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2005 is the worst year for games since 2001



It's been the worst year for games since 2001, when Sega stopped really bothering and we were lumbered with first-generation PS2 shite. If it wasn't for the Nintendo DS the year would've been the worst year for gaming since records began -- and we nearly didn't bother getting a DS at all. So thanks, Nintendo! You're not the enemy any more! You literally saved 2005.



not an idiot
i disagree, the PS2 has absolutely kicked ass this year... one of the best years ever for a single system, and one of my favorite years ever. almost as good as 1998.

now if you're a nintendo fan, as this guy obviously is, then yeah, your year has been shit, other than one title.


If I didn't import, I'd have to agree! Most of the GAF GOTY contenders arent out in the Uk until like March. But, as for Nintendo saving it? No.
Far Cry
Half-Life 2
Doom 3
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Jade Empire
Ninja Gaiden Black
etc., etc.

EDIT: Damn, links changed on me in mid-post! Aw well, still, the point stands.....


Resident Evil 4
God of War
Shadow of the Collosus
Dragon Quest 8
Guitar Hero
Tekken 5
Battlefield 2
Mario Kart DS
Civilization IV

What is so bad about this year?
I believe the 2005 hate comes because we are at a transition period. tons of sequels, lackluster launch titles for the 360 save a couple that are just a tad above average. I'd agree when they say the ps2 didnt have a good year. it simply didn't. There wasn't anything that was a genuine "must buy" IMO. I just noticed Re4 in the post above mine. I'd give that GOtY but it hit GC first.


Who/What the hell is UK Resistance?

I don't know the release schedules in the UK, so I can't comment. Regardless, I'm sure RE4 was released over there, so they can shut up. :p


not an idiot
Master_Shake_05 said:
NDS followed by PS2 followed by Xbox.

And again, why is IGN xbox saying this? The xbox had a great year.....

Far Cry
Half-Life 2
Doom 3
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Jade Empire
Ninja Gaiden Black
etc., etc.
and to continue...

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones - fucking awesome! best in the series.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - best NFS since part 3
Fight Night: Round 2 - best boxing game ever
Madden 06 - best football game ever
MVP Baseball 05 - best baseball game ever
etc, etc etc...
Sandman42 said:
Are you serious?

yes. A "must buy" to me means something i'm buying that 1 does something completely new or redefining and 2, keeps my interest. If it's struggling to do either or or both, most likely its because its a been there done that game with a fresh coat of paint or...a sequel.


You would have to go back a little further than that. 2001 was a seminal year, with GTA III and Halo releasing, arguably the two most important games of the generation.

The part about 2005 sucking is true though.
Resident Evil 4
Mariokart DS
Shadow of the Colossus
God of War
We Love Katamari
Sonic Rush
DK Jungle Beat
Civ IV
Call of Duty 2

and more that don't come to mind right now....was a pretty damn good year for me.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
RidgeCityFM said:
yes. A "must buy" to me means something i'm buying that 1 does something completely new or redefining and 2, keeps my interest. If it's struggling to do either or or both, most likely its because its a been there done that game with a fresh coat of paint or...a sequel.
SoTC and RE4 say hi, also DQVIII and FE PoR would want a word with ya when those two finish talking with you.
RidgeCityFM said:
yes. A "must buy" to me means something i'm buying that 1 does something completely new or redefining and 2, keeps my interest. If it's struggling to do either or or both, most likely its because its a been there done that game with a fresh coat of paint or...a sequel.
You'll be retiring soon....


RidgeCityFM said:
yes. A "must buy" to me means something i'm buying that 1 does something completely new or redefining and 2, keeps my interest. If it's struggling to do either or or both, most likely its because its a been there done that game with a fresh coat of paint or...a sequel.
So do you buy like 2 games a year?
polg said:

leon is asking for help...

already gave a nod to RE4 but as stated by the time it hit PS2 i had already done it on the gamecube. I guess 2005 wasnt BAD but when comparing it to 2002-2004 it just wasnt that great. Where was another riddick? Where was another Klonoa 2? Frequency? BurnOut 2? There were so many great and original titles in the previous 3 years that were just whoa! 2005 seemed more like "eh i'm just playing these new games to pass time"

"so you buy like 2 games a year"

i probably only complete about that many. :(

"You'll be retiring soon...."

Thats the thing. With each new gen a redefining genre is born. GTA3 did it with the PS2 generation and I'm sure something will do it in the PS3/360 gen. The revolutions new control funtions could prove to be a nice divertion as well.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Luckett_X said:
If I didn't import, I'd have to agree! Most of the GAF GOTY contenders arent out in the Uk until like March. But, as for Nintendo saving it? No.

Yeah, I imported like crazy this year, so it's harder for me to just look at the U.S. market, but this year was definitely better than last year IMO. Next year might suck a bit, since it's going to be full of launch titles that we think are amazing now, and crap two years down the road. :)

This year had (still some games coming, too) games like:

-Resident Evil 4
-Gran Tursimo 4
-Tekken 5
-Soul Calibur 3
-Devil May Cry 3
-God of War
-Ninja Gaiden Black
-Battlefield 2
-Dragonquest VIII
-Mario Kart DS
-Castlevania DoS
-Phoenix Wright
-Zelda The Minish Cap
-Gunstar Superheroes
-Ridge Racer 6
-Perfect Dark Zero
-Shadow Of The Collosus

...And a ton more. Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence hits Japan this week, and DOA4 is next week. Two more awesome releases. :D There were even some awesome 2D fighters released this year; SNK made a real arcade comeback with the awesome trilogy of Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi, Neo-Geo Battle Colliseum, and The King of Fighters XI.

IMO the only system that a pretty bad year was the Game Cube; Resident Evil 4 came out in January, and there really hasn't been that much else since then. There was what...Killer 7, Mario Baseball, and Mario Strikers?


dragon quest 8 alone made this year one of the better ones in gaming. yes one game can make that big of a difference.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
GoutPatrol said:
...did any of you even click on Matlock's link? Or is just sacasam to the extreme?

Eh, I was replying to comments made in this thread, not from that website. I suspect everyone else was doing the same.

On message boards, every year has been the worst year for games since *insert year here*. :)
RidgeCityFM said:
already gave a nod to RE4 but as stated by the time it hit PS2 i had already done it on the gamecube
Uhm, it came out in 2005!!!

This isn't a PS2 limited discussion, this is about the games that came out this year.


yes. A "must buy" to me means something i'm buying that 1 does something completely new or redefining and 2, keeps my interest. If it's struggling to do either or or both, most likely its because its a been there done that game with a fresh coat of paint or...a sequel.
This is a typical response from someone who is getting older and beginning to lose interest in video games.

One of my best friends used to be a hard-core gamer back as a teenager and in his early 20's. By his late 20's, he became extremely picky with the kind of games he'd bother to purchase or rent. Now that he's in his mid-30's, he rarely shows any interest in them at all, any hasn't owned a game system since the Dreamcast. Just the circle of life, man. :)


RidgeCityFM said:
yes. A "must buy" to me means something i'm buying that 1 does something completely new or redefining and 2, keeps my interest. If it's struggling to do either or or both, most likely its because its a been there done that game with a fresh coat of paint or...a sequel.

I see your points, especially keeping interest. Many games today don't do that for me, especially those recommended by GAF.


It's bad enough when people in GAF who should have given up the hobby long ago continue to give their opinions on gaming. But to have a person like that writing for a "professional" gaming site, that's just mindblowingly stupid. Gamespy needs to fire that person pronto.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Pimpbaa said:
It's bad enough when people in GAF who should have given up the hobby long ago continue to give their opinions on gaming. But to have a person like that writing for a "professional" gaming site, that's just mindblowingly stupid. Gamespy needs to fire that person pronto.

:lol :lol
P90 said:
I see your points, especially keeping interest. Many games today don't do that for me, especially those recommended by GAF.

True, I agree. The best way to find good games is to try out games you no nothing about. A game doesn't have to get a 9.25 to be a great game.

Many times we'll use magazine scores or GAF as the judge as to wether a game is good or not. A bad grade or bad word of mouth from this MB is a terrible way to base one's opinion on a game. I've enjoyed a lot of games over the last couple of years that haven't gotten anything more than a 5 out of 10 or less. For example people will laugh and say "OMG you enjoyed teh VIRTUA QUEST", yet 99% of them have never even touched the game. Don't mock it 'til you've tried it, I always say.

So if you're having trouble finding good games to play, stop listening to others and experiment a bit. There's good games to be found for everyone, you just might have to dig around a little.
Sounds like a disgruntled Sega fanboy. GTA 3, MGS 2, FFX, DMC,Undying, Operation Flashpoint, AVP2, RTCW. Shitty year? SH2 and ICO FTW!!
Pimpbaa said:
It's bad enough when people in GAF who should have given up the hobby long ago continue to give their opinions on gaming. But to have a person like that writing for a "professional" gaming site, that's just mindblowingly stupid. Gamespy needs to fire that person pronto.

O_O Your tag is true.
GreekWolf said:
This is a typical response from someone who is getting older and beginning to lose interest in video games.

One of my best friends used to be a hard-core gamer back as a teenager and in his early 20's. By his late 20's, he became extremely picky with the kind of games he'd bother to purchase or rent. Now that he's in his mid-30's, he rarely shows any interest in them at all, any hasn't owned a game system since the Dreamcast. Just the circle of life, man. :)

*sheds tear* :)
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