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‘Full-on riot’ breaks out during Twitch influencer Kai Cenat’s PS5 giveaway in NYC’s Union Square

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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Looks like he might not be laughing all the way to the bank as I originally said.

Police intend to charge him with multiple counts of inciting a riot and unlawful assembly.

Inciting a riot can get you 10 years in prison.

NYC is a dump. It should be great, but it isn't. It actually was great not that long ago, but for some reason the people in charge decided that just would not do, and they decided to make the place worse and unbearable for normal people to live decent respectable lives. It's a dirty, depressing, smelly dump full of deranged lunatics, newly formed tent cities, and empty luxury apartments owned by foreigners who never visit.
I disagree, NYC is the best city in the world by far.



Dude's a fuckin' retard to begin with but if he wanted to play it safe he should've just done it without announcing it, record a vid of it and upload it later. It would've probably still gone crazy but perhaps it would've been more manageable.
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Dude's a fuckin' retard to begin with but if he wanted to play it safe he should've just done it without announcing it, record a vid of it and upload it later. It would've probably still gone crazy but perhaps it would've been more manageable.

what the hell.

WE are talking about NY over here. 500$ to new yorker is really nothing while 500$ to polish people is whole month of salary(ok maybe closer to 1k) sometimes.... and we have ps5's lol
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What a complete shit show, I don't think that guy is going to get away from this without facing some jail time. Has there been any reports on how many people were arrested, injured, and God forbid dead from this?

what the hell.

WE are talking about NY over here. 500$ to new yorker is really nothing while 500$ to polish people is whole month of salary(ok maybe closer to 1k) sometimes.... and we have ps5's lol
Having lived in NYC that isn't how it is for a good amount of people. $500 was a ton of money to me at times. It's one of the most expensive cities in the world and the vast majority of people aren't rich or well off like you see in movies/tv shows or even when visiting.


Gold Member
You can't convince me that he didn't know exactly what he was doing. As the old adage goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity. This made him national news outside of his normal sphere of influence (youtube, twitter) and will almost assuredly generate more viewers after the fact.

It why I wish they'd actually throw the book at him for inciting this because he knew what he was doing and probably wanted this exact situation to happen. The only way to stop it from happening in the future is to take a hard stance against it and punish him accordingly. But it's New York City. The "charges" are probablu just for show and the DA will likely decide not to pursue the case further.

Looks like cops are afraid of citizens tbh

Because they are, at least in major cities now. A decade of "defund the police" nonsense, followed by constant threats to sue and arrest police for doing their job, DAs who have been going after police for use of force while letting actual criminals go without bail or pleading them down to meaningless misdemeanor charges... Police in big cities these days can lose their job and have their lives ruined over the tiniest infraction taken out of context caught on someone's cell phone.

This is the third year in a row where NYPD has seen "record numbers" of police quitting or taking early retirement and dwindling numbers of people wanting to replace them. This is happening in major cities across the US and in the rush to try and replace the police who are leaving, cities are lowering standards and fast tracking new candidates into those spots, leading to more incidents of bad policing and power-tripping cops (like the Tyre Nichols murder by Memphis officers).


Gold Member
You can't convince me that he didn't know exactly what he was doing. As the old adage goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity. This made him national news outside of his normal sphere of influence (youtube, twitter) and will almost assuredly generate more viewers after the fact.

It why I wish they'd actually throw the book at him for inciting this because he knew what he was doing and probably wanted this exact situation to happen. The only way to stop it from happening in the future is to take a hard stance against it and punish him accordingly. But it's New York City. The "charges" are probablu just for show and the DA will likely decide not to pursue the case further.

Because they are, at least in major cities now. A decade of "defund the police" nonsense, followed by constant threats to sue and arrest police for doing their job, DAs who have been going after police for use of force while letting actual criminals go without bail or pleading them down to meaningless misdemeanor charges... Police in big cities these days can lose their job and have their lives ruined over the tiniest infraction taken out of context caught on someone's cell phone.

This is the third year in a row where NYPD has seen "record numbers" of police quitting or taking early retirement and dwindling numbers of people wanting to replace them. This is happening in major cities across the US and in the rush to try and replace the police who are leaving, cities are lowering standards and fast tracking new candidates into those spots, leading to more incidents of bad policing and power-tripping cops (like the Tyre Nichols murder by Memphis officers).
Indeed. I'm a fan of the Tyre Nichols method, where people Police Their Own


I was on BQE and the signs switched to warn you to stay away from Union Square, didn't find out why until I was at the gym later. There is no way this was going to go well.


For just a PS5 damn shameful. Just work and you'll get any console you want. All those people need to get smacked up

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
made him national news outside of his normal sphere of influence (youtube, twitter) and will almost assuredly generate more viewers after the fact.

International News - this story made it into the 2 minute bulletin on the London talk radio station I was listening to.

Maybe a slow news day, but that's pretty amazing that this was one of the 4/5 stories they decided to cover.

It could end up blowing up in his face though. As mentioned earlier, the police have said they are going to charge him. Now that it's being reported in other countries and presumably across America, the conversation must surely be how much of an example do they want to make of him? Are Police, prosecutors and judges trying to work out how many other people they've never heard of could trigger a riot with a single social media post? If they are, they might be thinking "let's make sure people don't want to do this again"
This confirms that I must be an old man because I cannot comprehend going through all that just to see a Twitch streamer in person (nor for any "celebrity" for that matter) and the *slim* chance of receiving a $500 console.
A PS5?

People will beat the hell out of each other for a t-shirt that doesn't fit with an advertisement on it, if a man in a mascot shoots it out of a cannon into a crowd of people.
When I went to my first professional basketball game, I though those were free buritos or sandwiches being shot into the crowd...

retriever catching GIF


Gold Member
International News - this story made it into the 2 minute bulletin on the London talk radio station I was listening to.

Maybe a slow news day, but that's pretty amazing that this was one of the 4/5 stories they decided to cover.

It could end up blowing up in his face though. As mentioned earlier, the police have said they are going to charge him. Now that it's being reported in other countries and presumably across America, the conversation must surely be how much of an example do they want to make of him? Are Police, prosecutors and judges trying to work out how many other people they've never heard of could trigger a riot with a single social media post? If they are, they might be thinking "let's make sure people don't want to do this again"
Considering these so called Teen Takeovers are a regular occurrence in Chicago, it's not necessarily the control any particular twitch streamer has over their fans, but more about how little it takes for these hordes of Teens to gather for no reason whatsoever. Blame the current catalyst, I suppose. But until riots are severely counteracted, dont be surprised when it keeps happening. France has set some interesting precedents, for example they banned all video games and the problem was instantly solved!


UK here but, I try and live in ignorance to the societal rot that's occurring by...

1. Live in a smaller town rather than a big city.
2. Social media lite - Twitter for work, YouTube, GAF, messenger/whatsapp for friends yes, but Insta/Tiktok and the rest = big fat nope
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voted poster of the decade by bots
I wonder how many attendees, most of whom ran away, were interviewed and confirmed actual followers of the guy.

Not so say I don't think he caused it, but if I'm the guys lawyer wouldn't my defense be "we have no idea how many of those people relate directly to my client......" since the burden of proof is on the prosecutor.....

Probably plead ot out anyhow.

Ugly scene, feel bad for bystanders and the police. Why exactly do mobs seem to feel it's ok to throw things?
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We have also expedited the issues by failing to prosecute those that commit criminal actions. Some places still do but many majors cities have failed their citizens.
Man, I read news from Oakland/SF and the victim blaming is insane because everyone thinks that breaking into cars/houses is normal in these locations now. Comments like "well it's your own fault for leaving your stuff in your car."

No, that's not how any of this works.

But they're so easy on crime in the two cities, I wouldn't even consider it a slap on the wrist anymore.

Look at this shit:

Guy gets his car broken into twice in the same day while visiting the Bay Area:

Elected DA is trying to get 75 year reduced sentence to 15 years for a guy that killed 3 people:

She's also trying to get reduced sentences for 3 gang members that shot and killed a ~2 year old kid:

I probably overstepped into politics too much, but I just wanted to say that I fucking agree wholesale with your statement that cities are failing the citizens, but for fucks sake they have to stop voting in the wrong people first.


Gold Member
Why exactly do mobs seem to feel it's ok to throw things?
Independent thought goes completely through the window when part of a mob. Until they get directly pepper sprayed, their decision making is basically that of an animal.

I probably overstepped into politics too much, but I just wanted to say that I fucking agree wholesale with your statement that cities are failing the citizens, but for fucks sake they have to stop voting in the wrong people first.
Rioting is a political topic by nature, I don't know what the mods expected here besides tiptoeing around politics under a thinly-veiled video game topic. I thought we were having friendly banter about cities vs rural areas, but I'm assuming somebody got asshurt and used the report feature.


Too much liberalism leads people to think "liberty means I do whatever I want".
For some people, it's too much to think people who act as criminals are criminals and they need to be threated as criminals.


Wait, is that what this is all about? Some free giveaway? What the fuck, lol.

I scrolled past some twitter clips the other day of people dancing on top of cars and mentioning a riot in NYC but I didn't pay much attention to it, but my first thought was that it must have been over something more serious.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
You can see that the guy in red with the others around him were hitting the back window of the taxi and probably cracked it. That's why the police went after him in the first place.

Looks like it was undamaged to me and that the guy that hit it did so with his bare hand, and merely patted it a couple of times, open palm (black t-shirt). I don't think you'd do that if you thought the glass was damaged or going to break, there's a good chance of getting injured or cut, especially if you were trying to break the glass.

It's hard to see if there's any damage to the glass in the video, but I can't make anything out, it looks intact to me.

Either way, the kid's face ended up cut when it was pushed through the window and the police had no reason to throw him around like that, he seemed passive to me. It seems quite performative, that throwing him around was a show of strength to try and scare people.

Obviously people were behaving unacceptably, but I don't see in this video anything that warranted that treatment. I think the police are lucky the kid didn't end up with worse injuries.

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Gold Member

Holy shit.
If the social media mob had any coherence, every big gaming company would get cancelled and raked over the coals for the ads they ran in the 90s and early 2000s. That dog alone would be enough to give Sony the worse time of their existence these days.

I saw some of the videos… yeah, the US hasn’t moved up from the bottom of the list of places I’d visit if I had to plan a travel these days. I went there three times in the mid-nineties and it was mostly fine, but now? No thanks.


Looks like it was undamaged to me and that the guy that hit it with his bare hand patted it a couple of times, open palm (black t-shirt). I don't think you'd do that if you thought the glass was damaged or going to break, good chance of getting injured or cut, especially if you were trying to break the glass.

It's hard to see if there's any damage to the glass in the video, but I can't make anything out, looks intact to me.

Either way, the kid's face ended up cut when it was pushed through the window and the police had no reason to throw him around like that, he seemed passive to me. It seems quite performative, that throwing him around was a show of strength to try and scare people.

Obviously people were behaving unacceptably, but I don't see in this video anything that warranted that treatment. I think the police are lucky the kid didn't end up with worse injuries.



Looks like it was undamaged to me and that the guy that hit it with his bare hand patted it a couple of times, open palm (black t-shirt). I don't think you'd do that if you thought the glass was damaged or going to break, good chance of getting injured or cut, especially if you were trying to break the glass.

It's hard to see if there's any damage to the glass in the video, but I can't make anything out, looks intact to me.

Either way, the kid's face ended up cut when it was pushed through the window and the police had no reason to throw him around like that, he seemed passive to me. It seems quite performative, that throwing him around was a show of strength to try and scare people.

Obviously people were behaving unacceptably, but I don't see in this video anything that warranted that treatment. I think the police are lucky the kid didn't end up with worse injuries.

Yeah I think red shirt kid is going to sue.
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