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Apple to terminate all developer accounts and cut off Epic off from IOS and Mac development tools


Not necessary. You do not treat all your clients the same way. Some clients are more privileged or VIP clients . Just like how recently I believe steam changed its policy to different percentage in cut for big publishers

Would still Leave it open for suing though, i mean if you have something on a App Store and a big company is paying less to have their product on there than you who it effects more because they are taking a bigger cut percentage then i can see assorts of cases happening


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
they can also be installed by activating "allow applications from" option in system settings. It's pretty much what you have to do on android to side load apps...
Seems like this used to be true.

The old "Security and Privacy" settings screen on Yosemite-Mojave:


Now on Catalina:


Notice the option for "Anywhere" is now missing. You can re-enable it by running

sudo spctl --master-disable

from a terminal window and then authenticating the sudo command with your admin credentials. Just an extra step, I suppose, but I'm not sure if most people are going to figure that out just because they want to run Fortnite on their Mac. Perhaps Epic will provide guided instructions, similar to how applications like Adobe Reader now require you to change the default program on Windows 10...?

* I don't actually have a mac running Catalina, just observing what others have posted online about the subject so I could be entirely wrong, but it'd be weird for most stackexchange answers and news articles suggesting running stuff in the command line via sudo if it wasn't necessary.
I absolutely despise Fortnite and everything it represents.

But for what it's worth, Apple under Timmy Cook is an absolutely wretched company and I'm fine with any and all measures to blow holes in it.


What do epic allow on their store? If it takes a cut. How are they better than Apple or Google.

being on an App Store is akin to having a shop in a mall. You want to do business in the mall. You pay rent. don’t want to pay rent, good luck.


I find it funny people siding will Epic on this, its not just apple but Google who have dropped them. They are in breach of the terms of conditions on both store fronts. They were happy to pay it to gain access to the millions of users across both devices but now they have a hit on there hands they think they can break terms of service and do what they want
Seems like this used to be true.

The old "Security and Privacy" settings screen on Yosemite-Mojave:


Now on Catalina:


Notice the option for "Anywhere" is now missing. You can re-enable it by running

sudo spctl --master-disable

from a terminal window and then authenticating the sudo command with your admin credentials. Just an extra step, I suppose, but I'm not sure if most people are going to figure that out just because they want to run Fortnite on their Mac. Perhaps Epic will provide guided instructions, similar to how applications like Adobe Reader now require you to change the default program on Windows 10...?

* I don't actually have a mac running Catalina, just observing what others have posted online about the subject so I could be entirely wrong, but it'd be weird for most stackexchange answers and news articles suggesting running stuff in the command line via sudo if it wasn't necessary.
I completely forgot that I did this, I don't even remember having done this... but I must've since the option for "anywhere" is available to me. :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Gold Member
Hopefully this is a successful challenge Apple's anti-consumer monopoly they created by only allowing consumers to use their app store.


I do think it's a little fucked up that only one store is allowed on an ecosystem with over a billion customers.

Most companies would completely fail if they tried to make their own store separate from the appstore, and the 30% cut is worth it for those companies in those 99% of cases. But Epic, with Fortnite, would do just fine if they had their own standalone store app. And that's why Apple has it set up this way, because of the 1% of cases that would do just fine without them and become 2%, 3%, ect. I just don't really understand why people are so ok with that.


Fuck Apple and their monopolistic bullshit. I'd be fine if their allowed more stores on their shitty "ecosystem" but this is clear blackmail from a corporation that uses its position to bully developers because of the monopoly it has enforced within its OS.


I do think it's a little fucked up that only one store is allowed on an ecosystem with over a billion customers.

Most companies would completely fail if they tried to make their own store separate from the appstore, and the 30% cut is worth it for those companies in those 99% of cases. But Epic, with Fortnite, would do just fine if they had their own standalone store app. And that's why Apple has it set up this way, because of the 1% of cases that would do just fine without them and become 2%, 3%, ect. I just don't really understand why people are so ok with that.

That’s how a company wants to keep it by only having on App Store on their eco system they can at the moment and its working very well for them
I do think it's a little fucked up that only one store is allowed on an ecosystem with over a billion customers.

Most companies would completely fail if they tried to make their own store separate from the appstore, and the 30% cut is worth it for those companies in those 99% of cases. But Epic, with Fortnite, would do just fine if they had their own standalone store app. And that's why Apple has it set up this way, because of the 1% of cases that would do just fine without them and become 2%, 3%, ect. I just don't really understand why people are so ok with that.
That’s the point here. It’s like Windows only having Windows Store, no Steam and no EGS, but hey, MS is in their right, no? Windows is their platform... /s


Gold Member
Apple is anti consumer not sure why people are cheering them on?

Because Epic is also anti-consumer; they just don't have the leverage yet to really show their true colors.

The best bet here is to not cheer for any of them.

Epic seem to be sort of trigger happy though, going after complacent old Valve and then right for Apple? They're either crazy smart or just fucking crazy.

Well, it's called greed.
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In a world where Microsoft isn't even legally allowed to deliver windows with Internet explorer as the only pre-installed browser because it would unfairly disadvantage other browsers,

I simply cannot come up with any reason of how apple would be able to get away with their business practices. And I really hope they won't.


Fuck Apple and their monopolistic bullshit. I'd be fine if their allowed more stores on their shitty "ecosystem" but this is clear blackmail from a corporation that uses its position to bully developers because of the monopoly it has enforced within its OS.

Dont forget they also been kicked off the google play store so its not just apple


Because Epic is also anti-consumer; they just don't have the leverage yet to really show their true colors.

The best bet here is to not cheer for any of them.

Well, it's called greed.

I see them stirring the pot and making the obvious moves before the rest catch up.


Of course it's working well for them lol. It'd be like if Amazon secured the rights to be the only retailer allowed to do business in the entire US.

Well epic could of choose not to be on any of those apple devices if they didn’t like the terms and conditions

mango drank

I wonder what's the difference between Fornite in app purchase and Netflix in app subscription.
You can download Netflix for free on Ios, then pay Netflix using their app without giving Apple a cent.
But apparently you can't do the same with the Fornite app.
I am no expert, but I would assume Apple is getting a cut from NetFlix. Agree on a set price for number of monthly unique users multiplied by viewing time. Any iOS experts want to chime in and clarify?
Yeah, this stuff would be good to know. Anyone?


And that's fine because Epic can launch its own store on Android or just have people download the game directly from its site. Can't do the same on Apple's shitty OS.

So in that respect could there be another store front on sony playstation because you dont like the terms and conditions they set out or Xbox?


I very much hope here's a big plan behind all of this.

Hopefully he'll launch an antitrust case in EU where they take this shit seriously and they'll skewer these monopolistic motherfuckers. Not a fan of Sweeney or Epic but I'm definitely with them on this one.


I'm glad you don't run any major computer companies then. You would also be laughed out of any academic or professional software setting. Well, maybe not Apple. I'm not trying to be mean but you clearly have no experience in this field and no understanding of the importance of being able to run whatever software you want.

You know, there is a reason Epic chose to use the 1984 commercial to make their point. The whole point of that 1984 ad was calling out IBM and saying should one company be able to decide what happens with computing and what we do with our computers? Apple was going to be the one to bust that up with the Macintosh, introduce computing freedom for the users etc, etc. I mean the irony is ridiculous.

Here is another question for everyone who thinks Apple is in the right:

The iPod didn't truly take off until iTunes was made available on Windows. This opened up that hardware to a vastly larger market and Apple was the sole and complete beneficiary of that move. Microsoft made zeroooooooo on that. Windows was the platform that made it happen though. Should Microsoft have received 30% of all iTunes transactions made on Windows back then? Should they be able to claim that now?

Well this isn't as clear cut as you make it seem. There are arguments for both sides in the professional/academic settings:

Arguments in favor of App Devs:
  • More money for devs.
  • Better pricing for users due to competing marketplaces.
Arguments in favor of Apple:
  • Maintains a higher quality bar for applications on the platform.
  • They bring in more users for devs.
  • They fund payment processing, app hosting, and app screening,
The arguments Apple is making is that they want control over the marketplace to make sure the experience is good for the user and that security is harder to compromise. An argument can be made that these values are why smartphones are so popular.


I mean... yes. It's one of the reasons I'm abandoning consoles altogether.

Well good for you but some people like the simplicity of one store ala PlayStation or xbox. Apparently both sony and Microsoft take the same cut as apple off their stores


Well this isn't as clear cut as you make it seem. There are arguments for both sides in the professional/academic settings:

Arguments in favor of App Devs:
  • More money for devs.
  • Better pricing for users due to competing marketplaces.
Arguments in favor of Apple:
  • Maintains a higher quality bar for applications on the platform.
  • They bring in more users for devs.
  • They fund payment processing, app hosting, and app screening,
The arguments Apple is making is that they want control over the marketplace to make sure the experience is good for the user and that security is harder to compromise. An argument can be made that these values are why smartphones are so popular.

Also forget with one App Store can make sure that everything works as it should and no virus or malware getting in through a back door app on another app store they dont have access to
That’s the point here. It’s like Windows only having Windows Store, no Steam and no EGS, but hey, MS is in their right, no? Windows is their platform... /s
Isn't Microsoft doing this with their Windows 10 S on a Surface Go? Windows Phones also only had the Microsoft Store iirc.

And that's fine because Epic can launch its own store on Android or just have people download the game directly from its site. Can't do the same on Apple's shitty OS.
You can side load apps on iOS, even without jailbreak. You can even install 3rd party AppStore's.

But it's not as easy as on Android, however nothing stops Epic from offering their game on AltStore or on Cydia to jailbroken devices.


Well good for you but some people like the simplicity of one store ala PlayStation or xbox. Apparently both sony and Microsoft take the same cut as apple off their stores

Some people want a babysitter 24/7 doing everything for them, still doesn't excuse monopolistic practices or lack of choice for people that actually want to use their brains to make the right decisions.


They're both pretty greedy but I'm assuming Apple is worse.

Apple hasn't been good since the IPhone 4/5 days.

Fortnite is fire.


Some people want a babysitter 24/7 doing everything for them, still doesn't excuse monopolistic practices or lack of choice for people that actually want to use their brains to make the right decisions.

End of the day dont like it dont put your app on there or buy there product. Simple as that, epic could of easily of done that


Isn't Microsoft doing this with their Windows 10 S on a Surface Go? Windows Phones also only had the Microsoft Store iirc.

You can side load apps on iOS, even without jailbreak. You can even install 3rd party AppStore's.

But it's not as easy as on Android, however nothing stops Epic from offering their game on AltStore or on Cydia to jailbroken devices.

If you need to jailbreak or use convoluted tricks to load 3rd party apps that means it's not within the OS's parameters and the monopolistic practices still exist, n ot to mention that Apple is trying to make jailbreaking as difficult as possible nowadays. Even Android's warnings for apps not "approved" by them are annoying and scummy but Apple's tactics are something else.


Fuck Apple.
Fuck iOS
Fuck iPhone
Fuck Safari
Fuck iPads
And Fuck their shitty soy ass fanboys who are just delsuonal stupid sheep that buys overpriced products that are not worth their money.
Terrible post. Apple make great products. What's not to like?
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If you need to jailbreak or use convoluted tricks to load 3rd party apps that means it's not within the OS's parameters and the monopolistic practices still exist, n ot to mention that Apple is trying to make jailbreaking as difficult as possible nowadays. Even Android's warnings for apps not "approved" by them are annoying and scummy but Apple's tactics are something else.
Well, I'm not saying it's easy... but there is a way.
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