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Xbox One S Thread: The S is for Sexy


I never thought I'd be interested in buying an Xbox but here I am, tempted by all the upcoming One S bundles here in Canada. I'm a blu-ray collector and I'm interested in getting into UHD movies.

I already have a PC and PS4 for games and that pretty much covers me for everything except Halo (which will probably be on PC soon anyways). Sony really screwed by not having a UHD player in the upcoming Pro. I would've bought that in an instant but now have zero interest in it.

I'm trying to convince myself that a One S would be a good value even though I probably would play VERY few games on it. I have a 4K TV but without HDR (Samsung 55JU7500), is the resolution bump alone enough of a "wow factor" when it comes to watching movies?

I've read lots of mixed opinions on UHD playback (stuttering?). Are the media capabilities a focus when it comes to firmware updates?
is the resolution bump alone enough of a "wow factor" when it comes to watching movies?
I am a huge lover of movies, too. However, I believe the answer to your question is an emphatic "no." On my Vizio P65-C1, straight 4K sources look crisper/sharper, but the difference is hard to notice. I think UHD's strengths are HDR and the wide color gamut. All three of those features combined is where the "wow factor" really shines.
I'm surprised to read the noise complaints in here. Mine is almost dead silent from more than a few feet away, certainly quieter than my Day One model when factoring in the power brick.

mine's DEAD silent, literally doesn't make a peep.

honestly shocked that people are having loud S console issues, sorry to hear that :/


Getting another advanced replacement (they will be giving me a white one again). Here's hoping I'm third time lucky! I suppose I should have expected this having gone through 3 OG Xbox one's before getting a dead silent one.

I think once you hear a couple of these you tube videos on how its supposed to sound you really can tell the difference.

At one point I bought a 2nd hand xbox one fan from ebay and some oil (red lid). I was prepared to rip open the s and swap out the noisy fan or oil the bearings. But of course I lose both my warranty and the ability to trade it in (could still sell it on ebay etc i guess). I guess I'm just happy at the moment for MS to keep sending me consoles.

Also its worth noting that the fan from the OG Xbox is 112mm i think and the new one in the S is 120mm so even though the connector might be the same (i think...) it wont clip on properly over the larger heatsink in the one s.
Well, I finally caved and ordered the Storm Grey BF1 bundle from the MS Store site. Got the crew free (which I will promptly sell/trade since it was GWG), and TF2 which is really nice. I also picked up Gears 4 XB1/Win10 downloadable for $39.99. There will probably be better deals on S consoles this month but I really wanted the Storm Grey color.

I hope I get a completely silent one but my launch day XB1 has the fan tick-tick sound. I exchanged once because I could hear it when idling on the dashboard, and the replacement was exactly the same so I just kept it. It ceased to be a problem and I never really hear it anymore. Whether that is because it got better, or I just moved past the hyper-critical post-purchase phase is unknown.

Is this the ticking sound issue? My fan ticks too but it's only audible within reaching distance. It fades when I'm farther out, and thus is a non-issue for me.

Yeah, that's basically how my original XB1 is. I sit far enough away that it's a non-issue.


Well, I finally caved and ordered the Storm Grey BF1 bundle from the MS Store site. Got the crew free (which I will promptly sell/trade since it was GWG), and TF2 which is really nice. I also picked up Gears 4 XB1/Win10 downloadable for $39.99. There will probably be better deals on S consoles this month but I really wanted the Storm Grey color.

I hope I get a completely silent one but my launch day XB1 has the fan tick-tick sound. I exchanged once because I could hear it when idling on the dashboard, and the replacement was exactly the same so I just kept it. It ceased to be a problem and I never really hear it anymore. Whether that is because it got better, or I just moved past the hyper-critical post-purchase phase is unknown.

Yeah, that's basically how my original XB1 is. I sit far enough away that it's a non-issue.

I just did the same thing, finally caved. Hoping I can quickly sell BF1 code and TF2 on here to recoup the cost. I don't even think I can give the crew away, who would take it?
if you cut the power while downloading a game does it go into like a sleep mode to keep downloading or do I need to keep the console on while downloading? Does every physical game on the Xbox one require mandatory installs? Pain in the ass.

1) It depends on your power settings. If you have your XB1 set to "Power Saving" then it will cut completely off. If it's on "Instant On" then it will continue to DL after you turn it off.

2) Yes, everything on XB1 (and PS4) runs off the hard drive, so discs have to be installed first.


So tempted to pull the trigger on that Storm Grey S, but I'm sort of holding out for Black Friday deals. I have a feeling the best we'll see is the console + game or controller for $249, which isn't too great anyway.

Wonder if Storm Grey will only be limited to the BF1 release, or if we'll see more of it in the future. I do love the white console as well, so it's a tough decision.


Question. Is there a way to delete game you have downloaded off of the hard-drive? I went to the storage option last night and did not see a way to do it?

What's the point of having a 500GB storage bundle 3-4 games and you are done

pretty sure you can hit the Hamburger Button on a game and delete it

Also you can connect any USB3 drive (including ones in enclosures) to the Bone, it's actually faster than the internal drive if you do it that way too, since USB3 is faster than SATA2.


Yeah Grey, Blue, White, Red...I honestly don't think it matters which one you get. It's always gonna be a toss up I think.

Just want to report back that I went to the MS store, told them what was up, and they took my One S bundle and gave me a new BF1 Storm Grey bundle, and the fan noise on this one is much improved. Worth the trip to the store.
I'm having a ton of trouble trying to play blurays. My tv loses the signal and I have to restart sometimes. Sometimes pull put and put the hdmi cable back in.

I've finally got a movie up (spectre) but the black bars are grayish. Any ideas? No issues with blacks when playing games. I have my ranges synced to match (std limited) and black level low on my Oled.

Really frustrating. Spent last 30 minutes just trying to get it work.
I'm having a ton of trouble trying to play blurays. My tv loses the signal and I have to restart sometimes. Sometimes pull put and put the hdmi cable back in.

I've finally got a movie up (spectre) but the black bars are grayish. Any ideas? No issues with blacks when playing games. I have my ranges synced to match (std limited) and black level low on my Oled.

Really frustrating. Spent last 30 minutes just trying to get it work.
Please give us information about the entire HDMI chain. What cables are you using? What other devices exist between the Xbox and the HDTV? ie AVR, switches, etc.


Just want to report back that I went to the MS store, told them what was up, and they took my One S bundle and gave me a new BF1 Storm Grey bundle, and the fan noise on this one is much improved. Worth the trip to the store.
I caved and ordered a gray one. Hope it's silent!
Please give us information about the entire HDMI chain. What cables are you using? What other devices exist between the Xbox and the HDTV? ie AVR, switches, etc.

Xbox to pioneer vsx45. Using Amazon 4K hdmi cables.

So I set it to 1080p and turned off deep color on the tv E6 Oled. Eventually when I start the bluray from dashboard the screen flickers in and out like with a signal and then goes to the movie a minute or two later.


Last night I sat down to play some Diablo on my PS4, and every now and then I just look at the S and think "Damn, that is one fine looking console."


I absolutely love my Xbox One S I picked one up when they had the free game offer a month or so ago. I picked up The Witcher 3 GotY as my free game about a week after my purchase I received an email from Amazon that I had a promotional credit for a free copy of Fallout 4. Those two games alone will probably fill up the rest of my gaming for the year but fool that I am I also purchased Skyrim SE. I tried out Groove for a month free and got a message from MS the other day that I had an extra month free. MS is knocking it out of the park with me right now! I also have a PS4 Pro arriving on Thursday, This is truly a great time to be a gamer...


As a PC and PS3/PS4 (and 3DS) owner, I never thought I'd get/need an Xbox but today I bought a One S. EB Games here in Canada had a bundle offer that I couldn't pass up. I mostly want it for the UHD blu-ray player but I'll probably end up playing a couple games on it.

I know I probably sound like Homer yelling to Moe "you just lost yourself a customer!" while he's ringing up purchases but Sony fucked up with the Pro. I would've been all in on it if it just included a UHD blu-ray player. The One S is a far more appealing choice to me.


Last night I sat down to play some Diablo on my PS4, and every now and then I just look at the S and think "Damn, that is one fine looking console."

Was playing that a lot on the xbone with my monk builds, but at that time there was a lot of hacked items being used on there. So I ended up being mostly a solo player


I just did the same thing, finally caved. Hoping I can quickly sell BF1 code and TF2 on here to recoup the cost. I don't even think I can give the crew away, who would take it?

It's been on games with gold, so probably very few people!


So can you only do a single trial of Xbox Live? I tried using one that came with a game and it didn't work.


How does it compare to the black of the original? Is it a lot lighter? I can't really get a good sense from pictures

Hmm...maybe like an 80% tint of black. I have it in my entertainment center, which is black, and while it doesn't blend in as nicely as the OG model, it's not distracting or anything.
I recently got my Xbox One S and was impressed with the OS. Here's what I posted in another thread:

I got my Xbox One a few days ago and I share the OP's feelings on the dashboard and general user experience. I wasn't expecting it to be this slick in areas that matter to me, actually.

My favourite thing is the store experience. You load the page, then press A on "get" or "install". That's it. It's immediate and the console queues up the download in your games/apps list in the home menu. I was shocked at how quick and painless that is, and I appreciate how your download list isn't a download list, it's just a list of games or apps to install in your games list. Again, same principle, you press A on the icon, then install, and it's immediately added to the queue.

I'm so used to confirmation screens on PSN/eShop and these long wait times after tapping install before you can move on and do something else that this really shocked me. But it's how it should be. On an iPhone you always just tapped install and the task would immediately show up in downloads.

I like the main home screen and how it shows your last 5 or so tasks, making it easy to switch between them without the need for a multitasking screen. I also like how pins give you that grid of icons that you'd get on other platforms like the Wii U or PS Vita, and how the core settings are accessible from the left, similar to how the PS4 puts them at the top.

So yeah, I'm really impressed and it's exceeded my expectations. My only quibble is that sometimes you, as the user, can move faster than the Jaguar CPU can keep up. While the UI's framerate has remained a solid 60fps for me, I've noticed inputs can start to lag if you press B repeatedly to go back several levels at once, stuff like that.

Cloud saves are also done right, like Steam. It all feels seamless in that you load an old game (in this case it was a 360 title) and the system fetches your save, on boot, without even telling you. I appreciate that.

I was a bit disappointed with the new controller: It feels like the tactility of the D-Pad and bumpers have been diminished compared with the Xbox One Controller I bought for my PC almost two years ago:

While the bumpers can indeed be pressed from any angle instead of just on the far edges, the click feels a lot looser and less satisfying.

The D-Pad is noticeably less clack-y to the point where it feels like they might have replaced the metal domes with plastic ones. You can still easily tell apart each of the 4 (8 including diags) on the D-Pad, but it just feels more tepid to use compared with the proud and clacky original controller.
So am I the only person having issues with my 2TB launch console playing blurays? Once i click the app and a movie starts, sometimes the screen goes blank and my tv says it loses signal. every now and then it may come back after 2 minutes or so and i can finish the movie. most of the time, it just says no signal and i have to reboot the console.

i'm running my xbox one s into pioneer vsx45 into lg e6 oled. it's frustrating as hell that it takes 30+ minutes of fiddling around to get a movie to play.
So am I the only person having issues with my 2TB launch console playing blurays? Once i click the app and a movie starts, sometimes the screen goes blank and my tv says it loses signal. every now and then it may come back after 2 minutes or so and i can finish the movie. most of the time, it just says no signal and i have to reboot the console.

i'm running my xbox one s into pioneer vsx45 into lg e6 oled. it's frustrating as hell that it takes 30+ minutes of fiddling around to get a movie to play.

Does this happen every time? At least frequently?

If so, I strongly urge you to try some experimenting. Try routing your X1 HDMI directly to the TV and bypassing your receiver. If you still have problems, try a different TV in your house to see if the problem still exists. If so, is this an older HDMI cable? May want to try a different one.

The issue you're describing sounds like an HDCP handshaking error and it could be the result of some part in your chain not being 100% up to spec. I've seen this problem caused by older receivers and cables.


Hmm...maybe like an 80% tint of black. I have it in my entertainment center, which is black, and while it doesn't blend in as nicely as the OG model, it's not distracting or anything.

thanks! I was initially hoping I could just switch out the console and my wife wouldn't notice, but that is no longer a worry :) haha
I've been thinking about pulling the trigger on the Xbox One S 1TB Battlefield Console, but I have a question lol, where do you get the limited free game from? I know it says:

Limited Time Offer: Free Game with Xbox One S Purchase
For a limited time, buy an Xbox One S console, get a free game of up to $60 value with purchase. Purchases must be shipped from and sold by Amazon.com. Excludes pre-orders. Offer expires 11/12/2016 11:59 PM PST. Click here for a complete list of eligible bundles.

As much as I wanna wait for a Black Friday Deal, a 1TB Xbox One S + Battlefield + a Free game + 14 day trial for Gold seems mildly worth getting at this point for 349.99


Finally got around to setting up my free kinect adapter and damn that's a lot of wires. Worth it though, I need those on off pause commands.


Junior Member
All this 4K, HDR, Inputlag, 4:4:4, etc etc etc is making me crazy, cuz I´m having trouble to really understand all the techtalk etc around this. Maybe because I´m from Sweden I dont know=P

My 49LG664v supports THIS apparently


Sorry for the Swedish Text but I think you understand anyway..=)
WHAT should I have in my Xbox One S setting whit this specs?
8-bit?10--bit? Anything else maybe I should think of?
Can it matter wich HDMI Port I use even?


Guys I've read somewhere in this thread that some people are complaining about why your pinned apps + games are at the very bottom of the home menu, but I just recently discovered that if you press RT it will jump right to your pins. Thanks to a vid from Major Nelson I figured this out and now it feels waaaaaaaaaay more comfortable. LT will bring you back to the top.

Just wanted to let you fellow guys know and sorry if it has been mentioned already in this thread.


All this 4K, HDR, Inputlag, 4:4:4, etc etc etc is making me crazy, cuz I´m having trouble to really understand all the techtalk etc around this. Maybe because I´m from Sweden I dont know=P

My 49LG664v supports THIS apparently


Sorry for the Swedish Text but I think you understand anyway..=)
WHAT should I have in my Xbox One S setting whit this specs?
8-bit?10--bit? Anything else maybe I should think of?
Can it matter wich HDMI Port I use even?

10 Bit with Deep Color On.


If there's a really good deal I'll swap out my original bone and upgrade. Though I really shouldn't.

I'm keeping an eye on BF deals, since I've got a 4K TV coming and would like to sell off my original XB1 for the S, so I can play 4K movies.

What do you think would be a realistic price if I just wanted the console without any bundled games? I don't even need 1TB, I already have an external 2TB drive.

Also, how is the controller on the S? I've got a Lunar White controller, but is the one included on the S a better build?
Does this happen every time? At least frequently?

If so, I strongly urge you to try some experimenting. Try routing your X1 HDMI directly to the TV and bypassing your receiver. If you still have problems, try a different TV in your house to see if the problem still exists. If so, is this an older HDMI cable? May want to try a different one.

The issue you're describing sounds like an HDCP handshaking error and it could be the result of some part in your chain not being 100% up to spec. I've seen this problem caused by older receivers and cables.

Eventually fiddling with settings and connections I can get it work but it's not consistent. It works on the 1st try rarely.

My receiver vsx45 supports hdcp 2.2 but like you said, something may be going on with handshakes along the line. Games work fine.

Are there any preferred settings for playing bluray/Uhd on the console?
I have that same instinct, but am committed to jumping on Scorpio next year instead.

A year isn't too long to wait, I think.

I'm close to upgrading my Day One to a 2TB model, even though I'm still planning on getting Scorpio as well.

My internal reasoning is if I trade in my Day One, I'll have a slightly newer model with a moderately higher value when I go to trade up for Scorpio.

In the end, I just want the slimmer model and a larger internal drive, tbqh.
I need some advice, GAF. I can buy an 1TB xbox one s with madden digital code, gears 4, forza horizon 3, and an extra controller for $433 including tax, gift cards, gcu stuff.

Good deal or wait for BF deals? I also might switch out my madden bundle with the bf bundle.

EDIT: I currently have a launch 500gb xbox 1 and I would sell it or trade it in.
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