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Can someone explain MGS3's ending to me?


SPOILERS obviously, don't read if you don't want to know anything.


Normally, I'd understand; but I started my game of MGS3 months ago (back in January), and for whatever reason stopped playing and didn't pick it back up until just a few days ago. I finally beat it. So I'm kind of forgetful of the general concept of the story I guess, and the ending is confusing as hell.

If someone can spell it all out for me without having to write a novel, I'd appreciate it! :)

PS - Eva is a bitch. Kind of. She could have killed him, but wow, she played him the whole time :D And then she disappears in 1970?


Naked Snake was raised, trained, and entirely made into what he was by
the Boss. She was his master, his mentor, and his family, and she had
betrayed their home nation. He was the only one believed capable of
eliminating her, so he was given the task.

Snake fought tooth-and-nail against the odds, against his former master.
She was his enemy. She had betrayed the United States for reasons he
could not fathom. She had betrayed him personally just as much as she
had the nation. He was nothing if not reluctant, but he followed his
mission to the letter. He neutralized Volgin's nuclear threat, and
moreover, he eliminated the boss.

One by one he tore through her disciples, the cobras, who fought to the
death for no ideals beyond their loyalty to her. It all ended when he
faced her one-on-one, and had to be the one to put her out of her
misery with her own sidearm.

He had no joy in what he had done. He only did it for his mission, for
his loyalty. Not to America, but to her. His only satisfaction was the
success of his mission, the safeguarding of the nation he proclaimed
fealty to.

Fealty. I do not say loyalty because his loyalty was most genuinely with
the Boss. But he chose his duties under the United States flag over his
feelings for her.

Snake defeated the Boss, proving himself the greatest warrior in
America's arsenal. The president congratulated him, bestowing him the
title 'Big Boss.'

It was only then that he came to understand what had transpired. He
understood why everything had fallen into place the way it was. He
understood the boss's mission. He realized that the country she swore her
life to threw her away for its own sake. To a nation, her loyalty was an
asset, and her self was expendable.

But not to him. At the very height of his career, he had lost all faith
in the United States government. He saw that their most loyal soldier,
who would give her life for their goals, could be thrown away so easily.
The Boss was scapegoated, dishonored, and murdered for the sake of the
US Government, and they had led him to do it with his own hands.

The story of Snake Eater ends at her grave, as we the viewers reach these
revelations at the same time the newly-christened Big Boss does. That
story ends there, but Big Boss's life truly begins at that point.

After operation Snake Eater, the experimental 'FOX' unit Naked Snake was
operating under was officially organized into a US military special
operations unit. Under Big Boss's leadership, the fledgling FOXHOUND was
established in 1971. The best of the best, in skills, technology and
resources, FOXHOUND was an assemblage of some of the most lethal freaks
the army could muster.

No matter how much further Big Boss's career in the US Military went over
these years, his loyalty to the nation had truly ended in 1964 with the
Boss's death.

Slowly assembling an enormous wealth over the following decade, somewhere
in the late seventies or early eighties Big Boss began and completed an
extensive plan of subversion. By the mid-eighties, his independent
military nation 'Outer Heaven' finally emerged in the southern jungles of
Africa. Big Boss had constructed his own small mercenary country, a place
for disillusioned soldiers such as himself to find work in what they did
best without swearing fealty to a government that would dishonor them.

Outer Heaven was built for warriors in a world where they were slowly
becoming unwanted. As olive branches spread throughout the world, the
times changed but soldiers did not. Big Boss had always been a solider.
Fighting was all he was good at. His dream, manifested in Outer Heaven,
was a haven for soldiers such as himself that sought to live their lives
without being the expendable property of a nation they no longer cared

The Boss's death left him a warrior but he was no longer a patriot in
any respect. He left any allegiances he had to America and went to
fortifying Outer Heaven. Despite its size, it was a horrifically
formidable force to the rest of the modern world. Within its boundaries,
the first 'Metal Gear' (supposedly the first derivitive of Granin's
leaked designs from Snake Eater) began its construction.

I just wrote all this in response to your question so be greatful.

j/k :D
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