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Xbox One reveal 10 years ago today


I actually miss my OG Xbox and the Xbox 360. Several really good (IM0) Rpgs/Jrpgs on them. I actually do not know what the state of RPG/JRPG games are on the newer x box consoles. I don't normally port beg, but I do wish those few rpgs were on Sony and Nintendo Consoles. Jade Empire, Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery, and several others. The 360 version of Phantasy Star Universe ran and looked much better than the PS2 version. I also miss the Fable series. I read that the Final Fantasy XIII games got the 4k treatment on Microsoft consoles? I wish the Sony consoles also had access to that. Especially on PS5. Speaking of Phantasy Star Universe, shame that the sequel was only on PSP and not a console.
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Gold Member

Do I have the video for you!


This is what killed Xbox one on launch



Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I never purchased an Xbox system in my life. So to be honest I wasn't upset in a negative way. I was actually entertained. It was funny as hell..


I had a PS3 and Wii for 7th Gen. Got a 360 for cheap in 2013 and was blown away by how cheap the games were, the titles on xbox live arcade, and the amazing UI.

I saw Killer Instinct and Forza and was sold on the new system. Unfortunately besides those. Sunset Overdrive, and Titanfall it's like Xbox gave up on first party games.

Kinect was dropped and the cool picture in picture feature was removed. They basically punished their early adopters. Never again.


Gold Member
I couldn't watch the live event but I've read about it. I remember watching angry Joe screaming like a baby like he always does. I didn't mind about Kinect at all. I even was a little excited by getting it, I love new tech.

I finally bought the Titanfall edition console with Kinect and it was so damn good. Both Titanfall and Dead Rising 3 were enough for me to like the console. Sunset Overdrive was insanely fun when it came out. Thinking about it, the One started strong with exclusives title, just like the 360. It SHOULD have stayed like this.

Such an under appreciated console.


I bought an Xbox One in 2015, it was with it that I started playing video games again. And despite what people say, it was a decent console, but from 2017 onwards Microsoft showed a very big decline in their first-party catalogy, meanwhile Sony started to shine brighter and brighter.

Eventually I sold it and bought a PS4.


Here’s exactly how I saw it go down.

Xbox reveal was a total disaster.

How it went after both consoles launched.


Before Microsoft fumbled everything, they actually started off strong in games. PS4 still sold better despite not having much to play.
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Xbox jumped the shark with the One and Microsoft has never been able to unjump it since, I'm not even sure what the most recent Microsoft game I played beyond Gears of War Judgement was.

I was a big fan of the original Xbox and the 360, I kept waiting to see Microsoft correct course and make a comeback, but it's yet to happen.


When you're watching the reveal of a new console and 30 mins in you're not 100% sure if the fucking thing even plays games......you know they fucked up.:messenger_tears_of_joy:

At that time, I wasn't that much of watching reveals. But I was satisfied with my 360 and was like "maybe they will show some good new games!"

True story, I was scratching my head the entire show. I was like "maybe I'm watching the wrong showcase. Maybe later will be the real deal". Until my brother came to me and said "nope, its was really that gargabe".

Alan Wake

Was it worse than PS3 599 US dollar?

On par, I'd say. Both Sony and Microsoft had blown up egos after their previous success (PS2 and 360). Sony deliberately launched a console htat was complicated to develop for and with a hefty pricetag. Microsoft had left the surface after their great success with the Kinect and built the entire console around that thing.
I'm still waiting on the vid from DF talking about the disastrous E3 for XBO, where they discuss the demos running on PCs much more capable than the XBO. And they even took that "fake" build of Forza on Jimmy Fallon and tried to push it off as the actual game running on XBO HW, when the final build had to be heavily downgraded to run on it. Not holding my breath, though. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


this day not also reign free on xbox fans since that day, but microsoft too.

since this reveal, they very keen on not repeating same mistake again especially of having lower TF than Playstation (despite Mark Cerny end up go for bit different approach in mind). they learn alot since X1 reveal and done almost everything well, fixing their past mistake however they still not able to resolve their lacking of first party exclusive game which is, one of most major important point for their brand.
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Alan Wake

I couldn't watch the live event but I've read about it. I remember watching angry Joe screaming like a baby like he always does. I didn't mind about Kinect at all. I even was a little excited by getting it, I love new tech.

I finally bought the Titanfall edition console with Kinect and it was so damn good. Both Titanfall and Dead Rising 3 were enough for me to like the console. Sunset Overdrive was insanely fun when it came out. Thinking about it, the One started strong with exclusives title, just like the 360. It SHOULD have stayed like this.

Such an under appreciated console.
It was fine for the first two years or so. I bought mine for Rise of the Tomb Raider, which I guess was Microsoft's way of trying to compete with Uncharted (which was delayed). After that it became apparent they didn't have much else up their sleeve and focused on new hardware and services (in a good way).


It was insane what they tried to do. 100 usd more than the PS4 while the PS4 was 50%!!! more powerful (1.84 tflops vs 1.23 tflops) and had DDR5 memory with 2.57x!! the bandwith (176gb/s vs 68.3gb/s). The cherry on top was the DRM and used games fiasco. That PS4 E3 presentation and used games video were legendary.
since then some of xbox fans start hardware secret sauce conspiracy of esram performance vs GDDR5 and the trend continue today, with stuff like SFS

Fox Mulder

What a wild time.

A launch filled with drama and absolutely awful choices by Microsoft. 2013 was too early to push always online. They had mandatory Kinect and a higher price point and weaker hardware than a PS4 marketed towards games. There was even NSA spying concerns with MS participating in the PRISM program and selling Kinect cameras. Their PR was completely blindsided by a negative reaction because they were so out of touch.

Hilarious and could have killed the brand entirely. 🎂🥳
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10 years already? Blimey. Certainly a dark age for the Xbox. Way to drop the ball after the 100 meter rush that's for sure.

- Offline support restricted, had to check in every 24 hours.
- Restricted used game sales or sharing with friends. (A lot of local indie games store near me boycotted the XBO by not taking pre-orders)
- Mandatory Kinect usage, same year that the NSA spying scandal came about.
- Weaker hardware compared to the PS4 but yet charged more. PS4 was £350 when first launched, XBO was £425.
- Don Mattrick. "We have an offline device, it's the Xbox 360". Sony salesman of 2013. What an absolute prick.
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Just saw this hot take on my feed from Nick and honestly I still remember how that full on DRM push and TV TV SPORTS TV by Microsoft for the Xbox One reveal killed the console big time for me and I was really into the 360 back in the day (was my main gaming system for most of that gen before ultimately switching to PC).

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Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
Mattrick's famous interview with Keighley is rightly remembered as one of the more egregious embarrassments of that period. But, let's not forget Major Nelson acting like an utter prick with Angry Joe:

'Oh DO YOU? Are YOU on the development team?"

Absolute clown. The definition of an empty suited company man. Phil's 'I'm just like you' schtick is obviously annoying, but Major Nelson has the same gimmick and it's also utterly despicable and disingenuous.


Mattrick's famous interview with Keighley is rightly remembered as one of the more egregious embarrassments of that period. But, let's not forget Major Nelson acting like an utter prick with Angry Joe:

'Oh DO YOU? Are YOU on the development team?"

Absolute clown. The definition of an empty suited company man. Phil's 'I'm just like you' schtick is obviously annoying, but Major Nelson has the same gimmick and it's also utterly despicable and disingenuous.

Major Nelson and Aaron Greenberg should have been let go in the early 360 era.


Mattrick's famous interview with Keighley is rightly remembered as one of the more egregious embarrassments of that period. But, let's not forget Major Nelson acting like an utter prick with Angry Joe:

'Oh DO YOU? Are YOU on the development team?"

Absolute clown. The definition of an empty suited company man. Phil's 'I'm just like you' schtick is obviously annoying, but Major Nelson has the same gimmick and it's also utterly despicable and disingenuous.

Good on joe for actually challenging him. Your not gonna get this nowadays.
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MS dropped the ball half way through 360s life by failing to support the hardcore gamers who supported the system from the start. I was there from Day 1. XBOX Live, blades, CoD, Hexic, Gears. It was hit after hit after hit. Live was on another level as far as I was concerned and so far ahead of Sony it was ridiculous...plus a headset in the box! I thought the move of support from decent games to Kinect was odd and 3 consoles later and multiple RRoDs I was still eager to see what they had on offer....it was frankly a shock at how bad they had fallen and moved away from their target audience. I've never gone back to an MS console since.


XBone was the greatest console ever!
Things like SNAP using voice recognition
Kinect games
Major exclusives like umm… crackdown 3 using the power of the cloud

This machine changed the landscape of gaming forever


Just saw this hot take on my feed from Nick and honestly I still remember how that full on DRM push and TV TV SPORTS TV by Microsoft for the Xbox One reveal killed the console big time for me and I was really into the 360 back in the day (was my main gaming system for most of that gen before ultimately switching to PC).

Of course he says that….of course lol.
That is a heavily edited video. It didn't actually happen like that. It's still funny tho

The real video is funny enough as it is because you can tell that Spencer was expecting a much more positive reaction to the $499 price. I assume the logic was that the 360 launched at $399 and Kinect was $150, thus they figured the $499 combo price would be viewed as a deal.


The real video is funny enough as it is because you can tell that Spencer was expecting a much more positive reaction to the $499 price. I assume the logic was that the 360 launched at $399 and Kinect was $150, thus they figured the $499 combo price would be viewed as a deal.

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