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Why do people get over protective for their favorite console?


Its just gaming machine, which you will throw it away once you are done having fun with it. You wasting all these hours protecting it, and mocking other people. Its borderline unhealthy, and weird.

So why do people go overboard with it?

For me personally, I just play it, and mind my business. I have real life to worry about. I am not wasting my time arguing with stranger, with my console.

Its little bit hard to understand these behaviors.
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Fart Knight

Al Pachinko, Konami President
phantom der nacht rats GIF
Because unlike PCs, consoles can and do die.

If your console lose players, the console itself would cease to be. And then the games you bought for it are lost forever.

PC gamers may joke about someone having a Potato for gaming machine, but the fact is you can still play on a potato if you want. And PC isn't going anywhere because no one manufacturer is able to disconinue the whole ecosystem. PC ecosystem is a mess, but it is for all intent and purposes immortal.

Consoles are perpetually on the brink of dying. Sold at a loss (except for Nintendo), the hardware has to justify both its own existence and the ongoing development of its successor.
(Playstation was going to cease to exist if PS4 didn't launch well)

So why even have a console platform? Because it is a walled garden that offer good rent from third party game tenants. And third parties know they can make more money on consoles than on PC. But ONLY when the number of console owners are high enough.

When you don't sell enough consoles, it leads to a negative feedback loop of the console losing third party games, which leads to less consoles sold. etc.

Nintendo found its niche as a handheld company and being almost reliant on 1st party game sales. Microsoft is claiming they are moving away from the console model. Both are just facing the reality of losing their main console base of the past.

Console waring is just customers being aware of the thin ice they are standing on. That there is "not enough to go around", and that their own console would have a much higher chance of getting a next gen if their direct competitor just go away.


People are too attached to brands and also to a stupid sense of superiority, believing that they know better than anyone else, without realizing how pathetic they really are by protecting companies that are not even aware of their existence but it's glad to take their money and the free marketing they help to propagate.
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Gold Member
They got to justify their purchase in the face of all the other brands that might be better.

Oh wait, it's typically console gamers who only do this.

How often do you see people battling who has better kitchen appliances or A/V experts ragging on each other who has better gear? Even for cars, you'd think with so many car brands out there, the people with better performing cars would be rubbing it in the faces of people driving cars half the price calling them poor cheapskates. Yet you dont get warriors in other tech gear.

Even among the PC crowd, there's going to be AMD and Nvidia supporters. A PC has one GPU. You get one of the other. It seems that when you see PC gamers chatting specs, they are more bout helping each other out trying to get the most out of the specs as there's common goodwill among the gamers despite different brands and gear and sometimes if you know a lot about tweaking settings, you help each other out even if it means the opposing PC or gpu brand. Whats the best GPU now? 3090 TI (I dont know). Do you see Nvidia gamers boasting they got the best chip?
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Lone Wolf

They got to justify their purchase in the face of all the other brands that might be better.

Oh wait, it's typically gamers who only do this.

How often do you see people battling who has better kitchen appliances or A/V experts ragging on each other who has better gear? Even for cars, you'd think with so many car brands out there, the people with better performing cars would be rubbing it in the faces of people driving cars half the price calling them poor cheapskates. Yet you dont get warriors in other tech gear.
It can get pretty bad with auto brands. Nothing like console wars, but ive seen some pretty crazy fanboys.
i have no clue why playstation fanboys, are the way they are. Brain damage is the only way i could understand why u look at any xbox related tweet and the replies are just crazy ppl posting "xbox sucks"..."playstation better" etc.

I luv luv luv PS2. Think its the best game console of all time. And that didn't cause me to slurp playstation and hate anything non playstation. I grew up on NES....and still like Nintendo but i play it the least. I have no nostalgia for Xbox. I nvr owned anything Xbox until i was in my 20's. I have never cared much about Xbox games. But its my most used current console and i think xbox has had the best console the last couple gens.

i would like to think that my line of thinking, is the norm. As far as liking everything. But idk. I do think online sentiment effects real world purchases. Because Xbox does have a slightly negative connotation. Maybe even Nintendo to some degree. U never see anyone in real life, saying playstation sucks or anything. or questioning why you would get a playstation. unless its a pc nerd ;)
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Gold Member
It can get pretty bad with auto brands. Nothing like console wars, but ive seen some pretty crazy fanboys.
You'd think cars would be the biggest battleground on earth. Different prices involving giant money, performance, and car sites rate the actual models how good or bad they are. And there's a general trend in each class of car or truck, which are the better brands and models.

If anything, you'd think everyone would justify their car purchase in order to not look like they wasted $40,000 on a car rated 6th in it class, while whomever owns the top rated models would be rubbing it in as the other guy wasted tons of money on a shitty ranked car.

I dont see it. Never have in real life. But have seen people bring up $300 console wars in real life.
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You'd think cars would be the biggest battleground on earth. Different prices involving giant money, performance, and car sites rate the actual models how good or bad they are. And there's a general trend in each class of car or truck, which are the better brands and models.

If anything, you'd think everyone would justify their car purchase in order to not look like they wasted $40,000 on a car rated 6th in it class, while whomever owns the top rated models would be rubbing it in as the other guy wasted tons of money on a shitty ranked car.

I dont see it. Never have in real life. But have seen people bring up $300 console wars in real life.
There is a car equivalent of the console war right now. It is called Tesla.

Not Tesla attacking other companies; other car companies attacking Tesla. Tesla is fine. But car owners of other brands are starting to notice that their own car company is actually under threat for once. And this leads to mud slinging of epic proportions. This just proves that it isn't "being suprior" that causes brand wars, but "Threats to survival".

If you know your car company won't survive going full EVs, you would want EVs to fail. Because the alternative is the disappearance of the company. That is the source of waring.


Gold Member
I’ll be honest and say that there are people in the forum that constantly but subtly troll and downplay the “other” company - and it’s so obvious with such clear ill intent that sometimes I do step in to at least make fun of their obvious trolling. I’m sure it looks protective but I can’t help it.


aka IMurRIVAL69


anytime you pack a bunch of drunk people together shit like this will happen. concert, bars, nightclubs, etc.

console warriors sitting their autistically for hours on end trying to dunk on the other console day in day out is it’s own special brand of sad that doesn’t really exist anywhere else.

There are tons of accounts like this, and saddest of all is that these are fully grown men doing this.
Misguidedly attaching ones own persona to a particular item, team, etc.

Some people that invest into something have to make it a war against competing ideals, items, teams.

Never understood it myself, but some of the memes are humorous.


Same psychological mechanics that creates the football hooligan.
[Brand] invites this by giving users a sense of belonging to a team and they find others.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
I kinda like it I don’t mind console defending it makes it easier, my #1 goal is to have all the consoles
Nervous Season 3 GIF by The Simpsons
Its just gaming machine, which you will throw it away once you are done having with it. You wasting all these hours protecting it, and mocking other people. Its borderline unhealthy, and weird.

So why do people go overboard with it?

For me personally, I just play it, and mind my business. I have real life to worry about. I am not wasting my time arguing with stranger, with my console.

Its little bit hard to understand these behaviors.
Who knows. Let's run a quick test. Xbox is trash.


Because tribalism is a human tradition dating back since before the invention of the written word.
I take solace in the fact that no one is killing each other for a plastic brick... at least not that I'm aware off.
If the last couple of years have taught me anything, is that everything is possible.
I am seeing this most with pc gamers. The superiority complex
We PC gamers do not war with consoles. There is nothing to war, because we can't lose. Consoles CAN lose, so you war.


I mean, tribalism.
And why do tribes war? Because they fight for survival.

Seriously, I already gave out the answer earlier in the thread. You war when the stake is death. Consoles are perpetially at a knife's edge from doom. Trying to say it is stupid, is just trying to deny the truth.
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