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Charlie Hebdo faces 'imminent' attack after publishing image of naked Muslims

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Yeah so let's just stoop down to the most petty, reductive form of discourse to mock all Muslims. That'all really show them and change things for the better.

They mock EVERYONE. Christians, atheists, Jews, hindus....why the fuck should Islam get a free pass?! Charlie Hebdo is excising their legal and human right to free speech by means of a satirical comic.

It's the same as the infamous south park episode where Trey and Matt were allowed to show Jesus, Buddha, Vishnu et al literally shitting on the American flag yet had to censor a stationary , totally innocuous, image of Mohammad on comedy central's insistence. It's insanity.

Why should one group of people be the exception? How on earth is that fair in any way whatsoever?

koji kabuto

I don't think they will be attacked because they will be protected.
I'm just afraid a random white European tourist in the middle east / Africa / Asia will be attacked because of this.
Well if they're not cowards, they should put a huge sign up in front of the building saying, "WARNING: We regularly mock Muslims and Islam and have been targeted by terrorists in the past. Your life is in danger being near this place."

To at least WARN people of potential retaliation against them at that location.

Because, the everyday passerby or even adjacent businesses might think twice about being anywhere near that office and risking their lives for someone else's agenda. It is located in the middle of a city afterall. It's not like they are in a shack in the middle of the woods, far from risking other people's lives.
That is just stupid. Should we put up those signs at every airport or train station also? Because those are also targeted for terrorist attacks.


Charlie Hebdo mocks everyone. Islam doesn't get a free pass and rightly so.

If all the other religions out there can take being satirised without resorting to violence, Muslims can too.

That's what they do to all religions. Did you miss the cover where they had Jesus fucking God in the ass?

So Charlie Hebdo is trashy shit. I'm not saying Islam should be treated different, I'm more just shocked at the positive response to this in this thread. Did I miss the memo when usually pretty liberal GAF became super cool and supportive of low brow, crass mockery of millions of people without any actual message or insight?

Charlie Hebdo has a legal right to exist and do what they do but I see no reason to praise them for it. It's trashy and hateful.


I don't think they will be attacked because they will be protected.
I'm just afraid a random white European tourist in the middle east / Africa / Asia will be attacked because of this.

Charlie Hebdo continuing to be cheeky shits will not be to blame if some extremist decides to attack a random white European.

So Charlie Hebdo is trashy shit. I'm not saying Islam should be treated different, I'm more just shocked at the positive response to this in this thread. Did I miss the memo when usually pretty liberal GAF became super cool and supportive of low brow, crass mockery of millions of people without any actual message or insight?

It's easy to root for the principle behind their mostly tame jabs, especially after they were attacked.
It's not a big deal at all, so what baffles me is seeing Gaffers stand behind them and praise them for this garbage.

I don't think the response would be the same if a racist American "artist" came out with a satirical comic mocking black people following a riot here or something. It'd just be dismissed as hateful and racist in its intent and people would move on, not say "mm good on him in this PC society we live in".

But they're nor racist, they're predominantly from the left....

Or are they racist towards everything since Muslim aren't the only group of people targeted by their satirical pieces?

So Charlie Hebdo is trashy shit. I'm not saying Islam should be treated different, I'm more just shocked at the positive response to this in this thread. Did I miss the memo when usually pretty liberal GAF became super cool and supportive of low brow, crass mockery of millions of people without any actual message or insight?

What message or insight can they send on a cover?


Maybe the editors aren't afraid to die, but if some night janitor who doesn't know or care about anything being published there just happens to be cleaning the office when someone decides to toss a grenade in through the window, you know... that's kinda irresponsible on the editor's parts.

There comes a point when you need to be conscience of the people surrounding you, not just your own personal agenda.
Living in fear sounds like a shitty way to live. How's it working out?
So Charlie Hebdo is trashy shit. I'm not saying Islam should be treated different, I'm more just shocked at the positive response to this in this thread. Did I miss the memo when usually pretty liberal GAF became super cool and supportive of low brow, crass mockery of millions of people without any actual message or insight?

Charlie Hebdo has a legal right to exist and do what they do but I see no reason to praise them for it. It's trashy and hateful.

You can disagree with someone's opinion but support their right to express it.
So Charlie Hebdo is trashy shit. I'm not saying Islam should be treated different, I'm more just shocked at the positive response to this in this thread. Did I miss the memo when usually pretty liberal GAF became super cool and supportive of low brow, crass mockery of millions of people without any actual message or insight?

Charlie Hebdo has a legal right to exist and do what they do but I see no reason to praise them for it. It's trashy and hateful.
People are applauding them for not backing down towards terrorism and giving in to fear, even after being attacked.

Would you also tell the people of New York to not put new big towers there again?

Click baity nonsense. You don't have to be an extremist (or even Muslim) to find this insensitive or offensive.
No, but you have to be extremist to consider murdering someone over it. Like it has happened in the past with this magazine.
So Charlie Hebdo is trashy shit. I'm not saying Islam should be treated different, I'm more just shocked at the positive response to this in this thread. Did I miss the memo when usually pretty liberal GAF became super cool and supportive of low brow, crass mockery of millions of people without any actual message or insight?

Charlie Hebdo has a legal right to exist and do what they do but I see no reason to praise them for it. It's trashy and hateful.
Who said anything about praising Charlie Hebdo? When dicks that don't deserve to die are facing very real death threats, I'm siding with not-terrorists.


You'd think that people who were attacked twice in the last five years would be a bit more careful around matters of religion. I'm not saying they should be self-censoring, but they are just provoking the extremists. I mean, if I was an editor at a newspaper whose offices were firebombed and where later 75% of my collegues were murdered, I'd probably think twice before openly mocking those people again.

Yeah this is what I was thinking as well. The danger isn't just real, it has already happened with devastating as fuck consequences. As for not letting the terrorists win, I think they already did. Not completely, but in parts.

Living in fear sounds like a shitty way to live. How's it working out?

Well he's alive and posting here at least so it could be worse. I never really got the whole "if you let yourself be afraid then the terrorist have won" mentality. I know that there are a group of people who would like nothing more than have me and others like me dead and they are actively working towards this goal so why is it so defeatist to admit that that scares me. It doesn't cripple me, but it makes me be more aware.


Oh shit, let's hope they don't get hit a second time.
Congratulations for using their right of free speech.


Yeah this is what I was thinking as well. The danger isn't just real, it has already happened with devastating as fuck consequences. As for not letting the terrorists win, I think they already did. Not completely, but in parts.

Sorry what? How did they let the terrorists win?
Here it is (comic genitalia):
I snickered.


But they're nor racist, they're predominantly from the left....

Or are they racist towards everything since Muslim aren't the only group of people targeted by their satirical pieces?

What message or insight can they send on a cover?

The cover shows Arab caricatures running around naked like dumb buffoons. It's making fun of Muslims for dressing the way they do and literally goes no deeper than that.

Whatever. This thread is disappointing but I guess I'm the only one that finds this pointless and offensive so there's no point arguing.
What's the translation of the cover text for us English speakers?

"Muslims.... Loo-se-en up!"

The cover shows Arab caricatures running around naked like dumb buffoons. It's making fun of Muslims for dressing the way they do and literally goes no deeper than that.

Whatever. This thread is disappointing but I guess I'm the only one that finds this pointless and offensive so there's no point arguing.

It's a cover, their argument and message is going to be inside the paper.


Sami I'm not particularly moved to applause from the comic but the focus of this thread is about freedom of speech and the consequences of that speech should never be death.

Death threats to anyone regardless of who they are because of their opinion or ideas is absolutely unacceptable.

I just hope the people threatening Hebdo don't make the perception of Muslims worse because their are plenty who believe in freedom of speech and freedom of expression.


Yeah this is what I was thinking as well. The danger isn't just real, it has already happened with devastating as fuck consequences. As for not letting the terrorists win, I think they already did. Not completely, but in parts.

How? Charlie Hebdo isn't backing down from doing what they wanna do.


The cover shows Arab caricatures running around naked like dumb buffoons. It's making fun of Muslims for dressing the way they do and literally goes no deeper than that.

Whatever. This thread is disappointing but I guess I'm the only one that finds this pointless and offensive so there's no point arguing.

The point is that it's totally okay to find it pointless and offensive.

Just don't threaten to kill them because of it.
The cover shows Arab caricatures running around naked like dumb buffoons. It's making fun of Muslims for dressing the way they do and literally goes no deeper than that.

Whatever. This thread is disappointing but I guess I'm the only one that finds this pointless and offensive so there's no point arguing.
You've already said they are exercising their free speech, and acknowledged that they don't deserve to die. Well that's it, there are no ifs or buts.
Good for them. I don't think the people that threaten to kill people should be the ones to set the extents of freedom of speech.

Edit: I also believe Charlie Hebdo is a lot less racist than a lot of people think. It's satire, and a lot of the time - not always, but a lot - people get literally the opposite of the intended idea from their work. Satire is often based on clever word play and double meanings, and yet people who can't speak a word of French and haven't read anything they've written are happy to dismiss them as conducting petty and reductive mocking.
It's not a big deal at all, so what baffles me is seeing Gaffers stand behind them and praise them for this garbage.

I don't think the response would be the same if a racist American "artist" came out with a satirical comic mocking black people following a riot here or something. It'd just be dismissed as hateful and racist in its intent and people would move on, not say "mm good on him in this PC society we live in".
Wow, so you're comparing a satyrical drawing, making fun of the crazy situation in Cannes (interdiction of wearing a burkini) and an hypothetical racist comic making fun of black people ? Man, you need to get some perspective.

There is no racism here, no hate. And yeah, you don't need to put artist in quotation marks.
As usual the first page of a Charlie Hebdo thread here on Neogaf reacting to an image without thinking and calling it hateful, racist.

They are just as much mocking the ban and the mayor of Cannes for the ban, as they are mocking the far right beliefs of Muslims.

Reminder- Charlie Hebdo is a far left newspaper.


Any translation on the article?

I'm assuming its pointing out dictating what people wear is authoritarian bullshit. The joke being you can't liberate someone by discriminating against them.


It's not a big deal at all, so what baffles me is seeing Gaffers stand behind them and praise them for this garbage.

I don't think the response would be the same if a racist American "artist" came out with a satirical comic mocking black people following a riot here or something. It'd just be dismissed as hateful and racist in its intent and people would move on, not say "mm good on him in this PC society we live in".

It's not mocking Muslims, it's mocking the government that is acting like its suppression policies are just to benefit Muslims and the public at large. What will actually happen is Muslims will stay inside and be further radicalized by being told their beliefs are "dangerous."


Well if they're not cowards, they should put a huge sign up in front of the building saying, "WARNING: We regularly mock Muslims and Islam and have been targeted by terrorists in the past. Your life is in danger being near this place."

To at least WARN people of potential retaliation against them at that location.

Because, the everyday passerby or tourist or even adjacent businesses might think twice about being anywhere near that office and risking their lives for someone else's agenda. It is located in the middle of a city afterall. It's not like they are in a shack in the middle of the woods, far from risking other people's lives.

And while you're at it how about putting notices at the Stade De France, London Tube stations and World Trade Center informing people of the threats to their lives by being in the area.

Risk is something that is an inevitable part of our lives.


The cover shows Arab caricatures running around naked like dumb buffoons. It's making fun of Muslims for dressing the way they do and literally goes no deeper than that.

Whatever. This thread is disappointing but I guess I'm the only one that finds this pointless and offensive so there's no point arguing.

You can find it pointless and offensive and still support their right to do it.


Well if they're not cowards, they should put a huge sign up in front of the building saying, "WARNING: We regularly mock Muslims and Islam and have been targeted by terrorists in the past. Your life is in danger being near this place."

To at least WARN people of potential retaliation against them at that location.

Because, the everyday passerby or tourist or even adjacent businesses might think twice about being anywhere near that office and risking their lives for someone else's agenda. It is located in the middle of a city afterall. It's not like they are in a shack in the middle of the woods, far from risking other people's lives.

Sorry, but that's ridiculous. I mean using that logic we better put up warning signs all over the western world.

You stream on Twitch? Sorry buddy, better put up a warning sign, because you never know when SWAT is gonna show up and give a random bystander a heart attack.

Or better yet, all advocates of free speech should wear t-shirts saying "warning", because ISIS might show up and blow you up.

Come on man.


The cover shows Arab caricatures running around naked like dumb buffoons. It's making fun of Muslims for dressing the way they do and literally goes no deeper than that.

Whatever. This thread is disappointing but I guess I'm the only one that finds this pointless and offensive so there's no point arguing.

So do you also take issue with



Disappointing so many in this thread think we should be cowering from the terrorists, giving them their way and imposing their rules on ourselves. Charlie Hebdo is asking for it by not respecting muslims in drawings! That woman at the beach asked for it by not covering herself up! Where exactly are you going to draw the line with extremists? Fuck them.
And while you're at it how about putting notices at the Stade De France, London Tube stations and World Trade Center informing people of the threats to their lives by being in the area.

Risk is something that is an inevitable part of our lives.

Those stations/stadiums are not main offices for people making racist cartoons mocking Islam or Muslims.

The Charlie Hebdo office building is.

I'm surprised people here are using hyperbole to jump into a slippery slope defense when there is direct causation between Charlie and the extremists.

(not really surprised)
Those stations/stadiums are not main offices for people making racist cartoons mocking Islam or Muslims.

The Charlie Hebdo office building is.
I'm pretty sure the people next door know that. And if they are worried, they are free to move of course, can't blame them too much. But it shouldn't limit the magazine itself in their publications, as long as those are within the law.
Good on them. This might seem crude, offensive or unnecessary to some but I believe it's a total necessity for them to insult ALL religions, with this particular cover being the only way to hammer the point home to these Islamic extremists that we have something called free speech and to let them know that non Muslims don't have to abide by their blasphemy laws, that they will be treated the same as all the other religions and that they will just have to deal with it.


Whenever Charlie Hebdo comes up I am reminded that a significant section of the Anglosphere doesn't understand political satire and takes everything at face value without trying to understand the context.


Charlie Hebdo is asking for it by not respecting muslims in drawings! That woman at the beach asked for it by not covering herself up! Where exactly are you going to draw the line with extremists? Fuck them.

GAF and victim blaming go hand and hand, as long as its one of a few selective topics.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
The cover shows Arab caricatures running around naked like dumb buffoons. It's making fun of Muslims for dressing the way they do and literally goes no deeper than that.

Whatever. This thread is disappointing but I guess I'm the only one that finds this pointless and offensive so there's no point arguing.

They have a right to offend and you have a right to be offended.


When a religion is threatening artistic/satirical freedom, something is wrong.
But people like Michel Houellebecq also have to go into hiding... The most dangerous job in Europe might be making comics about Islam.
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