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Do you remember the Bush years? (9/11, Katrina, Valerie Plame, etc.)

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Bush was an ethical nightmare but tbh Obama with his drone strikes wasn't much better.

Obama had a much, much, MUCH better domestic policy but his foreign policy wasn't great. Better than Bush but that's a really low bar.


I also remember rocking against Bush.


hell yeah
Paranoia Cha Cha Cha!

Fat Wreck is losing money if they don't release a few Rock Against Trumps


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
What I remember most was how much damage was done not necessarily by the president but by the people in his administration. It's what happens when you elect a not so smart guy who doesn't even really want the job. Good thing we learned our lesson.
I remember being exhausted by the level of sandal and ineptitude exhibited by the Bush 43 administration...and then that whole housing crisis thing happened.
Maybe it's my naivety again, but I don't think Bush admin and Trump admin will be the same.

I think A LOT of what fell out with Bush was due to 9/11. I think it greatly dictated his next 3, and then 4, years.


Oh I remember. Spent all of high school and college during the Bush Administration. Wrote my senior paper about the Patriot Act. I actually used to post in poli-gaf during those days.

Even somehow have pictures saved from those days:





Those days were awful. I dread the next four years.



That's one thing that always amuses me: how he went from the highest approval rating of a President....to the lowest.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I totally forgot about those color-coded terror alerts! Do we even use that system anymore?


Not only am I too old for this shit, I can remember when Murtaugh first said it.


In topic, I was 19 when 9/11 happened, so yeah, I was a voting adult during the Bush years. I don't recall ever feeling the sense of dread and despair I did when Trump won when Bush did.

It's no use comparing right now, but this is an entirely different ballgame. Hell it might not even be a ballgame anymore.


Maybe it's my naivety again, but I don't think Bush admin and Trump admin will be the same.

I think A LOT of what fell out with Bush was due to 9/11. I think it greatly dictated his next 3, and then 4, years.

No, you're right, they're going to be very different. Trump will be much, much worse. I'd rather a well meaning but easily manipulated idiot in office than an evil man-child sexual predator imbecile.


Remember when the CEOs from the Big Three auto companies were shamed for flying in on private jets while trying to get a bailout?

In topic, I was 19 when 9/11 happened, so yeah, I was a voting adult during the Bush years. I don't recall ever feeling the sense of dread and despair I did when Trump won when Bush did.

It's no use comparing right now, but this is an entirely different ballgame. Hell it might not even be a ballgame anymore.

Yep, ditto. I remember in 2004/5 just thinking "shit, oh well" and this year was "fuck, this could be bad". We knew what we were getting with Bush (and McCain & Romney) but we have no clue with Trump.

As I said above, without 9/11 I really wonder what Bush's presidency would have been like



And how it felt like everyone took crazy pills and even segments of the historically anti-war media marched us right into war.
Even at Bush's worst point which I think was around Katrina, I don't think I was ever as worried about the country as I am now.

It's amazing though how complacent everyone became and seemed to forget how bleak things looked at the end of Bush's term. We were dangerously close to the cliff and still haven't completely recovered.


Like, I try to explain to the younger people I know.. everything just felt different.

The late 80s and 90s had a unique ethereal quality, and then Bush was elected and 9/11 happened, and there's been this sort of weird numb, almost PTSD-esque collective "feel" to society since then.


But mostly I remember the Bush years for the nightmare that was the New England Patriots dynasty. Three Super Bowl titles during Bush's tenure, including two consecutive ones. Truly a travesty.

But at least we did get the awesome New York Giants upset in the fourth Super Bowl, disrupting their "perfect season". Thanks for that Eli.


Ever since Trump won the election we've already seen a taste of what a return of Republican rule looks like. But, I realized perhaps for many new young adults they probably don't remember exactly what those Bush years were like

They voted third party in this election. I'm pretty sure it's clear young people don't remember 2000 and the fallout.

I'd take a 3rd Bush term over a Trump presidency.

At this point, so would I. I guess if Trump doesn't massively destabilize the international stage he'll have that one up on Bush, but it's kind of like looking through bizarro-world when you consider how much better we'd have been off if Bush had been able to get immigration reform passed, and the great work the administration did on HIV/AIDS relief in Africa. It seems hard to fathom Trump or any of the Republicans doing any of that stuff now.
Oh I remember. Spent all of high school and college during the Bush Administration. Wrote my senior paper about the Patriot Act. I actually used to post in poli-gaf during those days.

Even somehow have pictures saved from those days:





Those days were awful. I dread the next four years.

Where's the updated graph to show his popularity after 2005? His popularity was probably deep underwater by the end of that year.

Trump would just let that shoe hit him in the face and find a way to sue the person that threw it later on.


They voted third party in this election. I'm pretty sure it's clear young people don't remember 2000 and the fallout.

If this was your first election, you were at best 11 or 12 during the tail end of the Bush administration. I don't put much stock in that kind of memory.


Even at Bush's worst point which I think was around Katrina, I don't think I was ever as worried about the country as I am now.

Like I said, I think the difference is Bush was terrible at governing but ultimately did want to serve this country. I still think it'd be fascinating to have a beer with him and just pick his brain about how shit went down during his two terms. I really think he was exploited, which doesn't excuse him but gives context to his presidency.

Trump is human garbage who would happily stab you the front for a nickel and then blame you for it. This is a man whose priority is to try and deliberately exploit his office for personal gain, no question about it. Trump feels as far right of Bush as Obama was to his left.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Almost everyone remembers, they just don't care.

If this was your first election, you were at best 11 or 12 during the tail end of the Bush administration. I don't put much stock in that kind of memory.

I was around that age and knew that Republicans were to blame for everything in the past.


I remember how great The Onion was during those years and how hard they skewered Bush, Cheney, and others. Just absolutely fantastic. I'm not saying it isn't as good now, I just haven't read it since they started doing videos and stopped putting out books of collections.
You forgot the 2008 Market/Housing crash

We were in a recession as soon as Bush took power and for the entirety of his administration there was net ZERO job creation in the country despite the GOP having their way with the economy with their budgets and tax plan.


these people are back in power.
I remember waking up to my mom shouting at the top of her lungs "armageddon is here! Oh lord! armageddon is here!"

I just about shit myself out of bed
I remember when he was elected I was excited the President was going to be from my home state (stupid 11 year old me). My mom on the other hand just shook her head and said it was going to be a fucking disaster and she was right. I don't remember all the details of his presidency but I know they helped shaped my views to be more liberal. I miss the Bush republicans compared to the new breed that's been around since the Tea Party "revolution". They were just greedy compared to republicans now which are just pure evil to me. The fact that the Bush years are going to be the good republican years I remember in my life is mind blowing. If I could go back and tell my 16-18 year old self my mind would have been blown.


Nork unification denier
It feels like we're going to be eternally screwed every 8 years after a Dem president because the resulting 18-25yo new voters just straight up won't remember how bad it was under an R.

Yeah, the older I get and the more cycles of Democratic presidents getting elected because Republican presidents fuck up so badly, with the Dems then spending so much of their time and political capital having to clean up the GOP mess, the more I feel like it's never going to change. People just don't seem to remember things anymore. Maybe it's the 24 hour news cycle. Maybe it's the internet. I don't know. The thing is, while Dems can clean up GOP mistakes with respect to the economy and policy (not without the poor/middle class and minorities/women bearing the brunt before that can happen), they can't reverse what's going to happen when it comes to climate change. That's probably what scares me the most. I'm really glad I'm not having kids, but I fear for my nieces/nephews. The polar ice caps lost ice equivalent to the size of India. That's not coming back without geoengineering on a massive and unproven scale.


George W. Bush's presidency was rough indeed. Say what you will about him, at least is stance on Muslims was not batshit crazy like Trump's:

"According to Muslim teachings, God first revealed His word in the Holy Qur'an to the prophet, Muhammad, during the month of Ramadan. That word has guided billions of believers across the centuries, and those believers built a culture of learning and literature and science. All the world continues to benefit from this faith and its achievements."

"The Islam that we know is a faith devoted to the worship of one God, as revealed through The Holy Qur'an. It teaches the value and the importance of charity, mercy, and peace."

"All of us here today understand this: We do not fight Islam, we fight against evil."

"I have assured His Majesty that our war is against evil, not against Islam. There are thousands of Muslims who proudly call themselves Americans, and they know what I know -- that the Muslim faith is based upon peace and love and compassion. The exact opposite of the teachings of the al Qaeda organization, which is based upon evil and hate and destruction."

"This new enemy seeks to destroy our freedom and impose its views. We value life; the terrorists ruthlessly destroy it. We value education; the terrorists do not believe women should be educated or should have health care, or should leave their homes. We value the right to speak our minds; for the terrorists, free expression can be grounds for execution. We respect people of all faiths and welcome the free practice of religion; our enemy wants to dictate how to think and how to worship even to their fellow Muslims."

Source: https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/infocus/ramadan/islam.html
Bush White House brought us 9/11 and Katrina?

I do remember both though. Family lived in New Jersey at the time of 9/11 (Ohio during Katrina). Dad worked downtown in a building directly next to the towers. He was at the Expo Center on his way back to the office. My Mom and I were watching TV when my grandmother called telling my mom to switch the channel. Once she did the first plane went through. My Mom called my Dad and he picked up. My Mom told him what had happened. He had no idea. Then the second went through, and my Dad was there to see it. His building collapsed with the towers. He immediately hung up with my Mom. We didn't hear anything for HOOOURS. My Mom prayed and pleaded for him to be okay. Around 1am my Mom prayed one last time and the door opened.

Couple days later they found my Dad's belongings in the rubble. We have a piece of the Trade Center and his ID's hung on the wall.
What should worry people is that Bush did not campaign on being a racist, idiot war hawk

He campaigned mostly on educational reform and school children, and generally came across as a likable decent man in the process.

Then look how it turned out.

Now look how Trump campaigned. It is going to be worse. Significantly worse in every respect imaginable. Bush years will be the good ole days in comparison.
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