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Famitsu 05th Aug


ethelred said:
Maybe not 5 billion, but I'd sure have a hard as hell time recommending the Luminous Arc games to anyone when there are infinitely better offerings like Devil Survivor, Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Valkyrie Profile Tactics, and Knights in the Nightmare.

I also quite like Rondo of Swords, it's rough, but an intriguing mechanic and very high difficulty.


ethelred said:
Maybe not 5 billion, but I'd sure have a hard as hell time recommending the Luminous Arc games to anyone when there are infinitely better offerings like Devil Survivor, Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Valkyrie Profile Tactics, and Knights in the Nightmare.

Luminous Arc is a nice little distraction if you get past the... amazingly shit story and some of the more questionable game play mechanics. You get the "win!" button character halfway through the game, anyway, so that makes it go by much quicker.


xfactor said:
Wizardry - Wedge of Life
- DS
- Art direction: Jun Suemi
- Monster design include: Ikeda Masaki, TOHRU, Miho Midorikawa
- Turn-base battle (?)
- 3D dungeon RPG
- use the DS's touch screen to examine the traps you find in the dungeon, solving sliding puzzles and the like along the way.
- overhead map on the top screen

Wizardry ~Wedge of Life~ scans are up
and some direct feed pics from Famitsu.com


cvxfreak said:
I like the sound of Super Mario Collection. Maybe the FC and SFC games remade in the NSMB style?

Would be nice, but I think that probably would be a bit too much like right. :lol

But then again...wasn't some body saying something about a "Super Mario Museum", waaaaaaaaay back in one of the many Ninty-related E3 threads, months ago? Maybe that's what this could end up being.

Of course, it would work out that the only way they would get around to putting out something like this, is because the newest generation of DS's doesn't have GBA play-back, thus making a nice-sized "mandate" to put out the classic titles....again. :D;

Not like I would mind though...especially if it would be the means to giving us a SNES-perfect port of Yoshi's Island...something I'm STILL waiting for on the VC...
Maybe a collection of the 4 Super Mario Advance games. Yoshi Island had 6 extra levels, and SMB3 had 32 e-reader levels. (I don't remember if SMB2/SMW had any extra content, I think not)
Of course they could be better ports (restore resolution mainly), but retaining the extra content.


Wizardry DS has turn based battles, but the actual dungeon exploration is realtime, this is sets it apart from other first person dungeon crawlers on the DS, since this means the traps and stuff you have to avoid are actually presented in realtime (like avoiding a swinging axe, etc). Cool.
duckroll said:
Wizardry DS has turn based battles, but the actual dungeon exploration is realtime, this is sets it apart from other first person dungeon crawlers on the DS, since this means the traps and stuff you have to avoid are actually presented in realtime (like avoiding a swinging axe, etc). Cool.

Wasn't there another fairly old school RPG with a similar setup? Mainly recalling limited time to escape death rooms/traps and the like...but drawing a blank.

Definitely hope all make their way stateside.


Yaweee said:
Well holy shit. That is easily the best looking of the DS FPRPGs.

I took this to be hyperbolic, but... no, it really does look fantastic. I'm impressed. I don't actually have too many first person DS RPGs (just Deep Labyrinth, which I think is pretty crappy, and the two EOs; I have a firm No Success policy after I've been burned by their junk
too many times, so no Dark Spire). However, this looks terribly promising!

Of course, I could also be missing out on flaws since I'm viewing the pictures on my phone.
Yaweee said:
Well holy shit. That is easily the best looking of the DS FPRPGs.

Hmm...MAYBE. I'd say the Fighting Fantasy: Warlock of Firetop Mountain game due out fairly soon would at least be the strongest competition as far as I can reckon.

Some screens remind me of "modern" mode in Dark Spire cranked up some notches.


Who's actually developing Wizzie DS?

I'm not sure what to think about it. Absolutely love Wizzie 8 - one of my favorite RPG combat systems. Yet I was fairly disappointed in EO - reported a Wizardry clone. Hmm.
Llyranor said:
Who's actually developing Wizzie DS?

I'm not sure what to think about it. Absolutely love Wizzie 8 - one of my favorite RPG combat systems. Yet I was fairly disappointed in EO - reported a Wizardry clone. Hmm.
Suzak is developing.

What disappointed you about EO?


Llyranor, I thought we were once friends, but you that you've set your bed with the enemy's camp you are now an outcast, an infidel, a heretic. We will hunt you down until your bones no longer grace the pure ground upon which our land rests. :(


Good to see more PS3 games coming out in Japan, not familiar with the Wizardry series though.


Wizardry DS is supposed to be Amazon-exclusive, right? Although it looks great it's already predetermind to sell only a few copies. What a shame.


Yes, I just noticed that as well. I thought I was reading it wrong, but it looks like this game is an Amazon Japan exclusive. Lolz.


Well, I enjoyed EO enough to get down to 20F-ish. It's just that pacing went down to a crawl whenever you tried to try out different character builds. You either stuck with what builds you came up with to begin with, or made new chars/classes/respecs, but doing so was a big time investment that amounted to grinding. Game should have allowed you to customize chars (and re-customize) more easily in-game. As it were, individual characters just had too limited roles, and while as a whole there was a lot of options between and within the classes, the game didn't support having all of that if you wanted to just progress through the game at a normal rate.


dabbled in the jelly
Wizardry DS?! Oh it's the Japanese one.

I would kill for a new Sir-Tech Wizardry or perhaps some ports/updates of Wizardry 1-7 on the DS. Hell I'll even take a Realms of Arkania port. Anything! Why hast thou forsaken us western RPG devs? Sonic RPG? Thou mocketh us!

*searches for DOSBox on DS*


Shadow Tower looks awesome, though I don't understand if the shadow aspect is just a gimmick or actually alters the gameplay at all.
king zell said:
guys is this week the first for Famitsu new release date or ist next week?
Next week, 20th August.

Btw, pretty interesting info from anoop blog about Jump and Famitsu...
This is Why Jump Gets all the Scoops
How can one magazine reach so many people who aren't old?
Posted Aug 08, 2009 at 20:35, by Anoop Gantayat

Do you ever hear about some new Jump reveal showing first screenshots of the new Dragon Quest game or first information about the new Final Fantasy character and wonder how a comic magazine can get all the scoops?

Well, here's your answer:

That's an image from magazine Nikkei Entertainment showing top magazine readership for males ages 15 through 26. The five columns list the top five magazines for each age group.

If you can't read the Japanese, just look for pink. That's the color Nikkei assigned Weekly Shounen Jump. That's right, the comic magazine is the number one magazine for all age groups except 18 and 36!

Famitsu is scattered between 2 and 5 for ages 26 and up. Hachimaki (where I got this info from) circled Famitsu in red.

Dengeki PlayStation appears a couple of times on the list, but there's one clear winner if you want maximum exposure for your game.

I'm going to wager that the Dragon Quest X will, like Dragon Quest IX, see its first screenshot leaked out from a Weekly Shounen Jump scan.
Pink is Weekly Shounen Jump (and there's even V Jump also pretty high) while Weekly Famitsu is the one within red rectangles.


Luminous Arc 3: Eyes and other scans just surfaced a day or two ago...

but yah its dumb how Wizardry is Amazon Japan exclusive. Why are they restricting their sales and audience?


Shaheed79 said:
Wizardry DS?! Oh it's the Japanese one.

I would kill for a new Sir-Tech Wizardry or perhaps some ports/updates of Wizardry 1-7 on the DS. Hell I'll even take a Realms of Arkania port. Anything! Why hast thou forsaken us western RPG devs? Sonic RPG? Thou mocketh us!

*searches for DOSBox on DS*
Sir-Tech went bankrupt back in 2001 actually. :(

This new Wizardry looks pretty cool though, but normally store exclusive games are store exclusive because they're horrible...


Nirolak said:
Sir-Tech went bankrupt back in 2001 actually. :(

This new Wizardry looks pretty cool though, but normally store exclusive games are store exclusive because they're horrible...
Wizardry VIII was an EB exclusive :/
The Dark Spire really isn't that bad. It's closest to old OLD dungeon crawlers like The Bard's Tale and the earliest Wizardrys but so far it's not too bad.

Course it didn't take long for me to seek out a guide just to figure out where to go next. There really aren't enough clues to go around.

Picked up EO2 by the by. Sure I completely sucked eggs at my first go-round with part 1 but hey whatever.

Still would rather be playing Tale of the Forsaken Land. No TV though =(
Hopefully the PSN/DS Wizardry titles are closer to Forsaken and less close to all of the stuff that's come out lately.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
The Dark Spire really isn't that bad. It's closest to old OLD dungeon crawlers like The Bard's Tale and the earliest Wizardrys but so far it's not too bad.

Course it didn't take long for me to seek out a guide just to figure out where to go next. There really aren't enough clues to go around.

I've thoroughly enjoyed all of the recent Wizardry-ish games (EO2, Dark Spire, Class of Heroes). They all have their own problems, but anybody that is a fan of the genre should enjoy them.

You're right about Dark Spire, though. Its biggest problem is the esoteric horseshit you have to go through for the main quest.

Class of Heroes is a bit more modern, but has a completely overwhelming alchemy system and not enough interface functions to make it manageable.

EO2 can be hard as balls or very easy, depending on whether or not you chose each skills "Good" skill, or their crappy ones. There is no indication whatsoever which skills will be the awesome ones, and there's a penalty for experimenting.

Considering how few stores carried the games, I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of copies were sold online. If Japan is the same way, then an exclusive deal might offset development costs without enough to account for the fewer copies sold.

EDIT: Yup, I agree with your below points. Some of it is shit out of left field (having to exit back through a few doors for the boat to return), some of it subtle/creative, and others use hints or items that you were supposed to have picked up 10 hours ago without any sort of explanation.

Mages are ridiculous.
Yaweee said:
You're right about Dark Spire, though. Its biggest problem is the esoteric horseshit you have to go through for the main quest. Oh, and it has an awesome soundtrack.

One thing I enjoyed about the earliest titles is that you'd step on a random square and find an old notebook or some graffiti on the walls that give vague clues. Like you'd be wandering the sewers of Skara Brae and a random nook would mention a name or a reference that you can use to access a future dungeon or solve a puzzle. It also helps with the atmosphere since there's only so much you can do with walls, floors, and sometimes a ceiling.

The Dark Spire really doesn't do that at all. Which is very unfortunate cause after a dozen or so empty rooms I decided to skip some entirely that didn't look very useful. Turns out I missed on some key stuff(like..well..a key that could save me a lot of trouble early on).

Plus I'm not too fond of the idea that Mages are pretty much the main source of damage throughout the game. Early on it's all about that sleeping spell but before long they're sporting large AOEs and wiping out entire groups without a sweat.

Then again I guess it's not much of a change from The Bard's Tale where Monks were practically indestructible. In part 2 I rolled a monk and after he hit L+ or whatever armor class I sent him directly to The Crypt where he collected godly equipment for the rest of my party. Course we never got far since I sucked at solving TBL's puzzles but man we sure did one-shot a lot of monsters.

Oh and for that matter I don't care for SAVE ANYWHERE. It's way too easy to use as a crutch and worse still it feels like it might be required at some points(like passing through a one-way door or falling into a pit, better to just reload a save to avoid that entirely).

So I dunno. Now that I have some idea of where to head next --last I checked I had just helped the pirate captain out, not realizing I was supposed to return before long to get a ride on his boat-- I'm going to give it another go.

As of right now the only genre that interests me is first-person crawlers so I may as well stick with it.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Penalties for experimenting? IIRC, in EO you can reset your characters skill points at the expense of dropping 10 levels, if you don't save after using that option you can experiment all you want. Allocate the SP for the skills you want try if you are not pleased, reset, use the option again and then try something different. rinse and repeat.


Is this the week Famitsu moves to Thursday? There are scans of Tales of Vesperia out now.

I haven't seen the table of contents show up, but apparently Strider HD and Strider 3 are in it too. Don't know if those are real. They're in the comments section with other news.
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