS as the face for Muslims.
Yep. It's time.

It's time for me to introduce to everyone... Martin Luther King Jr!

But he's been brought up a million times already, you say? Nah, that's MLK, he's a lot like that special version of Jesus conservatives love.

Here's a taste of Martin Luther King Jr.


"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."

Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."


"In spite of my shattered dreams of the past, I came to Birmingham with the hope that the white religious leadership of this community would see the justice of our cause, and with deep moral concern, serve as the channel through which our just grievances would get to the power structure. I had hoped that each of you would understand. But again I have been disappointed. I have heard numerous religious leaders of the South call upon their worshippers to comply with a desegregation decision because it is the law, but I have longed to hear white ministers say, "follow this decree because integration is morally right and the Negro is your brother." In the midst of blatant injustices inflicted upon the Negro, I have watched white churches stand on the sideline and merely mouth pious irrelevancies and sanctimonious trivialities. In the midst of a mighty struggle to rid our nation of racial and economic injustice, I have heard so many ministers say, "those are social issues with which the gospel has no real concern.", and I have watched so many churches commit themselves to a completely other-worldly religion which made a strange distinction between body and soul, the sacred and the secular.

So here we are moving toward the exit of the twentieth century with a religious community largely adjusted to the status quo, standing as a tail-light behind other community agencies rather than a headlight leading men to higher levels of justice."
I know right how dare those uppity negroes fight for the right to be treated as humans.

I'm tired of people like you that never gave a fuck about the movement and don't know shit about the movement and what they have accomplished but take every opportunity to try to shit on them because some side group that uses the name might have done some dumb shit.
If a side group is engaging in misogyny then the core group needs to distance, disavow, and dismantle them.
Believe me, I don't. Because I have not done anything. But tactics like this are clearly shaming people for being white and it's ridiculous.

White people have perpetrated the injustices that BLM are advocating against. If you are aware of and agree with their message, then no, they aren't talking to you, specifically.

I believe in peaceful protest in accordance with freedom of speech. Not acts like disrupting the lives of innocent people by blocking traffic and attacking innocents at a library with racial name calling. That is not going to win any support.

Not on me it doesn't. I have not done anything and I am not going to have anything forced on me. But I'll be happy to listen and even throw in my support if you also respect my space and rights.


"But why aren't they fighting for their lives in a way that accommodates my needs?"


Glad we've cleared things up and don't have to beat around the bush with a #WarOnCops and #WarOnChristians. All white people are being persecuted you guys!

I never said that and you know it. I am merely pointing out the white privilege attacks, such as the topic at hand. If it indeed went down that way, it is wrong... period. And with that, I am out of this topic.


Google cache of the Dartmouth Article:


Should probably be added to the OP
Quoting for the new page because it went unnoticed. It's the original report the Washington Times sourced.

I think this busts the myth that the Washington Times took huge liberties or made this up. However for transparency sake this paper is a conservative college paper. That doesn't however mean it is automatically discredited.

Furthermore a piece of context within seems to suggest the rationale for why the protestors were doing what they did. Namely it was to show people the sort of discrimination they feel on a regular basis.

I think that is personally a poor way to go about things and counter productive when the people you are doing this to have no idea your intention. But at least it provides context the times seemingly left out.

Edit: though the links seems to not be working right so maybe that explains no responses. Either way anyone can go on google and find it pretty quickly.
Not on me it doesn't. I have not done anything and I am not going to have anything forced on me. But I'll be happy to listen and even throw in my support if you also respect my space and rights.

This sounds terrible. I'm sure there were people saying the exact same thing as you during the civil rights movement.


Yep. It's time.

It's time for me to introduce to everyone... Martin Luther King Jr!

But he's been brought up a million times already, you say? Nah, that's MLK, he's a lot like that special version of Jesus conservatives love.

Here's a taste of Martin Luther King Jr.


Why not protest like this at, say, an Ace Hardware store in a notoriously racist southern town? This is like preaching to the choir. Except the choir is trying to work at that moment. They're making people that were/are supportive of the cause upset. Who's to say those students weren't BLM supporters themselves that had an exam the next day? I mean, just because someone chooses to study a few hours doesn't mean they disagree with BLM or are not active in their own way. This just shows stupidity in my opinion. I'm sure you'll disagree. I'm sure I'll disagree. But there's my two cents. Shit, most of the protesters looked like students themselves. They probably got their studies done earlier in the day to participate in this. Now they're fucking over the kids who didn't get their studying done at the same time as them. When those kids most likely are already of the same mind. Shouting BLM at someone who thinks BLM already doesn't really do shit.


This is just an isolated incident with supposed supporters who turn out to also be rude douchebags. They shouldn't be seen anymore as the face of legit BLM supporters, same as you shouldn't use ISIS as the face for Muslims.
They shouldn't be considered representative but people are people.

BLM should honestly address this and either set the record straight or apologize if in fact the reports are accurate. Get out in front of things like this so they aren't used to discredit the entiriety of their movement.
Why not protest like this at, say, an Ace Hardware store in a notoriously racist southern town? This is like preaching to the choir. Except the choir is trying to work at the moment and they're making people that were/are supportive of the cause upset. Who's to say those students weren't BLM supporters themselves that had an exam the next day? I mean, just because someone chooses to study a few hours doesn't mean they disagree with BLM or are not active in their own way. This just shows stupidity in my opinion. I'm sure you'll disagree. I'm sure I'll disagree. But there's my two cents.

White people that actually support BLM will understand that the inconvenience is necessary.


I believe in peaceful protest in accordance with freedom of speech. Not acts like disrupting the lives of innocent people by blocking traffic and attacking innocents at a library with racial name calling. That is not going to win any support.
So protest in a way that you can easily ignore? So you would have been pissed at MLK?


White people that actually support BLM will understand that the inconvenience is necessary.

People understand time and place. The protesters took care of their student affairs earlier in the day to protest knowing they wouldn't have time to study while taking part in the protest. Now they're annoying people who didn't have the chance to study before the library was overrun.


White people that actually support BLM will understand that the inconvenience is necessary.
I support BLM and think this excercise was stupid, relatively pointless and ultimately counter productive....assuming the reports are credible.

A person can support the movement and disagree with certain tactics.
People understand time and place. The protesters took care of their student affairs earlier in the day to protest knowing they wouldn't have time to study while taking part in the protest. Now they're annoying people who didn't have the chance to study before the library was overrun.

Should we have a moment of silence for all of the poor white people whose educations were destroyed by the radical race baiting thugs of #BLM?


Should we have a moment of silence for all of the poor white people whose educations were destroyed by the radical race baiting thugs of #BLM?

No but you shouldn't be surprised that people would get pissed. No in-between with people like you lol.

I don't think BLM is wrong on any issue. But if this shit happened to me during my college days I would be perturbed. No more, no less. I wouldn't stop wanting more focus on racial issues in national politics. I wouldn't look down at every person that's a part of the BLM movement. I would simply be annoyed at these people, especially if some young, naive, ideological college student flipped me off for no reason.
I believe in peaceful protest in accordance with freedom of speech. Not acts like disrupting the lives of innocent people by blocking traffic and attacking innocents at a library with racial name calling. That is not going to win any support.

"Go and protest where I can't see you, hear you, or lose any comfort! Be considerate"

Doesn't work like that.
Should we have a moment of silence for all of the poor white people whose educations were destroyed by the radical race baiting thugs of #BLM?

Like I said before, if those alleged quotes and actions from the article are not true, not really no. If they are, yes and fuck this instance.
Should we have a moment of silence for all of the poor white people whose educations were destroyed by the radical race baiting thugs of #BLM?

Ha honestly its people like this that hold back the movement, giving it a bad name by bringing hate in to what would be a movement to spread fairness and equality.
People understand time and place. The protesters took care of their student affairs earlier in the day to protest knowing they wouldn't have time to study while taking part in the protest. Now they're annoying people who didn't have the chance to study before the library was overrun.

pious irrelevancies and sanctimonious trivialities
People understand time and place. The protesters took care of their student affairs earlier in the day to protest knowing they wouldn't have time to study while taking part in the protest. Now they're annoying people who didn't have the chance to study before the library was overrun.

So the protesters are bad because they planned ahead?
They shouldn't be considered representative but people are people.

BLM should honestly address this and either set the record straight or apologize if in fact the reports are accurate. Get out in front of things like this so they aren't used to discredit the entiriety of their movement.
It's rather telling that they haven't done so tbh. The movement needs more organized leadership or an overseeing committee of authoritative figures to tie the disparate branches together.

Like I said before, if those alleged quotes and actions from the article are not true, not really no. If they are, yes and fuck this protest.

Just this individual protest instance, or the entire BLM protest movement? B/c you know that puts you in the wrong if it's the latter, correct?


I believe in peaceful protest in accordance with freedom of speech. Not acts like disrupting the lives of innocent people by blocking traffic and attacking innocents at a library with racial name calling. That is not going to win any support.
So why bother invoking MLK when you don't even agree with his methods (although history shows it worked)? Basically what you're saying is protest in a way where I can ignore you.


Neo Member
For what it's worth as a somewhat recent Dartmouth alum, I can confirm that the Review's account of what transpired has been substantively confirmed by my (generally progressive) friends still at the college. Murmurs about a slight white woman being pushed up against a wall and berated to the point of tears by protestors have the student body up in arms right now in particular.

I won't throw my two cents in the ring on how I feel about the situation given how loaded a conversation about race relations at Dartmouth would inevitably become, but I just wanted to let the thread know that the claims made by the article are at the very least directionally correct.
By all means, spread the message. But do it in a way that does not interfere with the lives of others who have done nothing. Do it in a way that does not involve doing the same kinds of things you are protesting against. It's pretty simple.

The Mizzou students did that, was successful, and was still met with vitriol from other like students and other people in America (who would probably say MLK did protesting the right way). You are damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Yep. It's time.

It's time for me to introduce to everyone... Martin Luther King Jr!

But he's been brought up a million times already, you say? Nah, that's MLK, he's a lot like that special version of Jesus conservatives love.

Here's a taste of Martin Luther King Jr.


Lots of lukewarm white liberalism today

Why not protest like this at, say, an Ace Hardware store in a notoriously racist southern town? This is like preaching to the choir. Except the choir is trying to work at the moment and they're making people that were/are supportive of the cause upset. Who's to say those students weren't BLM supporters themselves that had an exam the next day? I mean, just because someone chooses to study a few hours doesn't mean they disagree with BLM or are not active in their own way. This just shows stupidity in my opinion. I'm sure you'll disagree. I'm sure I'll disagree. But there's my two cents.

Did you just disagree with the methods that our lord and savior Martin Luther DA King the second, a.k.a. Jr? Implying all people who aren't black in that library is in support of the original premise of the BLM movement? You presume too much. I'm sorry, but people can stomach knowing the lives of the marginalized for half an hour.
Why not protest like this at, say, an Ace Hardware store in a notoriously racist southern town? This is like preaching to the choir.
Up to here, you have me. Sure, I agree that it's probably better to send this message to people who are more likely not to have heard it rather than young, social-media-connected University students. On the level of just being more effective at reaching more people with an important message, that would be better.

Except the choir is trying to work at that moment. They're making people that were/are supportive of the cause upset. Who's to say those students weren't BLM supporters themselves that had an exam the next day? I mean, just because someone chooses to study a few hours doesn't mean they disagree with BLM or are not active in their own way. This just shows stupidity in my opinion. I'm sure you'll disagree. I'm sure I'll disagree. But there's my two cents. Shit, most of the protesters looked like students themselves. They probably got their studies done earlier in the day to participate in this. Now they're fucking over the kids who didn't get their studying done at the same time as them.
And here you lose me. There's no good argument for protesting being wrong because it's "inconvenient" for others. Here's the logical endpoint of that line of thinking.


Yep. It's time.

It's time for me to introduce to everyone... Martin Luther King Jr!

But he's been brought up a million times already, you say? Nah, that's MLK, he's a lot like that special version of Jesus conservatives love.

Here's a taste of Martin Luther King Jr.


That's potent stuff, there.

White people have perpetrated the injustices that BLM are advocating against. If you are aware of and agree with their message, then no, they aren't talking to you, specifically.


"But why aren't they fighting for their lives in a way that accommodates my needs?"

And this, as well.

"Don't disrupt my privilege or inconvenience me while you are literally fighting being MURDERED by law enforcement and widespread institutional racism."

NeoGAF is a liberal place, but how much Racism Lite do we see here, again and again? And in America at large, which is not nearly as liberal, you can multiply that by two. It's shit like this that has me consistently disillusioned with white moderates and progressives.


You'd think students at Dartmouth would be smart enough to know that screaming in the library and flipping off people would make their group look like the aggressors the media is trying to portray them as.

So many bad decisions going on at colleges. You're only making the organization look bad by doing things like this. You will not achieve any progress looking like the aggressor.

Protesters reportedly shouted “F– you, you filthy white f–-” “f– you and your comfort” and “f– you, you racist s–.”

Great way to make allies there.

"One woman was reportedly pinned to a wall by protesters who shouted “filthy white b–-” in her face."

There are people in the media calling the organization a "Hate Group" and THIS is how you respond? Thanks for giving people who actually are racist ammo.
No but you shouldn't be surprised that people would get pissed. No in-between with people like you lol.

I don't think BLM is wrong on any issue. But if this shit happened to me during my college days I would be perturbed. No more, no less. I wouldn't stop wanting more focus on racial issues in national politics. I wouldn't look down at every person that's a part of the BLM movement. I would simply be annoyed at these people, especially if some young, naive, ideological college student flipped me off for no reason.
Provided they adhere to protest according to your schedule



I found an account from a student who claims to have been there. I've never heard of "The Tab" but they don't seem like a conservative mouthpiece so.. we'll see. I'm still waiting for more info, nowadays with social media I'm sure it'll all come out.


Following the moment of silence, the protestors went back to Novack. An anonymous 19 student who was studying in Novack describes the incident that followed:

“I was sitting in Novack studying when a large group of protestors came in chanting ‘black lives matter.’ They gathered in the center of Novack amongst the tables where there were a number of people working peacefully.

They kept shouting and started banging on tables. They demanded that people stand up to show their solidarity. Those who did not stand were targeted and questioned.

There was a girl studying in one of the study rooms in Novack and the protestors stormed the room. She closed the door on one of the protestors which resulted in rage from many protestors. The girl then exited silently through the crowd while protestors screamed at her calling her a white bitch.

At one point the protestors crowded around a guy sitting on his laptop and stared at him screaming at him ‘If we cant study, you can’t study.'”

The student who was being yelled at questioned the movement’s aggressive tactics, and went on to identify himself as a being a part of the Latino community. He was subsequently attacked by one of the protestors who shouted “I’ve never seen you at the LALACS house,” followed by a thunderous applause from the protestors.

The large group of protestors began to move up and yell at students on first floor Berry. Students were again yelled at to stand up in support of the protest, and many did so, either out of support or fear.

After making a girl cry, a protestor screamed “Fuck your white tears.”

I was startled by the aggression from a small minority of students towards students in the library, many of whom were supporters of the movement.

From what I witnessed, a small number of the protestors resorted to aggressive verbal harassment. I didn’t see any physical aggression.

At that moment, the protest strategies became. counterproductive. I chose to leave the event before it was over.
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