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Army of the Dead - Teaser Trailer

It's entertaining but it all amounts to nothing in the long run. Great concepts and ideas but damn. No spoilers. I think they really needed to change some things if they want to make a franchise out of this for Netflix.

The movie has a lot of development for characters but the pacing is off also for the kill count. Bautista successfully shows he has range though.
Horrible fucking concepts, terrible fucking ideas. King and Queen zombie love? What in the flying fuck?!


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know why everyone was expecting some sort of cinematic masterpiece. Dawn of the Dead is a once in a lifetime movie. Everything else is just zombies 🤷‍♂️ . The beginning of this movie was cheesy in a bad way and the ending of it felt too rushed, pacing-wise. I had the most fun watching in the middle, with the world building, lore building, and visual storytelling. Zack Snyder's odd and long-form style of storytelling and directing might be fitting for a different medium, like video games. Someone needs to tell him this.

If there's one positive I can say, it's that it made me want to replay Dead Rising 2.
I had the same sentiment but with a different game, Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Honestly this made me want a Mercenaries-style game mixed with Zombies/Alpha Zombies/Shady Virus Businessmen as the deck to take out.


Unconfirmed Member
While that and it's sequel were fun to play, that's not quite the vibe I was looking for. That's more of a superhero game like Infamous. I'd just want to be a regular dude going into open ended missions with access to tons of weaponry, like Mercs.


Okay, I'm done watching. It was definitely too long which is funny because I always thought that Dawn of the Dead remake was too short. I would've probably nuked the refugee camp scenes, I imagine Netflix wanted to keep that. ;)
In my opinion the movie wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I'm definitely going to give it another go in a few months, because my initial reception of DotD wasn't very good either and I warmed up to the film during rewatches. Army had a mix of good/enjoyable and bad/annyoing scenes and characters. Bautista is my favorite and the female helicopter pilot is the one I hated the most. It's like they wanted to make her that badass one-liner character, but failed miserably. The twist with the real heist was too easy to predict, but I still enjoyed following the story (minus the annoying daughter character).
The movie definitely had some cool action scenes and gave some characters cool deaths. I liked the main alpha even though some scenes inside the Olympus dragged on unnecessarily. The soundtrack was a miss for me. The song from the intro was too long and too intrusive and why not use the original cover of Bad Moon Rising?
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OH SHIT! I watched the making of video and Zack was the DP/cinematographer on the film.

I have a feeling that the depth of field was largely used to hide the massive amount of composite work done.

It's because of the Dream Lens that he used. It has a really narrow DoF. He used the same lens in Justice League during the newly shot knightmare 2 sequence.


It's because of the Dream Lens that he used. It has a really narrow DoF. He used the same lens in Justice League during the newly shot knightmare 2 sequence.
Yeah. I got to the self congratulating "cinematography" section of the behind the scenes. The whole thing just felt like Netflix gave Zack money for him to do an ego-stroke movie.


Gold Member
I'm surprised at how mediocre it all ended up being and definitely won't be watching this movie ever again. Its strange how unlikeable every character outside Dave Bautista and maybe Omari Hardwick was, the latter of which barely speaks.

The entire storyline with the idiotic daughter should have been cut entirely in order to focus the plot. They introduced a new type of zombie noted in the previews but quickly Worfed them when it counted and the camera work was also weirdly poor at times with the random blurring.
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I'm incredibly upset about the rain thing. I was expecting a nuke followed by a Hiroshima style rain with rehydrated zombies coming to life.

Also lmao
the UFOs in the opening scene. I think they were added because of the tic tac mania, otherwise the first conversation wouldn't make sense. I mean they're taking off right next to the trucks lol.


It’s way too long, and kind of amounts to nothing, but I didn’t mind it. If it was two hours or less I’d recommend it whole heartedly - but at two and a half hours, I’d say this one is for the fans of Snyder’s work.


The dead pixels make it unwatchable.

Thank God someone else mentioned this. Some scenes my TV looked like it had 1 dead pixel, other scenes 2 dead pixels. What is up with that?

Movie was so long and so average. I think it's Snyders worst.

As I expected it didnt feel grand or cinematic like to trailers glamour shots would make you think it is. Majority of the film is in small inside sets.

It's so long and yet I feel like I barely know the characters. What is up with Scott's best female friend dropping that bomb shell on him randomly more than half way through the film? Daughter was annoying. Includes a cliche walk through the zombie room because they are asleep scene.

Rumour missed the mark 80% of the time, I think I understand why Snyder sticks to serious tones now.


This was kind of bad. Too many cliches, really dumb characters and bad movie covers.

I enjoyed the hesit setup more than the execution. Too many scenes of characters moronically standing around talking to each other, and scenes of life and death where people just stand watching jaw agape.


I don't know why everyone was expecting some sort of cinematic masterpiece. Dawn of the Dead is a once in a lifetime movie. Everything else is just zombies 🤷‍♂️ . The beginning of this movie was cheesy in a bad way and the ending of it felt too rushed, pacing-wise. I had the most fun watching in the middle, with the world building, lore building, and visual storytelling. Zack Snyder's odd and long-form style of storytelling and directing might be fitting for a different medium, like video games. Someone needs to tell him this.

They weren't. They were hoping Snyder could recreate the magic of Dawn, and wow audiences again.

We were wrong.
The entire storyline with the idiotic daughter should have been cut entirely in order to focus the plot. They introduced a new type of zombie noted in the previews but quickly Worfed them when it counted and the camera work was also weirdly poor at times with the random blurring.

The second the dad allowed their daughter to come with them was when the movie turned into total shit. It was a retarded decision to make that cascaded into everyone making stupid choices again and again.

Also, it was SUPER apparent that one chick was greenscreened in and made her an eyesore in every scene.
Wow what a piece of shit and this is coming from someone who routinely watches horror movies that have really low scores on IMDB.

I understand there is going to be some prequel stuff but the number of plotlines that go no-where is crazy:
-Robot zombies
-Zombie embryos
-Time loops
-The rain bringing zombie back to life

I love when stuff is subtly referenced in earlier films then comes back to be important but most of this stuff just felt so heavy handed that it was really amateurish.

There was stuff that felt like it maybe ended up on the cutting room floor like:
-Dwelling on the safecracker having a knife he never used unless I missed it
-The cock tease circular saw
-The different payouts being offered to each member
-The entire motivation of the daughter was saving that mother who just straight up disappears at the end!

Technical stuff like:
-Dead pixels in like a third of the shots!
-Super blurry shots
-Crap greenscreen replacement CG
-2000s era tiger CG

Some absolutely idiotic characters even by horror movie standards:
-Everything the daughter did
-The businessman - if he just wanted a zombie head why not just send someone in to get one and offer them £50m
-The action girl telling the obviously evil henchman she knew he was an obviously evil henchman just before the zombie obstacle course
-If the zombies were so smart they could have got over a couple of cargo containers easily (a honey badger can figure that one out) - maybe the line about Las Vegas being their Kingdom was supposed to explain that?
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I enjoyed the movie but its one of those movies where the more you think about it the more its plot starts falling apart. I liked the characters also. Also I'm pretty surprised we didn't get a single DoTD remake easter egg.


I don't know why everyone was expecting some sort of cinematic masterpiece. Dawn of the Dead is a once in a lifetime movie. Everything else is just zombies 🤷‍♂️ . The beginning of this movie was cheesy in a bad way and the ending of it felt too rushed, pacing-wise. I had the most fun watching in the middle, with the world building, lore building, and visual storytelling. Zack Snyder's odd and long-form style of storytelling and directing might be fitting for a different medium, like video games. Someone needs to tell him this.
No one was expecting a masterpiece. Just a cohesive movie would be a starting point. This was seriously all over the place.

It tries to be ensemble heist movie like Oceans series, but have zero likable characters.
It tried to be an action movie with honestly some of the more boring and cliche action cinematography. On par with direct to DVD or something on Syfy.
It tried to have element of Suicide Squad, but again, none of the characters were likable.

The pacing was awful. The first 90 mins was a total slog. Just awful pacing. A good editor could have cut that to 25 mins.
Hell, the new Back4Blood trailer does a better job explaining the world and characters building in 3 mins than this did in 90 mins.

The formula for this movie writes itself. Zack just got in the way of what could have been a fun summer popcorn movie and filled it with too much filler and fake style. Given that Zack help write, direct AND was also cinematographer, this movie was a $90m ego stroke.


Unconfirmed Member
Low Moral Fibre Low Moral Fibre That circular saw was being used/shown in a few snippet trailers and behind the scenes interviews. I suspect it was cut from the movie. Honestly I suspect a lot was cut and this could have been another 4 hour romp. Maybe Snyder wanted to save it for the Blu Ray.


-The businessman - if he just wanted a zombie head why not just send someone in to get one and offer them £50m
Yeah that's a very good point. Why hire Bautista's character and pretend that you care about getting 150 mil (lol). Just be straight with someone without morals to smuggle out a zombie head. This could've been an easy in and out job since they didn't even need the head of the main alpha.
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Yeah that's a very good point. Why hire Bautista's character and pretend that you care about getting 150 mil (lol). Just be straight with someone without morals to smuggle out a zombie head. This could've been an easy in and out job since they didn't even need the head of the main alpha.
That would have been a better plot device with the Vegas money being extra. "While we are here, let's take some of the cash here!"

Still throws me off the 2+ tons of cash they wanted to carry out in a broken chopper.


That would have been a better plot device with the Vegas money being extra. "While we are here, let's take some of the cash here!"

Still throws me off the 2+ tons of cash they wanted to carry out in a broken chopper.

Yeah the second I saw they were supposed to be exfil'n with fucking 200 dollars my first thought was "how"???

There's no way they could carry that much money through an army of zombies and survive.

On top of that, 50 million dollars is nowhere near enough to convince any reasonable person to undertake this mission. This was DUMB.


I've watched it. Maybe it's not on par with Snyder's Dawn of the Dead, but it's a pretty good movie (the zombie aspect). Maybe the heist aspect of the movie feels not as strong as the zombie aspect. And surely, Zack likes his movies to be on the longer side (see Zack Snyder Cut of Justice League, Batman V Superman Ultimate Edition, Watchmen's Ultimate Cut, and whatnot). Then the father-daughter relationship, it's been always there. It's something Zack has wanted to be there since the early days of the film's existence (circa 2006-2007). Did Dave Bautista and Ella Purnell pull it off nicely? I don't know.
Omari Hardwick and Matthias Schweighöfer are faves in this film.
About the overuse and over-abuse of shallow depth of field, it's a stylistic choice (it's like J.J. Abrams and his lens flares). At first, it struck me on the trailers, but as the film went on, I just rolled with the punches. As I said, Zack's stylistic-aesthetic choice to go for shallow DoF and smooth-buttery out-of-focus BGs and environments.
But I never felt like "OMG, I just wasted 2+ hours from life that I'll never get back". I think that Zack Snyder has done and is doing pretty fine zombie movies (namely Dawn of the Dead and Army of the Dead, with the former being the best). Depending on how this one and its prequels turn out, Zack said in the interviews that he has some wild ideas on how to continue the story. Maybe he oughta do one more, I guess he should.

This news item is from March 2007. The father-daughter story arc was always there.
Zack Snyder has achieved one of those rare Hollywood survival scenarios. He directed a remake of a cult classic film and survived. Not only did he survive the making of Dawn of the Dead (which even original director George Romero professed enjoyment for), but Snyder has gone on to win fanboys over with his adaptation of Frank Miller’s 300. Everyone knows his next project is another comic book adaptation - this time the legendary Watchmen, but Snyder’s not stopping there. He wants to head back to his roots.

According to Variety, Snyder is returning to the zombie genre with Army of the Dead a (for once) original tale for Snyder to take on. The idea of the film follows a father trying to save his daughter from a zombie infested world and is set in a quarantined Las Vegas. Not to cut on Snyder’s originality, but isn’t a desolate Vegas featured in the promo for the next Resident Evil zombie flick?

Snyder hasn’t revealed what shooting techniques he’ll use for the film, although it’s likely some of his 300 skills will come into play if he’s shooting another army movie which, if the title doesn’t give it away, he is. Snyder professes part of the reason he wants to do this film is that no zombie movie has been done on the scale they are looking at. Nothing? Not even Romero’s Land of the Dead which featured a world overcome by the zombies?

I liked Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead remake and would be interested to see what might bring to a larger scale picture. I only have one suggestion – I agree with Romero when he says Snyder’s zombies move too g*ddamn fast. Slow ‘em down if there’s going to be a whole freakin’ army!

Thank God someone else mentioned this. Some scenes my TV looked like it had 1 dead pixel, other scenes 2 dead pixels. What is up with that?

Ya it's true, there are some dead pixels here and there.
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I forget to mention that the sound design and music was average as well. Absolutely no oomf what so ever from the guns and the music did not leave any impressions.


What a dissapointment this movie was. I am really tired of being fooled by zack snyder's movie trailers.
Another cool concept from zack snyder that's ruined by... well zack snyder himself.
Slow motion fest with twists you can see them coming miles away.
The movie starts pretty strong and fun btw. And then act 1 drags a bit too long during creating the team. Team building phase spill over the act 2 as well while the movie still trying to throw new characters at you. Boring charachters with cliché backstories always unnaturally interup the action and pacing.
If you have ever watched a mediocre zombie movie, you dont have to watch this. Army of the dead doesnt bring anything new to the table other than some "neon colors" here and there.
Unoriginal characters
Unoriginal backstories
Unoriginal villans
And one of the most boring and obvious endings in the history of entertainment.
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What a dissapointment this movie was. I am really tired of being fooled by zack snyder's movie trailers.
Another cool concept from zack snyder that's ruined by... well zack snyder himself.
Slow motion fest with twists you can see them coming miles away.
The movie starts pretty strong and fun btw. And then act 1 drags a bit too long during creating the team. Team building phase spill over the act 2 as well while the movie still trying to throw new characters at you. Boring charachters with cliché backstories always unnaturally interup the action and pacing.
If you have ever watched a mediocre zombie movie, you dont have to watch this. Army of the dead doesnt bring anything new to the table other than some "neon colors" here and there.
Unoriginal characters
Unoriginal backstories
Unoriginal villans
And one of the most boring and obvious endings in the history of entertainment.

The film being predictable as fuck did not help at all.

EDIT: Looking back on it, the Zombie War montage at the beginning of the film was better than the actual film.

I wanna see THAT movie.
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The film being predictable as fuck did not help at all.

EDIT: Looking back on it, the Zombie War montage at the beginning of the film was better than the actual film.

I wanna see THAT movie.

i thought the movie was going to be that with some heist action and tension but then the wrestler guy's daughter prisoned us in her high morality stupidity.

is it really that hard to write smart characters fighting smarter villans. like i don't know, how in the hell ridley scott managed to do that back in 1970's with alien.

maybe it is time for big money to leave horror genre to indie scene, to people like robert eggers and ari aster.

also i don't know what streaming behemoths see in zack snyder. how many failures does it take for them to not give this guy a 200 million USD budget?


Like, there's some really good shit in this movie
like the UFOs at the beginning when theyre transporting the alpha from area 51, some of the zombies appearing to be some kind of robot or cyborg, the glowing eyes and blue blood coming out of some of the, the zombie tiger scene, the setting and tech used to make it, some pretty good action scenes here and there. Some of the shots are amazing too. The little meta speech with the corpses wearing their clothes Vanderhoe gives is pretty neat too. The montage of the zombie war in Vegas at the beginning of the film is cool.

Then there's really bad shit like the characters, they're all idiots. The plot is predictable as hell and honestly kind of really dumb. People just do stupid shit throughout the movie from the first scene.

The commanding officer of the soldiers at the beginning is so fucking slow to react to what his CO is telling him, that he gets all his men killed by standing around with a dumb look on his face, then half heartedly telling his men to get away from the thing with no urgency in his voice. Then after all but two of them are dead, as they run away one of them falls down and both of them moronically hang around to laugh about it, with no concern for the ravenous monster about to obliterate them.

Bly pointlessly misleads the team about his true intentions for no discernable reason, ensuring he won't get what he really wants. Why wasn't he just honest about what he wanted? Offer 50/100 mil for an Alpha head. The team fucking around with money they could barely carry through a horde of zombies only served to slow down the mission and reduce their chances of exfil. If the concern is them knowing their real intentions you can buy their silence easily enough with money, it is the motivating factor here, or just have them all killed when they get back. Offering a bounty on a zombie head makes more sense, and in hindsight would have been a more sensible objective. It was already apparent from the start that the money wasn't the real objective for them.

Dumb evil corporate guy Martin is so dumb and evil he wastes no time doing dumb evil guy stuff like sacrificing one of the crew to a horde in such a stupid fashion that it could have gotten him and the rest of the crew killed as well. This results in a really cool action scene where Chambers fights for her life against the zombies, and she does put up a good fight. I was desperately hoping that the obvious thing wouldn't happen here and she would survive, but nope. The zombies catch up with her and she as she's struggling to defend herself, Guzman stands around watching his friend fight for her life, BEFORE she even gets bit and does nothing to help her. He watches until she eventually gets bit, and he is finally content to do something about it and shoots her gas tank killing her and the horde.

So now she dies, for literally nothing at the very beginning of the mission, because dumb evil corporate guy is so confident that he doesn't need these guys to help him escape the zombies with his prize, which is so stupid that it obviously leads to his own death.

The entire plotline about Scott and his family is ruined by his daughter being completely terrible. Her motivations for going into the zone are fucking retarded. The mom runs off without her kids and she's so worried about the kids being left along she leaves them to go into the zone with hundreds of zombies and leave the kids with no one to look after them for certain. Scott is a fucking idiot, so he lets her come with them, immediately making it obvious that he is going to die saving her, which he does.

The plot with Vanderhoe and Ludwig was entertaining, and they had nice chemistry for most of their scenes but it is ultimately underutilized when it could have been the heart of the film. Vanderhoe trying to fistfight the Alpha was beyond stupid. At least use a damn knife dude. The fact that the Alpha doesn't kill him and Ludwig saves him by locking him in the safe makes it obvious that not only was he bit, but he's also going to survive the nuke and will leave the area to infect other people.

Then there's all of the dumb niggling shit like, let's fire off our weapons repeatedly with no suppressors in an area FULL of zombies. Oh while we're at it instead of hurrying and completeting their mission, everyone keeps stopping to talk to each other in VERY hostile territory. Hey we only have an hour and thirty minutes until a nuke gets dropped on us? Better stop to talk. The daughter fucking runs away from the team alone, doesn't even consider even if she finds Geta how will she fight through the horde with just the two of them to get back to the copter? Not to mention the heli pilot makes a huge point of how her life is just as important as the safe cracker, and Scott STILL leaves her alone on the rooftop with no backup.

I really wanted to enjoy this movie, but it was so damn disappointing, I just didnt give a damn about any of these characters, so there was no tension or weight to the things that happened.
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I'm incredibly upset about the rain thing. I was expecting a nuke followed by a Hiroshima style rain with rehydrated zombies coming to life.

Also lmao
the UFOs in the opening scene. I think they were added because of the tic tac mania, otherwise the first conversation wouldn't make sense. I mean they're taking off right next to the trucks lol.
Apparently the nuke produced no fallout at all, because the black dude was able to easily walk out of the city to safety lol

As for the UFOs, it seems there are two upcoming prequels for Army of the Dead. One of them is an anime series called Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas, which sounds like it'll deal with the origin of the zombies in Area 51 (in other words: aliens). The second is another film called Army of Thieves, which stars everyone's favorite (lol) German safecracking dude. Who doesn't want to know his origin story?? /s


Idk if it helped my viewing experience but I went in pretty much blind as I avoided all the media except the two trailers. I had 0 expectations and my hype level was controlled.
I think this was a very personal movie for Zack as he lost his daughter to suicide so I can see why he doubled down on that aspect of the movie. This was probably a very cathartic movie for him.
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Perpetually Offended
OH SHIT! I watched the making of video and Zack was the DP/cinematographer on the film.

I have a feeling that the depth of field was largely used to hide the massive amount of composite work done.

It also hid that the helicopter pilot was someone else who got fired and they had to replace him with Tig Notaro (the engineer lady on Star Trek Discovery)... They had to digitally insert her in the scenes as filming had already been done and it was too late to shoot those scenes again. She actually shot most of her scenes against green screen. Especially the group shots.


Apparently the nuke produced no fallout at all, because the black dude was able to easily walk out of the city to safety lol

As for the UFOs, it seems there are two upcoming prequels for Army of the Dead. One of them is an anime series called Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas, which sounds like it'll deal with the origin of the zombies in Area 51 (in other words: aliens). The second is another film called Army of Thieves, which stars everyone's favorite (lol) German safecracking dude. Who doesn't want to know his origin story?? /s
Black dude coming out of a hatch like nothing happened is one of the most riddiculus thing i have ever seen in a movie. Also i love how he doesnt get infected for half a day where other people turns into a zombie in 30 seconds after they get bitten.
Shit movie. Shit logic.

Stop enabling zack snyder.


Perpetually Offended
That said... I liked the movie. The daughter was TOO FRAKKING ANNOYING! I hated her character... She put everyone in danger ... Well, after

The complete douchebag that worked for Takara took the zombie queen's head off

... that really put everyone in danger ... But she made things worse in the end.

Still built up the tension.

why can't anyone ever have a happy ending in these zombie movies?


Like, there's some really good shit in this movie
like the UFOs at the beginning when theyre transporting the alpha from area 51, some of the zombies appearing to be some kind of robot or cyborg, the glowing eyes and blue blood coming out of some of the, the zombie tiger scene, the setting and tech used to make it, some pretty good action scenes here and there. Some of the shots are amazing too. The little meta speech with the corpses wearing their clothes Vanderhoe gives is pretty neat too. The montage of the zombie war in Vegas at the beginning of the film is cool.

Then there's really bad shit like the characters, they're all idiots. The plot is predictable as hell and honestly kind of really dumb. People just do stupid shit throughout the movie from the first scene.

The commanding officer of the soldiers at the beginning is so fucking slow to react to what his CO is telling him, that he gets all his men killed by standing around with a dumb look on his face, then half heartedly telling his men to get away from the thing with no urgency in his voice. Then after all but two of them are dead, as they run away one of them falls down and both of them moronically hang around to laugh about it, with no concern for the ravenous monster about to obliterate them.

Bly pointlessly misleads the team about his true intentions for no discernable reason, ensuring he won't get what he really wants. Why wasn't he just honest about what he wanted? Offer 50/100 mil for an Alpha head. The team fucking around with money they could barely carry through a horde of zombies only served to slow down the mission and reduce their chances of exfil. If the concern is them knowing their real intentions you can buy their silence easily enough with money, it is the motivating factor here, or just have them all killed when they get back. Offering a bounty on a zombie head makes more sense, and in hindsight would have been a more sensible objective. It was already apparent from the start that the money wasn't the real objective for them.

Dumb evil corporate guy Martin is so dumb and evil he wastes no time doing dumb evil guy stuff like sacrificing one of the crew to a horde in such a stupid fashion that it could have gotten him and the rest of the crew killed as well. This results in a really cool action scene where Chambers fights for her life against the zombies, and she does put up a good fight. I was desperately hoping that the obvious thing wouldn't happen here and she would survive, but nope. The zombies catch up with her and she as she's struggling to defend herself, Guzman stands around watching his friend fight for her life, BEFORE she even gets bit and does nothing to help her. He watches until she eventually gets bit, and he is finally content to do something about it and shoots her gas tank killing her and the horde.

So now she dies, for literally nothing at the very beginning of the mission, because dumb evil corporate guy is so confident that he doesn't need these guys to help him escape the zombies with his prize, which is so stupid that it obviously leads to his own death.

The entire plotline about Scott and his family is ruined by his daughter being completely terrible. Her motivations for going into the zone are fucking retarded. The mom runs off without her kids and she's so worried about the kids being left along she leaves them to go into the zone with hundreds of zombies and leave the kids with no one to look after them for certain. Scott is a fucking idiot, so he lets her come with them, immediately making it obvious that he is going to die saving her, which he does.

The plot with Vanderhoe and Ludwig was entertaining, and they had nice chemistry for most of their scenes but it is ultimately underutilized when it could have been the heart of the film. Vanderhoe trying to fistfight the Alpha was beyond stupid. At least use a damn knife dude. The fact that the Alpha doesn't kill him and Ludwig saves him by locking him in the safe makes it obvious that not only was he bit, but he's also going to survive the nuke and will leave the area to infect other people.

Then there's all of the dumb niggling shit like, let's fire off our weapons repeatedly with no suppressors in an area FULL of zombies. Oh while we're at it instead of hurrying and completeting their mission, everyone keeps stopping to talk to each other in VERY hostile territory. Hey we only have an hour and thirty minutes until a nuke gets dropped on us? Better stop to talk. The daughter fucking runs away from the team alone, doesn't even consider even if she finds Geta how will she fight through the horde with just the two of them to get back to the copter? Not to mention the heli pilot makes a huge point of how her life is just as important as the safe cracker, and Scott STILL leaves her alone on the rooftop with no backup.

I really wanted to enjoy this movie, but it was so damn disappointing, I just didnt give a damn about any of these characters, so there was no tension or weight to the things that happened.
This post nails it.

Only thing thats interesting was how they manage to replace pedo delia with tig nataro.

Its incredibly impressive and very scary at the same time.

Like you really cannot tell. Can you imagine what hollywood can orchastrate in the future?

another moon landing perhaps?


Also, it was SUPER apparent that one chick was greenscreened in and made her an eyesore in every scene.

I assume you mean Tig Notaro. They spent millions to green screen her as a replacement. I think she is a terrible actress. I don't know why they keep putting her in things.

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Should come with a drinking game to down a shot every time there's a callback to a much better movie like ALIENS. Fallout New Vegas had a better heist movie storyline in its DLC.

Even the king and queen Zombie are ripped off from Ridley Scott's I Am Legend.
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