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BREAKING: Sony is acquiring Bungie for 3.6b


Rage Bait Youtuber
Crazy, the world is upside down this year. FPS is really the only game type Sony doesn't invest in, so I guess it makes sense to acquire a development team finally and why not Bungie they make pretty good ones.
It’s not about FPS but GAAS. Because despite what the vocal majority on GAF says, that’s what the mass market is playing and where the real gaming money is in 2022.


Looking at this deeper, and after they confirmed their games will stay multi, i don't see any interest of this for the Playstation player and fan.

Maybe the interest of this will be mainly for Sony to compensate cod microtransactions with Bungie benefits, and that money will be as usual be inject into Sony 1s party, so kinda indirect benefit, not sure just pure speculation from my part
How do you not see something so blatantly obvious? It’s simple. A couple weeks ago MS threw everyone for a loop by positioning themselves to block the most popular shooter from PS5 owners in a couple years. Yesterday Sony showed they are ready to fill in the FPS void if that happens. That makes this huge.


How do you not see something so blatantly obvious? It’s simple. A couple weeks ago MS threw everyone for a loop by positioning themselves to block the most popular shooter from PS5 owners in a couple years. Yesterday Sony showed they are ready to fill in the FPS void if that happens. That makes this huge.

Bungie games will stay multi, so this wasn't a response to MS.


This 100% was a response to MS‘s strengths in the GAAS area.

Not sure about that tbh...

This Bungie purchase will change nothing for ps and Xbox users, everything bungie will release on both ps xbox and PC (maybe no Nintendo but more because of hardware thing likely)

If they wanted to respond to MS they should've bought Take2 and lock gta6 as ps exclusive, for example.
Spider-Man is on PS as Marvel went to Sony regarding exclusive use of one of their IP. Sony looked at their studios and partnerships and thought Insomniac would be best equipped to try this. Insomniac alone chose to make a Spider-Man game from Marvel's IP. Insomniac have stated this publicly. Blame Marvel for the situation if you want to blame anyone.

Regarding Destiny DLC, I'll answer that when you tell me how much Titanfall 1 costs on Playstation hardware? 😂
Insomniac wasn’t owned by Playstation at the time and also Marvel wouldn’t mind one of their biggest heroes being on multiple platforms, also Wolverine now? Hello!

U don’t want to go tick for tack about timed exclusives since Forspoken is a 2 year timed exclusive. Talk about that. Oh, it’s only bad when Microsoft do it 🤔 Original post i quoted was BS and yours is a waste of time


Rage Bait Youtuber
Yeah then explain why Spider-Man isn’t on Xbox anymore if Sony are the ones that wants “gaming for everyone”. Also Destiny 1 DLC was locked from Xbox till Destiny 2. “ Gaming for everyone”.
Marvel Games offered Sony an exclusive title. Sony asked Insomniac (who was basically a “2nd party” at the time) if they wanted to work on the Marvel game. Insomniac accepted and then Margel allowed them to pick the character, and they chose Spider-Man. That’s the facts how it happened, directly from Ted Price.
I believe this is very clearly a 'defensive' move as there are pretty firm reports MS were in talks with Bungie to acquire them. To save behemoth MS from buying and locking away Destiny and future games from PS platforms (after any agreements expire) Sony have moved ahead to own them outright.

I think in the coming weeks or months they'll announce their 'offensive' play, when they announce they've acquired Capcom, CD Projekt or another publisher.


Bungie has a history of telling their boss to go fuck themselves. They could have been only willing to sell provided they are left to their own devices pre-acquisition and only need to share information/tech with Sony Studios. If Sony start impeding on Bungie's choices, I could see staff leaving. Keep it multiplatform and spare the drama.
Sony is Bungie now. some people can quit but they can't make decisions without Sony's approval. There could be a "gentleman's agreement "but nothing more.
And when MS and Sony say "multiplatform" they mean their console + PC.

It’s not about FPS but GAAS. Because despite what the vocal majority on GAF says, that’s what the mass market is playing and where the real gaming money is in 2022.
And Jim Ryan literally said it was about massive GaaS in the GI interview. But Bungie's technical mastery of FPS is also. part of the 3.6 billion price tag. And dose help Sony greatly.

This 100% was a response to MS‘s strengths in the GAAS area.
Both MS and Sony are responding to Tencent.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Marvel Games offered Sony an exclusive title. Sony asked Insomniac (who was basically a “2nd party” at the time) if they wanted to work on the Marvel game. Insomniac accepted and then Margel allowed them to pick the character, and they chose Spider-Man. That’s the facts how it happened, directly from Ted Price.
Just happened to pick the only Marvel character Sony owns film rights to.


Not sure wher he is getting these numbers from but destiny 2 player numbers

If these are accurate that's pretty decent, i'm really surprised at the playstations numbers.

It's the warmind.io and figured out my bad assumption ethomaz ethomaz . It's DAU vs CCU.
We did learn that Halo probably has north of 300k DAU min based on the xbox top played chart.
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Just think a bit about which one will basically pay off these billion is very little time…

Konami, Atari or Bungie?
I'm thinking about the games we would play. Activision and Bungie will make the same stuff they would regardless, but Atari and Konami could use a reinvigoring.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Insomniac wasn’t owned by Playstation at the time and also Marvel wouldn’t mind one of their biggest heroes being on multiple platforms, also Wolverine now? Hello!

U don’t want to go tick for tack about timed exclusives since Forspoken is a 2 year timed exclusive. Talk about that. Oh, it’s only bad when Microsoft do it 🤔 Original post i quoted was BS and yours is a waste of time
If you read I said Sony looked at its studios and partnerships and gave Marvel's opportunity to Insomniac. Are you claiming the head of Insomniac is lying? Wolverine is likely a response to both Insomniac killing it and Crystal Dynamics making a bags of Avengers. It appears Marvel rewards companies who enhance its IP.

Titanfall 1 is timed exclusive now? When is Sony getting it? My comment was about Destiny DLC being locked out and responded with other content locked out. Both companies do it and where did I say its only bad one way? You were the only one complaining about one company gatekeeping games.



Those Stadia numbers.

Frustrated World Cup GIF

I'm thinking about the games we would play. Activision and Bungie will make the same stuff they would regardless, but Atari and Konami could use a reinvigoring.

Who even owns the rights to the Atari back catalog at this point?


Ah so you know more than Jim Ryan. Because he said they bought them for their experience in GAAS and how they can teach the rest of Sony.

Read well, i was responding to the fact it was a response to MS recent aquisiting, and Jimbo said it wasn't.


Just happened to pick the only Marvel character Sony owns film rights to.

Disney wants that Sony first party prestige that makes perfect sense for the types of characters and stories that exist in the Marvel universe.

It’s a coincidence that Insomniac games had full on Spidey nerds working. When presented with another choice, they went with Wolverine. Another character that is beloved by nerds.They also present a perfect match for the medium in terms of gameplay opportunities, and my guess is Blck Panther is next.
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are these good numbers? judging from steam peak users for the day (can't see dau on steamdb) there are alot of games around this level (it came in at 17 when I looked) and cs:go had more ccu than all 3 destiny platforms combined dau.

edit: oops all 4 destiny platforms sorry stadia rofl
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It’s not about FPS but GAAS. Because despite what the vocal majority on GAF says, that’s what the mass market is playing and where the real gaming money is in 2022.
That's true, Sony did say they we're going to invest in more GAAS content/ investments. This will definitely knock out the FPS side and GAAS side of that.


Who was Office losing to when they made Office 365?
Google Suite that everyone got for free and integrated into their gmail corporate accounts.

Before that they had a windows only application suite called Office that cost hundreds. Google Suite started eating away at their Office sales and office 365 was born with 'open anywhere' capability (mac/linux support) and part of a subscription like G Suite.
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Bungie games will stay multi, so this wasn't a response to MS.
Don’t move the goal posts. I replied as to why you are wrong about this not interesting PS owners. Only in console warriors minds would a player find nothing of value if the game is multi platform. It also makes NO sense to go there since the game that everyone wonders about is COD.


lol you guys are totally divorced from reality. What the hell is Konami going to do for Sony? So they buy a bunch of dusty Konami IPs, none of which have much relevance in today's market. Now what? Spend six years making a single player cinematic third person game with some Konami IP so people can buy it for 15 bucks at GameStop 4 months after launch?
That sounds a hell of a lot better to me than some f2p mmo which I'll never touch


Moderated wildly
I’ll have to disagree with you there, I’ve never seen such outrage as the Xbox Tomb Raider deal - to the point where Xbox had to clarify the duration of the deal - something that I’ve never seen since.
Yeah, tbh that shit was insane and I'd never seen anything like it. Its like Sony fans demanded to know and Microsoft plus Core had to just fold to their will.


That's not really a war when you compare Microsoft with Sony. They just had a net income of 18.8 billion in 1 quarter...
Yes, MS as a corporation always had way more money but in gaming never have been able to outsell Sony in any generation. Sony always outperformed them, and will continue being the same.
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Bungie has a history of telling their boss to go fuck themselves. They could have been only willing to sell provided they are left to their own devices pre-acquisition and only need to share information/tech with Sony Studios. If Sony start impeding on Bungie's choices, I could see staff leaving. Keep it multiplatform and spare the drama.
Sony bought 100% of Bungie. If some Bungie boss isn't happy with some Sony decision he will be able to leave Sony and Bungie, but Sony will keep both Bungie and the Bungie IPs because they bought them.
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So Sony paid 14x bungie revenue, while ms paid 8-9x ActBliz revenue. Seems like someone overpaid.
The first Destiny made $1B on its first year or so and obviosly the game and IP kept generating money. Bungie is working on multiple new IPs, pretty likely Sony will recoup the investment before the next gen. Plus Bungie will share their FPS/MP/GaaS expertise with the Sony 1st/2nd party teams, so pretty likely Sony will get more successful GaaS out of this acquisition other than the ones made by Bungie.

While who knows if or when MS will recoup the ABK acquisition, specially if they focus on monetizing them via GP and if they decide to keep some big ABK games out of PS. MS overpaid.
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I posted the Destiny 2 population numbers with several sources yesterday and people tried to deny it.

Now Tom Warrior posts it and become truth lol
He not even posted where he got the numbers lol

BTW when the new season releases that numbers go up to over 2 million daily… in slow times like yesterday it is really low like 750k per day.

Probably very few games in the market have bigger population than Destiny 2 plus the active base keep paying $70-80 per year.
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Ask me about my fanboy energy!
Label people and ignore any nuance in arguments, this is war by definition. Or in some cases pretending to ignore or not see it.

Not sure why you are circling the wagons over this. All companies are on charm offensives, all companies spread bs, the argument covered was clear “talking about removing barriers to gamers accessing games while isolating multiplatform titles to GamePass” + “talking about exclusivity deals being bad for the industry while signing them up and being very unclear about details (see issues around TR exclusivity)”.
Now you can keep ignoring this and just call it warring, but you are the one drawing sides and circling the wagon, not me… fine, but own it.
People are not warring just because they need to validate your nuances. You will be labeled if you call out people for being less productive just because they view all platforms as same.
You want to take an issue with something Sony says and does, go ahead… unless we misquote things (such as the believe in generations quote) for the sake of arguments, we may disagree but respectfully. Well, on my part at least perhaps given your post there.
Funny that you mention that Jim Ryan. Now I rarely mention about their platform or in post those threads(but this is a bungie thread so I am here) but I will do you a favor this time. Why are you now calling people out on "misquoting things".
They were quoted exactly as everyone perceived there quote when they made that statement. So were you the only one who decoded his statement? Even many people from your side said they fell for it, because they literally championed it.
Yes, but Sony doesn't want you to play PS4 games on your PS5...they believe in console generations remember?
Console generations and (enhanced) BC are orthogonal concepts... of course you knew it and decided to troll anyways 🤷‍♂️...
Worse they were compared with the Matt Booty quote, even though they literally supported Xbox One upto two years of his statement with all first party projects. I wonder why you are the one accusing them of "campaigning" and even bringing up the Jim Ryan quote. You can't accuse people of misquoting just because their actions didn't match how they allowed their message to be perceived. Funny that you accuse people of misquoting but
“talking about removing barriers to gamers accessing games while isolating multiplatform titles to GamePass”
I wonder how this is not misquoting in your part. So me the exact quote where they said they will bring there games to all platforms? Even though they literally meant xCloud. Funny that this quote from Phil Spencer was never perceived as bringing their games to all home consoles or Xbox becoming a third party publisher in any way by any one. Everyone understood it meant xCloud on Phones and publishing everything day 1 on PC. Yet you treat this as "spreading BS".
“talking about exclusivity deals being bad for the industry while signing them up and being very unclear about details (see issues around TR exclusivity)”
Yeah, Phil has not done any content exclusivity that locks certain portion of the game for one group forever or until they are irrelevant like COD, Destiny or Avengers. No one in the Destiny community liked that and three months after breaking up with Activision they removed that(and it was not something that Bungie liked either). Bungie still maintains that there won't be any platform exclusive content.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Sony bought 100% of Bungie. If some Bungie boss isn't happy with some Sony decision he will be able to leave Sony and Bungie, but Sony will keep both Bungie and the Bungie IPs because they bought them.
This problem with this is Sony paid for the experience attached to Bungie. This will go towards developing other studios while Bungie make their next IP.

Antagonising staff at Bungie will lead to staff jumping ship and you have Destiny but not the means to effectively make use of it. They is no point to paying that much for just Destiny. Leave them alone to make their own choices while Sony Studios learn from Bungie's GAAS expertise which is clearly lacking.
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