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Birds of Prey Director Cathy Yan Blasts YouTuber Grace Randolph "You are the scum of journalism"


Rage Bait Youtuber
Backstory: The original version of Birds of Prey featured a version of Michelangelo's David statue with Black Mask's head on it to show how narcissistic he is. The joke didn't work in test screenings so they removed the statue in editing and ADR'd out any references to do it. Someone then told Grace Randolph that the diamond in the movie featured Black Mask's dick pics; so she made videos screaming about that and spinning it as a pedo angle; even when it was never true. She made the mistake of quote-Tweeting that to the director yesterday and got nuked:

Only time I've heard of Grace is when someone posted her review for Brightburn and how offended she was about it, but she never elaborated on why she was offended. That's all I needed to hear to know that I should avoid her at all costs.
LOL at the pic

I used to like Grace Randolph but it became really clear that she gets a kick out of spoiling things in even her non-spoiler reviews and even kinda gloats about it afterward, so I don't watch her content nearly as often.

Only time I've heard of Grace is when someone posted her review for Brightburn and how offended she was about it, but she never elaborated on why she was offended. That's all I needed to hear to know that I should avoid her at all costs.

Yeah, she didn't talk about the movie at all until her end of the year Worst Of video and when she put it on her Worst OF list she basically just said it was shockingly offensive how a little girl was hurt and women were killed, or something like that. I don't remember the quotes. If she thought that movie was so vile I gotta imagine there are a shit ton of movies she just hasn't seen


If I remember correctly the word she was used for Brightburn was toxic, said it was just really toxic
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Yan is a total putz so I dont put much in stock in anything she says at this point. That said, if Grace has no solid proof she should probably back off.


So the pictures of the villain as Michelangelo's David are stored inside a diamond and a 14-year-old girl swallows the diamond?

Is it just me or is this film's plot being generated via Mad Libs?


Backstory: The original version of Birds of Prey featured a version of Michelangelo's David statue with Black Mask's head on it to show how narcissistic he is. The joke didn't work in test screenings so they removed the statue in editing and ADR'd out any references to do it. Someone then told Grace Randolph that the diamond in the movie featured Black Mask's dick pics; so she made videos screaming about that and spinning it as a pedo angle; even when it was never true. She made the mistake of quote-Tweeting that to the director yesterday and got nuked:


Is there some jealousy here ManaByte ManaByte ? Why do you care if a failed director got into an argument with a YouTuber?


Rage Bait Youtuber
4 fucking minutes. I watched this video for 4 fucking minutes and the guy didnt get to whatever point he was trying to make. Why do so many youtubers just release string of consciousness type videos? Do they think we are in love with their voices or what?

Ads and the algorithm. It's believed if you have longer views on a video it'll boost you with the algorithm.
4 fucking minutes. I watched this video for 4 fucking minutes and the guy didnt get to whatever point he was trying to make. Why do so many youtubers just release string of consciousness type videos? Do they think we are in love with their voices or what?
Lol. I know that feel bro. :(
I always wondered how does someone like Grace Randolph get to be such an "insdier?"

Does she pay for scoops? Does she just have a networking of people she worked with in the comics business over the years that relays info to her?
4 fucking minutes. I watched this video for 4 fucking minutes and the guy didnt get to whatever point he was trying to make. Why do so many youtubers just release string of consciousness type videos? Do they think we are in love with their voices or what?

heeeeeeeey guysssssss its meeeeeee again and i have theeeeee latessttttt scoop for you, thats riiiiight i have THE latest scoop for you please bare with me while i drag words out for the next 8 min before i get to the point


Is there some jealousy here ManaByte ManaByte ? Why do you care if a failed director got into an argument with a YouTuber?

Weren't you saying in another thread that movies like Miday and Ford V Ferrari weren't failures? But your saying Birds of Prey is a failure? You don't have much logic in what you are saying.

Personally I don't think Grace is an insider and she doesn't get scoops. She just makes shit up from nothing.


Rage Bait Youtuber
I never knew that James Gunn blasted Grace on Twitter. Thought I woulda seen that pop up

Gunn and James Wan did. Grace was claiming the Randall Park scenes in Aquaman were reactionary reshoots mandated by the studio or some other stupid bullshit, and Wan put her on blast saying he had cast Park as Dr. Lin from the very beginning, and the character was always in the script, but he wasn't available for filming until they did the pickups.

She's also been taunting Patty Jenkins, so maybe Jenkins will take the bait when WW84 comes out. Grace was pushing that the movie is a "flashpoint" DCEU reboot, when it's absolutely nothing like that. It's a completely self contained sequel to the original movie.
NGL a storyline focusing on Roman getting back dick pics and trying to keep his being gay a secret would've made for a much more fun BOP film than what we actually got.

That said, Grace is kind of a biyach. She basically kept taking petty potshots at Ruby Rose when word came out she was leaving Batwoman. Now, that show sucks. Flat out. At least IMO (there's a few good moments every now and then, though. Usually ironic and unintended).

But Grace basically took it as a chance to belittle Rose's acting career and future prospects simply because she was leaving a role that was more or less designed to placate the LGBT community and even a lot of LGBT people didn't like her acting or the show (or probably even asked for such a role in the first place).

I get Rose isn't the best actress but the digs Grace was taking on them was pretty much pure toxicity.
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Rage Bait Youtuber
NGL a storyline focusing on Roman getting back dick pics and trying to keep his being gay a secret would've made for a much more fun BOP film than what we actually got.

That said, Grace is kind of a biyach. She basically kept taking petty potshots at Ruby Rose when word came out she was leaving Batwoman. Now, that show sucks. Flat out. At least IMO (there's a few good moments every now and then, though. Usually ironic and unintended).

But Grace basically took it as a chance to belittle Rose's acting career and future prospects simply because she was leaving a role that was more or less designed to placate the LGBT community and even a lot of LGBT people didn't like her acting or the show (or probably even asked for such a role in the first place).

I get Rose isn't the best actress but the digs Grace was taking on them was pretty much pure toxicity.

Oh and she HATES Margot Robbie and Jessica Chastain.

And then there are the times she tried to out Henry Cavill as gay:



Weren't you saying in another thread that movies like Miday and Ford V Ferrari weren't failures? But your saying Birds of Prey is a failure? You don't have much logic in what you are saying.

Personally I don't think Grace is an insider and she doesn't get scoops. She just makes shit up from nothing.
Uh let me think. Was Midway or Ford v Ferrari major releases in franchises that normally generate half a billion in profit. No.
Are either movie connected to a franchise that just made a billion? No
Are either movie superhero movies. No

Context motherfucker. Context. Bird of prey does not have the same expectations as Midway.

But of course you would swoop in and defend a box office bomb, because you are an idiot and fucking sycophant to these movies. Just me pointing out the truth is enough to anger you so much you felt compelled to respond. It's pathetic

I don't know if Grace is an insider or not, but whatever. Also it's irrelevant to the fact that Birds of Prey underperformed


Uh let me think. Was Midway or Ford v Ferrari major releases in franchises that normally generate half a billion in profit. No.
Are either movie connected to a franchise that just made a billion? No
Are either movie superhero movies. No

Context motherfucker. Context. Bird of prey does not have the same expectations as Midway.

But of course you would swoop in and defend a box office bomb, because you are an idiot and fucking sycophant to these movies. Just me pointing out the truth is enough to anger you so much you felt compelled to respond. It's pathetic

I don't know if Grace is an insider or not, but whatever. Also it's irrelevant to the fact that Birds of Prey underperformed

Me? Angered? Yet you are the one spouting out words like "motherfucker"?
Birds of Prey doesn't have the same expectations as Wonder Woman, Justice League or Aquaman which is why it's budget is much lower. Just because the 3 mentioned movies made over 500 million each does not guarantee that Birds of Prey will make just as much money.

Fact, the DCEU movies are not the MCU and are not guaranteed to make a tonne of money. Unfortunately the DC branding doesn't stand for quality like Marvel branding yet.
Fact, majority of the general populace won't realise that BoP is somehow connected to the DCEU, they might remember Harley from Suicide Squad but that was a terrible film.
Fact, Harley is popular with the comic crowd but not to the general populace.

Midway, Ford V Ferrari and Birds of Prey were all modestly budgeted with the expectations that they would make their money back and make some profit.
Potential fact, Ford V Ferrari and Birds of Prey potentially made some profit.
Fact, Midway did not make any profit at the cinema yet you still think it's not a failure.

Dark Rider

I don't care for either of these two but reading this exchange:

Cathy admit that the original script called for an image of Roman as Michelangelo’s David. In the original shoot did they actually take a shoot of Roman posing as Michelangelo’s David? as we all know Michelangelo’s David was posing naked with his genitalia on display. So if they took a shoot of Roman naked posing as Michelangelo’s David then that shoot most likely had his genitalia showing and Cathy is just trying to obfuscate that fact behind the fact that Michelangelo’s David statue is art and thus ignore that the man genitalia is on display and you can see her tip toe around that in her statement: "The original script called for an image of Roman as Michelangelo’s David. You know? Art? If that’s a dick pic then the Louvre is full of them. ". Yes the statue is art but that fact doesn't mean his genitalia was not on display. Yes the Louvre is full of art showing genitalia. Cathy did not deny that Roman genitalia was showing in the pic, she merely called it "art" to obfuscate it.

Knowing the writer and director politics I would not be surprised if they did aim to implicitly subtly angle that Roman genitalia was small (or at least looked small in that state) and that is why he want it back. Michelangelo’s David statue genitalia was in the flaccid state which can wildly differ in size in contrast when it is in the erect state, having it in the flaccid state is having it in it's smallest possible state which is perfect for a common troop to use this type of picture without spelling it out, after all admonition men and humiliating them by the size of their genitalia is a common troop and one that makes people with the politics of Cathy giddy as they like to humiliate men and like any humiliating troops for men to be accepted as the norm.

If all the above is true then I suspect the real reason for editing it all out was them realizing late the possible pedo accusations and decided it's not worth it so they removed it. This means that yes for the decision to remove it from the movie the size of Roman genitalia had nothing to do with it because the reason is they realized the pedo implications. The men small genitalia humiliation troop (even if subtly and not spelled out) was why that picture angle was created not why it was removed so no need to discuss any sizes when they wanted to remove it.
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NGL a storyline focusing on Roman getting back dick pics and trying to keep his being gay a secret would've made for a much more fun BOP film than what we actually got.

That said, Grace is kind of a biyach. She basically kept taking petty potshots at Ruby Rose when word came out she was leaving Batwoman. Now, that show sucks. Flat out. At least IMO (there's a few good moments every now and then, though. Usually ironic and unintended).

But Grace basically took it as a chance to belittle Rose's acting career and future prospects simply because she was leaving a role that was more or less designed to placate the LGBT community and even a lot of LGBT people didn't like her acting or the show (or probably even asked for such a role in the first place).

I get Rose isn't the best actress but the digs Grace was taking on them was pretty much pure toxicity.

That's my general issue with her videos. She constantly throws in petty and unnecessary remarks regarding the industry folk she is discussing. Comes off as jealousy, to be honest.

That and she does seem to get off on spoiling things, after giving a lengthy disclaimer that viewers need not worry about spoilers, as another poster said.


Rage Bait Youtuber
That's my general issue with her videos. She constantly throws in petty and unnecessary remarks regarding the industry folk she is discussing. Comes off as jealousy, to be honest.

That and she does seem to get off on spoiling things, after giving a lengthy disclaimer that viewers need not worry about spoilers, as another poster said.

Everyone knows it is jealousy as Hollywood rejected her when Marvel fired her.


I love how Grace is either super racist or a total SJW depending on who you talk to.
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This thread and the theme of it makes me happy.

I wonder how many times Rian Johnson has watched RLM shit all over his stupid fucking star wars movie.


the funny thing is when you compare the careers of the two, Grace Randolph has far more experience in comics and entertainment writing:

Cathy Yan has... well... three short films and one movie that is a comedy about Chinese culture. then out of nowhere this comic book movie.

yet one of these is "a youtuber" and one is the high and mighty movie director LOL
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