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Boy field hockey star kicked off high school girl's team for being 'too good'

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BTW, the kid is 4 foot 8 and 82 pounds, and they're saying he has (as a boy) a significant advantage over other varsity girls.

Give me a break.
He does. He has a body built for physical activity that a woman don't have. He could have better balance, coordination, agility and quickness. He doesn't have to be the strongest or fastest running straight line to dominate.

The Women's US National Basket Ball team plays pick up games against non-varsity HS boys teams to prepare for the Olympics. So a 13 year old boy could be a tough match up for HS girls.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
If athletics are that important to this kid, and his family isn't rubbing pennies together, he should take his talents to a school with a boy's field hockey or lacrosse team.

This isn't something new. If a kid is flatout dominating his conference in basketball or football, he almost always has the option of transferring to a bigger school for whatever athletic program he's fit for.

This is just a bunch of harping for no reason - according to the article at least.


If athletics are that important to this kid, and his family isn't rubbing pennies together, he should take his talents to a school with a boy's field hockey or lacrosse team.

This isn't something new. If a kid is flatout dominating his conference in basketball or football, he almost always has the option of transferring to a bigger school for whatever athletic program he's fit for.

This is just a bunch of harping for no reason - according to the article at least.

He's 13 so he isn't in HS yet most likely. Maybe his parents don't want him going to far for daily practices?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
He's 13 so he isn't in HS yet most likely. Maybe his parents don't want him going to far for daily practices?
If this is THAT important to him and the parents aren't dead broke or in some kind of real bind, then simply taking your talents to the proper level isn't that trying of an ordeal.

This isn't anything like girls going through all kinds of loops to get on a wrestling team - and some will take it as such. This is some kid who's outgrown his situation and a set of parents that need to move on from this after school special mentality.

I mean... I do agree with you, but I played with guys who had to get 45 minute rides from either their coach or someone in their family for AAU basketball practice. I doubt that this kid's situation is touching anything close to that. Also, if he's dominating this league then parents are doing him a disservice by not letting him play to his competition.


A 13-year-old Long Island boy who has been the star of a local high school girl's field hockey team for the past two years has been kicked off the team for being too dominant of a player, MyFoxNY reports.



marked forever
When I got to middle school, we had a girl's soccer team in-house, but the guys soccer team was a private league you had to try out for. I made the team, but I didn't have the 200 dollar fee to join.

Made me sad.

I remember when I was in high school, OJ Mayo was in 6th grade and was playing against our high school seniors. He was bigger and more dominant than anyone on the court... Some states allow dominant younger players to compete with high schoolers.


I remember playing flag football when I was in high school and there weren't enough girls to form a girls' league so they played with us.

Shame (for the girls) those flags were positioned where they were... though I liked it.


I remember when I was in high school, OJ Mayo was in 6th grade and was playing against our high school seniors. He was bigger and more dominant than anyone on the court... Some states allow dominant younger players to compete with high schoolers.

Surely there must be rules in how many years they can play then? Cause otherwise that seems unfair to be able to play continuously on the same team from all of middle school through all of high school.


My point was that increased testosterone undeniably provides an advantage in every sport. That's why it is universally banned. You can't have one player that is receiving a steady, natural infusion of this super drug and consider it 'fair'. In the end, that's all that matters in sports is insuring a level playing field.

We're talking about a 13-year old kid, not the national field hockey league. First, the testosterone levels won't be as huge a discrepancy as between an adult male and a female. Second, it's high school and there is no men's team for him to participate in. This is a silly discrepancy for an outlying case when almost all instances have the children playing in the league regardless of gender restrictions. Women can join men's football teams in high school if there's no separate league - saying men can't join women's league is a pointless double standard.


Why is a boy playing in a girl's team?

Same reason some schools have female wrestler/female football players. My HS football team had a female kicker who played safety at times as well.

If the sport isn't available to both sexes on separate teams I see no reason to deny them the chance to play if they are good enough.
Why is a boy playing in a girl's team?

i don't think they even have boys field hockey. anywhere

Real men play real hockey.

Manon Rhéaume


Rapid Response Threadmaker
He does. He has a body built for physical activity that a woman don't have. He could have better balance, coordination, agility and quickness. He doesn't have to be the strongest or fastest running straight line to dominate.

The Women's US National Basket Ball team plays pick up games against non-varsity HS boys teams to prepare for the Olympics. So a 13 year old boy could be a tough match up for HS girls.

That sounds incredibly sexist.

He is playing against a team of Varsity High School girls who just plain suck if they are being beaten by a thirteen year old.


May contain jokes =>
That sounds incredibly sexist.

He is playing against a team of Varsity High School girls who just plain suck if they are being beaten by a thirteen year old.

I don't understand why it's seen as sexist to admit the obvious truth that men are generally more athletic than women. At the highest level of competition men are almost always superior in their respective sports.


We're talking about a 13-year old kid, not the national field hockey league. First, the testosterone levels won't be as huge a discrepancy as between an adult male and a female. Second, it's high school and there is no men's team for him to participate in. This is a silly discrepancy for an outlying case when almost all instances have the children playing in the league regardless of gender restrictions. Women can join men's football teams in high school if there's no separate league - saying men can't join women's league is a pointless double standard.

He still has a lot of natural advantages though.

That sounds incredibly sexist.

He is playing against a team of Varsity High School girls who just plain suck if they are being beaten by a thirteen year old.

Its the truth though. In things like grappling where skill plays a bigger role women can compete. Striking sports, basketball, football, track and field etc. where athletic ability matters a lot women generally can't compete.

Sky Chief

Happened to me in baseball when I was a kid. Three kids (Eddie, Robert, and myself) grew up in the same neighbourhood and played baseball all the time. When we joined a houseleague team we dominated. Rob pitched, Eddie was shortstop, and I was first base. It was total domination and after the first year we were told that we would have to join an A ball league.

Happened to me too. I lived overseas in Middle School and there was a Middle School baseball league. Even though I was younger than most of the players they kicked me off of the team half way through the season because they said I was too big, pitched too fast, and hit the ball too hard and parents were scared I would hurt their kids. Fucking bullshit, there was no other league I could play in.


Unconfirmed Member
This is some Harrison Bergeron silliness. If the kid is good, let him be good. Don't drop him down because others can't step up. I blame all the other players who can't play as well as he is.


can't believe people are for him getting booted gotta love the double standards. If it was girl getting booted off a boys team the reactions there would be a lot different. Hell when I played football we played two schools that had a girl on their team both were linemen.
It realy is true that ridiculousness goes full circle.

"Double standards"? The reason why a boy can't play on a girls team but a girl can play on a guys team is because men have a SIGNIFICANT advantage over females. Sports are about measuring your athletic ability compared to your peers. A guy doesn't doesn't have to try nearly as hard as a woman to become a great or hell even a decent player. It gives them an unfair upper hand. Its the same reason why you have different weight divisions in wrestling or martial arts. But on the otherside of it, the girls have to work HARDER to compete with the boys. They are working up so it doesn't really affect the hardwork the boys put in to make their teams better than the girls since they aren't genetically predisposed with a HUGE amount more of muscle mass, quickness, and speed.

You can work your way up, but it isn't fair playing down. Its like putting a 14 year old in a karate league for elementary kids. Yet you do at (very few times) see younger kids who would regularly belong in younger leagues playing the the big boys.

I can't believe I have to argue this. Once again this "politcially correct" arguments really do go both ways with their cukoo cukoo sides.
I don't think a 13-year-old should be playing on a high school team, whether he dominates or not. That's the extent of my thoughts on the matter.
I remember when I was in high school, OJ Mayo was in 6th grade and was playing against our high school seniors. He was bigger and more dominant than anyone on the court... Some states allow dominant younger players to compete with high schoolers.

Haha, he played against our high schools when he moved to Ashland in 7th grade (I think). He got recruited by some tiny ass baptist school. He merk'd everyone, that school flipped from the worst team in the region to winning it (or maybe they didn't win it)in one season.


You can't do this on a case by case basis. Either you say it's a girls league, or it's a co-ed league, you can't pick and choose only the lousy or short or unathletic boys to be eligible.

That's how it should be done. Teams and events should be built on ability level, and not on gender.

If someone has grown out of the 'class', then unfortunately they just need to find a team in a higher skill level.

A guy doesn't doesn't have to try nearly as hard as a woman to become a great or hell even a decent player.

This is a load of bullshit. Men are not more innate athletes than women, and thinking like this is why guys get tossed under a bus if they can't play a sport well. BUT YOU HAVE A PENIS WHY CAN'T YOU THROW A BALL CORRECTLY HARP ALARP


4'8 and 80 pounds seems like a really small dude. We didn't have a field hockey team, but the women on our lacrosse and softball teams were probably more like 5'5-5'10 and 120-150 pounds. This kid would be absolutely dwarfed by comparison. I can't claim to know anything about field hockey, but unless his speed or power (what power could an 80 pound kid have?) is above his competitors, I don't really see the issue with him being talented at the sport.

Maybe they're trying to head this off before he grows a foot and gains fifty pounds?


He does. He has a body built for physical activity that a woman don't have. He could have better balance, coordination, agility and quickness. He doesn't have to be the strongest or fastest running straight line to dominate.
Ueda redeemed?


So, based on the physical arguments (men are simply better built for sports) would you guys also be ok with banning Danica Patrick from racing because her slender frame and slight build give her an advantage over men (an argument that some Indy drivers made).
4'8 and 80 pounds seems like a really small dude. We didn't have a field hockey team, but the women on our lacrosse and softball teams were probably more like 5'5-5'10 and 120-150 pounds. This kid would be absolutely dwarfed by comparison. I can't claim to know anything about field hockey, but unless his speed or power (what power could an 80 pound kid have?) is above his competitors, I don't really see the issue with him being talented at the sport.

Maybe they're trying to head this off before he grows a foot and gains fifty pounds?

You'd be surprised how much more effective muscle mass is in boys than it is in girls. Even the average 13 year old would have a significant advantage over an 18 year athlete. That being said I do agree that I find it odd that someone with half the weight would dominate. I believe this could be some sensationalizing from Fox News?

So, based on the physical arguments (men are simply better built for sports) would you guys also be ok with banning Danica Patrick from racing because her slender frame and slight build give her an advantage over men (an argument that some Indy drivers made).

Her cars have additional weight added to them to make her car heavier last I checked. And even then the advantage having a slender frame in Indy Car racing doesn't compare to the difference between men and women in physical activities. Just trust me that I know more about this then most here. I've done A LOT of research on this.


He could have better balance

Nope, women have lower center of gravity. Next


Bullshit. This is something either gender can learn/train to have

Men are heavier, and therefore automatically less agile

and quickness

The fastest woman and the fastest man's 100 meter run world records are separated by an ENTIRE SECOND. Nope. Bullshit.

The Women's US National Basket Ball team plays pick up games against non-varsity HS boys teams to prepare for the Olympics. So a 13 year old boy could be a tough match up for HS girls.

No. Bullshit. NBA guys play pickup games against high school kids too. Why not do it if it's easy to do/arrange? Are they supposed to play NBA guys, who are contracted to do other work for most of the year?

lol what. Men have better balance and are far more agile. In general men are better at athletic tasks.

1) you didn't even read my post, did you and 2) inertia. Learn it


Nope, women have lower center of gravity. Next

Bullshit. This is something either gender can learn/train to have

Men are heavier, and therefore automatically less agile

The fastest woman and the fastest man's 100 meter run world records are separated by an ENTIRE SECOND. Nope. Bullshit.

No. Bullshit. They can't train with NBA players because the union won't let NBA players do it. Next.

lol what. Men have better balance and are far more agile. In general men are better at athletic tasks.

You could take an NBA player like Steve Novak and put him in the WNBA and he would be unstoppable. If a woman was good enough to play in the NBA a woman would be in the league. Stern would love the PR. But there isn't a woman good enough to make a Division 1 men's college team much less the NBA.

The women's Olympic team wasn't just playing a pick up game. They were practicing to prepare for the Olympics. A lot of women's college teams practice against boys HS teams to prepare for their seasons. And in general the HS teams are told to take it easy on defense, not to block shots are play the passing lanes and not to dunk. Otherwise the college players would not be able to compete. And this is top female college teams I'm talking about not some no name school.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
"The rules state he would be allowed to play if he wasn't the dominant player"

The article says he has been owning the girls for the last 2 years.


May contain jokes =>
Nope, women have lower center of gravity. Next

Bullshit. This is something either gender can learn/train to have

Men are heavier, and therefore automatically less agile

The fastest woman and the fastest man's 100 meter run world records are separated by an ENTIRE SECOND. Nope. Bullshit.

No. Bullshit. NBA guys play pickup games against high school kids too. Why not do it if it's easy to do/arrange? Are they supposed to play NBA guys, who are contracted to do other work for most of the year?

1) you didn't even read my post, did you and 2) inertia. Learn it

Do you think any statistically significant number of women could compete in the NBA or NFL?


"The rules state he would be allowed to play if he wasn't the dominant player"

The article says he has been owning the girls for the last 2 years.

It makes me wonder exactly how this came about. Did somebody on the team (or their parents) complain about fair play time, or did it come from another team? Did they give him the offer for less time first, or did they go straight to kicking him out?

I can understand wanting him to step to the back for the sake of sportsmanship. I'd hate to be on a team where I can't do anything, and I'd hate being on the other team that's no match.


testicles on a cold fall morning
this wouldn't happen if the Obama administration allowed these boys to work on Kosmo's farm.
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