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Circumcision.. What do Evolutionary Biologists/Naturalists/Darwinists think?

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It's genital mutilation. It's completely pointless, there are no real benefits that doesn't apply to uncircumcised people by just washing your dick once in a while or wear condoms.

It was a idiotic practice made up by puritans in the early 1900s who hated masturbation and thought it would stop youngsters from doing so, but that didn't work now did it? Be part of the movement to end a stupid idea in America and slowly eradicate it. If your kid grows up and still wants to do it, that is fine, he is by then an adult and that is his choice. If you're looking for scientific reasons not to, it keeps the sensitivity of the penis up, keeps it clean, helps with lubrication during sex. It has specific purposes that were evolved through thousands of years of banging.

Do not however be a creepy parent who worries about the visual look of his child's cock.

Also, if you want statistical data: most of the world don't circumcise and so far, we are doing perfectly fine.
Edit: Just did a quick google dig to check. Consider Europe and USA, USA is pretty much the world leading proponent for circumcision while Europe is basically the opposite. If the argument is that it is healthier to people to be circumcised, the data certainly doesn't seem to support it.

I think the most basic reason for this however is not because of the keeping of foreskin or not, I think that relates to sexual education, where Europe is far ahead of the USA. in terms of supporting public sexual education than many states in the US. And that is what it all comes down to, good sexual education, good hygiene which is simple by modern means (as modern as early ancient era of soap and water) and wearing a condom.

Do watch that.

Also, while at it, do take time to educate yourself about the female hymen, turns out A LOT of people got shit wrong regarding it in baffling ways.


Super Sleuth
This really is the weirdest fucking argument.

People actually argue in favor of cutting off a bit of a baby's penis for purely aesthetic reasons. People actually argue that.


Tears in the rain
I'm honestly thinking of going through with it because I can't pull back the foreskin much. It's a medical condition from what I've read. It has been this way my whole life, so I haven't fully seen my penis yet. We've been through so much, and I think it's time we have a proper introduction to each other. Lol

Either phimosis or frenulum breve. Both of which can be treated without circumcision.
This hasn't been my experience in North America at least.

Every girl I've been with that I've had this conversation with has said uncut penises look weird. It's all about where you were raised and what you grew up with as a norm, but in NA at least I've found most women indeed do give a shit



You know they will

Female genital mutilation is obviously the more brutal and barbaric pracitice, but that's like saying you shouldn't compare a murder spree to a genocide. They're both terrible, and just because something related is worse doesn't excuse the other.

Thousands of babies are dead over the last couple decades for no other reason than ignorant parents pointlessly mutilated their child for religious or aesthetic reasons.


Sucks at poetry
This really is the weirdest fucking argument.

People actually argue in favor of cutting off a bit of a baby's penis for purely aesthetic reasons. People actually argue that.

Not only that, but a part with a ton of nerve endings. A part that serves a function and keeps the glans sensitive.

We didn't start this ritual because we thought it looked better. We started it because somebody decided that jerking off is bad.


I didn't know why it became so popular in US. You learn new things every day.

On topic: who gives a shit? I think most of the dudes in the world are uncircumcised. We have happy normal healthy sex lives.


In the modern age, you don't need to do it OP. It's very easy to keep your dick clean.
This is true. But speaking as someone whos been both, its nice knowing that Im basically immune to dick cheese and urinary infections. If for some reason im kidnapped and imprisoned for years chained to a wall, my penis will still be clean as a whistle.
as a man that isn't circumcised, I will most definitely get my own son circumcised.

it's an unnecessary struggle imo. hygiene, uti's, phimosis, sexual confidence with the ladies (some chicks straight up do not like it and will not touch it).

as for those saying, "oh just have it done when your older". aside from the cost which isn't cheap, it's not a simple procedure, requires a good amount of time to recover and the risks are much higher when you are older.


This is true. But speaking as someone whos been both, its nice knowing that Im basically immune to dick cheese and urinary infections. If for some reason im kidnapped and imprisoned for years chained to a wall, my penis will still be clean as a whistle.


as a man that isn't circumcised, I will most definitely get my own son circumcised.

it's an unnecessary struggle imo. hygiene, uti's, phimosis, sexual confidence with the ladies (some chicks straight up do not like it and will not touch it).

as for those saying, "oh just have it done when your older". aside from the cost which isn't cheap, it's not a simple procedure, requires a good amount of time to recover and the risks are much higher when you are older.

What if he's gay? Most of us gays like the uncut menz. They're more rare. And they're fun to stick your tongue in. Also: Docking.


This is true. But speaking as someone whos been both, its nice knowing that Im basically immune to dick cheese and urinary infections. If for some reason im kidnapped and imprisoned for years chained to a wall, my penis will still be clean as a whistle.

I don't.....that is a very specific scenario to suddenly bring up. Is this a common occurrence in your area?


I'm expecting a healthy baby boy soon, and there's one question we're not yet sure about...
To Circumcise, or not to Circumcise?

Now, I know the internet is a raging battleground for a war on circumcision.

I'm unsure what to think, and I can see reasons to justify either choice... I myself am circumcised, but I don't think that alone a good reason to follow through with the procedure for my son. My partner leans toward being pro-circumcision, as an older family member of hers had once said about the topic, that he wished he was, but she seems open to consideration if the evidence is there.

Anyway, I'm not looking to start another battle here. I don't care about your Mom's opinion, or Joe Schmoe's thoughts, or any given circumcised or uncircumcised dude. I've seen the general arguments from both sides.
I'm leaning against it slightly, if just because it seems like an odd thing to do to an organ that has evolved functionally to its current state after some billions of years of sexual refinement, but we also live in a drastically different age where survival/reproduction is taken for granted.. maybe there are some unnecessary relics in our history that are still with us? I'm inclined to think not.. but still..

To those of you who are familiar with natural history, biology, or are educated Darwinists and students of evolution, what are your thoughts and why? If you're knowledgeable in the opinions of teachers or other scientists, I'd also be curious to hear their thoughts or words.

Again, I think, by default, I would have to say, just leave the poor penis alone, but I want to hear the words of respected scientists and those educated about biology, evolution, and I suppose the opinions of those in medical fields could be valuable too. That's what I hope to see here. If you want to share your opinion and you wouldn't put yourself into that category, make sure you add some evidence either way.


I just asked my boss at the time whose wife is head of pediatrics at a local children's hospital, he said not to. That was enough for me


So some women think it looks weird?


Seriously, it's how we're born. Get over it.

Seriously. If there was some absurd inherited cultural tradition to cut off baby's earlobes, you'd have these people argue that we shouldn't stop cutting off their earlobes because some women might think men with earlobes are weird.

It's insane.


I never understood any non cultural or religious reason to get it, like frankly if you're not appeasing some cultural norm, why even bother?


Either phimosis or frenulum breve. Both of which can be treated without circumcision.
I'm sure it's phimosis..but to make matters worse, there's also a bit of skin connecting the tip of the head to the foreskin itself so I can't retract it much.


Some men think larger labia are weird looking too. I don't recommend labiaplasty to women either.

Exactly. Yay let's just mutilate baby dicks because unmodified dick looks weird to women north america. I'm shaking my head so fucking hard right now. "It looks weird to some women". So people are doing this en masse because some women in there think it looks weird, you know, because everyone in there has been doing it for long enough time that women have become used to that and anything other is weird, so it's better to repeat the process so they will always be thinking unmodified dick is weird.


Tears in the rain
I'm sure it's phimosis..but to make matters worse, there's also a bit of skin connecting the tip of the head to the foreskin itself so I can't retract it much.

Look up pictures of both. Frenulum breve is where that bit of skin you are talking about is too short to retract the foreskin when erect. If you can pull it down no problem when you are soft, congratulations on the short frenulum. If you play with yourself right now, you might notice that the "pain" you feel come from that spot, and not a tight foreskin.

If so, that's totally a problem that's fixable without circumcision.
There's still a scalpel involved, sorry...



Like it honestly doesn't matter that much, do it or don't, probably lean on don't tho

Yup. Really fucking glad my parents circumcised me as a child, so I don't have to go through that shit as an adult to have a decent looking dick.


You people really need to be sat the fuck down and schooled.

This is not a minor thing for babies and it's filled more child sized coffins than car accidents.


No reason to do it. If kid wants it later, he can choose to. Don't do unnecessary surgery just because.
First post nails it.

Had it done in my mid twenties (phimosis) so have experience in both camps.

Didn't do it fit my kids... Cause it's really not necessary.



You people really need to be sat the fuck down and schooled.
About what? I have yet to come across another guy that was circumcised as a newborn and angry about it. Or complains that it impacts their life in any way. Majority of the people that are unspoken about it are uncircumcised themselves.
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