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The Studio Head of BioWare and Executive Producer of Dragon Age 4 have both abruptly resigned

Casey Hudson left again lol
Bioware had a good run until Inquisition.
I thought Inquisition was actually a pretty decent game. Definitely a letdown from DA1 and even 2 to a degree. It did some things really well and others not so well but overall for an open world RPG it had an organized loot system, a clear story with clear Act progression and had some internesting game mechanics. It was somewhat uninspired in my opinion and unoriginal but decently good for a cookie cutter rpg.

This affects any future Mass Effect more than anything in my opinion.
I thought Inquisition was actually a pretty decent game. Definitely a letdown from DA1 and even 2 to a degree. It did some things really well and others not so well but overall for an open world RPG it had an organized loot system, a clear story with clear Act progression and had some internesting game mechanics. It was somewhat uninspired in my opinion and unoriginal but decently good for a cookie cutter rpg.

This affects any future Mass Effect more than anything in my opinion.
I like to pretend the last Mass Effect game doesn't exist too.
I like to pretend the last Mass Effect game doesn't exist too.
Hudson left Bioware in 2014 early in Andromeda's development and his leaving probably has more to do with how bad it was than we think. He didn't return to Bioware until Andromeda was shipped. Also, Darrah has always worked almost exclusively on the Dragon Age IP and was working on Inquisition at the time and thus had nothing to do with Andromeda.
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He left after ME3 then they pulled him back in after Andromeda bombed. Those remasters are gonna be shiiiiittttt.

Also forget about ME5 🤣

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I thought Inqusition had a lot of promise, but the narrative just took a nosedive in a similar way to how Mass Effect 3 did, everything was so focus on building up strenght for a final showdown, the "mystery" of what was going on was resolved fairly quickly and after that it was all about winning micro battles and gathering allies before facing the big bad...it all felt rather hollow and anti-climactic when you finally got to the resolution...it's like a Bethesda main quest...too big for it's own good.

I don't know how much Casey matters or what went on behind doors to make him leave, but hopefully they can realize the potential of their ME and DA universes cause they truly are stunningly rich in potential.


Bioware has been up shit creek without a paddle since Anthem/Andromeda development. Seem's like they are about to finally drown.

Goddamnit. I had high hopes for Dragon Age 4.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I know the old Bioware is basically gone, but when Hudson returned I hoped they could at least squeak out another genuinely, nuts to bolts quality RPG again. I hope his sudden departure wasn't stemming from some personal tragedy.



:messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Money quotes:

Dragon Age 4 has already been internally rebooted at least once according to reporting, and still seems far away from launch with BioWare still showing very little but concept art or a few different landscape scenes to this day. Now it’s suffered the loss of Mark Darrah with Dailey subbing in and this seems…extremely dire for its prospects, combined with everything else that’s gone on.

Anthem 2.0 has to be dead. I still had a hard time believing BioWare was devoting resources to it in the first place, but pulling off Dailey for Dragon Age has likely sealed its fate, though nothing about Anthem was announced at all through all this.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
I feel like EA is circling the drain honestly. They are apparently cheap enough that MS was able to get all of their games on gamepass. I would not be surprised if they are bought or sold off piece by piece in the near future.
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I'm fine with it, if those heads also oversaw the mess with Mass Effect Andromeda and Anthem, good riddance. Clean house and start with some fresh management.

Dragon Age 4 so far is still a day 1 for me (until its not lol)
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This is known as the EA effect. Bioware will never reach their previous heights.
EA is not the one to blame here, but Bioware's management and project leads who took five years to figure out the concept for a new IP (Anthem) and wasted more than half of Andromeda's development time on making some sort of No Man's Sky-like Mass Effect game - something that wasn't even possible on XOne/PS4 hardware.
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I will always put a certain amount of blame on cheap ass Microsoft for Bioware's demise. They had the opportunity to buy them after working with them on Jade Empire and the original Mass Effect, two of Bioware's best games.

Screw EA while we're at it too for forcing the doctors to resign and fucking up the management at Bioware. It's sad seeing one of my favorite developers in this state.


They can't fall much lower than Anthem though. So who knows, maybe this is good news?

Anyway, I have zero hype and little to no interest in any of their projects, aside from the Mass Effect remasters, and this doesn't change that. And given EA's track record I expect the Mass Effect Remaster to just be a basic resolution and framerate increase, which they'll probably outsource anyway.

I feel like EA is circling the drain honestly. They are apparently cheap enough that MS was able to get all of their games on gamepass. I would not be surprised if they are bought or sold off piece by piece in the near future.

I'd guess the sports games make them massive amounts of money though.
Yearly releases, massive sales and filled with microtransactions. Fifa probably makes them more money than all their non sports games combined
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Bioware has been bleeding talent and resources for years, they have horrendous work and company ethics, are heavily mismanaged internally and are so creatively bankrupt that after god knows how many years to build up from scratch a new sci-fi IP what they delivered was the broken and empty shit that is Anthem.

Weren't there consistent rumors already that Dragon Age 4 would be a Destiny-style live service game too?

These are just the final death throws before EA puts them out of their misery. And for once, I wouldn't blame them.


Until the Anthem shitstorm, I used to blame EA for everything bad that happened with Bioware, but I'm not that sure since then.

It seems that Bioware's management is beyond terrible, and them being one of the first studios to get full SJW-Woke also doesn't help.

With that said, it's my honest opinion that Bioware is dead since 2010. It's a matter of time until the studio officially shuts down.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Bad bioware news always makes me sad.

The problem lies that ea expects games that do massive numbers though microtransactions and the kind of games bioware makes are not good vehicles for that.


I had become a bit more optimistic about BioWare over the last several months. I had no reason to actually be optimistic though.

Honestly, I wish EA would just sell BioWare to Microsoft. Hopefully that's not totally off the table.
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