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PS5 Outsold Series X/S by Almost 5x Last Quarter


You want a shot at the champ? [NG gif winner July 23]
Phil that power.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
How are you arriving at this conclusion?

You realize there was no GTA entry in the PS4 gen right? or that the PS5 has yet to see a price drop and is still on pace with the PS4 which has had a 25% price drop by this time in its cycle.

By the time GTA is released, the XS series would be all but dead. And its not coming to PC for at least.... however long. Can you imagine what that game would do for a $299 PS5 next year?

There is nothing going on now or that is to come, that would suggest what you are saying is even remotely the case.
He's the kind of person that talk shit about console with his kids 24hr and then tells everyone how his kid prefer pc over console on discussion forums.
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People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Resetera people complaining Sony being top always is dangerous.

The only dangerous things are “””gamers””” like them creating a negative narrative that will portray everything as a negative, push their own agenda that majority don’t care about or dislike, and shutter people down because they’re perspectives, which aren’t even related to the games developed, don’t align with their personal values.


On a more serious note though, a conversation needs to be had on why MS doesn't just throw in the towel. At this point, not doing it is just another bad decision they are making.

Then again, I guess they are trying to milk GP for all they can from the people that re still paying for it.


Gold Member
I don't really see a way forward for them at this juncture.

Financially speaking, it's really just a smarter play to do mostly third-party publishing, but I think that's also a "danger".

What I mean is--you're looking for a way to entice people into your system(s), but once someone like Marcus Fenix or Master Chief appears on a Sony console(or even Nintendo) there's..no way back from that.

The perception of who they are changes forever at that point, imo.

I think they'll be reluctant to go forward with any other major acquisitions, because the CMA and FTC have now seen post-decision just what they will do if they buy anyone else. They'll fight it a lot harder.

A way forward to to make games people want to play. I don’t remember the last time Microsoft had a mega-hit game, which is nuts.

Also, Microsoft allowing their games to be published on Nintendo do and Sony consoles is exactly why the FTC would more readily approve another large acquisition. However, that’s neither here nor there, since I can’t see Microsoft approving another large acquisition anytime soon, nor do I think there are any studios that make sense for them, anyway.

I don’t understand how there is any confidence in Phil Spencer turning things around…


Microsoft should pivot to a hybrid model, but not by copying what Nintendo is doing. They need a true Windows PC in a console format: easy to play games (already configured and optimized), but also open to all x86 applications.


which is why im not suprise if certain publisher who pursue multiplatform approach might skip the console since based on these numbers, i doubt xbox port would make significant impact.


Neo Member
It seems so simple to fix. You got the studios, make some effin games! I don't know if Phil is just a figurehead or if he's really this bad at his job but people have been begging for MS to release games, it's been a running joke for the longest. If you put out games that are good and people still don't buy your console then yeah cut your losses but it's been a decade of double speak and now it could cost them billions. It's no different than buying your kids a shit ton of toys for Christmas but not letting them take them out of the box.
Thought they will source the design and manufacturing to third party ?
Unsure to be honest but their console sales are dropping alarmingly, also going multi plat doesn’t really give anyone a reason to purchase an Xbox console in the future as it’ll come out on the PS consoles going forward.


Gold Member
PS2 outsold Xbox about 7:1... After almost 25 years and billions of dollars, we are back to where we started.

This is why Satya came in and ended Phil's parade. These numbers are absolutely catastrophic and explain why MS has basically given up on Xbox and why they are shutting down studios left and right and porting everything to PS5/Switch. The party is over and this is probably the last console we will see from MS. Next hardware won't be a traditional console for sure. Phil fucked up too many times and now it's really over for traditional Xbox consoles.

Now It Ends Season 6 GIF

It's like when you are a kid and want a dog, and your parents say, "ok, but you have to walk him every day after school." Nadella said to Phil, "ok, we'll get Activision-Blizzard for you, but we are going to be watching your business like a hawk moving forward"
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Gold Member
It seems so simple to fix. You got the studios, make some effin games! I don't know if Phil is just a figurehead or if he's really this bad at his job but people have been begging for MS to release games, it's been a running joke for the longest. If you put out games that are good and people still don't buy your console then yeah cut your losses but it's been a decade of double speak and now it could cost them billions. It's no different than buying your kids a shit ton of toys for Christmas but not letting them take them out of the box.

I think the Fartza they released last year was the last straw. Came out a year and a half after Gran Turismo 7 and was a step behind in virtually every way, and totally soulless. Even the most normies non-gamer in MS management could put the two side by side and wonder WTF Turn 10 was doing.


Gold Member
So what? Unless you somehow want to exclude Xbox Series S from calculation it does not change anything - would anything change if Microsoft only had Xbox Series X? Who knows?

It is like arguing if the situation would be different if COVID did not exist for example. What would change if there was no shortage? What would change if the games were not delayed? What would change if there was no crazy COVID gaming growth?

Would everyone who bought a PS2 after the price dropped to $150 have gotten the system anyway if it never dropped that low? Certainly, it could be that every single person who bought in at that price point simply woke up that day and decided to buy a PS2, and would have at $250 anyway. Doesn't really seem likely but on the other hand we have no way of knowing for sure, so screw common sense lol


Gold Member
Yup, Xbox consoles have fallen through the floor.

Sony also doesn't see the ps5 outselling the ps4. I think we will see it slip and fall further behind here on out. That is why they mentioned that they are focusing on player time and retaining players across other platforms.
More PC stuff incoming with psn logins

Fail The Simpsons GIF


Not surprised, a software company that hasn't produced software in four years finally caught up to them.
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Microsoft is okay with it. They will publish their games everywhere next year and have a console for their die hard fans only.

But they will make more than enough money with gamepass, their software sales and their other businesses. So it’s not alarming to them at all.
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