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Trump Surrogate Cites Japanese Camps as Precedent for Muslim Registration

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At no point did he say anything about camps, what he was talking about was the restriction on travel. He first cited that we did this during the Iranian revolution, and then he cited WWII. Kelly flat out asked him if he was proposing going back to internment camps, and he said no.

Now I agree that we should be cautious about this idea they are proposing, but we've got like 6 pages here of people believing that the president elect is proposing putting people in camps. I take issue with leading people to believe this because I find it immoral

It upsets me because I've been spending the past week speaking with people who are genuinely terrified, I've done what I could to ease their anxiety with whatever information they might not know about. I really don't think we should be adding to their anxiety with information that isn't true
You are being fooled by the surrogate's tip-toeing. He doesn't mention the camps explicitly but brings them up indirectly by citing WWII and 'the Japanese'. Kelly did not bring up internment camps out of the blue and it's disingenuous to say she initiated the fear-mongering.

If you are afraid, it is because the rhetoric the surrogate is daring to use is implying unpleasantries that is very alarming. People are not overreacting.
This is disgusting. Just disgusting. No Trump supporter from this moment forth will get no respect from me. This is what you brought upon us, Trump supporters. I hope your happy.
Doesn't sound like he's even willing to fully admit that Japanese internment camps were wrong. "Call it what you will. Maybe wrong". Maybe wrong? Just maybe. He's not sure.

Yup. This is scary shit these people say. No one should care whether or not he's literally using the word camps, he's siting a time that freaking did them, which in itself is just as disgusting.

It's super depressing that this shit was still so prominent. :(

Hey, this would fast track a rebellion from not only the Democrats but Republicans as well.

If he actually ever even attempts anything like this, he's done. Which is actually bad, because if he gets impeached we've got Mike Pence who is arguably more dangerous.

One would think so, but I've lost my optimism on that right now that if they tried anything like this they would be destroyed so fast. Hell, you've got multiple Republicans playing the "huh?" card right now. And then disgusting guys like Ryan being all "nah we don't disagree with stuff Trump's said during the campaign."

Yeah, that sucks too...I don't get how anyone during the election ignored that Pence's disgusting ass is right there too.

American Freedom Act. You wouldn't vote against American freedom would you?! I bet you kill bald eagles and burn flags you dirty socialist.

This. That's totally how they'd do it. Ugh...


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
You don't think this would be fast tracked?

Many democrats and most republicans voted for the "Patriot Act"

God forbid there is some attack in America by an Islamic extremist no matter how isolated in Trump's presidency. Its game over.
Fuck that, if they even attempt to do so I will join in what I would hope would be thousands upon thousands protesting this. That is disgusting and anyone that would even consider such a fucked up disgusting idea should be removed from any form of public service.

You don't think this would be fast tracked?

Many democrats and most republicans voted for the "Patriot Act"

God forbid there is some attack in America by an Islamic extremist no matter how isolated in Trump's presidency. Its game over.

Huh? Was that question for me?
Edit: Maybe not since there was no quote.

Hell, them even mentioning this disgusting idea should have already gotten them ousted from public service.


You are being fooled by the surrogate's tip-toeing. He doesn't mention the camps explicitly but brings them up indirectly by citing WWII and 'the Japanese'. Kelly did not bring up internment camps out of the blue and it's disingenuous to say she initiated the fear-mongering.

If you are afraid, it is because the rhetoric the surrogate is daring to use is implying unpleasantries that is very alarming. People are not overreacting.

I didn't say Kelly initiated fear-mongering, I say she flat out asked him if he wanted to go back to internment camps, and he said no. She was right to press him on that, but the surrogate responded that he was not referring to using camps

Overreaction is not a word I used either, I said people are spreading misinformation, they're going around spreading the idea that someone in the Trump administration is proposing putting Muslims in camps, when that is not the case. Now people here have moved on to admitting he didn't support the idea of camps, but he's "lying" or he's "tip-toeing" and that he's actually going to support the idea of putting Muslims in camps

Look, he mentioned WWII and the Japanese, but he also mentioned the Iranian revolution, and what he was talking about before mentioning either of them was applying restrictions on travel from specific countries. It's obvious the precedence he was referring to was restriction on passports coming from specific countries, not internment camps.

This is political ideology vs the truth.

The problem is you wouldn't tell your mother the president elect was going to put her in an internment camp if A. It wasn't true, and B. You knew it would absolutely terrify her. If you wouldn't try and scare your own mother like that, then you shouldn't do it to strangers either, even if you do take issue with the president elect.. and I think everyone here (including myself) takes issue with the president elect, but we shouldn't go around scaring people with misinformation
I knew it, I knew someone would say "Hey it worked in WW2!". The worst part is Trump could totally do it and it'd be lawful under the Alien Enemies Act. This can't happen again, I know too many people that went through Interment, it's sick. I'm gonna throw up.


The problem is you wouldn't tell your mother the president elect was going to put her in an internment camp if A. It wasn't true, and B. You knew it would absolutely terrify her. If you wouldn't try and scare your own mother like that, then you shouldn't do it to strangers either, even if you do take issue with the president elect.. and I think everyone here (including myself) takes issue with the president elect, but we shouldn't go around scaring people with misinformation

This reads like an advanced way of saying 'until Trump actually does something or says he's doing it, there's nothing to be getting upset about'. Okay then, explain. What misinformation is being spread, how are people fear-mongering, why should we trust your interpretation of the video? Why are you getting angry at the reaction of people to the video and not the content of the video itself? Because it isn't just GAF reacting this way. If you look at almost any site reporting this news or r/politics or wherever, peoples' reactions are almost all the same. So unless you have some bit of information that the rest of us don't, I have a hard time believing your claims of unnecessary fear-mongering hold merit.


This reads like an advanced way of saying 'until Trump actually does something or says he's doing it, there's nothing to be getting upset about'. Okay then, explain. What misinformation is being spread, how are people fear-mongering, why should we trust your interpretation of the video? Why are you getting angry at the reaction of people to the video and not the content of the video itself? Because it isn't just GAF reacting this way. If you look at almost any site reporting this news or r/politics or wherever, peoples' reactions are almost all the same. So unless you have some bit of information that the rest of us don't, I have a hard time believing your claims of unnecessary fear-mongering hold merit.

It has nothing to do with not getting upset, it has to do with scaring people with misinformation. The thing that people need to look out for is the proposal to reinstate the Enemy Aliens Act, that is the act which can be used to put certain groups in camps.

What the Trump administration is currently proposing is the restatement of the Nationality Act, which can NOT be used to put people in camps, but only effects restrictions on travel/visas

Should we be cautious that he might propose reinstating the Enemy Aliens Act? absolutely, but we should not go around leading people to believe he is already proposing that when he is not.


As well as basically the entire internet, yeah? Who do you think is to blame for that?

Well, how is misinformation spread? the same way factual information is spread. I can't make the misinformation go away, but what I can do is help spread factual information. I don't care about determining who is responsible for spreading the misinformation, all I care about is getting the factual information across



This Trump "surrogate" looks like the kind of man who'd commit crimes against humanity if he was given the chance.

Are we sure that he isn't actually a serial killer in disguise?

Are we sure that he isn't actually a serial killer in disguise?



Surrogate is the US definition of STAND.

Oh my god.

Also holy shit every time someone I meet mentions internment camps I remind them that it is in no way legal or constitutional to use race or religion as a means of discrimination.

Interment camps were not necessary, not okay, and much like the use of nuclear weapons, were a major poor mark on the U.S. handling of WWII.


Well, how is misinformation spread? the same way factual information is spread. I can't make the misinformation go away, but what I can do is help spread factual information. I don't care about determining who is responsible for spreading the misinformation, all I care about is getting the factual information across

That's not an answer. You are trying to imply the entire internet, people, media outlets, got the surrogate wrong in what he was saying, and claiming misinformation. Is it our fault? Or is it perhaps that he could have made his point without making reference to internment camps, which was egregious enough for even Megyn Kelly to call him out?

So I'll ask again, who's responsible for this 'misinformation'? Giving a round-about non-answer won't cut it.


Gold Member
Such bullshit!
Mahn, this shall not fly.
The fact that this is even in the discourse of discussion is just crazy!


That's not an answer. You are trying to imply the entire internet, people, media outlets, got the surrogate wrong in what he was saying, and claiming misinformation. Is it our fault? Or is it perhaps that he could have made his point without making reference to internment camps, which was egregious enough for even Megyn Kelly to call him out?

So I'll ask again, who's responsible for this 'misinformation'? Giving a round-about non-answer won't cut it.

The entire internet? No, I would say just the people spreading misinformation about the Trump administration wanting to bring back internment camps were wrong. Not the entire internet. The administration is not proposing bringing back interment camps, because what they are proposing is reinstating the Nationality Act, which would only effect visas, and cannot be used to put people in camps.

As for the base cause of peoples' fears, that is absolutely Trump and the people in his campaign who are responsible. He's threatened to have people deported or blocked from the country entirely, which has understandably put people on edge. My point is we should not be enhancing the anxiety that people are already feeling with misinformation. I should actually hope to comfort them with facts if I can, and encourage more people to be politically active


The entire internet? No, I would say just the people spreading misinformation about the Trump administration wanting to bring back internment camps were wrong. Not the entire internet. The administration is not proposing bringing back interment camps, because what they are proposing is reinstating the Nationality Act, which would only effect visas, and cannot be used to put people in camps.

As for the base cause of peoples' fears, that is absolutely Trump and the people in his campaign who are responsible. He's threatened to have people deported or blocked from the country entirely, which has understandably put people on edge. My point is we should not be enhancing the anxiety that people are already feeling with misinformation. I should actually hope to comfort them with facts if I can, and encourage more people to be politically active

Still haven't answered, but I knew you wouldn't. The answer is - the surrogate is the one who caused people to react the way they have. If Trump's administration won't have anything to do with internment camps, then Higbie is misrepresenting them by bringing up one of the worst court decisions in history and is the one spreading misinformation - not the media outlets, not Megyn Kelly, not the internet user watching the video. And unless you work for them and know something we don't, you don't know what their intentions are anymore than other people in this thread.

EDIT: Also, Funky Papa's post applies to you right now.

I'd also like to add that "it is totes not going to happen" doesn't cut it. If any, it shows your ample disregard towards the earnest fears of a good number of people who are already the victims of discrimination. I'm white and live abroad, so Trump's presidency doesn't scare me that much on a personal level. But if I were an American PoC or religious minority I'd be extremely concerned for my rights and safety.


So apparently this dude doesn't represent Trump anymore and Trump never advocating these policies ever per the transition team?

Except he did on video.

This is gaslighting on an insane scale. This is what I thought was so absurd about Brave New World.


Still haven't answered, but I knew you wouldn't. The answer is - the surrogate is the one who caused people to react the way they have. If Trump's administration won't have anything to do with internment camps, then Higbie is misrepresenting them by bringing up one of the worst court decisions in history and is the one spreading misinformation - not the media outlets, not Megyn Kelly, not the internet user watching the video. And unless you work for them and know something we don't, you don't know what their intentions are anymore than other people in this thread.

EDIT: Also, Funky Papa's post applies to you right now.

but he didn't bring up internment camps, he was talking about restrictions on travel, and he first mentioned the Iranian revolution, then he mentioned WWII as precedence. Megan Kelly then pressed him (and rightfully so) on whether he was talking about bringing back internment camps, in which the surrogate responded that he was not.

To say the surrogate pitched the idea of bringing back internment camps is dishonest. Look, I understand people are scared, and I think they have good reason to be scared, but I find it immoral to enhance those fears with false information.

You can't read through this thread and tell me people haven't been misinformed about the Trump administration wanting to bring back interment camps. Now I can agree that we should be very cautious about this administration proposing bringing back the Alien Enemies Act, but I'm not going to go around misleading people into believing they already have proposed this.


the prior act was called the "Alien Enemies Act" I got the name wrong when I called it the "Enemy Aliens Act"
You can't read through this thread and tell me people haven't been misinformed about the Trump administration wanting to bring back interment camps. Now I can agree that we should be very cautious about this administration proposing bringing back the Alien Enemies Act, but I'm not going to go around misleading people into believing they already have proposed this.

I'm just curious, do you actually believe people in this thread think the Trump administration was wanting to bring back interment camps. Is that what you really believe?


To say the surrogate pitched the idea of bringing back internment camps is dishonest. Look, I understand people are scared, and I think they have good reason to be scared, but I find it immoral to enhance those fears with false information.

You can't read through this thread and tell me people haven't been misinformed about the Trump administration wanting to bring back interment camps. Now I can agree that we should be very cautious about this administration proposing bringing back the Enemy Aliens Act, but I'm not going to go around misleading people into believing they already have proposed this.
Blame Higbie for bringing it up then. Nobody is going around telling others that is what Trump plans to do, they are literally just reacting to the video. You, in fact, are the only one trying to tell people what to believe. No one has claimed the surrogate outright pitched the idea of internment camps, what we do recognize is by bringing it up he is getting dangerously close to it, and he had to back away when Kelly grilled him. You are at the point of crafting strawmen to shoot down telling me that people are going around spreading misinformation when nobody is doing that. You have insisted that over and over, but have yet to post any examples besides 'look everywhere!'. Your argument is premised upon me believing that making the logical connection between Higbie citing internment camps and a Muslim Registry is misinformation, and that's bullshit. I'll tell you what's dishonest - you trying to ignore that connection and calling for people to turn a blind eye as a form of 'comfort'. As far as I can tell, people claiming Trump is bringing back internment camps is a narrative of your creation.
Blame Higbie for bringing it up then. Nobody is going around telling others that is what Trump plans to do, they are literally just reacting to the video. You, in fact, are the only one trying to tell people what to believe. No one has claimed the surrogate outright pitched the idea of internment camps, what we do recognize is by bringing it up he is getting dangerously close to it, and he had to back away when Kelly grilled him. You are at the point of crafting strawmen to shoot down telling me that people are going around spreading misinformation when nobody is doing that. You have insisted that over and over, but have yet to post any examples besides 'look everywhere!'. Your argument is premised upon me believing that making the logical connection between Higbie citing internment camps and a Muslim Registry is misinformation, and that's bullshit. I'll tell you what's dishonest - you trying to ignore that connection and calling for people to turn a blind eye as a form of 'comfort'.

Yep. Not sure why that is so hard to see. No one is honestly suggesting that Trump is gonna launch interment camps. It is just an absurd use of rhetoric from an administration that is really needing to stop using such language.


Blame Higbie for bringing it up then. Nobody is going around telling others that is what Trump plans to do, they are literally just reacting to the video. You, in fact, are the only one trying to tell people what to believe. No one has claimed the surrogate outright pitched the idea of internment camps, what we do recognize is by bringing it up he is getting dangerously close to it, and he had to back away when Kelly grilled him. You are at the point of crafting strawmen to shoot down telling me that people are going around spreading misinformation when nobody is doing that. You have insisted that over and over, but have yet to post any examples besides 'look everywhere!'. Your argument is premised upon me believing that making the logical connection between Higbie citing internment camps and a Muslim Registry is misinformation, and that's bullshit. I'll tell you what's dishonest - you trying to ignore that connection and calling for people to turn a blind eye as a form of 'comfort'. As far as I can tell, people claiming Trump is bringing back internment camps is a narrative of your creation.

Well of course people are spreading misinformation, look through this thread, there are people who genuinely believe that the Trump admnistration is proposing bringing internment camps back. As for Carl Higbie causing fear and anxiety for using WWII as an example of precedence. I agree, the anxiety people are feeling is his fault for saying that, and what he should have done then is clarified that he wasn't talking about bringing back internment camps.. and that is exactly what he did, he explained that he was not talking about bringing back internment camps.

but somewhere along the line people decided to ignore this, and start spreading word that a Trump surrogate pitched the idea of bringing back internment camps. I only posted here explaining that the Trump administration has not proposed bringing back internment camps. There should be no objection in me saying this because it's the truth

I'm not going to say I know they'll never propose this idea, but again I'm also not going to go around telling people they have proposed this when it is not true. What the Trump administration is currently proposing is reinstating the Nationality Act, which is something that can only be used to restrict visas, it cannot be used to put people in camps. Now if they propose bringing back the Alien Enemies Act, that is an act that can be used to put people in internment camps, as that is what it was used for during WWII.

So again we should be very cautious, but lets please not enhance peoples' anxieties with misinformation. That is all I am saying

I'm just curious, do you actually believe people in this thread think the Trump administration was wanting to bring back interment camps. Is that what you really believe?

After reading the first 6 pages of this thread, yes I absolutely think people believe this to be true. I've also spoken to a lot of people over the past week who are extremely worried about this upcoming presidency, and I've done what I could to ease their anxiety. This isn't an endorsement, I do not support this administration or their policies, but why would I want to lead people to believe that their families are going to be put in camps?
Well of course people are spreading misinformation, look through this thread, there are people who genuinely believe that internment camps are coming back.

Stopping you there, where? Show me the people who genuinely believe that camps are coming back.

Your edit, doesn't change anything.


and that is exactly what he did, he explained that he was not talking about bringing back internment camps.

He didn't explain jack squat. Right after Kelly called him on it he said the 'America first' BS excuse.

What you think people are saying:

What people are actually saying:
"Holy shit, why the fuck would you cite that"
"This is how it starts"

EDIT: I also don't see how people being afraid and voicing their fear of internment camps as a possibility is somehow spreading misinformation. It isn't.
After reading the first 6 pages of this thread, yes I absolutely think people believe this to be true. I've also spoken to a lot of people over the past week who are extremely worried about this upcoming presidency, and I've done what I could to ease their anxiety. This isn't an endorsement, I do not support this administration or their policies, but why would I want to lead people to believe that their families are going to be put in camps?

Well, I'm sorry that you are having some severe difficulties with it. You seem to be grasping part of it, with everything that is concerning people having someone mention Korematsu and interment isn't going to make them feel that easy. I can assure you, that people posting in this thread don't think interment is on the way. They are talking about how absurd the rhetoric is, especially given the point that you highlighted, how toxic it has been.

Can you post me a couple examples that are making you absolutely sure people believe interment is on the way?
Japanese Internment Camps are the biggest black mark on American history since the Trail of Tears. To think anyone would want to emulate that enrages me.


It's like before the election when we were shaking our collective damn heads at all the similar bullshit the Trump press people were saying but instead now it's after the election


Using one of the most shameful events in our countries history as a "precedent" for your shitty, xenophobic agenda?

Is it wrong for me to want something REALLY bad happen to Trump and the entirety of his entourage?


Well, I'm sorry that you are having some severe difficulties with it. You seem to be grasping part of it, with everything that is concerning people having someone mention Korematsu and interment isn't going to make them feel that easy. I can assure you, that people posting in this thread don't think interment is on the way. They are talking about how absurd the rhetoric is, especially given the point that you highlighted, how toxic it has been.

Can you post me a couple examples that are making you absolutely sure people believe interment is on the way?

Where in that interview did the surrogate cite Korematsu and interment? He cited 1. The Iranian revolution, and 2. WWII, at which point Megan Kelly pressed him and asked if he was talking about going back to internment camps, in which he respond no. It is evident he was referring to the administration's current proposal to reinstate the Nationality Act, which only effects visas.

You assure me that people posting in this thread don't actually believe internment camps are on the way, and that's a fair assessment. My post was intended to ease the anxiety of anyone who might have been lead to believe this is a real thing that is being proposed. Basically my first post was me explaining that the surrogate was referring to past restrictions on travel. I didn't think I was in the wrong for saying that, but I'm being treated like I am

What was I supposed to say "yes, this surrogate definitely wants to put your family in internment camps"?

He didn't explain jack squat. Right after Kelly called him on it he said the 'America first' BS excuse.

What you think people are saying:

What people are actually saying:
"Holy shit, why the fuck would you cite that"
"This is how it starts"

EDIT: I also don't see how people being afraid and voicing their fear of internment camps as a possibility is somehow spreading misinformation. It isn't.

Kelly asked him "you're not proposing we go back to the days of internment camps" in which he responded "no no, I'm not proposing that at all Megyn"

It's fair for people to get upset for the fact that he would cite the Japanese during WWII as precedence, but when I come in here and say this guy isn't proposing bringing back internment camps, why am I getting objection?

It's the truth, this person wasn't proposing bringing back internment camps.


It's the truth, this person wasn't proposing bringing back internment camps.

Immediately after he denies advocating internment camps, he makes an America First statement. He is getting just close enough to actually advocating for them for people to get the hint, while denying it at the same time. This is why Kelly shut him down fast and hard. You are too easily fooled by him.
It's fair for people to get upset for the fact that he would cite the Japanese during WWII as precedence, but when I come in here and say this guy isn't proposing bringing back internment camps, why am I getting objection?

It's the truth, this person wasn't proposing bringing back internment camps.

Because the idea of even sparking imagery of one of the worst acts committed by America against its citizens by the President and those within a party should activate a klaxon in the minds of every American and we shouldn't give them a pass just because they said they weren't going all the way. That's it. Just because he said "No" and Trump said "I'd have to have been there" in response to the suggestion that they're talking about camps doesn't mean the idea of only cribbing a "just a few ideas" from those times is somehow any less reprehensible. People know he didn't say "Muslim internment camps" because he would have been (hopefully) crucified on air and in public even harder. The risky and objectionable part of this isn't the fearful citizens who know and fear American history extrapolating from the GOP's starting point, it's the fact that the GOP is crossing that starting point at all.


Immediately after he denies advocating internment camps, he makes an America First statement. He is getting just close enough to actually advocating for them for people to get the hint, while denying it at the same time. This is why Kelly shut him down fast and hard. You are too easily fooled by him.

Fair enough, but he clearly wasn't proposing bringing back internment camps, and I really shouldn't be getting objections for stating a simple fact

Because the idea of even sparking imagery of one of the worst acts committed by America against its citizens by the President and those within a party should activate a klaxon in the minds of every American and we shouldn't give them a pass just because they said they weren't going all the way. Just because he said "No" and Trump said "I'd have to have been there" in response to the suggestion that they're talking about camps doesn't mean the idea of only cribbing a "just a few ideas" from those times is somehow any less reprehensible. People know he didn't say "Muslim internment camps" because he would have been (hopefully) crucified on air and in public even harder. The risky and objectionable part of this isn't the fearful citizens who know and fear American history extrapolating from the GOP's starting point, it's the fact that the GOP is crossing that starting point at all.

I understand your concerns, but what the administration is currently proposing in reinstating the Nationality Act, which cannot be used to put people in camps, it would only effect visas. They would have to reinstate the Alien Enemies Act to put people in camps, and as long as they're not proposing bringing that back, I am not going to go around telling people that they are. If they do end up proposing bringing back the Alien Enemies Act, then I'm going to inform everyone I can about it, but that's not what we're dealing with here

This "just because they're not proposing bringing back camps doesn't mean we shouldn't say they are" doesn't really fly with me. If it isn't true, then I'm not going to go around telling people that


What you're getting objections for is claiming people are spreading misinformation.

Why? I wasn't calling anyone out in particular, but I see plenty of people who seem to believe that this is a thing that is happening.. or at least believe this is a thing that is being proposed. My initial post didn't even say anything about misinformation, all I stated was this surrogate is probably referring to restrictions on travel, not internment camps, and then I later added that the surrogate directly answered no to whether he was proposing bringing back interment camps. I received objections before I said anything about the spreading of misinformation

I mean.. this is futile, like most people here, I despise Trump.. but I'm still going to be committed to the truth. Do I really have to declare that this surrogate is proposing bringing back internment camps? If not, then why the objection when I say it isn't so?

I'm not saying I am not concerned about this "Muslim ban" that Trump is proposing, but realistically this is what the ban would look like http://www.vox.com/world/2016/11/10/13577474/president-elect-donald-trump-muslim-ban (The Trump campaign altered their proposed ban to fall under the jurisdiction of the Nationality Act)

and here's the information on the NSEERS database http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/16/13649764/trump-muslim-register-database (to put people in camps, they would need to reinstate the Alien Enemies Act)

I'm still very much against the idea he is advocating regarding Muslims, but I'm also not going to go around scaring people into believing their families are going to be put in camps


I'm still very much against the idea he is advocating regarding Muslims, but I'm also not going to go around scaring people into believing their families are going to be put in camps

For what it's worth, I think you're doing the right thing. There's so many posts in this thread, filled to the brim with hyperbole. I think it's only fair, that there's some common sense being posted to oppose it.


I'm still very much against the idea he is advocating regarding Muslims, but I'm also not going to go around scaring people into believing their families are going to be put in camps

You stated 'misinformation' in subsequent posts so I don't know why you're complaining about it now. If you are so scared of people spreading more 'unnecessary anxiety', then quote them individually.

EDIT: for that matter, your first comment was refuted by other posters for trying to downplay Higbie's comments, yet you continued on and have basically ignored them in favor of saying the same thing over and over.

For what it's worth, I think you're doing the right thing. There's so many posts in this thread, filled to the brim with hyperbole. I think it's only fair, that there's some common sense being posted to oppose it.

What he's posting is not common sense. Why should people assume the best concerning Higbie's comments? Why tell people to ignore the internment camps when he specifically brought it up?


What he's posting is not common sense. Why should people assume the best concerning Higbie's comments? Why tell people to ignore the internment camps when he specifically brought it up?

Because it sounds like people are attributing this to Trump, when in reality it's some far-right nut talking about it.
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