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Digital Foundry and the 'Spec - conscious console gamer' was gaming's inevitable future


if you want 4k 60 fps? its pretty expensive,no matter how your calculations about steam,psn,etc i have seen people using that argument a lot,thats fall flat when you tell somone you need to spend 17000 euros on a system ,and console games got sales at quick as pc nowadays

and dont get me wrong im a pc gamer too,spendend my leg on my system,but thats niche to be honest

You do not need to spend 17000 euros to get a PC that will match the consoles lol. Maybe 1k.
The only ones who hate digital foundry or say that they are biased, are the ones in the losing position in the console wars. Just ask anyone if they hate Digital Foundry. If the answer is yes, ask them what console they own/plan on owning.

Has nothing to do with being biased, but more so what devices provide better performance. They do the same thing with GPU comparisons on PC side (which can be directly compared). If Nvidia's GPU runs the games better in comparisons and benchmarks than AMD, wouldn't it be the more performant GPU? Same with X console running better than Y console?


I suspect the gamers op is reffering to already have a gaming pc, or game on pc. Console exclusive gamers will never care about pc performance. Imho.


but what makes their word so much more valuable? do they have more experienced people with actual credentials? do they have better tools than everyone else?

why does DF get so much attention? seems like anyone out there could make these analysis videos, but for whatever reason people worship DF. i'm not a fanboy, or a console warrior, or any of that, im simply asking why? what is it that DF has that everyone else doesnt?

They do have good tools for getting the metrics they are after. Honestly I don't know of many channels that offer the content they do, I know of VGTech and that channel does basically the same thing but without commentary. So for me, I watch them because they cover the stuff I'm curious about. Which most of the time is answering the question "Do I wanna buy this game on Xbox or PlayStation?"


It was inevitable when games releasing day and date on multiple platforms became the norm. People want to play the best version of a game.


why does DF get so much attention? seems like anyone out there could make these analysis videos, but for whatever reason people worship DF. i'm not a fanboy, or a console warrior, or any of that, im simply asking why? what is it that DF has that everyone else doesnt?
That's why you don't get it. That's their target audience.
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I remember when consoles being pc like was shunned by console players.

If you are into tech stuff and youre not also a pc gamer, youre doing it wrong.


It's become necessary to explain things more because at first glance a lot of the newer technologies don't seem as revolutionary as they actually are. If you tell many people who are not tech savvy that ray-tracing will, for example, allow games to finally have accurate dynamic reflections, they'll look at you funny - to them, games have had working reflections for decades. They don't know that until now, much of it has been clever smoke and mirrors.

You absolutely need people to be able to put it into laymen's terms why it's such a big deal. I saw this explanation of it in a Devil May Cry V trailer weeks ago:

While it was technically 100% correct, I cringed at how esoteric it still must sound to the average casual player.

Another example is when laymen see Ratchet and Clank zipping between worlds in milliseconds, they might think "cool, you visit a lot of places in this". The gravity of just how impossible that would be to program without a high speed SSD is lost on them, unless it's explained correctly.


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It was inevitable when games releasing day and date on multiple platforms became the norm. People want to play the best version of a game.

Mate if you bought a PS3 and someone told you Call of Duty 4 ran better on Xbox 360 you werent going out and buying an Xbox 360.........I know this because I had friends in both camps, 55fps vs 60fps was nothing cept epeen viagra.

The same is true today probably even more so, whatever platform you chose pretty much is where you are at.
As the generations go on and people buy multiple consoles, which ever one they are most comfortable with or play the most is where they buy multiplat titles.
I still got BF1 on XB1 even when I knew the PS4 version was the "better" version, my buddy pointed this out to me so I put both games side by side and asked him to tell me which was which.
Ill let you guess the outcome.

I think games like Bayonetta or something where a game is severely worse on one console makes sense, but these days reconstruction techniques are too damn good for anyone other than super super nerds to discern the difference.
I still have friends IRL who swear The Last of Us 2 is a 4K title, telling them otherwise then trying to prove it (without Zooming in 400x) is basically impossible so who really gives a shit really?

The power difference between the PS5 and XSX is probably the most non story thing this generation, and DF have their work cutout giving ammunition to either camp about which version is better this generation.
Prepare for some very "uninteresting" videos about how PS5 loads 2 seconds faster, the XSX version has an extra alpha effect during that one explosion that happens once in the 12 hour experience, but you only notice both of these things if you have an F1 Level stopwatch, a high speed camera and access to the pre TAAU frame data.


"Spec conscious" is an overstatement. Its mostly a bunch armchair engineers. Most, if not all the only knowledgeable ones are pc players.


The average hardcore gamer is unable or unwilling to understand these terms even if they are explained to him.

DF is a tabloid of game technology, they are not developers or professionals, they give some poor explanation to their followers and present their perfomance captures in a very subjective way.

They are the reason why talking about hardware on the internet has become so toxic, with their work, they lure many morons into having debates about technology.

if you don't believe me just read the comments below their videos.
It was inevitable. It's like any other hobby. You don't know what you should know until you are balls deep into it. I knew next to nothing about how hardware relates to things and how certain things did what until I started building PC's and then learning to be an electronics tech for the military.

I'm glad too. I like knowing about the hardware and understanding it so I don't set myself up for unreasonable expectations of what my console/gpu/cpu can do as opposed to what I expect it to. It makes having conversations about hardware better to as you can use facts to support arguments rather than feelings.


There are like 200 million current gen console owners out there. Digital Foundry videos get a few hundred thousand views at best. The vast majority of console gamers couldn't care less.

In my experience at least, that's almost entirely due to the difference in controller responsiveness. Destiny 2 locked at 30 FPS feels like crap if you're using a mouse and keyboard, but it feels more or less like the console version if you're using a controller.

This and I wonder if motion blur is also a reason some people say 30 fps is magically smoother on console, which many turns off on PC.


I find it funny how we have people on here who complain about the appeal of DF saying they are biased toward Sony or Microsoft whenever they feel that DF videos point out rational pros and cons in those console hardware design philosophy. Do they console war bait? They might, like any other content creator but I doubt theq
You completely missed the point of my post that you quoted. I said nothing of the sort. I didn’t say that DF console war or are biased, I said that people use DF to fanboy war when it helps them, but claim bias when it doesn’t.
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