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MAD MAX |OT| Beyond Thunderpoon


- Mine fields removed or reworked, it's not fun driving around searching for them (maybe allow us to call the dog the same way we call the car, so if we randomly find a field we don't have to go back to base, change to the buggy then drive all the way back)

I would vote for being able to call for the chum buggy cause I liked the minefields. I hated having to go get the special vehicle and drive it all the way over there just to do minefields. Though you didn't have to drive back (you could actually call your vehicle to you I found). The minefields would be fine and even fun if I didn't have to go out of my way to get the right vehicle to do them and that vehicle was useless for everything else.

- Improved car handling across the board, no more spinning out of control for hitting a grain of sand

God yes. This was one of the many elements that combined made that one mission completely unfun and having me want to give up on continuing the story mission (the gastown race one).

- Less scrap locations, remove the 1/1 scrap sites entirely

These bug me less cause I don't feel the need to go after them and many are kinda fun mini-puzzle/challenges. I would erase the 1/1 scrap sites though. Make them have at least a few scrap and a history piece or something else special other than scrap. I guess if that means some get reduced cause it's too much work to add something other than scrap to every single one, I'm ok with that.


I beat the game tonight. I was hoping to get a Platinum trophy but then I noticed that "Up to the Task" trophy. Ugh. Complete every non-repeating challenge?! There's like shit ton of them.

Worse, I was completing every area as I went along so now the wasteland is virtually deserted of enemies! I'm kinda screwed. I have every other trophy but that one (and oddly, I'm missing the one for completing the first Dinki Di mission which must have glitched on me.) If I loaded an earlier save point, I doubt my challenges will remain the same.

This sucks. I am so close but it doesn't seem like I'll ever get the Platinum for this now.


I beat the game tonight. I was hoping to get a Platinum trophy but then I noticed that "Up to the Task" trophy. Ugh. Complete every non-repeating challenge?! There's like shit ton of them.

Worse, I was completing every area as I went along so now the wasteland is virtually deserted of enemies! I'm kinda screwed. I have every other trophy but that one (and oddly, I'm missing the one for completing the first Dinki Di mission which must have glitched on me.) If I loaded an earlier save point, I doubt my challenges will remain the same.

This sucks. I am so close but it doesn't seem like I'll ever get the Platinum for this now.

Enemies still show up (in cars) when you've reduced the threat to zero in a certain region. The only thing that's gone for good are the convoys, but none of the challenges are specifically tied to them.

- Mine fields removed or reworked, it's not fun driving around searching for them (maybe allow us to call the dog the same way we call the car, so if we randomly find a field we don't have to go back to base, change to the buggy then drive all the way back)
- Improved car handling across the board, no more spinning out of control for hitting a grain of sand
- Richer story that develops a little slower
- Unique Top Dogs serving as more substantial boss fights instead of the palette swaps we have now
- Less scrap locations, remove the 1/1 scrap sites entirely
- Unique territory objectives, don't just have the same check-list over and over
- Wardrobe feature that lets you change Max's appearance and attire, independently of stats

I would also add a better endgame to that list. The current one is idiotic
it basically negates the ending and Hope and Glory are still alive


Enemies still show up (in cars) when you've reduced the threat to zero in a certain region. The only thing that's gone for good are the convoys, but none of the challenges are specifically tied to them.

Not true from my experience. I drove for 10 minutes post completing the game and never saw a single vehicle. The only cars I saw were a couple stopped at the side of the road. Also, some challenges require you to use specific cars to destroy other specific cars, like using the spiked Buzzard to destroy another Buzzard vehicle, etc. I'm not even sure I even have that vehicle in my garage.

You may think I'm exaggerating but I honestly drove from Jeet's to Gastown and back and didn't encounter a single enemy vehicle on the road.


Well that sucks. Maybe I got the regions wrong, because I've still got Pink Eye's territory threat level at 1 (all that's left are the minefields) and I did encounter other cars. Anyway I was never going to fight for a platinum so I'm not that mad. ;)


Good news. I booted up the game over lunch and started seeing cars on the road again. I wasn't sure if it was me rebooting my console or it being daytime in the game but thankfully cars started showing up.

Hopefully I can knock out all these challenges. Some are pretty cryptic.

Btw, only 0.4% of players have this trophy. Less than half of one percent.


This was too funny not to share.

So background is I'm really frustrated cause this camp keeps sending me multiple waves of enemies and I keep dieing on the third wave (and I am being stubbern about not killing the war crier cause I like hearing his comments). The info on it also warned me about a lot of explosives.... Also... storms have been hitting a lot in my game (and it's annoying me when I'm just trying to fight a bunch of people, I can't see very well).

So eventually I decide to stop sneaking in and open the door and just lead them outside the camp (I find I do better if I can lead them out where there is more space). Goddamnit, a storm again?!!!!! Well they don't want to leave the camp (don't know if it is the storm) which is making it easier cause I can take them one by one cause one will eventually come out... oh, and the lightning picked off one for me, yay. And then... lightning again... WTF just happened? Everyone in front of me dies, I am thinking it is about to tell me I died... and then it said I have successfully kicked everyone out/destroyed the three oil pumps (I hadn't even gotten to them yet). Apparently, I got really lucky with one lightning strike that pretty much took out the whole camp for me (I was only on the first wave of enemies too this try). Well... shit, I don't get to hear the war crier (yet again, seems every time I manage to leave them alive this time it's right before I win the camp so they disappear)... but that was just as funny and totally random. OH... and very cheaty feeling but hey.. randomness works.


Good news. I booted up the game over lunch and started seeing cars on the road again. I wasn't sure if it was me rebooting my console or it being daytime in the game but thankfully cars started showing up.

Hopefully I can knock out all these challenges. Some are pretty cryptic.

Btw, only 0.4% of players have this trophy. Less than half of one percent.

I always use psnprofiles for the statistics and it shows that 6.81% of its members have gotten a platinum so it's not that bad. :) The challenges trophy is by far the rarest one, the next one is winning all races with legendary times using the archangels. Looting all locations trophy is fifth rarest so I guess it's more about the difficulty, not about how much time you want to invest in the game. :)

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
And done. If anyone cares I wrote a little review for Metacritic:

Mad Max - 7/10: Mad Max is an open world brawler made by the devs behind the Just Cause series. If you've played any of the Batman games you'll be familiar with the combat system as it's very similar, and while it doesn't massively improve upon the formula it does implement it very well. You have your standard light attack, heavy attack, parry and dodge, but on top of that you also have brutal knife finishers which you can perform while carrying knives which are found throughout the game, there are many different kill animations depending on the angle you attack from and they're all very satisfying to pull off and watch. As well as knife finishers you also have Fury kills which are equally visceral and are performed on weak enemies while in Fury mode which is activated once you fill your Fury meter. The combat is definitely the best thing about the game, it's very fluid and just done well, as you upgrade Max you unlock more skills that allow you to pull off even more devastating moves.

As is the trend these days in open world games there are icons all over the map with optional content that add nothing to the game, and even hurts the overall experience I'd argue as tedium does start to set in after awhile, at least it did for me. I would like to see most, if not all of the pointless scrap locations removed if they ever make a sequel, and I would urge the devs to avoid reusing the territory system which is extremely boring, you are basically doing the exact same checklist of objectives over and over just in different zones, it got boring about half way through. Now in stark contrast the side quests and especially the main story are both fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed them, had the game had more content like that instead of the filler fluff it would have gone from being merely good to great. Another area where the devs really shot themselves in the foot was the Top Dogs who acted as bosses throughout the game, after you kill the first one you're thinking “wow, that was cool” but later you come to realize every Top Dog is exactly the same, just with a different name and a palette swap. If Avalanche make a sequel I would like to see unique bosses instead of the same one recycled 20 times.

Other than the pointless fluff content, the biggest issue with the game is the car handling, it's really, really bad. I can't stress enough just how much the car handling hurt my overall experience. Even a fully upgraded Magnum Opus (your car) will spin out of control for seemingly no reason, and God forbid you clip a bucket or something equally insignificant while moving at speed, this will send you into an uncontrollable tailspin. And that's the Magnum Opus, other vehicles you're forced to drive for quests and races handle much worse.

Now the game does do a lot right as well, the cut-scenes are fantastic, helped massively by some top quality voice work. The game also looks stunning, and it runs almost perfectly on PC, I say almost because there is an issue where you will micro freeze for a split second infrequently, I have confirmed this with at least 20 other people who all have the same problem. Other than that blip the game runs at 60fps on max settings without issue, and you don't need a GTX 980 to pull it off, it's extremely well optimised for a wide range of configurations.

In closing I will say I enjoyed the game and I definitely recommend it, maybe not at full price but if it's ever on sale I would snap it up for sure. Just don't get sucked into the fluff content as it will fatigue you by the time you get to the end of the game.


I always use psnprofiles for the statistics and it shows that 6.81% of its members have gotten a platinum so it's not that bad. :) The challenges trophy is by far the rarest one, the next one is winning all races with legendary times using the archangels. Looting all locations trophy is fifth rarest so I guess it's more about the difficulty, not about how much time you want to invest in the game. :)

Whew! It was super tedious but I did it.


The screenshot shows me standing in front of Dinki Di because I somehow skipped the Dinki Di mission on my first play through so I had to go back replay the first 45 minutes of the game again to get that missing trophy.

Big tip for anyone who wants to Platinum this game: Don't destroy all the convoys until you've gotten the "Stick It To Ya" challenge. Trust me.


Congrats. I'm still waiting on a patch after my map stopped working like 3 or 4 days ago. :/ I usually make backup saves on my USB drive, but I was too late with this one.


noob question that almost certainly has already been answered, but does this game become repetitive as you go, or is there enough variation and interesting stuff going on to keep things fresh?

Community's response will pretty much sell or not sell the game to me :D



noob question that almost certainly has already been answered, but does this game become repetitive as you go, or is there enough variation and interesting stuff going on to keep things fresh?

Community's response will pretty much sell or not sell the game to me :D


Honestly, i think this game is kind of "clean the map" game. But it satisfies the player with upgrade system. It makes you addicted to collect somehow. I've played for 17 hours by now and i still want to play.

Fighting (both car and melee) is amazingly fun i can say that. So you may want to give it a chance.


Gold Member
- Mine fields removed or reworked, it's not fun driving around searching for them (maybe allow us to call the dog the same way we call the car, so if we randomly find a field we don't have to go back to base, change to the buggy then drive all the way back)
- Improved car handling across the board, no more spinning out of control for hitting a grain of sand
- Richer story that develops a little slower
- Unique Top Dogs serving as more substantial boss fights instead of the palette swaps we have now
- Less scrap locations, remove the 1/1 scrap sites entirely
- Unique territory objectives, don't just have the same check-list over and over
- Wardrobe feature that lets you change Max's appearance and attire, independently of stats
Came to thread and thought these were patch notes. Shame they're not.
Good suggestions.


Well shit... I don't htink I'm going to finish this game :(. I thought it was my controller breaking but apparently it's the game bugging out. I can't bring up the map anymore cause the game does not respond at all to the touch pad click (but when it did so with both controllers and I tried it on minecraft and minecraft worked fine with the touchpad button I'm pretty sure it's the game).

I mean sure I could keep playing it but it's going to feel a lot more chore if I can't bring up the map to tell me where to go. I've tried restarting the game and that doesn't work (multiple times).

Apparently I was more than 3/4's of the way through too. Damnit. Well at least I managed to clear out every area last night (all threats to 0 :) ). But now I don't know what to play while waiting for Fallout :(. I was thinking worse came to worse I could start working on collecting all the history pieces while waiting for fallout (The game is a great time waster). But I'm not dedicated enough to want to do that without at least looking at the map and figuring out which scavenger spots to go to. It's why I'm not doing that for Dying Light where you actually have to find the text pieces (I love finding little pieces that tell you about the world). Well unless I go and find a map online of where to find them but that defeats the purpose (Yeah, the map does kinda in Mad Max but each scavenging spot they did a good job of making it a little puzzle to find all the items. I just don't like not having any hint of where to look first on a large map but I don't want to be told exactly where either).
Thinking about picking the game up today and curious as to which version is better, ps4 or xbox one?

Can't wait to play this. Looking forward to Just Cause 3!


I loved it at first, it was really fun but I just got to a storyline mission where I have to do some crappy race in some crappy archangel and holy shit the handling is terrible. So I refuse to replay the race for the 50th time and try and win. But anyway, better handling for the cars and I would have loved this game. Also, It's pronounced Dinky Die, not Dinky Dee, how the devs did enough research to call it Dinki Di but not learn how to pronounce it confuses me.


I loved it at first, it was really fun but I just got to a storyline mission where I have to do some crappy race in some crappy archangel and holy shit the handling is terrible. So I refuse to replay the race for the 50th time and try and win. But anyway, better handling for the cars and I would have loved this game. Also, It's pronounced Dinky Die, not Dinky Dee, how the devs did enough research to call it Dinki Di but not learn how to pronounce it confuses me.

Which race? The first one that you have to do to get your partner with Crow Dazzle? I doubt it is that one but if it is there is an easy solution, shoot all your competitors with the thunderpoon. Blowing up your competition is fair game.

The one I suspect you are talking about is the gastown race. The thing that finally got me through that (and I was ready to say fuck it, I'll just have fun clearing camps and doing htat stuff and not finish the game) was realizing that where the raceway forks (you'll notice a few areas you can choose which way to go), if you go down the correct fork you will go through a white mist and get healed. After I figured that trick I actually managed to win it on the third or fourth try (though more important than staying top speed is to be careful and not hit things so better to go a little slower and not hit stuff. The game also will make sure you can catch up if you get behind, it doesn't let him get far enough that it's really impossible to catch up). Though with 15 seconds to spare before my car blew up. Talk about last minute. and yes, I was cursing the handling a lot on that mission. As well as the endless enemies spawning to protect the guy I was supposed to be destroying. Who all seemed to know their purpose wasn't to win the game but was to keep me from catching up or making a hit on the main guy (they'd either make sure to pin me down at the expense that they also were slowed down or make sure to get in the way of a good shot of the main guy). Oh, and extra tip
That's not the end of the mission. You get to do a lot of fighting and getting through stuff before it ends though hopefully it checkmarks after the race <- I don't know, I made extra sure not to die at that point just in case it didn't but with the way the game is usually done I'm pretty sure it had a checkpoint after the race

Now if there is a third race that is not the gastown race and you found the gas town race doable, I think I'm just going to be glad the game is not really finishable right now for me (I ran into the bug where you can't look at the map and nothing will fix it for me). Though supposedly they know and are working on a fix.


Well shit... I don't htink I'm going to finish this game :(. I thought it was my controller breaking but apparently it's the game bugging out. I can't bring up the map anymore cause the game does not respond at all to the touch pad click (but when it did so with both controllers and I tried it on minecraft and minecraft worked fine with the touchpad button I'm pretty sure it's the game).

I mean sure I could keep playing it but it's going to feel a lot more chore if I can't bring up the map to tell me where to go. I've tried restarting the game and that doesn't work (multiple times).

It's a well-known bug, I also suffer from it. Apparently they're onto it, but I guess they're not in a hurry. ;) I'm patient for the time being, but I certainly won't be buying Just Cause 3 on day1.


It's a well-known bug, I also suffer from it. Apparently they're onto it, but I guess they're not in a hurry. ;) I'm patient for the time being, but I certainly won't be buying Just Cause 3 on day1.

From the developer via the steam forum, hope it helps:

In some cases there are workarounds you can do in the game if you experience an issue where the map will no longer open:
Workaround 1: Go to a Vantage Outpost that you have not previously visited, scout out a new object with the binoculars, and close the binoculars. When the map is triggered it will restore your ability to open the map. After that be sure to play until an auto-save point to update your save data.
Workaround 2: Interacting with an object will sometimes resolve the issue such as picking up fuel, looting a body, looting scrap and looting an ammo box.


From the developer via the steam forum, hope it helps:
In some cases there are workarounds you can do in the game if you experience an issue where the map will no longer open:
Workaround 1: Go to a Vantage Outpost that you have not previously visited, scout out a new object with the binoculars, and close the binoculars. When the map is triggered it will restore your ability to open the map. After that be sure to play until an auto-save point to update your save data.
Workaround 2: Interacting with an object will sometimes resolve the issue such as picking up fuel, looting a body, looting scrap and looting an ammo box.

Sadly I cannot do the first as I already have done all the vantage outposts and I've done several of the 2nd and it hasn't worked (been going to scavenging spots I can find while I wait for a fix).


From the developer via the steam forum, hope it helps:

That worked in the previous version of the game. After the latest patch there are no workarounds. Unless you made backup saves regularly (I didn't ;)) you have only two options now - explore the world without a map or wait for the next patch to fix things.


Gold Member
hunh? biggest (actually, more like 'only') disappointment with the game so far: i 100% jeet's territory (all areas, all missions, all garage upgrades), & my reward is - nothing?! no cutscene? maybe a hood ornament, or an outfit? nope. nada. nuthin' :( ...


I keep waiting to get to the "meat" of the game. I'm at Pink Eye's place and everything still feels like a Far Cry 3 side-op.
I keep waiting to get to the "meat" of the game. I'm at Pink Eye's place and everything still feels like a Far Cry 3 side-op.

In hindsight, that's how I felt too. Shortly after getting to Pink Eye's territory, I went back and cleared all areas of threats and finished building all of the stronghold projects. That said, after that is when the game really picks up and you get to the meat of the main storyline.


Does the game disable the map at points? I've noticed, twice, that when I don't advance the story and instead go scavengering and doing side content eventually my map is taken away. It's pissing me off. I've used two separate Dualshock 4 controllers to make sure. Once I've done three or so main missions my map is restored.
Does the game disable the map at points? I've noticed, twice, that when I don't advance the story and instead go scavengering and doing side content eventually my map is taken away. It's pissing me off. I've used two separate Dualshock 4 controllers to make sure. Once I've done three or so main missions my map is restored.

I think that might be the glitch. I never even heard about it until after I'd already finished the game. I never experienced it myself, even when I was plowing through side-content.
I know that I'm totally part of the problem and shouldn't be promoting this kind of busywork collec-a-thon gameplay, BUT... you know, most of the scavenging locations are actually unique, and also have some pretty interesting and/or neat design elements/layouts. Some are almost mini-camps, it's not just loot 1 scrap from an abandoned cargo container x100. I'm near the end of the game as far as the story goes, and the basic gameplay loops of driving/combat are enjoyable enough that I'm finding myself just starting the game up and knocking out a few of the scavenging locations just to see them/explore. Only a few at a time, I don't burn myself out and it doesn't feel menial, like the kinds of random crap you can collect in Assassin's Creed games for example (never did any of that). It is a shame these sometimes quite interesting locations weren't put to better use though.
I know that I'm totally part of the problem and shouldn't be promoting this kind of busywork collec-a-thon gameplay, BUT... you know, most of the scavenging locations are actually unique, and also have some pretty interesting and/or neat design elements/layouts. Some are almost mini-camps, it's not just loot 1 scrap from an abandoned cargo container x100.

I would have been much more likely to visit them all if they all had scrap pallets instead of just a few individual pieces.


Does the game disable the map at points? I've noticed, twice, that when I don't advance the story and instead go scavengering and doing side content eventually my map is taken away. It's pissing me off. I've used two separate Dualshock 4 controllers to make sure. Once I've done three or so main missions my map is restored.

It's a bug (a bug they know about and have acknowledged). I ran into it. Feel lucky your map eventually comes back. Mine hasn't yet since it went away :(. I was 3/4 of the way to finishing the story and had all territories to threat level 0. I was going to go try to get all the history pieces next while I waited for Fallout to come out. But... it's just not worth the frustration trying to find my way around to finish the game. I even just went around to scavenging areas I could find cause I heard that if you loot stuff sometimes the map comes back (every other fix I heard I cannot do as it involves having sutff you haven't done yet and I've done it). No luck. So if I finish the game it will be when they announce a patch.

I know that I'm totally part of the problem and shouldn't be promoting this kind of busywork collec-a-thon gameplay, BUT... you know, most of the scavenging locations are actually unique, and also have some pretty interesting and/or neat design elements/layouts. Some are almost mini-camps, it's not just loot 1 scrap from an abandoned cargo container x100.

I fully agree with this. It is a collectathon game but it doesn't get tiresome cause each destination is different and they're very creative about hiding stuff and it does make you work to find it. It's not just go to this marker and find it.


I agree as well. The scrap locations are very different from each other. I can't wait until the patch is released so I can finish visiting all of them. They're much much better than the optional locations from Far Cry 3 & 4.


It's a bug (a bug they know about and have acknowledged). I ran into it. Feel lucky your map eventually comes back. Mine hasn't yet since it went away :(. I was 3/4 of the way to finishing the story and had all territories to threat level 0. I was going to go try to get all the history pieces next while I waited for Fallout to come out. But... it's just not worth the frustration trying to find my way around to finish the game. I even just went around to scavenging areas I could find cause I heard that if you loot stuff sometimes the map comes back (every other fix I heard I cannot do as it involves having sutff you haven't done yet and I've done it). No luck. So if I finish the game it will be when they announce a patch.

I fully agree with this. It is a collectathon game but it doesn't get tiresome cause each destination is different and they're very creative about hiding stuff and it does make you work to find it. It's not just go to this marker and find it.

I spoke too soon. My map is gone and it is not coming back. I tried the workarounds too. I submitted a bug report. I'm moving on to another game. I can't really progress like this.
I pretty much hated my first 2 or 3 hours with this but it's really grown on me now, i like the barren vibe of the world and the sense of weight and force the explosions and impacts have. Fun game.


Man story got really heavy in last couple of missions. Now i want even more to see Mad Max 2 and even more
fucked up and brutal Max


I spoke too soon. My map is gone and it is not coming back. I tried the workarounds too. I submitted a bug report. I'm moving on to another game. I can't really progress like this.

Great isn't it. I'd cleared the whole map, everywhere are zero threat. Then got a glitch that made it impossible to continue the story about halfway through. Kissed 40+ hour save goodbye.

Then got the map glitch about 3 missions out from finishing the game the 2nd time through. Luckily I was still able to complete the game. I'd cleared everything again on the 2nd run and the idea of having to do a 3rd made my want to jump off a building.


Gold Member
I pretty much hated my first 2 or 3 hours with this but it's really grown on me now, i like the barren vibe of the world and the sense of weight and force the explosions and impacts have. Fun game.

First hours are easily the worst because of how underpowered Max and the car are.
I really need to stop fooling around the world and get to the actual missions. 25 hours in and my next stop is to
get the V8 in Gastown.
Taking forever to get through this game.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I spoke too soon. My map is gone and it is not coming back. I tried the workarounds too. I submitted a bug report. I'm moving on to another game. I can't really progress like this.

I have the same issue. Was going to run cleanup. My Max is uh, Maxed, and balloons have all seen everything. I have no more options. Fucking sucks, because I'd love to 100% it but it ain't worth it with no guide. Terrible shit.
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