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What are some inocous things you judge people harshly on?


How they chew and drink, particularly the sounds they make while doing so.

Also, the steak one rings true for me as well in a few ways. If someone orders a well-done steak and proceeds to ham fist the fork in their right hand while cutting it? Yeah, definitely drops them a few notches in my book.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
How they chew and drink, particularly the sounds they make while doing so.

Also, the steak one rings true for me as well in a few ways. If someone orders a well-done steak and proceeds to ham fist the fork in their right hand while cutting it? Yeah, definitely drops them a few notches in my book.
The fact that it's well done is bad enough. People who don't twirl their spaghetti is another one for me


Chewing gum loudly/with your mouth open, I feel like a boomer but it seems impolite

Not realizing you're monopolizing the conversation and not letting anyone else talk

Dr. Suchong

People who wear sandals/flip flops. They're hideous. Just stop it.
Vapers blowing huge plumes of their gross bullshit everywhere. Vile. Just stop it.
Anyone on electric scooters.
Anyone loud.
People who lack spatial awareness and try to walk through you, despite your best efforts to politely side step them.
Parents who don't control their children in supermarkets.
Spitters/spitting on the street. Disgusting.
People who walk too slow.
People who take trolleys into a self serve area that is for baskets only.
Those idiots that take 15 minutes to get on the bus. They never have their money ready or know where they're going.
Anyone who smells. Just wash.
I've got a million of them.


Gold Member
People in stores standing there, or with their carts in the middle of the aisle. I dont think they mean to do it. Just clueless people with tunnel vision. They have zero sense of etiquette (seems like they never grew up with any) and like Liam Neeson said it that Batman movie "you got to know your surroundings". It's obvious they dont know.

Related to that, people who dont hold the door open when someone is near. I always do at stores or at work. Some people just dont give a shit. I swear that every Indian person at work doesn't give a shit and will just let the door slam in your face even if you're right behind them.

Slobs at work wearing grubby tshirts and sandals even though we got a dress code.

People with messy dirty cars. Its not hard to get a car wash, and wipe/vacuum your car every once in a while. I swear some people I dont think have cleaned their car in years (or ever?). Dont worry folks ya I'll drive when we go to lunch (I'm not sitting in that stinkhole car of yours). You can tell who hasnt since their car will get rust spots n the wheel well. It'll rust from dirt and winter salt and stuff. So if you dont wash it out on your own or get a good car wash at a gas station, it'll rust out eventually. I keep my car in great shape. Its 6 years old and people say it still smells new. As back up I got one of those hanging freshener things. I dont think it smells new. I cant tell. But it's probably the air freshener and leather cleaner/protectant I use.
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Gold Member
People in stores standing there, or with their carts in the middle of the aisle.

I dont think they mean to do it. Just clueless people with tunnel vision. They have zero sense of etiquette (seems like they never grew up with any) and like Liam Neeson said it that Batman movie "you got to know your surroundings". It's obvious they dont know.

Related to that, people who dont hold the door open when someone is near. I always do at stores or at work. Some people just dont give a shit. I swear that every Indian person at work doesn't give a shit and will just let the door slam in your face even if you're right behind them.
That's another one. People walking in crowded areas of stores, usually when you first walk in, and coming to a dead stop while on their phone directly in front of you and everyone else.


People in stores standing there, or with their carts in the middle of the aisle. I dont think they mean to do it. Just clueless people with tunnel vision. They have zero sense of etiquette (seems like they never grew up with any) and like Liam Neeson said it that Batman movie "you got to know your surroundings". It's obvious they dont know.

Related to that, people who dont hold the door open when someone is near. I always do at stores or at work. Some people just dont give a shit. I swear that every Indian person at work doesn't give a shit and will just let the door slam in your face even if you're right behind them.

I have quite "wide" awareness and I notice that most people barely just see and hear what's in front of them, unless they just don't think moving for other people is their problem

Dr. Suchong

Women who leave their handbags in the middle of aisles in cinemas or just generally anywhere someone could easily fall over it.
Working in hospitality for 20 plus years, I swear it's an epidemic with women.
Many times I have almost fallen, only to be met with blank stares, as if to say "Yeah? What?.. What's the problem?"
Started kicking bags accidentally on purpose to get them out of the way before somebody breaks their hip.


Gold Member
Women who leave their handbags in the middle of aisles in cinemas or just generally anywhere someone could easily fall over it.
Working in hospitality for 20 plus years, I swear it's an epidemic with women.
Many times I have almost fallen, only to be met with blank stares, as if to say "Yeah? What?.. What's the problem?"
Started kicking bags accidentally on purpose to get them out of the way before somebody breaks their hip.
I dont go to theatres often, but when youve got that annoying guy in front of you gabbing or constantly moving in their seat making noise, a moderately gentle kick to their seat has shut them up each time. Believe it or not, people are smart enough to get the hint to knock it off. Amazing but true!
Standing directly in front of entrances or exits smoking.
Taking over spaces with overly loud conversations on your phone.
I remember a hilarious thing I saw in gridlocked traffic in Miami when a piece of shit opened the door to his Mustang, and set a McDonald's bag on the pavement at a red light. As he closed the door it got caught up in his door, and the bottom of the bag rose up a few inches off the street.

Yeah you take that garbage back to your house.


Gold Member
Poor knife skills. If you are filming yourself while cooking at least act like you know what you are doing. It could be the most delicious recipe tutorial on the Internet but if the person can't hold a knife properly I'm not taking you seriously. Same thing if the knife is obviously duller than a spoon.

As for more real life day too day stuff; how you act at the grocery store. People that park themselves in front of the meat counter for minutes on end drive me crazy. You do not need to examine ever package of steak and ground beef is not that complicated that you need to do calculous to figure out how much it takes to made a hamburger


Gold Member
I remember a hilarious thing I saw in gridlocked traffic in Miami when a piece of shit opened the door to his Mustang, and set a McDonald's bag on the pavement at a red light. As he closed the door it got caught up in his door, and the bottom of the bag rose up a few inches off the street.

Yeah you take that garbage back to your house.
Sometimes the universe can work in quick and beautiful ways. He probably won't take the hint, however.
People who wear sandals/flip flops. They're hideous. Just stop it.
Vapers blowing huge plumes of their gross bullshit everywhere. Vile. Just stop it.
Anyone on electric scooters.
Anyone loud.
People who lack spatial awareness and try to walk through you, despite your best efforts to politely side step them.
Parents who don't control their children in supermarkets.
Spitters/spitting on the street. Disgusting.
People who walk too slow.
People who take trolleys into a self serve area that is for baskets only.
Those idiots that take 15 minutes to get on the bus. They never have their money ready or know where they're going.
Anyone who smells. Just wash.
I've got a million of them.
You seem fun. Can't wait till you have kids haha

Dark Star

Long fingernails.

I absolutely detest the fake glued on ones, those are just not practical.

But what I'm talking about is when people simply don't cut their nails often and they're all long and dirty. to me it looks like you don't take care of yourself, you're not self aware, not professional, not athletic, etc.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Using "arguably" in front of any position that is clearly arguable. "X is arguably the best movie of the year"... no fucking shit it's arguable. Make your statement and let other people attack/support you on it.

I'm guilty of doing this too often and I know it. I try to instead use different qualifiers like "In my opinion" or "I feel/think this could be...." rather than using arguably.
People who wear sandals/flip flops. They're hideous. Just stop it.
Uhh, why would you want to keep your feet in a prison? If you're not engaged in some kind of athletic endeavor, sandals are not only acceptable, they are preferred.
People who take trolleys into a self serve area that is for baskets only.
First of all, "trolley?" It's called a shopping cart, we invented it. And I don't even know what taking one "into a self serve area that is for baskets only" would even mean, mate. Are your shopping carts not "self serve"? Are they brought to you by a valet, God save the King? Seeing as you guys came up with English one would hope you could successfully communicate with it. And hey it's called English, see how that works? You invent it, you name it? Came full circle there, you love to see it.

Though I suppose it makes sense now that someone from that gloomy depressing outpost of humanity would resent sandals.
Those idiots that take 15 minutes to get on the bus. They never have their money ready or know where they're going.
Funny that, governor. People that ride the bus in general are making my list. What kind of a communist drone rides a bus? Like, if the answer to the question "where are you going?" isn't "elementary school" then you shouldn't be on a bus. Walk if you must, at least there's dignity in that. Or upgrade from communist drone to smug socialist and hop on a bicycle. Or you know... drive a car.... like an adult?
Long fingernails.

But what I'm talking about is when people simply don't cut their nails often and they're all long and dirty. to me it looks like you don't take care of yourself, you're not self aware, not professional, not athletic, etc.
Hey man, what kind of wack-ass tone are you getting on your classical guitar with chewed-up no-white crackhead fingernails on your plucking hand?

(I'm just doing a comedy bit here don't get mad at me anyone. Or translated to me friends across the pond oi m8 oim just takin the piss innit)

Mr Blobby

Is it Festivus already? The airing of grievances thread!
people standing in the middle of main arteries just checking their phone or talking - move to the side!
commentating a match footy, snooker etc as if I didn't just watch the exact same thing. "that's a goal"


Gold Member
I wear gym pants whenever I'm out in public due to it being easier to move around in
Are you massively overweight? That’s the only excuse for wearing gym pants outside the gym.
Then again if you are from the US you guys wear swim shorts to the pool, which causes friction each time you are banned from a pool in France, where it’s forbidden.

For me people on the sidewalks that have no situational awareness, instead of walking on the left or right they walk in the middle blocking everyone that wants to walk faster. Also people chatting and blocking the pedestrian crossing.


Gold Member
Funny that, governor. People that ride the bus in general are making my list. What kind of a communist drone rides a bus? Like, if the answer to the question "where are you going?" isn't "elementary school" then you shouldn't be on a bus. Walk if you must, at least there's dignity in that. Or upgrade from communist drone to smug socialist and hop on a bicycle. Or you know... drive a car.... like an adult?
I hope this is a satire post but if not - there are countries in the world with functioning public transport, unlike the US. Between a metro and a bus I always prefer the bus - many times it’s faster since you do not need to go in and out of the station plus it’s nice to look outside and not see the walls of the metro tunnel.
I don’t even need to say what bus vs. car does for the environment.
Americans who try to do a British impersonation.

You can't. None of you. Just stop.
You're missing the point, the worse the fake British accent, the more funny we Americans find it.
I hope this is a satire post but if not - there are countries in the world with functioning public transport, unlike the US. Between a metro and a bus I always prefer the bus - many times it’s faster since you do not need to go in and out of the station plus it’s nice to look outside and not see the walls of the metro tunnel.
I don’t even need to say what bus vs. car does for the environment.
Here's another one... someone who can't be bothered to read the entire post. I said I was doing a comedy bit at the bottom but somehow the spirit of Greta Thunberg possessed you and made you think, "Right here, right now, this is where I must take the final stand for the climate"

C'mon people don't make me sail over there (see I'm being environmentally conscious).
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