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World of Warcraft - Classic announced


Gold Member


Blizzard announcement [Youtube - 1m23]

Finally looks like Blizzard have given in and will eventually bring back a classic option for servers. This has been an ongoing battle and if you're not familiar you can read about the events of the Nostalrius server. Here is the last goodbye for Nostalrius:


Personally I'm looking forward to a large interactive community as opposed to what I got last time I logged in. Game had changed to just an efficiency leveller. All sense of community was gone, felt like I was playing alone - there was no /s - even /g was empty in bug guilds. Only /r had private chats. I miss masses of people and events inspired by players like the clashes at the crossroads, oft you'd hear the cry of level 60 horde outside Stormwind and then chaos would ensue for a couple of hours.

So GAF, over to you. Fondest memories? Funniest moments? Saddest moments? Best wipes? Do you want to see any QoL improvements rolled back into vanilla or keep it pure?

No ETA on release yet, but it's not expected to be 'soon'. Blizzard are committed to presenting an authentic vanilla experience whatever that means. I'm guessing it will get the graphical and model improvements we've seen down the years as well


Gold Member
This is brilliant, and I will be making a WoW sub for the first time since like 2008.
cool for those where this was their first MMO experience and want to relive it.

I play Everquest still on Erollis Marr server. I like the new content. I could play the old school progression servers or P99 but nahh EQ is still good.
This is cool. I tried to get back into WoW a few years ago but the huge amount of content and the very quick pace you could progress through it made it feel like a very long tutorial. It just felt too trivial compared with a newer MMO like FFXIV where the PVE progress felt more consequential.


Gold Member
Yeah this might actually bring me back properly. The most important thing for me is the players though. I used to love randomly seeing other people on the same grind quests as you. All waiting for the enemies to spawn. You'd eventually just offer a party invite and both get the kills and XP. If yuo were cheeky enough you could just get a tag on an enemy and the other players could kill it for you ha.

Or hanging round IF with /LFG - just felt much more real and organic. You got the impression there were actually real people there going about whatever they wanted and you had to entice them. Sometimes it was annoying waiting for like 20-40 minutes but it built the events up. I liked the downtime between encounters in the smaller instances.

Just hope it's not like two years out or something daft.


I'm guessing it will get the graphical and model improvements we've seen down the years as well

That would make sense, it'll be built off the current WoW engine (& patched in step) as whist people who was using the unoffical servers were ok with getting old out of date software running on their PC's, Blizzard will want this to "just work" & be intergrated into the general battle.net stuff.

I'm in two minds about this, I think a lot of people have rose tinted sunglasses on for vanilla WoW which by todays standards is pretty awful content but I understand why people miss the per server communites that used to exist & the sense of grouping which is totally lost in todays WoW


I'm hard as a rock.

Been a player of Nostalrius since almost the begining and then switch to Elysium when they took it down. After that Elysium also fell because some illegalities.

And now... now... :_)

Damn I'm so happy :_)


Will definitely be in on this.

Never got to experience Vanilla, but TBC was my jam.

If they also eventually do progression into TBC I will be in heaven.


Kind of want to resubscribe and see if the old guild gets back together; there really was nothing like exploring vanilla with friends
I will definitely check this out. But honestly, I know how much you had to farm to prepare for raids, how much dungeon runs you had to do to finally get your few set items. That every class had only one spec that could be used in dungeons/raids. In my mind I loved classic WoW, but I have to find out it's something I would have that much fun again today



Well I have never known a dev, or Activision for that matter, give anything away for free. Just look at the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare remaster. You had to buy the shitty new version to get the good old one. Imagine it will be the same with Classic WoW.


I understand all the nostalgia effect but...do you think people nowadays have the time per week to play Vanilla wow like it was? 5-8 hours Molten Core runs were the shit but 10 years ago when most of us were teens and didn't have obligations as jobs and family or college.


I understand all the nostalgia effect but...do you think people nowadays have the time per week to play Vanilla wow like it was? 5-8 hours Molten Core runs were the shit but 10 years ago when most of us were teens and didn't have obligations as jobs and family or college.

This is my problem. I would love to just indulge into WoW again for like half a year. But with my job and having just bought a house i just dont have the time.

Also in some time the server is going to be filled with lv 60 full epics .. then what?


I understand all the nostalgia effect but...do you think people nowadays have the time per week to play Vanilla wow like it was? 5-8 hours Molten Core runs were the shit but 10 years ago when most of us were teens and didn't have obligations as jobs and family or college.

I don't know, but myself and all the people I played with were adults, with careers, families, etc...

Truth is, if people really want to do something, they find the time. Mostly, we would do all the guild stuff on weekends, whereas people would solo/farm/alt on weeknights.

Also in some time the server is going to be filled with lv 60 full epics .. then what?

If it's truly going to be like classic WoW, it probably won't filled up with epics. When Burning Crusade launched, most players were still rocking the blue dungeons sets. Back then, epics and legendaries were actually an accomplishment.
I don't know, but myself and all the people I played with were adults, with careers, families, etc...

Truth is, if people really want to do something, they find the time. Mostly, we would do all the guild stuff on weekends, whereas people would solo/farm/alt on weeknights.

If it's truly going to be like classic WoW, it probably won't filled up with epics. When Burning Crusade launched, most players were still rocking the blue dungeons sets. Back then, epics and legendaries were actually an accomplishment.

Sounds like your a grown up with a career

Come back when your a grown up with career and have a couple of small kids. There is litterly no dedicated gaming time. Unless I want to ignore the kids lol

I played wow for 3 days during 2005 and had a bad experience because I saw like 10 other players during some 20 hours of gaming. No idea what was going on game felt dead, was a tauren at empty fields?

Ended up wasting some 8 years on a korean mmo instead (rose online)

Would be fun to give vanilla wow another chance, have 1,5 hours every evening should be enough for some kind of progression


Well I have never known a dev, or Activision for that matter, give anything away for free. Just look at the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare remaster. You had to buy the shitty new version to get the good old one. Imagine it will be the same with Classic WoW.

Fair point.

I guess the twist here would be the subscription price.
It would be shitty to sell it with the expansion and then charge a monthly price.

Would it make more sense to sell it separately and charge a separate fee each month?
Surly they would get more profit from ppl who dropped out of the game a few expansions ago.

Hope it's a standalone.
Took them years to copy EverQuest Classic, and the EverQuest Progression Servers.
EverQuest still does it far better.

10 years ago when most of us were teens and didn't have obligations as jobs and family or college.

Darn younglings.
10 years ago I was finishing up my Master's and getting married.
And, I'd had a steady job since 20 years ago - when I was in my teens.


2 spell rotations ? Annoying repetitive grind ? Stupid boss/fight mechanics ? 40 man raids ?

How enjoyable haHAA


I'll probably give it a try, if I don't have to have a current world of warcraft subscription to play it. I'd gladly pay like $8 a month, instead of $18.

Sure, Vanilla WoW ain't the perfect MMO, but it's far better an MMO than what World of Warcraft has become.

They completely lost me during Warlords of Draenor, and I knew I wasn't coming back when Legion was announced and it was just completely pandering.

I honestly miss the game when it was during Wrath of the Lich King, and if they can promise me progression servers to that point (I'd maaaaybe even say to Cata, but that's when it began to get weak), I'd be down for sure... I was like 13 when I started playing during TBC, and I would love to play again, even if I could only commit to like a fraction of the time that I could back when I was a wee lad.

Although, Blizzard is definitely going to mess it up like they mess everything up.
I understand all the nostalgia effect but...do you think people nowadays have the time per week to play Vanilla wow like it was? 5-8 hours Molten Core runs were the shit but 10 years ago when most of us were teens and didn't have obligations as jobs and family or college.

I'm sure there were plenty of people playing WoW 10 years ago that were already adults with families and other obligations. Lol
How many people are willing to pay for a server that has no content releases? A lot of people say they are willing to, but when they're dealing with directly Blizzard, are they really going to be completely fine paying to play on 1.12 forever? Even Old School Runescape had content releases where the community decided what went in and what didn't (including the grand exchange, which made a lot of people leave on the main servers).

There's three scenarios

A.) Vanilla stays vanilla, people get bored and leave
B.) Progression servers, slowly phasing in TBC/WOTLK
C.) They assign a live team to create content around the "vanilla game design philosophy" (playing with fire, a single update could kill it)

I feel these resources would be better spent on a sequel that doesn't go overboard with the "quality of life" features that killed any semblance of a community in the original.


I don't really get why people are excited for this.

I never really played WoW but when I asked why vanilla was so loved the general answer I get from vets was due to the community and the overall newness and mystery the game had. That won't be recreated with this. That was a byproduct of its time when it released way back in 2004 and everyone was experiencing the game for the first time.


They gonna mess this up some way or many ways.

Explain please.

I don't really get why people are excited for this.

I never really played WoW but when I asked why vanilla was so loved the general answer I get from vets was due to the community and the overall newness and mystery the game had. That won't be recreated with this. That was a byproduct of its time when it released way back in 2004 and everyone was experiencing the game for the first time.

It was different. Epics were hard to get. In fact, pretty much ANYTHING was hard to do. Raids were 40 players.

I, personally, would love to get back and clear AQ40, if I ever find time for raiding again. (fuck Naxxramas)


Played WoW about six months after it's release. Was fairly casual. Pulled me in to the release of burning crusade. Eventually lost interest until the release of the lich King expansion. Really got into it for a solid year. Experienced the joys of naxx runs with one of the better guilds in the server. Got tired of how much waiting around you had to do.

The return of classic WoW will bring me back in. Very excited for this.

You done good Blizzard. Don't fuck this up.


Vanilla WoW was great because it didn't give everyone a trophy. You were rewarded for time and effort put in to the game. Good and a bad thing because just getting to 60 was time consuming.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Vanilla WoW was great because it didn't give everyone a trophy. You were rewarded for time and effort put in to the game. Good and a bad thing because just getting to 60 was time consuming.

Getting to 60 isn't so bad. You got your .5 sets, then you hit up ZG/AQ20 for quest books and upgrades before hitting up MC. Although, I can't remember if I grinded instances or zones/quests for exp. I have completely forgot how to plevel in Vanilla..


I might actually sub to WoW for this.
The thing keeping me away from the game all this time was feeling like I'd missed that window of an actually MMO community before the game got expanded and QoL'd into just being sort of a theme park you'd occasionally bump into another person in.
Also, now the game's been added to so much and hands so many things out like candy that all the cities and such feel like garish costume parties with everyone on giant, artistically-clashing mounts and etc..


Getting to 60 isn't so bad. You got your .5 sets, then you hit up ZG/AQ20 for quest books and upgrades before hitting up MC. Although, I can't remember if I grinded instances or zones/quests for exp. I have completely forgot how to plevel in Vanilla..

There are more than enough quests to get you to level 60. I skipped entire zones because I didn't need them.

Ron Cadillac

Neo Member
Lord help me

Vanilla and BC sucked my life away during high school and I've had to resist the urge to keep playing on Nost and Elysium/Light's Hope to stop myself from falling into that hole again

Now they go and do this shit
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