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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Lil’ Gobbie
Tell that to all the health workers who have died you idiot.

All the risk factors go out the window when you are a health care workers, since the viral load exposure is much bigger. That's why the disinformed morons calling health care workers fake actors and yelling in their face without masks on is incredibly frustrating :messenger_face_steam:

One nurse Ive worked with died from C19 weeks before her retirement :/

This ain't a fucking game :messenger_pouting:


Yeaaah this is what people ain't getting.
what people, who?

When has it ever?

[laughs in american]

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
People who say this don't realize the flu has been around for much longer. This disease has just appeared and has racked up similar death total in space of a couple of months to what flu normally does yearly. This is why its dangerous if left to run unchecked.

So, what's the death threshold that causes us to lockdown? I mean, I get why we went into lockdown and don't fault a lot of leaders for making that decision. This was a new disease and we didn't have much information on it. There were signs that it might be much deadlier than it's turning out to be.

They're talking, all countries are talking, cause it will have to open eventually but wait till see if they actually do.

Nah, I don't think anyone needs to wait and see what they do. I honestly don't get the desire for some people to hold up Italy as some shining example of what a proper pandemic response looks like.


Then why the fuck are Italy and Spain now talking about reopening business and easing restrictions in May if its so easy? Their deaths per 1M population are some of the highest in the world.

Because Italy didn't fuck around like the US did and they did a true quarantine, no one was allowed to leave their house without permission.

Now they get to reap the benefits. Meanwhile we opened up Georgia even though it's one of the hot spots. Awesome.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The real sadness here is that some countries who are alot less well off than us have programs that are paying their citizens up to 80% of their income so they can stay afloat. Instead of all the BS protesting we do in this country maybe we should have protested better health Care, a more supportive government.

A more "supportive" government also means a more controlling government and higher taxes. I think Americans have made conscious choices over the decades to not push for that direction. Sure, it might hurt in situations like this, but it's been the choice of the people.


So, what's the death threshold that causes us to lockdown? I mean, I get why we went into lockdown and don't fault a lot of leaders for making that decision. This was a new disease and we didn't have much information on it. There were signs that it might be much deadlier than it's turning out to be.

Nah, I don't think anyone needs to wait and see what they do. I honestly don't get the desire for some people to hold up Italy as some shining example of what a proper pandemic response looks like.

Well, they had safety net to protect workers, much more strict lockdown that was needed and it helped them when they were worst hit; over places that have a 'scout's honour' type of lockdown.

A more "supportive" government also means a more controlling government and higher taxes. I think Americans have made conscious choices over the decades to not push for that direction. Sure, it might hurt in situations like this, but it's been the choice of the people.

What is this insanity regarding 'controlling' governments? Why the paranoia?
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name some names and expand on what the 'just a flu' angle is, please

we're pretty deep in the game now, that shit is old hat

There's several people going on about "just a flu"in this forum don't demand names as I don't have time for that shit.
The big difference between the flu and COVID 19 is that one has treatments and the other doesnt. Additionally, COVID is far more contagious with far fewer testing capabilities.

Lastly, this is a new disease we do not yet know what the long term sequelae are after resolution.

Does this virus instigate guellian-barre syndrome? Does it cause disseminated intravascular coagulopathy?( P.s we now think it dies) Does it cause pulmonary fibrosis? Does it induce encephalopathy both long term and short term??

There are hundreds of questions like that to which we do not yet have answers. We know that stuff about the flu. We know how to treat it. Yes people die from it yearly but it is a quantifiable entity and we know how to handle it.

The devil you know is better than the one you don't and all that.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well, they had safety net to protect workers, much more strict lockdown that was needed and it helped them when they were worst hit; over places that have a 'scout's honour' type of lockdown.

What is this insanity regarding 'controlling' governments? Why the paranoia?

Paranoia? Do you know how the United States got started?


There's several people going on about "just a flu"in this forum don't demand names as I don't have time for that shit.
The big difference between the flu and COVID 19 is that one has treatments and the other doesnt. Additionally, COVID is far more contagious with far fewer testing capabilities.

Lastly, this is a new disease we do not yet know what the long term sequelae are after resolution.

Does this product guellian-barre syndrome? Does it cause disseminated intravascular coagulopathy?( P.s we now think it dies) Does it cause pulmonary fibrosis? Does it induce encephalopathy both long term and short term??

There are hundreds of questions like that to which we do not yet have answers. We know that stuff about the flu. We know how to treat it. Yes people die from it yearly but it is a quantifiable entity and we know how to handle it.

The devil you know is better than the one you don't and all that.

that's all fine and good, you still have to dance with the devil that brung ya

as for receipts, people either have them or they don't


(do i really have to explain this, it means fated but necessary risk under pressure, geniuses)
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Here's an example.

I mean, I'm not saying it's 'just a flu,' since it's obviously different, especially in regards to the long incubation period and contagiousness, but what is wrong with that statement? The death rate (or even serious complication rate) for people that are not old and have no comorbidities is extremely low.


Lil’ Gobbie
So, what's the death threshold that causes us to lockdown? I mean, I get why we went into lockdown and don't fault a lot of leaders for making that decision. This was a new disease and we didn't have much information on it. There were signs that it might be much deadlier than it's turning out to be.

Nah, we've known very early on thanks to that huge Chinese CDC study that the virus is not that deadly. The problem has always been the highly transmissible nature of the virus (again, due to asymptomatic super spreaders and long incubation period) meaning everyone and their mothers will contract this thing if left unchecked. This is how it is different than influenza -- Otherwise it's fairly similar , other than being a little more virulent.


on a personal level, what's wrong with that statement?

up to half aren't aware they have it and most healthy adults aren't at risk

We've had people die to it with no underlying illnesses outside of the age range; it is far too early to say exposure is ok for any age group.



Not all hospital departments are dealing with COVID. For instance, or cardiology for right now is basically nurses on their phones or watching TV or doing this kind of stuff.

Also, in some parts of the country there is no COVID 19 and hospitals are basically waiting their turn.

So please don't retweet someone who thinks COVID is a hoax.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Nah, we've known very early on thanks to that huge Chinese CDC study that the virus is not that deadly. The problem has always been the highly transmissible nature of the virus (again, due to asymptomatic super spreaders and long incubation period) meaning everyone and their mothers will contract this thing if left unchecked. This is how it is different than influenza -- Otherwise it's fairly similar , other than being a little more virulent.

Which Chinese study? Because us here in the states only started talking about lockdowns after we saw astronomical deaths (in proportion to confirmed cases) cases in Italy and people started thinking this is way more deadly than we initially thought (especially since previous info mostly came from Chinese officials, who cannot be trusted). I think Italy had like a 10% CFR when states in the US started locking down.
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yes you do, we have phases planned to reopen america at various levels, accounting for rebound and worse elements on the particle horizon

You don't understand, the problem is the idiots who are already at the beaches or protesting in large groups.

You think those people care about your "phases"?

There is no way this thing isn't going to get all fucked up


yes you do, we have phases planned to reopen america at various levels, accounting for rebound and worse elements on the particle horizon

Not sure how well it will work when that populace is most resistant to proper medical procedures, protocols and advocates conspiracies.

Paranoia? Do you know how the United States got started?

Yeah, a bunch of wacked up religious zealots.
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Lil’ Gobbie
Which Chinese study? Because us here in the states only started talking about lockdowns after we saw astronomical deaths (in proportion to confirmed cases) cases in Italy and people started thinking this is way more deadly than we initially thought (especially since previous info mostly came from Chinese officials, who cannot be trusted). I think Italy had like a 10% CFR when states in the US started locking down.

Are we not able to upload pdf's?
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Not sure how well it will work when that populace is most resistant to proper medical procedures, protocols and advocates conspiracies.

Yeah, a bunch of wacked up religious zealots.

that's your take on america's foundation, a bunch of wacked up religious zealots

are you fucking retarded or are you here to watch america burn?

prolly both
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
that's your take on america's foundation, a bunch of wacked up religious zealots

are you fucking retarded or are you here to watch america burn?

prolly both

He's just another condescending edge lord who likes to smell his own farts.

I mean, he's here posting on NeoGAF like the rest of us. He ain't shit and he knows it, but is just trying to posture for whatever reason.


that's your take on america's foundation, a bunch of wacked up religious zealots

are you fucking retarded or are you here to watch america burn?

prolly both

Probably hyperbolic, slightly, but certainly explain's america's fears of healthcare officials.

He's just another condescending edge lord who likes to smell his own farts.

I mean, he's here posting on NeoGAF like the rest of us. He ain't shit and he knows it, but is just trying to posture for whatever reason.

That's mean.
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Don't generalize and shit on the intelligence of entire populations before you talk about meanness.


But seriously, if you go against what your countries doctors advise and healthcare workers advise, thats pretty dumb in a pandemic that ain't ending soon.
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Don't generalize and shit on the intelligence of entire populations before you talk about meanness.

Bruh, there's no way to hide it.

The vast majority of people protesting COVID lockdowns or going to the beach ARE morons
And they includes the retards in this thread advocating COVID as a hoax, or flu=COVID, or "ah you're all overreacting".

Retards. Dumbasses. Let me be more clear about their intelligence: CRETINS.
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