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iOS Gaming February 2014: It's Groundhog Day and we have Season Passes for Everyone!

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Yep, going to join in with the crowd and push the agenda for Threes. The game is deceivingly simple and compelling. It's so simple, fun, and rewarding I actually gifted a copy to my mother so she can play it on her ipad mini. Can't say that about too many other puzzle games.

The sound design is fantastic. The little voices that come out from the pieces are just damned adorable.

I have encountered a bug on my Air where the audio doesn't play (did this the first time I played the game, in fact). Restarting fixes it, however.

I unlocked 192 with the sound off! I was so bummed!!!

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Full movement would probably break Rayman since you'd be able to just backtrack and collect any coins you miss.

Went ahead and bought Threes. I couldn't fully wrap my head around how it plays as I was watching the trailer, but Puzzlejuice was some good shit so I'm in.
Yeah that's why I was curious. I prefer the way they have it currently anyways I think it leads to a tighter experience then Origins.


I guess I'm soulless, but I think the sound effects are the worst part of Threes. I can see them becoming grating pretty quickly. I know they can be turned off, but I'd still appreciate an audio cue when I've made a match.


So is Threes actually good? Or just Hundreds-good? As in people will forgot about it in a couple weeks. That game was so overrated


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Curious about all the Threes praise, I'm trying to understand how it plays before I take the plunge though. I get wary when I see numbers in games like this since I usually don't enjoy puzzles that involve any sort of math.


So is Threes actually good? Or just Hundreds-good? As in people will forgot about it in a couple weeks. That game was so overrated

Haha, I know 100% what you mean. I don't think I've never regretted waiting to buy an iOS game, but I often have regretted jumping on the day 1 hype train.

I'm sure it's fun, but... Math? Man, I chose my degree and my job trying to AVOID math! Not make it how I spend my leisure time. ;p

I'm still enjoying my time with puzzle & dragons. I think the key to the game is to not take it too seriously or play it obsessively, unlike the majority of the people in the OT. Sometimes it sounds like Stockholm Syndrome reading that thread and peoples reactions to Gungho, the developer, or the RNG.
Curious about all the Threes praise, I'm trying to understand how it plays before I take the plunge though. I get wary when I see numbers in games like this since I usually don't enjoy puzzles that involve any sort of math.

It is basically a tile sliding puzzle game where you combine numbers to make higher numbers and repeat.

I don't think it'll be a long lasting game, but it'll probably be something to keep around for the odd play here or there.

Lee N

Curious about all the Threes praise, I'm trying to understand how it plays before I take the plunge though. I get wary when I see numbers in games like this since I usually don't enjoy puzzles that involve any sort of math.

Here's a "trailer":



So is Threes actually good? Or just Hundreds-good? As in people will forgot about it in a couple weeks. That game was so overrated

Threes is actually good, and will likely be forgotten about in a couple of weeks. I don't think that should stop you from spending $1.99 to enjoy an actually good game for a couple of weeks, or days, or hours.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
It is basically a tile sliding puzzle game where you combine numbers to make higher numbers and repeat.

I don't think it'll be a long lasting game, but it'll probably be something to keep around for the odd play here or there.

Thanks guys, I grabbed it and will be checking it out later in bed. Doesn't hurt that from the App Store description it's actually on a release sale. :p

And yeah, I don't mind a game in this price range not lasting me forever. 10000000 was probably the shortest lived matching game I ever played and it still left me completely satisfied.
Thanks guys, I grabbed it and will be checking it out later in bed. Doesn't hurt that from the App Store description it's actually on a release sale. :p

And yeah, I don't mind a game in this price range not lasting me forever. 10000000 was probably the shortest lived matching game I ever played and it still left me completely satisfied.

That's it. I never want to touch 10000000 again in my life. But I loved playing it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Looks like Sonic 1 and CD just got iOS7 controller support (I believe 2 already has it).

The Taxman delivereth....


I am having a blast playing Baldur's Gate II on my iPad. First BG game I've played, here's hoping Dragon Age: Origins eventually gets released.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Looks like Sonic 1 and CD just got iOS7 controller support (I believe 2 already has it).

The Taxman delivereth....


I want iCade support for Sonic CD!! SONIC 1 and 2 both got it after an update, and yet I've been waiting ever since day1 to play Sonic CD with it :(

The other night I tried Stealth inc. on the iCade and it was glorious
It's not bad, but it was just an ok puzzle game IMO. Nothing amazing, and yet it was hyped to insane levels back when it first came out
I never really considered it a straight puzzle game. I've always thought of it as twitchy reflex puzzle action, and in that regard, I think the game excels.



It's everything I loved about Triple Town, but much better. Oh god this was a bad idea.


formerly "chigiri"

I want iCade support for Sonic CD!! SONIC 1 and 2 both got it after an update, and yet I've been waiting ever since day1 to play Sonic CD with it :(

The other night I tried Stealth inc. on the iCade and it was glorious

Unless ION brings out an iOS controller API iCade, I'm pretty sure unfortunately that the iCade is a dead accessory. :/


I just realized that now that I have an iPad, I could theoretically buy Yoot Tower for 7.99 - anyone have any impressions? I fear crummy vintage ports more than anything else.


Threes! is awesome.
Getting it in bed was a really really REALLY dumb idea tough.

Personally I do not care if it lasts 2 weeks or 3 days....it's very addictive, incredibly well made (even if tweets do not work for me) and has a lot of personality.
And it's pocket change.

Do not be deceived by the 'number' things....it's not a math game.
Think it like Triple Town where you slide towards the walls the entire board.

I do not even care about the high score (and it's a high score game)....but I'm obsessively playing it just because it's so fun and I want to unlock the various 'characters'.
Plus, the music and sounds are awesome imho.


Right, I need Threes. That gif above sold me instantly. Might grab Warhammer Quest as well. Anything to try and stop me playing Puzzle & Dragons.


Can anyone explain whaT DLC for Warhammer Quest is worth getting? What DLC are true content packs, needed for "completing" the game? Can you complete the game without buying any of the DLC?

You do not need anything else to actually enjoy the game.
If you want to see the complete story arc of the main quest, you need the Reikland and Averland DLC, they add whole new explorable regions and quests, plus new enemies and tile sets.
Each region has a 'proper' ending tough (black quest).

The Vampire and Undead DLC add just them, they provide more variations in white quests but no story based quests.

You can freely ignore all the rest, except in the case you really want to play a certain class.

I suggest playing a bit the base game...if you like it just buy the region expansions (and maybe later the Vampire&Undead DLCs).

Be sure to play in hardcore.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Threes is indeed pretty fun. After some low initial scores I managed to get 3.513 points in bed yesterday, which is my high score so far. My other two matches today were all in the 3000s.

Like Pitta say you're not really using math in a strict sense, aside from the 2s and 1s you're just morphing pieces with the same number on top. It could work with colors or shapes, but the numbers have the advantage of making the progression crystal clear.

It has a way of keeping you hooked and thinking about your next step instead of just sliding haphazardly, and I can feel myself getting better at it with each try. The difference here for me is that it keeps you coming back simply because it's clever, as opposed to the usual RNG crack addiction-style from many of the current puzzle games. I feel as comfortable putting it down for a while as I feel going for one more run.

It has no bullshit time limits, it doesn't rush you, no IAP. It's a well crafted and polished puzzle game with no bloat, simple to play, challenging to master. Most definitely worth a purchase at the current price (or a wishlist entry :p).

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Unless ION brings out an iOS controller API iCade, I'm pretty sure unfortunately that the iCade is a dead accessory. :/

MAME is all I'll ever need to make it more than worthwhile to me forever ;)
but even then Stealth Inc. was released recently and it has iCade support, same for Sportsplatformer (remake/port of the C-64 game, pretty good) so it seems they're still adding support.

R-Type 2 is also coming soon and Dot-Emu confirmed iCade support from the get-go.

Of course support is gonna slow down and eventually stop bar a few releases, but I don't see it as a dead accessory. Of course if you're interested in playing everything with a controller it's not the way to go, but mostly I'm more interested in playing with its little coin-OP cab than taking out a proper controller while putting the iPad on the table :)


Threes is pure crack.

I suck at it, but it's pure crack.

When I am not playing it, I'm singing the music score.
Threes feels like a nice evolution of the ideas behind Pudding Monsters, itself a nice evolution of the ideas behind sliding block puzzles in Zelda. Definitely not a math game. Hoping the use of numerals doesn't put anyone else off that might've liked it.
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