All prices adjusted for inflation (using NA prices and rounded because rounding numbers rules):For reference:
The PS4 launched at $399 and 3 years later the PS4 Pro launched at $399 with 2.27 times the performance of the PS4.
The PS5 launched at $499 and 4 years later the PS5 Pro launched at $779 (disc drive included) with 1.7 times the performance of the PS5.
The PS4 launched at $540 and 3 years later, the PS4 Pro launched at $520 with 2.27 times the performance of the PS4.
The PS5 launched at $605 and 4 years later the PS5 Pro launched at $780 (disc drive included) with 1.7 times the performance of the PS5.
So, from a -$20 w/PS4 to PS4 Pro to a +$175 w/PS5 to PS5 Pro? Yeah, that's.... not good.
NOTE: Apologies if I got my maths wrong. I am not a maths person.