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Up: Pedro Pascal confirmed to play Joel in HBO's adaptation of TLOU

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Gold Member
I kind of want this to happen now just to see how

They end up trapping themselves into a season 2 story where a bunch of white people led by buff Karen torture a black man to death and then we need to empathise with her


Gold Member
This is like in the Halo film if they used a white actor for Johnson, well it's worse cos its the protag! dayum son


Jerk off material to the woke crowd. Not like this... But they could literally cast Joel as a fat Polynesian midget and it'd get their stamp of approval as long as it pisses off gAmErs™. It's their version of "owning the libs".

Whatever. Now cast Ellie as non-binary queer gendertrash and be done with it.


Not terribly fussy about casting. But, I don't get why HBO would just go for a straight retelling of the stories from the games.

I'm not even close to a Last of Us super fan but one thing those games do undisputably well is being cinematic. The high level tech, voice acting and general direction make for totally convincing cinematic experiences. They don't need hollywood to improve them. They can stand on their own as legitimately good drama. So why go chasing gravitas by remaking them?

I have to assume HBO wanted this project because it has a large built in audience that will expand it's subscription base. But, that built in audience is not going to be surprised by anything in a frame by frame retelling. All they will do is invite comparison with the games and when you do that you will unavoidably leave people unsatisfied. If they want to go beyond the built in audience they have to really differentiate TLOUs version of post apocalyptia with the dozen or more others that are out there.

Why not flush out the world building by moving away from Joel and Ellie? The protective father figure in post apocalyptia is getting cliche. Take general premise of TLOU and expand it.


This Wikipedia article is hilarious as if it’s somehow uniquely evil that actors being cast as a different race is inherently bad if they’re are white. This is somewhat an extension of my point on the last page. Society shouldn’t care this much, it’s really not healthy.
I'm not saying anything about it only addressing that users post saying "why does this only happen one way???" when its historically the opposite.
Jerk off material to the woke crowd. Not like this... But they could literally cast Joel as a fat Polynesian midget and it'd get their stamp of approval as long as it pisses off gAmErs™. It's their version of "owning the libs".

Whatever. Now cast Ellie as non-binary queer gendertrash and be done with it.
Or they are just casting a well known actor who recently had received plenty of praise and awards. That will bring some level of prestige to their adaptation. One who also has a working relationship with HBO.

That’s not it. Instead it’s to trigger people on Neogaf who get angry over everything.


Omg, what the fuck is wrong with americans? Why would you change the characters physical description like that? Joel is not black, nor skinny. Why would you do this? These people are just fucking stupid. You arent correcting anything, Joel is supposed to be white just like ellie is supposed to be gay.

Americans are fucking retarded with race issues..
And we all have to live with it.


Because people always want the actors to look the same as their original adaptations, quite simple really.
Why though? That’s my question. Does his look really change the character? Is the look of a chat after make the character? Especially when it’s just a generic look?


I’ll be honest: I saw this on the other board first and the entire thread is just “omg I love it!” and I just can’t get over how insanely thick that koolaid must be. Had to come here and see if I was losing my mind.


Gold Member
I’ll be honest: I saw this on the other board first and the entire thread is just “omg I love it!” and I just can’t get over how insanely thick that koolaid must be. Had to come here and see if I was losing my mind.
Well you'd prob be banned if you said anything other than that so


So why stop there?

Why don't they make the characters played by dogs, cats, robots, and pieces of wood?

Since matching the original characters is obviously unimportant...


Use your brain.
I'd be into any adaptation movie played by dogs, cats, robots, and pieces of wood.


Gold Member
Why though? That’s my question. Does his look really change the character? Is the look of a chat after make the character? Especially when it’s just a generic look?
Yes, it really changes the characters physical look to go with someone who looks different.


Or they are just casting a well known actor who recently had received plenty of praise and awards. That will bring some level of prestige to their adaptation. One who also has a working relationship with HBO.

That’s not it. Instead it’s to trigger people on Neogaf who get angry over everything.
I was talking about the people cheering it on as long as it pisses off others not the casting itself.

But I wouldn't be surprised if they did it for diversity points too.
Or they are just casting a well known actor who recently had received plenty of praise and awards. That will bring some level of prestige to their adaptation. One who also has a working relationship with HBO.

That’s not it. Instead it’s to trigger people on Neogaf who get angry over everything.

Listen man, i'm new here but i have to say, but your reputation precedes you, like friggin' clockwork, you always show up to cry about others getting "triggered", always doing the same thing, always generalizing and crying about other people's opinions, i mean, can you even breathe in the real world without getting "triggered" every couple of seconds 'cause of them "bad people" or "bad opinions" ?

You know what's funny though ? That i actually agree with your assessment regarding Mahershala, it's just that you're not helping things when you're always being so miserable and negative.

Chill the fook out and take a breath, the world ain't such a terrible place (even with the COVID going on) that it warrants being such a misanthrope brother.



I am not caucasian so I’m approaching this from a mindset as a minority. The only problem I have with situations similar to this is the fact that the casters who make these decisions are double minded in their beliefs, and it often looks political. The reasoning for this decision is that Joel’s whiteness is not inherent to his character, and that he could have been any race or any color and it would have fit. That’s a valid point (although the degree to how closely his race is aligned to his character is certainly up for debate since it is jarring to see such opposite figures in your mind, such as someone tall next to someone very short).

The problem that arises is when you extend that logic in an egalitarian way. Any character whose identity is not directly tied to their race should be able to be cast as a different race if the people making such decisions believe that they found the best person. However, in our modern culture this can never be. Anyone who lives in the modern Twitter and Hollywood culture would know that race is usually only expendable if you’re white. If I was white I’d probably be somewhat irked by that since that attitude is mostly a way to put down and reduce the value of being white, instead of appreciating everyone for what they are. But it goes beyond that since the logic gets more twisted where minority characters are seen as protected and off limits for recasting because of their “marginalized status in society”. And therefore these completely fictional characters are barred from being recast while white characters are free game, despite the fact that opportunities for black actors and actresses have never been better. The culture and these studios protect these characters needlessly despite real life painting a completely different picture, it’s a huge disconnect.

Again, this should not be an issue and casting any character for any race should not matter. The only intent one should look at when seeing if an injustice was committed is if they were intentionally being malicious in their casting choices and changed a character’s race out of racism. However, this very well could have nothing to do with race and it shouldn’t, yet their ethos makes it inherently so based on the mindset of the “do gooders”.
This is my point, most outrage ive seen is based on that he is black guy playing white guy. These changes happen all the time with adaptations (ghost in the shell). I’m for it as long as it serves the story. Anybody that’s asking Other than can mahershalla play the role is in injecting their on political bias. The creators don’t have to do it because everybody on this forum does it for them. Sure I would love Josh Brolin to be Joel and I would love to to see back 2 back 2x academy award winner Mahershala Ali take on Joel as well. Gamers, we are sooo entitled sometimes. If I want definitive Joel I always have the games.
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Gold Member
Explain why it matters. People keep saying it matters without giving an explanation as to why.
Because TLOU has representation without socio-political commentary. If you are recasting based on race than its likely they are going to integrate that as a theme. Especially if the majority of the cast will now be black

5 of the 11 named main/secondary characters in the first game and expansion are already black. Now Joel, Tommy and Sarah will be black too. So 8 of the 11 will be black

The Alien


Is this from Rian Johnson's alma mater... Subversive University?

I'm eagerly awaiting the Shaft reboot starring Peter Dinklage (as Shaft).

Regardless Ali's cool and all....think he's gonna be an awesome Blade. Heck, he'll probably be great in this TLOU series.


Who in their right mind is gona watch a show made by cuckmann. We all know its a freak show in the making. Protect your fams from this poison people 🤣


Gold Member
lol this must be a prank/joke.

I like Mahershala Ali. He's a pretty solid actor imo, but Joel isn't black.

If this were a white Actor playing the role of an established black character, people would be crying foul and racist this and whitewashing that.
That's how things go in identity politics driven clown world, whatever...
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