This all started because somebody had a negative opinion about Elden Ring and somebody else just couldn't accept that. lmfao
That's actually not what happened. He had a bad Elden Ring take, his right. Other people found his take laughable and how bad he was at the game, all the whining etc made for good jokes. The whiny crybaby who couldn't stand that people were laughing at his review started abusing the YouTube copyright strike system in an effort to fraudulently take down people's youtube pages or get them banned, which is a threat to all creators if someone who can't take some criticism is seeking to abuse the rules while being completely ignorant of fair use.
That's what escalated this whole thing. Quantum targeted some 16 year old kid, threatened and basically scared him into pulling his own video for fear of losing his channel, and then a shit ton of major content creators, not liking the bullying, decided to stand up for that young kid. As Actman's videos were among the most damning and detailed of just how far Quantum had gone in his abuse of YouTube rules, Quantum started to directly target his family, tracking down his mother, brother, called the guy's mother and threatened her and started broadcasting to his supporters how easy it was to find them.
That's what transpired. It wasn't just a simple "we can't accept he doesn't like elden ring" type thing. It was people fairly laughing at his hilariously whiny response to Elden Ring and him deciding he would basically break the law (what he did was in fact illegal but YouTube is giving it a pass) to try to prevent as much mocking of him as possible.