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What is the worst Oscars Best Picture winner that you have seen?

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LOTR is at least well produced and has lots of interesting characters overcoming adversity. Crash has a bunch of plot contrivances and then ends on a comedic note which undermines the whole anti-racism message of the film.

Among it's sins. A woman gets sexually assaulted in order to further a story about her husband's emasculation... WTF.

But it's over sooner. That's the only positive. I'd never want to rewatch either movie again.


Titanic, The Artist, The Departed are in the bottom 3 that won Best Picture.

I think Titantic is a mediocre movie, and there were 2 films better that year. LA Confidential, and Good Will Hunting. I tried at least 4 times to watch The Artist, everytime I passed out within 20 minutes. It could not hold my attention. The Departed is probably my least liked Best Picture winning film, I think it's a very poor movie. It is easily Scorcese's worst work, and maintain they gave him a win for this as a joke/lifetime achievement award.


Man, there's so much hate for Birdman in here. I freaking loved that movie - feels like I've gotta post in the "unusual movie opinions" thread with that now... Don't know how you could hate on a movie with performances that good or its frenetic pace, use of sound, etc, but aight. Then again, I also really liked the cute little story in The Artist, too, so I guess I'm just at odds with everyone in this thread. That wasn't the best film of its year, though.

A not-so-good recent winner for me is Argo, but my least favorite is definitely Forrest Gump.


We made it habit to rent the best picture winner when available so my list has to be over 60 films. I gotta go with Crash too.

Although there are many that aren't actually that bad but they did made me wonder why they even got a nomination. The Oscar selection process has become broken IMO. Oscar bait films have become a real problem in the industry.


Explain to me how fucking Crash of all movies went over my head.
Just because a dirty cop does a good thing doesnt make it ok. People are flawed. They arent binary - good or bad. I wouldnt want to know what you think of other more complex films.
I have seen:

Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
Slumdog Millionaire
Forrest Gump
The Silence of the Lambs
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Next

Silence of the Lambs is BY FAR my least favorite. Yech! Out of those, Forrest Gump is my fav.


Gone With The Wind. I still haven't finished that movie. It's so boring and don't get me wrong, I love older films.


Really tough call between Birdman, LOTR ROTK, and Chicago.

Birdman was tiresome to watch. Neat one-shot gimmick, but tiresome.

ROTK, was just a neat action movie. Boring, predictable and one dimensional characters. A great spectacle but not a great story.

Chicago, I hated the casting, singing and dancing, and the time period. I hated the movie.

Chicago was the worse.


I switched to an alt account to ditch my embarrassing tag so I could be an embarrassing Naughty Dog fanboy in peace. Ask me anything!
Didn't Slumdog Millionaire win best picture? That was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The biggest comedy gold was Anil Kapoor saying he studied Al Pacino to play that pathetic role. LMAO.

Oh and one of the worst soundtracks ever. Every time I hear that stupid 'Jai Ho' song I get irritated. Absolute trash.


Really tough call between Birdman, LOTR ROTK, and Chicago.

Birdman was tiresome to watch. Neat one-shot gimmick, but tiresome.

ROTK, was just a neat action movie. Boring, predictable and one dimensional characters. A great spectacle but not a great story.

Chicago, I hated the casting, singing and dancing, and the time period. I hated the movie.

Chicago was the worse.

Return of the King had no business beating out Lost in Translation or Mystic River that year.


Please list all the Best Picture winners you have seen.

List of Winners here

My list of winners I've seen.

The Bridge on the River Kwai
Lawrence of Arabia
The Sound of Music
In the Heat of the Night
The French Connection
The Godfather
The Sting
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Annie Hall
The Deer Hunter
Driving Miss Daisy
The Silence of the Lambs
Schindler's List
Forrest Gump
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Million Dollar Baby
The Departed
No Country for Old Men
The King's Speech
12 Years a Slave
Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

For me its clear

Its The French Connection. I'm a big Hackman fan but its not a top 10 performance by him. Its aged badly, so badly its feels like a spoof. The car chase is highly overrated and poorly shot and edited.

Most underrated is Crash. Best film of that year and best performances of most of the actors careers.

Disses a true classic in TFC

Praises a hackneyed turd in CRASH

I can't even
All Quiet on the Western Front
An American in Paris
Ben Hur
West Side Story
My Fair Lady
The Sound of Music
Midnight Cowboy
The Godfather
The Godfather Part II
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
Rain Man
Driving Miss Daisy
Dances with Wolves
The Silence of the Lambs
Schindler's List
Forrest Gump
The English Patient
Shakespeare in Love
American Beauty
A Beautiful Mind
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Million Dollar Baby
The Departed
No Country for Old Men
Slumdog Millionaire
The King's Speech

One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
West Side Story
Slumdog Millionaire

English Patient (ugh terrible movie)
Driving Miss Daisy (boring)
Shakespeare in Love (terrible movie)
I don't understand the hate for Chicago in this thread, can you guys explain it to me? First of all its a competent adaptation of a good Broadway show. Are you guys hating it for its subject matter? Or the moral behind it? Or film cast?

Adapting Broadway to movie is hard, IMO in recent year only Mamma Mia had a good adaptation. Both Les Miserables and Into the Woods were just ok.


Birdman. It says a lot that a rather watch a piece of shit like Man of Steel than that garbage pretentious film. Perfectly represents everything wrong about the Academy.
Crash was forgetable as fuck but I'd still rather watch that than LotR. At least it doesn't drag out for 3+ hours.

I mean, at least with LotR (which is a little under 3 hours, except the Extended) you can quit 2 hours in and have seen 2/3 of a fantastic film. With Crash you get 2 hours of bullshit overdrama and closeups.
Easy, the answer is Gladiator. Hated that movie and couldn't put my finger on why. I later read that it didn't even have a script when filming began and was mostly written on set. That explains it.


No way was Crash better than Brokeback Mountain, Capote, or Good Night and Good Luck op and yes Crash the worst oscar winner that I have seen.


I'm just so skeptical now when I watch a movie. This year Revenant, Concussion, and Danish Girl all made me think they were blatant attempts to be oscar bait.

It seems that any movie based on true facts, a biographical movie, or a period piece are all now trying way too hard to be oscar bait. I'm not saying they shouldn't be made or can't be entertaining, sometimes it's important to make historical and thought provoking movies, but there is no need to give these movies so much praise if they're not really that entertaining. Now actors are clamoring for these melodramatic parts because the Academy considers these types of movies so prestigious. The Oscars have become a joke.
Of the ones I've seen, I'd say: Slumdog Millionaire, King's Speech and the weakest LotR, because these movies shouldn't win any awards. Though I haven't seen Crash, which many here are hating on, and I guess I never will especially since it features Sandra Bullock.
I've seen:

Gone With the Wind
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Last Emperor
The Silence of the Lambs
Forrest Gump
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
The King's Speech
The Artist

Of the lot I'd give the worst vote to The King's Speech, if just for the fact that it's the only movie listed that I cannot remember a single thing about.


I'd be curious to see what people think of Argo, it didn't really leave to much of a mark on me, I remember liking Goodman and Cranston, that "Argo fuck yourself" line is pretty strong. But, well yeah, it was fine, it just never screamed "best picture" to me. Not to say that's the worst by any means, it just left the least amount of impact on me, out of the last 5 or so years I've really been paying attention to the Oscars.
Crash or The Greatest Show on Earth. There are movies that I personally hate a ton (Gone With the Wind, LotR, Titanic) that I think are technically superior films that at least deserve credit for that much, but those two movies are actually awful fucking movies with mediocre acting.

Crash is probably a smidge worse.

The Greatest Show on Earth is on Netflix in the U.S. if y'all want to see it.
Titanic was deserving of the technical awards, but the acting awards, ohohoho, not for the scenery chewing that was in the movie.

Shakespeare in Love was sooo not deserving of the Oscar when Saving Private Ryan was in the running.

Sean C

I've seen 70 of the Best Picture winners (counting this year, where I've seen all the nominees). The worst, easily, is The Greatest Show on Earth, which is that exceptionally rare beast, where the Best Picture category was basically used as a "makeup" Oscar for Cecil B. DeMille.

It does feature Jimmy Stewart playing a circus clown, so at least there's that.


at last, for christ's sake
I'd be curious to see what people think of Argo, it didn't really leave to much of a mark on me, I remember liking Goodman and Cranston, that "Argo fuck yourself" line is pretty strong. But, well yeah, it was fine, it just never screamed "best picture" to me. Not to say that's the worst by any means, it just left the least amount of impact on me, out of the last 5 or so years I've really been paying attention to the Oscars.

I don't want to get banned, so let's just say I disliked its shameless pandering very much
I don't have time to post the best picture movies that won that I've seen.
Going with Forrest Gump. There were so many better movies released that year.
Crash was pretty bad too. I still cringe thinking back at that scene where the kid was shot.
I liked The Artist, but after watching it once, I never wanted to watch it again.


Slumdog Millionaire was dishonestly saccharine and The King's Speech put me to sleep, but....

It's definitely Crash.
Crash is horrible. I don't understand how it won anything other than pandering to race related post-9/11 tension at the time. Also Matt Dillon was nominated for an Oscar.....I don't even.....
I've not seen every Academy Award Best Picture winner, but of the dozens and dozens and dozens I have seen, Around the World in Eighty Days (1956) is truly terrible. I haven't seen Cimarron, which usually gets talked about in this stuff, and coming along on this list, a lot of stuff is just people being bitter that something they liked better didn't win. Like, Dances with Wolves is a great film, even though Goodfellas is better. Same with Forrest Gump (yes, Pulp Fiction is better).

Some years certain movies deserve to win over others (not even counting movies that weren't even nominated), but Around the World in Eight Days and The Greatest Show on Earth are just bad movies in every way.

And, Crash is a tone-deaf abomination made with an earnest heart but written by, directed, staring, and produced by people who had no idea what they were doing. Is Crash the worst Best Picture movie? Hell no. But it is easily the worst in the last 30 years. Anyone who tells you different is a contrarian trying to get attention or someone with terrible taste in movies... or both. I hate this recent-ish trend of attempting to revive bad movies and presenting them as misunderstood good or great movies (see Hook or The Goonies as examples of nostalgic salvages).

I've seen 70 of the Best Picture winners (counting this year, where I've seen all the nominees). The worst, easily, is The Greatest Show on Earth, which is that exceptionally rare beast, where the Best Picture category was basically used as a "makeup" Oscar for Cecil B. DeMille.

It does feature Jimmy Stewart playing a circus clown, so at least there's that.

Yeah, that movie is embarrassing.

I also wonder if all the recent movies being listed (basically last two decades) is because people here are young and/or haven't seen that many movies, or because the last 20 years of Oscars has been terrible. I'd bet it is the former and that many haven't seen older stuff.
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