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The 5 games that mean the most to you


Crash Bandicoot
The first game I bought with my parents

Final Fantasy VIII
My first Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD/ Final Fantasy XV/ Final Fantasy XIV
How I met my first girlfriend


Lets see...


Super Mario Land
The first game I ever played when my parents broght a Gameboy from their trip to japan. It was my first console, and it inspired me to ask for an Snes a few years later.


Final Fantasy 7
This is the game that tought me that games can be story based. It was the first Final Fantasy game to be released in europe and the first Rpg I ever played.


World of Warcraft
My first MMO. Unlike most, I was never a very active player. I cared more about discovering the world and played when I was in the mood. I came and went to that game for 6 years until I figured that what kept me was skinner box techniques and the ticking clock of the subscription. Later i tried many other MMOs until i found my ideal place on Guild Wars 2.


Xenosaga series
Despite being on my list, I never actually played this. This is the point where I actually found out about region coding, fucked up European releases and censorship. Not being able to play this game, and later having the sequel released without the original, pissed me so much that I almost went full pirate that day, despite being clean for a whole generation. I dont know if it was due to my inner OCD awakening that day, but for months later I dreamt of finding whoever was responsible for this travesty and feed him a full copy of the european second episode, box and all. Later i also learned about another little known series known as "Tales games" thay my consoles never saw a release until a few years ago, so now I have developed an inner hate towards Namco. The aftermath of that angry phase can still be seen on my current posts.


Demon's Souls
This is the point where I learned to apreciate true difficulty in games. Having said that, few other companies actually make hard games so well.
Planescape: Torment - one of the most intricate, beautiful, and tragic stories I've ever encountered. Yeah, combat was rough, but you play it for the story. It is my #1. I even got the Rune of Torment tattooed on my shoulder.

Dark Souls - just fucking awesome.

Chrono Trigger - hit me right at the time (high school) when, for some reason, it really resonated. I cared about the characters and their struggles. Plus Mitsuda's music is impeccable.

Mass Effect series - showed me what a truly well crafted space epic could look like, while giving me the ability to shape the story how I wanted it. Plus Miranda is my dream wife.

World of Warcraft - it was my constant companion in college. Still can't believe I'd skip dates to raraid ZG. And Tirion's old questline "In Dreams..." still gets me.

Runner Up: Deus Ex: The Conspiracy. What an awesome, awesome game.
Digital Devil Saga 1&2
(I'm just going to count them together as they are virtually one game)
A cast of extremely likable characters. An interesting setting. Good music. Good story. If you played and finished the game I would find it highly unlikely that you wouldn't like all of the party members. Where's Quantum Devil Saga vol 2 already.

Final Fantasy IV
My first Final Fantasy. I dunno what else to say. Easily my favourite of all FF games.

Demon's Souls
My first Souls game. It is what made me fall in love with the series. If I never played this I wouldn't have such a strong love for From Software's Soul series. I only got a PS4 for Bloodborne and while arguably Bloodborne is probably my favourite of them all I feel like Demon's will always be special to me.

Pokemon Crystal
This wasn't my first Pokemon game, but it certainly was the most magically. After playing Pokemon Yellow for so long, when Crystal came out (I think my parents tried to keep me away from G/S so I could get Crystal) it felt amazing. There was a day and night system, the PokeGear was cool and when I beat Johto I got to go back to Kanto afterwards. Nothing in Pokemon has ever come close to feeling as special as this game.

Chrono Trigger
As a poor European I never knew what a Chrono Trigger was. I first found out about it as a DS game. Didn't know any better and such. Thought it was some Dragonball/Dragon Quest deal, saw it in a magazine, it reviewed well, went to a shop and saw it and picked it up. This is just a god damn good video game that everyone should play. It will probably remain a timeless classic.


Gold Member
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (for multiplayer)
The Last of Us
... not sure about a fifth choice.


Fallout - The game that got me into RPGs
Planescape Torment - The game that cemented RPGs as my favorite genre
Thief: The Dark Project - The game that got me into immersive sims
Super Mario Galaxy - Pure bliss
The Last of Us - The only game that has managed to move me


The Last of Us - one of the most well put together games I've ever played (and the only game to make me cry)
Uncharted 1 - gave me Indiana Jones: The Game, and introduced me to my favorite series
Spec Ops The Line - changed the way I looked at shooting games
Medal of Honor Frontline - there's essentially no story, but the game speaks to you emotionally though its music (the best OST I've ever heard) and levels - one of my favorite FPS games
Uncharted 4 - I know it released just the other day, but I really couldn't think of a better way to end my favorite series and I feel honored that I was able to experience them (especially as they were fresh).
Halo 3 - so many memories playing online with friends

The witcher 3 - really got me back into gaming when I thought it was all shit

Red dead redemption - same as the witcher 3 also my first game purchase and preorder with out my mom paying for me

Uncharted 2 - changed my whole entire view of the PS3 if it wasn't for this I probably would've never bought it

Gears of war - blew me away and was that "this is next gen" moment for me and the multiplayer was hilariously fun

Honorable mention - mass effect, I played that series for 3 years straight. Also the yakuza series and the soulsborne series have really grown on me
My first game, my oldest memory of my life. I remember the day I went to buy the NES with my dad.

Link's Awakening
My first own Zelda, and my favourite of the serie. Also on of the first game i completed by myself. I still have the low heart sound ringing in my ears.

Donkey kong Country
David Wise.

Made me wanna pursue graphic design, Changed my taste in music.

Dark Souls
Taught me patience in games.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - not only the greatest game ever made, but also a reminder of how kind my dad can be

Final Fantasy VII - this game reminds me of one of the best friends I've ever had. It also helps that it's still the greatest FF game ever made

Super Mario Bros 3 - my first video game obsession

Mario Kart 64 - the last game my brother and I bonded over before he lost interest in video games

Super Mario Bros - while it's not the first video game I ever saw, it's the game that made me into a gamer (how do you beat this screen? Hang on a minute.......... YOU CAN WALK RIGHT THE THE SCREEN FOLLOWS YOU?!?!)
crash bandicoot 1 - frist game i ever played
kingdom hearts 1 - fondest ps2 memory playing with mates
uncharted 2 - first game that i got for ps3 played through about 6 times
bioshock - love this game so much, very atmospheric
dead space - love this game so much, very atmospheric


Helped me escape from a shitty situation at home, at least for a little while. My abusive father, alcoholic mother and my junkie brother were all forgotten for a little while as I played through the levels.

Pharaoh/Theme Park World:
Easy to play with one hand while holding my newborn daughter with the other. I replayed Pharaoh recently and I swear I could smell the scent of talcum powder and baby lotion.

Got me into RPGs, and made me a lifetime Bethesda fan. Those large open worlds, with mods that change everything I don't like about the game. Also the first game where I got involved in the community, and the only game I ever released mods for.

World of Warcraft:
The first game we played as a family. It was so much fun to pick up the battle chest for my daughter and get her her very first account. She was very ill at the time so we had to take her to the hospital often, and getting her own account put a huge grin on her face. it was rare to see her smile at the time, and that just felt so good.
She was allowed to stay up that year and we escorted her character to booty Bay to see the fireworks since she was to ill to go outside. She thought it was awesome.

It's hard to come up with a fifth. There are a lot of games I love and have fond memories off, and lots that we played together as a couple/family. But those games are probably the ones that mean the most to me.
My daughter is okay now by the way. She's sitting next to me, taking some time off from studying for her exams and is playing world of Warcraft on her own PC :)


Vanilla WoW kept me sane when I was living alone in poverty trying to scrape together enough money for college. It also went a long way towards teaching me how to talk to people, I had zero social skills when I started it and just about went into panic attacks when I was asked to get on ventrilo. I honestly think I would still be sweeping floors and cleaning bathrooms if not for WoW, I was unable to function in job interviews etc for example. Never mind that only having $15 a month in entertainment expenses for 3 years was enough to save up for my tuition.

TIE Fighter taught me that games could be fun without cheating. I used to cheat rampantly in every game, and TIE Fighter had an invulnerability option in the menu. At first I thought it was convenient but it made me realize it was making the game boring. I turned it off and never used cheats in a game again.

Samurai Shodown 2 got me into fighters.

Civilization 1 was the first time my older stepbrother and I really found a game we both loved. We spent tons of hours playing it together. To this day we both get a new Civ game whenever they come out.

I may not like Action Quake at all but it was my introduction to LAN gaming and WASD movement. My high school friends were all super into it, went to my first LAN parties to play it. I had bad dialup so that kind of multiplayer was a huge deal to me. I was glad when we switched to Quake 3 though.


Great idea for a topic. For me it's:


Jet Set Willy. One of the first games I played. Got my Spectrum +2 when I was about 6 and mostly played free demo tapes from magazines (I was too young to actually complete games for the most part anyway) but this one I bought with pocket money. You couldn't actually complete the initial release due to a bug but I was never even close, it was hard as fuck at points. The exploration was so new to me, discovering new rooms, finding out you could go to the moon (no internet to tell me), it showed me just how compelling gaming could be.


Super Mario Bros 3. When I got my NES for Christmas 1990 it came with SMB, Tecmo World Wrestling and this gem. I had dreamed of playing Nintendo for a while, growing up in the 80's and watching stuff like The Wizard, it was so exotic when compared to the Spectrum I had been playing until then, those massive cartridges, the graphics, no loading times... SMB3 was probably the first game I ever completed, it felt like I had been on an epic adventure and was around the time I started to see gaming as a means of escapism.


Doom2. We got the PC in 1994 as my older sister needed one for her GSCE's and I was straight in there with Doom2. The giant cardboard box full of floppys (DOS version) took a while to install but once it was running...It was cutting edge compared to the NES / Mega Drive era games. I still love the atmosphere, their attempt to make post apocalyptic citys using the tech at the time seem quant now but back then it was incredible.


Morrowind. I played this on the Xbox, it was my first proper RPG and certainly the first truly open world game I had played. I must have put 500 hours in, if not more, it totally absorbed me, I used to spend my days at work thinking about what I was going to do in Tamriel that night, rob the vaults at Vivec? track down more Deadric armour? Hunt in the wilderness? It's not aged so well, even with mods but it's still the best ES game and arguably one of the best RPG's of all time.

WOW. 5 Years of my life, some great online friends who I still miss interacting with and arguably my swan song to "real" gaming. I grabbed WoW on impulse in 2005, playing it casually and re-starting so often I thought I would never get to level 40, let alone 60. Then I took a year off and went to Australia (I had money to last me a year in relative comfort). Well that was it for me, between hanging out in the sun and with friends I had plenty of time and just about sufficient internet to get my way to max level. By the time I got home I was in a raiding guild and Burning Crusade had just hit. I had fallen in love with the freedom, the art direction and world building, I really liked some of the guys in the guild and we spun the shit on vent into the small hours while dicking around in game.

Sadly, I burned out and quit around the Lich King era, by the time I dipped back in the guild had gone and most of the people I liked vanished to Horde side / new realms. I kept trying to come back but the spirit of the game was gone, the social element / exploration was being replaced with Finder's, people just sat in queues in the citys waiting for things to happen.

I have never really got into anything since, I now mostly play Hearthstone on the iPad, the PS4 gathers dust largely, my wife's expecting twins so I don't expect this to change. I keep an eye out for anything that might scratch that itch again but I probably should accept it was a product of the time when I was young and free enough to live in Azeroth in it's prime.

Notable mentions: COD4, Streets of Rage 2, Treasure Island Dizzy, Warcraft 2.
World of Warcraft
Quake 2
Quake 3

I can't just pick 5.

Edit: had to change my list as I remembered some things. Man, the OG Xbox era was golden for gaming. Really miss those days.


Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
The game of my childhood.

Jak & Daxter
My teen game. Favorite jump n run.

Gears of War
My first longlasting online multiplayer experience.

Dark Souls
My bible. It changed everything.

Persona 4 Golden
Introduced me to waifu wars.
FF7 - Why Aeris? Why her? You monster!

Persona 4 Golden - I'm gonna save Nanako. then we're going to Junes and grow some veggies. PS Rise is top girl.

Metal Gear Solid 3 - Some day you can snack on a tree frog, Snaaaaaake eaaaaaaaterrrrrr.

Yakuza 3 - One of my hardest platinums.

Gran Turismo 5 - I played this for three years.


Neo Member
uff... 5 games... well, I guess I should start with:

The legend of Zelda: Link's awakening: My first experience with Zelda and immediately fell in love with it... loved every moment in it

Super Metroid: Again, another first experience. Didn't know where I was getting in and wow! I was amazed! Miss an experience like this again... too much info going around!

Tomb raider: The first one of course... I never thought I was going to fall in love with a bunch of triangles. The experience, the dinosaurs, exploring, Lara... what a ride!

The Secret of Mana: Another first experience with Japanese RPGs... and what a blast that was! dragons, multiplayer (Kind of!), story, magic...

and Final Fantasy VII: I never thought a video game could make me feel all those sensations! Sadness, anger, happyness...


Pokemon Blue (GB)
Final Fantasy IX (PS1)
Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Master System)
Mega Man X (Snes)

Not necessarily the best games I played, but definitely, by the time I played them and all (good infancy times), the most remarkable ones, that also got me into many other games.


Grand Theft Auto 3: i never beat the story mode, but i would always just fuck around. My favorite thing to do was to get 5 stars and survive through waves of policemen. I also spent a lot of time driving around, following traffic laws

007 goldeneye: i really only played the multiplayer. Probably my favorite split screen game ever. So many memories and inside jokes were made while playing this game.

Garrys mod: although i dont play it much anymore, its still a game that means alot to me. Ive spent the most hours out of any of my steam games on this game. I also met a lot of great people on through the dark rp servers.

Tony hawk video games: my favorite video game series of all time. I spent countless hours playing these games when i was younger. Every game has a great soundtrack (underground 1 having my favorite soundtrack).

Runescape: ive played this game for almost a decade. Ive played it so much over the years even though stats arent good at all. I honestly suckes at runescape, but ive had great memories on it. You cant beat the feeling of maxing out a stat, or finally obtaining an item youve always wanted. An underrated aspect of runescape is you can multitask while playing it. I used to always watch movies, listen to music and browse 4chan, do my homework etc.
Ordered by the order in which I played them

Pokémon gold
Paper mario 64
Elder scrolls IV oblivion/ V skyrim
Crysis (1)
(Possibly) uncharted 4

Paper mario 64 and Pokémon might be more nostalgia than anything else but they defined my childhood.

Olivion is probably my favourite RPG of all time and it brings me back to where I was in life every time I replay it. Skyrim may not be as good but also got some good memories from it.

Crysis was ahead of its time and was really memorable for me.

Currently uncharted 4 is doing what some of these games did to me. Nowadays i tend to get bored with games (maybe too many open world fetch quests) with uncharted 4 i actually had to stop myself from playing realizing I have to get up for work the next day. I haven't been so drawn into a game for a long time. I haven't finished it yet but simply put it may be the game I remember when i look back at this point in my life.

Runner ups are star wars battlefront (2004) and jedi Academy. As a huge star wars fan I was blown away with what these games brought.I'm a fan of the new battlefront (2015) but it isn't exactly a revolutionary game


Chrono Trigger - I had a very rough time in middle school since I moved to Texas right after elementary. I didn't have any friends and the bulk of the student body and administration hated my guts. One day on the bus I saw a kid reading a strategy guide for Chrono Trigger. We ended up talking about how to get the various endings and he ended up being my first friend and all the other friends I made were pretty much through him.

Super Mario Galaxy - I was pretty much losing interest in games in the time before the Wii released. The death of the Dreamcast hit me hard, The GC was my least favorite Nintendo console, I didn't like the direction games were going, and my favorite genres were all pretty much dying out at the time. Wii sports had turned out to be really fun and my mom has a habit of always buying me the latest Nintendo console so ended up with a Wii despite not really planning on one. I enjoyed the launch but it was Galaxy that reminded me why I love games and reignited a passion for them I hadn't had in years.

Silent Hill - Harry Mason is practically the biggest male role model in my life outside of my father. Everyone involved with Shattered Memories can take a long walk off a short pier.

Shenmue - One of those games that becomes so intimately familiar that it almost becomes a part of your own history. No other game could get me to shed tears and part ways with 500$ at the mere announcement of a possible sequel.

Bust-a-Move 2: Dance Tengoku Mix - This was the crown jewel of my multiplayer gatherings. Everyone had a character, everyone could compete, and we could just spend hours at a time on it. There hasn't been a game like it since my groups tastes have diverged so greatly. There won't be another for game with such fond memories of good times spent with my best friends.
Metal Gear Solid - changed the way the I perceived the place of story in games. Completely blew my mind. Had no idea or understanding of the Metal Gear series prior to playing thi

Final Fantasy VII - the first RPG game that I played and completely changed my outlook on videogames. I had always been of the opinion that the battle system was silly and remember even making fun of friends for playing turn-based RPGs before trying FFVII.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time - played this from start to finish the year that it came out with most of my family watching. Memorable experience and the first Zelda game I had finished from start to end at that point. It was amazing to see where the game had come from my time with Zelda 1 on the NES years prior.

Timesplitters (series) - I anticipated I'm the only one that will have this on my list, but I played Timesplitters throughout the better part of my high school years with my closest friends. So many memories tied to this game

Madden (PS2 series) - again, the same as above. I was a huge sports-gamer back in the day (not so much any longer) and when it wasn't Timesplitters we were playing, it was Madden
Uridium - ZX Spectrum - first game I 'finished' I think. My memory is a little hazy and I remember it just rolling right back to the start of the game. The ZX Spectrum days were a long time ago.

Beach Head/Willow Pattern - ZX Spectrum - played these with my Dad. Nostalgia tinged memories of childhood.

MDK/Day of the Tentacle - PC - played with/helped by my Uncle. Early PC gaming for me on a 386 running Windows 3.1 and DOS 6.0. Oh the memories of config.sys and autoexec.bat :D (I am old as you can tell)

Metel Gear Solid - Playstation - blew my mind. Found out I loved Stealth games and I spent hours and hours studying guard routes and how to sneak past them all.

Red Dead Redemption/The Last of Us - Playstation 3 - Best games I have ever played. From the ZX Spectrum to these two (and Uncharted 2) has made me ponder on occasion how my 6 year old self would have reacted to seeing RDR or TLoU. Probably my tiny mind would have popped out my head.

(I know I cheated a little by technically having 8 (9) games but I am old and I can do what I like!)
ice climber
super mario bros 3
warcraft 2
quake 1
terra nova strike force centauri

something like this. didn't think too hard about it, maybe there should be some yakuza or dark souls there somewhere. or kururin, river city ransom, kirbys. or thief, system shock, deus ex or stalker. or some racing stuff, rfactor or gtr. lol. this type of list might be fine just doing whatever comes to mind first. maybe descent instead of terra nova. hm. no, this is fine. those games meant a lot at different times. might look like I cared a lot more about games quite a long time ago here. hehe whatever. I still care damn it, ds3 is beautiful!


The Legend of Zelda (NES) - The first game I ever played as a little kid, and hooked me on gaming forever. This incredible, immersive, challenging adventure... I used to dream I was in that world. I used to sleep with the gold cart under my pillow, I was so afraid something might happen to it or my save might get deleted. I never beat it as a kid. I think spectacle rock was where I got stuck - had no way of knowing about that.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - I was sent to boarding school in a foreign country, and put in a tiny room with one decent guy and two bullies. Was beat up daily for months, no breaks, no seeing my family. The only thing that kept me going was that my mom said if I got through it she'd buy me an N64 and OoT for summer holidays. I hadn't played anything past the SNES at that time. From the moment I booted it up, it was bliss. It was worth it. Still feel teary at the whole thing. Every moment of it is burned indelibly in my mind. The one game that I needed to be good, after what I'd been through (and as my fav game was TLoZ), and it turned out to be the consensus greatest game of all time. No game will ever mean more to me.

Metroid Prime - I was in college, and imported it. Had tons of free time. First game I enjoyed as an 'adult' living an adult life, and it blew me away. Such fun times. I had expected so little from it, either. I bought it with MK: Deadly Alliance, and genuinely expected MK to be better. What a surprise Prime was.

World of Warcraft - My first online game, first MMO. Played with a guild of real-life friends. Unforgettable year of gaming.

The fifth spot is a tough one, there's tons of games that could go there. I'll go with...
Advance Wars: Dual Strike - I was recovering from surgery and bought the new DS thing that looked so odd with this game. I thought the DS looked like shit, and had no idea what Advance Wars was. The DS turned out to be inredible, and so was AW. I put in 100s of hours as I recovered in bed over a week and a bit, and every moment of it was magical. Some of my happiest gaming ever. (I was on a natural high from the surgery being a success anyway)


Silent Hill 2
The Last of Us
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Shadow of Memories

What they all have in common, is a great atmosphere and story/lore, and the top three have an amazing soundtrack as well. All of them were unforgettable experiences that I'll always cherish.


Haha, these are definitely all going to be biased towards my younger years.

Ocarina of Time
The first time I felt drawn into a world. I got totally obsessed over the little details, the backstory, everything. Even now, I love that place.

Goldeneye/Mario Kart 64
Tied for the unforgettable splitscreen moments. Never happened before, and will never happen again. A unique moment in time when sitting at the couch with your friends was the absolute funnest time you could have.

Duke Nukem 3D
First co-op experience. But also, a tour de force in 3D level design. So much detail; so much interactivity. And funny, too. Even 20 years later, unmatched.

Donkey Kong Country 2
This was the definitive SNES game for me. Beautiful graphics, amazing soundtrack, and challenging as fuck. Getting through this with the help of friends is one of my most cherished gaming memories.
Top five favorite games and why!

1. Kingdom Hearts PS2: fantastic game, and probably the game that got me into RPG's

2. DQ 9 NDS: played through the whole thing with great friends and this was not an easy game at all!

3. Super Mario Land SNES: my first video game, beat it too many times to count!

4. Chrono Trigger SNES/NDS: the best Rpg I have ever played and the most memorable soundtrack!

5. Mario Galaxy Wii: played this In my darkest time all by myself, completed everything you could possibly do in the game. The most perfect Mario game I ever played.

Honorable Mentions:

Link to the past SNES: beating this game at like 9 years old was amazing. Playing LTTP is still great all these years!

Monster Hunter: the best multiplayer game I have ever played


FFVI changed the way I viewed video games as a kid and the reason I enjoy this hobby.

Halo 3 was an awesome way to stay connected to college buddies after graduation, until life took over.


It's kinda like a top 5 of all time list... And it's freakin' hard to do!

So, in no particular order:

Castlevania SOTN: the music, the controls, the overall design, the "metroidvania" birth and perfection.

Journey: a revolution in storytelling IMO. Touching, beautiful, sad. Again, everything about that game feels perfect to me. Sooo many mantears were dropped, every damn time.

God of War 2: fun, impressive, extremely well designed from start to finish. The sense of discovery and adventure is amazing.

SOTC: perfect soundtrack, a precursor in terms of gameplay, mindlessly breaking almost every standards set previously for 3rd person action or adventure games.

Metal Gear Solid: such an amazing game, revolutionary in terms of storytelling, cutscenes and voice acting. Above and beyond everything at that point in time.


Final Fantasy VI - this was the game that got me into JRPGs and RPGs in general. I'd say it still holds great importance to me even to this day. The world, the music, the story and characters. I just posted in another thread about Cyan's story, and how through his loss he clung to another person's story to make himself feel better. It's the little things like this that make the game stand out to me.

Final Fantasy VII - this also has had a big impact on me. Specifically, enjoying the game when I was younger, and then coming back over a decade later and reliving the experiences as if they were for the first time (I'd forgotten many things about the story) and after the experiences I've had as an adult.

SaGa Frontier - one of my favorite games of all time, for being such a unique JRPG. Lots of freedom, lots of layers to the battle system and secrets, and hidden stories in the game. It's unfortunate that it was left unfinished from the original vision because of budget/time constraints. But either way, I've sunk many hours into the game.

Star Ocean 2 - I really enjoyed this game and played it many times. I feel like this game encapsulates the golden age of JRPGs that we had starting on the SNES and leading through the PSX era.

Dark Souls - This game came at a time when my interest in gaming as a whole was fading. Dark Souls, well, the series itself, has shown me that there are games with great gameplay that can still give me the excitement for gaming that I used to have.

EDIT: Looking through this thread, I can see that Square Enix is going to make MAD money with the Final Fantasy VII remake.


I like to break down the games I've played into raw emotions and the feeling I got from playing them. This is just the tip of the iceberg for myself - these games mean an immense amount to me and I've written complex pieces about what they can offer to a willing player.

Super Mario Galaxy - Pure Joy

Zelda: Majora's Mask - Sadness (Healing as a whole)

Okami - Belief (Beauty of the planet and its inhabitants)

Silent Hill 2 - Acceptance (Sometimes we can't accept what's happened. Like a mask over our face we lie to ourselves until we have to face the truth. That's what SH2 gave to me).

Final Fantasy VII - Loss (People come and go but their impact is still felt. It doesn't have to be a specific person - it can be an old lifestyle or resolve that's come to pass)

Want to say Super Metroid, Persona 4, MGS3 and others are close.


Jedi Outcast

Unrivaled melee combat, still the best to this day. Down right amazing multiplayer.

Age of Empires II

The RTS I've played the most. Great LAN game. Fueled my interest for the time period.

Counter-Strike 1.6

Probably the game I've put the most hours in. Only game I have played competitively. Best gunplay of any FPS and great map design.

Battlefield 2

So much fun with friends. Still the best Battlefield. Very immersive for it's time. It's cliche at this point, but there really is no other game series that provide the same experience.

Knights of the Old Republic

My favorite RPG of all time. Peak Bioware. Great writing, characters, and an immersive atmosphere. Cool late game twist.

All of these games where played in my teens, so I'm biased. Does not take away from my experiences at the time however.
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