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The Studio Head of BioWare and Executive Producer of Dragon Age 4 have both abruptly resigned


I hope y'all are ready for Andromeda 2!

Really though, this is pretty sad. I feel bad for the hardcore Bioware fans. This doesn't bode too well for the IPs so many people love.


Yeah like some of you already stated I keep reminding myself that it's only the studio name that's left of the old glory and that the actual talent is gone. I hope they won't fuck up the ME trilogy with some unnecessary changes.
Bioware has been up shit creek without a paddle since Anthem/Andromeda development. Seem's like they are about to finally drown.

Goddamnit. I had high hopes for Dragon Age 4.
I feel ya. Casey was there for 3 and a half years this time. Both of those games you mentioned are well done, just kind of without direction. EA over them is still supporting these problematic games (bf2, Anthem, bfv, etc) so hopefully the culture there has changed/grown enough. The studio has the talent, it just needs the gm. Lots of new studios these days (I'm thinking of Striking Distance, 31st Union, the Initiative, Stadia, etc) where a lot of these veteran studio head devs are elsewhere. Are some of the SIE devs that we keep hearing about leaving to fill in bigger roles like this? I just don't know who they are going to get. We can only hope Casey built the studio to the level of leadership that Vince Zampella has brought to Respawn.
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One of the green rats
That’s probably a good thing they haven’t been putting out complete games.

Anthem should have been a great MP game. The core mechanics where terrific! The game just had a barebones world and lack luster missions.

BioWare needs a FF14 type of reconstruction in the team.


They can't fall much lower than Anthem though. So who knows, maybe this is good news?

Anyway, I have zero hype and little to no interest in any of their projects, aside from the Mass Effect remasters, and this doesn't change that. And given EA's track record I expect the Mass Effect Remaster to just be a basic resolution and framerate increase, which they'll probably outsource anyway.

I'd guess the sports games make them massive amounts of money though.
Yearly releases, massive sales and filled with microtransactions. Fifa probably makes them more money than all their non sports games combined

FIFA is one of the most profitable games out there, literally make Billions from it


Gold Member
Well, it's BioWare in Edmonton right? Maybe they are having some issues related to covid or something? Big outbreak in Edmonton right now


It's done, the writing as been on the wall for years, after the two doctors left, Drew Karpyshyn a Excellent writer left, the final nail in the coffin was when James Ohlen left it was done the Bioware we all love is a shadow of its former self.

Its sad but Studios like CD Projekt have risen up and took the RPG crown.

Hopefully Hudson & Duggah left for innocent reasons and not for anything seedy like smelling female devs hair or some kinky shit like that.
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Good, Hudson ruined Mass Effect but in the end In don’t give a fuck about BioWare anymore and their last good game was Mass Effect 2.

Will EA learn something about this? Unlikely.

What I care about now is knowing why they left so abruptly, the drama must be spicy


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
It's done, the writing as been on the wall for years, after the two doctors left, Drew Karpyshyn a Excellent writer left, the final nail in the coffin was when James Ohlen left it was done the Bioware we all love is a shadow of its former self.

Its sad but Studios like CD Projekt have risen up and took the RPG crown.

Hopefully Hudson & Duggah left for innocent reasons and not for anything seedy like smelling female devs hair or some kinky shit like that.
I don't even care for CDPR's games.

They won me over due to GOG amd their DRM free stance. That alone makes them one of my favorite devs.


I was actually holding out hope that the anthem reboot would revitalize the game given that it has some really strong points.

guess not.


Neo Member
WOW I didn't expect Casey Hudson to leave (again!), he's basically the heart and soul of Mass Effect. And Mark Darrah is so important to Dragon Age, I predict both of these franchises will suffer greatly without these guys. RIP Old Bioware ;(


I think that should about do it for Bioware. So sad.

Why the hell didn't Xbox buy them back when they made ME 1 together and Respawn when they did Titanfall 1. Respawn is probably the next excellent dev that EA is going to destroy.
I’m a bit biased on Sony consoles but if MS buying them was what it took to not lead Bioware to this then I would gladly welcome it.

Sadly it’s a little too late as the talent has left already. I would much rather have MS go after relevant developers right now.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I wish Microsoft would buy Bioware for the IP if nothing else.

Not that they could buy all of Bioware since TOR would have to remain with EA since they have the Star Wars license (which they did fuck all with until the last few years).
I don’t know what to even expect from BioWare these days. Anthem was bad, Andromeda was bad, and Dragon Age 4 was seemingly reboot twice. I don’t even know what they should be doing. They don’t make RPGs like they used to, and they can’t seem to make a blockbuster anymore.

They’ve lost their magic.


Gold Member
What is happening with Bioware these days? Yikes. I was actually looking forward to that Anthem reboot. Not sure whats going to happen now.
What is happening with Bioware these days? Yikes. I was actually looking forward to that Anthem reboot. Not sure whats going to happen now.

The Anthem reboot probably would need another reboot the way they're turning out their titles. At least they gave up with Andromeda and let it lie.


Bioware: Let's make a great RPG experience, great story, characters, lets recapture KOTOR or Jade Empire. Back to our roots, Single Player.
EA: What about the Micro-transactions, we need those too or maybe a Game as a service. Have you heard of game mechanics like loot boxes?

Bioware, was once a proud Canadian developer.


Gold Member
Assuming they both resigned and were not fired or pressured out, it's never a good sign when people abruptly leave together.

And it looks worse when video game companies go on the PR horn to describe people leaving. Probably the only industry where someone high up leaves and HR has to Tweet reasons to make people feel better and skirt the real reasons why they left.

If a company has to tweet reasons like this, it's not a good sign as they no doubt left pissed. As opposed to some long time employees giving a few weeks notice to leave and everyone loves them with a going away party.


Oh my god who gives a fucking goddamn fuck about Bioware. The last good game they made was ten years ago. TEN. Mass Effect 2 was the last game that BioWare made. ME3 is shit. DAO is shit. MEA is shit. Anthem is shit. It's a shit company that plasters the word "BioWare" on games that they produce under EA.

BioWare is DEAD. Jesus fucking christ Why the FUCK are they even news.

"This just in. A fucking turd has developed spores of mold on it." WOW. BREAKING NEWS

Sorry I'm drunk and Dragon Age 2 was so fucking bad. Jesus
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Gold Member
Oh my god who gives a fucking goddamn fuck about Bioware. The last good game they made was ten years ago. TEN. Mass Effect 2 was the last game that BioWare made. ME3 is shit. DAO is shit. MEA is shit. Anthem is shit. It's a shit company that plasters the word "BioWare" on games that they produce under EA.

BioWare is DEAD. Jesus fucking christ Why the FUCK are they even news.

"This just in. A fucking turd has developed spores of mold on it." WOW. BREAKING NEWS

Sorry I'm drunk and Dragon Age 2 was so fucking bad. Jesus
Gaming so me-me-me, that EA was forced to do a PR blurb so that gaming forums don't beat them to it and rag on them. It also acts as a soothsayer for all the internal employees who are like "WTF?"

If PR teams can get the word out fast, it supposedly will minimize the negative news.

It's one of those things where gaming companies want to be so buddy-buddy with gamers being social they have no choice but to even publicly get involved with PRing about people leaving, arriving and trying to ensure to gamers whatever project they are working on will still be good. You never see this in other industries.
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Neo Member
Assuming they both resigned and were not fired or pressured out, it's never a good sign when people abruptly leave together.

And it looks worse when video game companies go on the PR horn to describe people leaving. Probably the only industry where someone high up leaves and HR has to Tweet reasons to make people feel better and skirt the real reasons why they left.

If a company has to tweet reasons like this, it's not a good sign as they no doubt left pissed. As opposed to some long time employees giving a few weeks notice to leave and everyone loves them with a going away party.

Agreed , this is the general manager and executive producer of a major video game company that both suddenly decided to quit. That is never a good sign! Something bad must have happened behind the scenes..


Just crash and burn already you fucking cocksuckers. You're 3 years overdue at least. I'll never, ever forget how they romanced and wined n' dined me for a few years with the brilliance and emotional rollercoasters that were ME1&2, and then dry fucked me in the ass with that goddawful ME3, and then acted like it was my fault for not liking an ass fucking.

Why anyone would be excited for a remastered Mass Effect Trilogy is beyond me. That series stands as one of the best examples of wasted potential, and one of the most aggressively forced and nonsensical endings I've ever witnessed. 8 years I've been waiting for this company to die like the rest of the developers bought out by EA. And 8 years I've watched them make one highly embarrassing fumble after another, and yet they still won't die. This studio is a fucking Zombie of it's former self, and it keeps taking bullets all over over it's body, but not it's brain. Am I really supposed to give a shit about DA4 and the next Mass Effect after Andromeda and Anthem? And now Mark Darrah and Casey Hudson abruptly leave?

Bioware have not been industry leaders since ME2, which was a decade ago. I don't know why EA keeps them around. They had no problem absorbing some the other studios they bought out almost immediately, but for some reason these retards get to keep developing shitty games.
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