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BREAKING: Sony is acquiring Bungie for 3.6b

I love Sony and I like their single player games. Although Destiny is the opposite of what I am interested in, I think its a good move. Sony basically just lost CoD and Overwatch, so they need to strengthen their MP output and it just happens so that Bungie is having a big MP title with a solid fan base.

I mean this is good news for me, because Sony does not need to force their other studios to make a MP game instead.


They have done it since they came into gaming, look at the PS1 Saturn days. Buying a publisher or studio does everything you said there too.
We already know how many games Sony went for befoe this gen started, to try and starve Xbox of software this gen. They even went for Starfield (nice backfire there).

So yeah lets not pretend Sony is goody two shoes, and everything dodgy they do is simple them being 'forced' into doing it by evil Microsoft.
If a publisher is unsustainable and require funds, investors step in and save it. If a project is too risky for the vision, investment can put it back on track. Both positive outcomes.

Bathesda, Activision and Bungie require no saving and are purely a stake in market share with no greater benefit to the gaming communities at large.

However, we can clearly see the disparity of the approach from MS and Sony. One aims to remove content from gamers, one doesn’t. The approach to the return on investment is the differentiator.
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Very smart buy. with one move Sony diluted(not canceled out) the 70 billion purchase of Activision. Now both Microsoft and Sony have leverage over each other that makes the other think twice about pulling content from the competing platform.

Sony also own the best FPS studio in technical terms. Bungie master all of PvP, Co-Op and single player. IMOO their games have the best feel in FPS controlling and shooting. Could never get into the genre before Halo.

Also, now Bungie can add their experience to help other Sony online projects.

Bungie over the past few years. had issues producing content for an un-ending game. but now they have massive recourses to manage that.
That’s not what Bungie said today.


Bungie themselves have already directly stated very plainly that this acquisition in no way affects Destiny or any future game titles that they will make period. This includes the possibility of any major dlc skin or map crap that Sony likes to pull. This acquisition by Sony only really gains them access to bungies experience making games as a service titles so they can make some of their own that have nothing to do with Bungie.
If you want to believe that, be my guest.


Maybe not. Probably not. The current situation is status quo with Destiny 2.

As for future games, I don't think Xbox gamers really care. Bungie takes forever to make even one game. Unless they are hard at work with a secret game in development ready to launch soon, it's going to be more Destiny 2 DLC for the next 3 years. And even if they did want to play it, a PC port will probably surface.
This is not about what Xbox gamers care. And obviously they care, look at the amount of salt in this thread. 🤣

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Well get better internet then, and if you cant then there is not a lot you can do.
These companies are not charities. If by the end of this gen only a tiny percentage of gamers are still buying physical, then there is a good chance both Sony and Microsoft will go digital only. They want rid of physical as it is.

Thanks for the laugh. Needed to see something so ridiculously retarded and ignorant like that today.


Well that's the noble way to look at it...

Usually though, timed exclusivity is done with games that are otherwise funded (especially when the dev also has a publisher), and done to shift consumer spending to the platform getting the timed exclusivity, at the detriment of the platform losing out on said game. Strength of FOMO has only intensified over the years, partly because of social media IMO.

I don't know what that has to do with today's news, though; this is an out-and-out acquisition by Sony, nothing timed about it. Neither's better or worst than the other, just depends on the buyer's needs.

Banished to the Never Dimension.

I don't personally think this is true tbh; MS would probably be okay with just 1P content, since they now have SO MUCH 1P content under their belt. The thing is I think if MS and Sony were to provide their streaming services on each other's consoles, it would be just that: streaming-only access to 1P content under a singular subscription that is platform-agnostic, and they each get a cut of subscriptions through the other's platform (maybe the usual 30% cut for initial sign-up, then a 15% cut for each month the user continues to use the service on that platform, something like that).

If you want native versions of those games, either buy an Xbox (MS), PlayStation (Sony), or PC (both, potentially....though still no Day 1 releases yet for Sony). If you're okay with cloud streaming on a monthly subscription, play on whatever system you want. I think that's where this is all heading by 2024/2025 at the latest.
Along with reflections


Thanks for the laugh. Needed to see something so ridiculously retarded and ignorant like that today.
Like i said, we will have to see what happens. But i'm betting this is the last gen with a disk drive, sorry you feel different, but yeah you feel strongly about this subject, so cool.
I think what this signals, more than anything else, is that Sony is serious about the future of Live Service / GaaS titles, and is basically saying "Fuck this coy nonsense, we are releasing on all platforms because that's the only way GaaS can be truly successful"

essentially calling off Microsoft's bluff on possibly removing CoD from Playstation by being intentionally vague even though Sony platforms account for the majority of revenue of Activision's titles like CoD.

Basically saying "you want to go exclusive?" Ok, well enjoy losing some of your relevance because that's not how GaaS works
I agree with this to a point, tho as I alluded I think Warzone essentially fulfills the necessary GAAS revenue generation as well as any “tit for tat” debates about exclusivity. Destiny vs Warzone is itself a relatively even “trade.”

Essentially, the mainline CoD titles or, rather, the single player campaigns are a different discussion & I think will be a bit more complex in terms of how they decide to move forward.

Just like Sony, it’s to MS’s benefit to grow their ecosystem & one of the main/most effective ways you do that is with exclusive titles. Sony knows this well which is why they essentially pioneered the idea back in the day. MS wants the CoD multiplat revenue but bringing more players into the ecosystem - which incidentally is now more about Game Pass than sheer numbers of consoles sold - is worth far more revenue in the long run than a partial loss of revenue from one or more CoD titles no longer being on PS. Ergo, the main reason Phil’s language on this has been so diplomatic is simply bc they have regulatory hoops to jump until the deal is finalized in 12-18 months.

So I think when it comes to CoD moving forward past 2023 we’ll see a mixture of multi-plat and exclusivity.

The question is what that mixture will be. It could be a staggered timed exclusivity for each title, I.e., day and date to Game Pass, one year later available on PS for $70, etc….It could be that some games have exclusive single player components but open up the multiplayer component right away or after a shorter exclusive period.

One of the big sticking points for MS is no doubt the profit split for MTX on the Sony platform. I guarantee that isn’t going to stay 70/30 if they want to keep CoD. Not a chance. And one thing that could of course change all this instantly is if Sony allows Game Pass on PS. I still don’t expect this to happen, however. And with Sony obviously copying & implementing their own version of Game Pass in the not too distant future this also throws a different wrinkle into things.

Interesting times indeed. I personally hope that all games can someday be available on all platforms. But we know that is never going to happen. Nintendo & Sony have built up their ecosystems on the backs of exclusive titles and for better or worse it appears Microsoft understands this is the way…🤷🏻‍♂️
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Found this pretty wierd tbh:

Did Sweeney comment on MS acquisitions?

Why would he? MS's got no invested shares in Epic IIRC, so it means nothing for him to do so ;)

Being a bit cheeky here. Tho, he was kinda sus in 2020 with some tweets before news got out about Sony investing a minority stake in Epic.

Along with reflections

Reflections of what? Or is that something else?

Sony spent a lot of big bills...
You think exclusive games and exclusive content won't be on PlayStation?

Yeah, $3.6 billion and still letting Bungie operate relatively autonomously, at least with their current output.

It reminds me of some of Microsoft's talk about specific Zenimax titles. They're going to keep supporting Fallout '76, The Elder Scrolls Online etc. for the foreseeable future. But they've already come out to say stuff like the next mainline Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Starfield etc. will be exclusive.

Whatever Bungie has cooking as their next AAA major IP post-Destiny 2, especially if it's coming sometime like 2024, I'm expecting that to be PlayStation/PC exclusive.
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Already shot down. Their new IP is not a PlayStation exclusive. Now, that might be corporate speak for it just having a PC version, but given Bungie's wording, it actually does seem that Bungie will remain multiplatform for the foreseeable future for all of their games.
If it's this ESports game then it needs to be multi-platform. I don't think new IP exclusive MP game can make it today.



Jim only bought Bungie so he can wave them in Phil's face if he ever feels worried in the future about CoD becoming exclusive to Xbox. Everyone knows how much Phil loves Destiny :p

Bungie came to MS for the buyout first last year and MS rejected them because they wanted way too much. For 3.6 billion I agree with MS. 😂

Of course all of this last year was reportedly.


I don't personally think this is true tbh; MS would probably be okay with just 1P content, since they now have SO MUCH 1P content under their belt.
There is no way MS would allow that option. Won't happen. That will kill the xbox brand. There would be no point in owning xbox, if you can play them on Playstation. MS isnt stupid to put their money making games on their competitors. They would have done that during the xbox one, and went full 3rd party.

Either full package of gamepass, or no xbox games on that system.

You are kind underestimating how much money gamepass brings to them on their system, from those 3rd party games, and their games.

Subs alone guarantee them $200m. Then you have the dlc, which you have to buy, in order to experience the full game. Then game sales on their system. That is alot of money on the table, from gamepass full package.

If they put it on Sony devices, they can get certain % of sales from those.

If they only do their 1st party games, then they lose those sales. And Sony would make money from them, which will benefit Sony studios.
As long as I can still play destiny on Xbox and it's future games. Which looks like it's the case, then it's no big deal to me. Even Jim Ryan said future games would be on rival consoles.

Funny that Sony got Uncle Phils favorite game though. It's about time Sony gets their act together with MP games too. Gives me a reason to get a PS5 in case they do some kind of bullshit exclusive dlc shit.


This is not about what Xbox gamers care. And obviously they care, look at the amount of salt in this thread. 🤣
It's not about xbox gamers. No one cares. Lol. Go to the ps subreddit. No one cares. This is such a boring acquisition. Good get for Sony, but no one cares.
"an independent subsidiary"

What does even mean?

If bungie have complete control and can release games where they want whats the point in sony buying them?

I dont think they will be "independent" lol sony will be in control of them.
Movies, anime, books, all things Bungie have wanted for awhile now. They now have a competent FPS game that brings in money across all platforms.

The only people who don't care are people that are happy getting 1-2 one and done single player games a year. They rather argue online than play a MP game
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When Sony's acquisitions use very clear terms about exclusivity, it somehow doesn't mean anything. But when Phil says something clear enough about exclusives, his words are twisted and tortured until they somehow mean that Activision and Blizzard games will be on PS :messenger_tears_of_joy:.
Come on. I agree with you that Activision and Bethesda games won't be on PlayStation, let's not pretend Phil was being clear. He was the opposite and spoke like a true politician, carefully choosing his exact wording.

Saying, "Our intention is not to take games away from other platforms and we would like to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation", is the exact opposite of expressing your actual intentions if you believe they are pulling future iterations of that franchise from PlayStation (which I do).

No, he's not lying since he worded it the way he did, but he's being anything but obvious and transparent.

The statement from Bungie makes it seem very clear that they will, in fact, keep their games on every possible platform. If I'm wrong, and they do end up exclusive to PlayStation, then they are being even more misleading than Phil Spencer.


The rest of your post was pointless, because this is the crux, and you're just repeating yourself. And as best as we can tell, Bungie retain ownership of their IP. When they leave Sony, their IPs will go with them.
I have no ideia what are you implying… Sony bought Bungie… all their assets and IPs are now owned by Sony.

It is not a partnership or contract where Bungie can left… they are now part of Sony.
Damn. Bungie got some stink on them. Microsoft got rid of them then Activision and then Microsoft passed on buying them! Not sure about this deal... Sony might have picked up a dud
It's a strange purchase and does kind of reek of desperation, but there's no denying that Destiny is a popular game with a strong player base.


Bungie said it’s false. Debunked sorry.
Nibel doubled down though. He seems to know what he's taking about. And it was unclear what part bungie was saying was false. Was it not multiple times they had discussions? Did it fall through not because of bungie's high price? What was it?

I can see why ms would walk away for price if they wanted what Sony paid!


Who do you think Jimbo is referring when he says "more acquisitions are coming"? hopefully something exciting.

I can see the value on acquiring Bungie (even tho still weird they plan on staying multiplat), but i hope next is gonna be serious acquirement with talented Japanese devs on solo/rpgs games like the ones i named above.
Considering this Bungie thing, I would say something like mmorpg FF XIV.

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I have no ideia what are you implying… Sony bought Bungie… all their assets and IPs are now owned by Sony.

It is not a partnership or contract where Bungie can left… they are now part of Sony.
Exactly it's different.
If they were able to leave they would be leaving without the IP's.


It's not about xbox gamers. No one cares. Lol. Go to the ps subreddit. No one cares. This is such a boring acquisition. Good get for Sony, but no one cares.

Pretty much this. Great for Sony who has no mp developers. But most people don't care about it. Bungie was basically giving Destiny 2 away after it did so poorly. Then they put it on plus and gamepass.

People trying to make it out to be as big as the Activision buy (lol) or even the Zenimax one are just fanboying. I just hope whatever they do next is a breath of fresh air from Halo/Destiny.

fart town usa

Gold Member
Good grief. There was infinitely less salt in the thread about MS buying ActiBlizzard.

Seeing so many people in here like, "waste of money....Bungie has 1 mediocre game...MS could have bought them but passed...."

Whatever this mindset is, it comes off as projection. The ActiBlizzard thread was fun to read, so much unnecessary cope in this one. It's like the 360/PS3 era all over again.
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Good grief. There was infinitely less salt in the thread about MS buying ActiBlizzard.

Seeing so many people in here like, "waste of money....Bungie has 1 mediocre game...MS could have bought them but passed...."

Whatever this mindset is, it comes off as projection. The ActiBlizzard thread was fun to read, so much unnecessary cope in this one. It's like the 360/PS3 era all over again.
The funny thing is a lot of the salt is coming from Sony fans. Lol

So as far as I can tell, I haven't see shit stating they are keeping the IP or anything wild like that. Allowing them to self publish Destiny, doesn't mean Sony didn't buy the IP, thats like saying some weird shit like Sega doesn't own Atlus cause they allow them to self publish at times or MS didn't buy those IP, cause Bethesda will continue to self publish. I think you are seeing that term and just assuming it means the IP doesn't belong to Sony. Sir, you'd have to question what the fuck they are actually buying for 3 Billion then if not for the team and the IP lol Using your logic, MS doesn't even own any of those Bethesda IP lol

I know this is some megaton shit, but you going to need to deal with this one.


Yeah, i don’t think they understand how acquisition works or what that word means


Exactly it's different.
If they were able to leave they would be leaving without the IP's.
If there any case of Bungie leaving that is a Sony decision board and not Bungie anymore.

Sony owns Bungie.

It is more easy to Bungie’s employee left to create a new studio than Bungie leaves Sony… they don’t decide that anymore.
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Gold Member
wtf this shit is confusing so Sony don't own Destiny IP so that means MS down own any of the Bethesda IP wtf make no sense
Its not confusing. Lots of companies operate like this with a parent company but retain their IP

I would guess any new IP would likely become owned by Sony though. Halo was a case where Bungie owned the IP and had the right to sell it to MS because they were developing it before MS got involved. Similar to Destiny for Sony now
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