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What game are you currently playing?


Neo Member
Please someone make me love Guild Wars 2 again. I mean, I still enjoy the game, but it did tire me out quite a bit.


3 Aug 2021

The Ascent - Enjoying it a ton, has turned out to be one of my favs of the year. Amazing visuals and sound!

Ratchet & Clank - Already finished it but I’m still fooling around looking at the nice graphics. Amazing game, top 3 of the year for me so far. Can’t believe they actually voice acted the whole game in swedish! Hats off!

MS Flight Simulator - Didn’t think I would like it this much. It’s awesome! And yet I’m mostly chilling and exploring the world and doing some tasks. Super relaxing game, until you try to land…

FF7RI - I don’t enjoy it tbh, the combat is pissing me off, but the visuals are super nice and I really like how they’ve recreated famous areas from the original. But omg please give me turn based combat next time Square!

OMNO - Simplistic game I stumbled into on Gamepass, the kids loves it, near the end now. Some cool platforming ideas.

Half Life Alyx - Not sure what to think about this yet. It’s a highclass production but also clunky and confusing.

The Room VR - Had some free time one evening, was just supposed to have a quick peek but ended up playing until the battery died. Oddly amusing game.

Biomutant - Enjoying this quite a bit but the highs are high and the lows are low, plenty of spots on this sun.

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Not enjoying this at all, I hate the button controls and I already dropped it once because of the motion controls. But it’s Zelda. I have to play through it at least once, right?

And some never ending ones:
No Man’s Sky, Minecraft
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Decided to give this somewhat well received game another shot.


Yeah, I mentioned in another thread 3d Zelda games aren't fun and are inferior to the 2d versions. Maybe I've just not been in the right state of mind for this one. Third times the charm!
Third time was indeed the charm. Finished it over the weekend. Most of my problems kinda fell to the wayside the further I got. Solid 8/10. First 3d Zelda I beat since OoT. 2d Zelda is still superior :)

Brings me to the obvious next game.


I wanted to play the game anyways but kept holding out for better hardware. Doesn't seem to be coming any time soon so whatever. Framerate is awful at times but the game is still super fun. Urbosa is just deliciously awesome.


Playing The Ascent right now, one my favs this year so far. Heard it gets repetitive down the line but so far so good.


I randomly played some Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (XBO) yesterday. Strictly in terms of combat and controls, I think its the best DMC in the series. The back-tracking is boring as hell though. Anyone agree?


Orcs Must Die 3: Unlocking and upgrading traps/weapons is a lot of fun. Coming up with new ways to beat a map makes for a lot of replayability.

Warhammer 40K Battlesector: Best Turn Based game I have played since Gears Tactics. Lot's of fun and strategy not weighed down by menus and boring research tasks (X-com).

Hunt: Showdown: New map and changes/updates has me hooked again.

The Ascent: Briefly gave it a try. Had fun and will get back to it later.


Neo Member
Playing the PSP version of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. I liked and finished Terra and Ventus storylines, but I'm at the start wtih Aqua and she's bumming me out a bit. Her weaker keyblade attacks make the combat so much slower, even the weakest enemies tale longer to kill, which is really bothersome when the gameplay loop is already kinda repetitive in the first place.
Walking Dead Saints and Sinners. I'm in love. Did a run into town just throwing my knives. It's brutal. Sneaking up on a human and stabbing their skull is something else.

Forever Game: Apex, didn't play for a bit but now back in.


Currently playing dead space on series S and goddamn does it hold up well . Hype as hell for the remake but maybe we should be getting a new game seeing as how the original still looks and plays amazingly


Persona 4 Golden - I played Persona 5 this year and loved it so I had to get into the rest of MegaTen. I think I am roughly 70% of the way through this game. I like it but I find there is a lot of downtime to slog through.

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir - I have tried getting into this game 4 times. This latest effort I have made it the furthest progress, I am near the end of chapter 2. It's very repetitive but nice artwork and soundtrack. I might drop it though and start Catherine Full Body
On PC:

Days Gone (with mods)
Unbelievable experience with some graphics, weapons and clothing mods. Also the game looks x10 times better than it did on my now deceased PS4 Pro.

No Man Sky (with mods)
Another game that I'm so much enjoying now with mods installed.

Cyberpunk 2077 (with mods)
Crazy looking on ultra with ray tracing and some other visual mods. No performance issues like i suffered on console before. I'm lovin' it.

Forza Horizon 4

Call of Duty Black Ops (Single & Multiplayer)
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On PC:

Days Gone (with mods)
Unbelievable experience with some graphics, weapons and clothing mods. Also the game looks x10 times better than it did on my now deceased PS4 Pro.

No Man Sky (with mods)
Another game that I'm so much enjoying now with mods installed.

Cyberpunk 2077 (with mods)
Crazy looking on ultra with ray tracing and some other visual mods. No performance issues like i suffered on console before. I'm lovin' it.

Forza Horizon 4

Call of Duty Black Ops (Single & Multiplayer)
Running through days gone myself, which mods do you consider essential?
Running through days gone myself, which mods do you consider essential?
Ah shit sorry I won't be able to link you the exact mods as I'm in the office today but when I get home I will edit my post with the mods I downloaded.
Its not much as I just started the game. About like 5 mods so far but one of the most useful ones is almost instantly opening car hood/trunk.
I hate sitting through that 6 second animation of opening a vehicle hood/trunk. I think the mod I downloaded has options on the speed of opening them too.
Also have a visual mod to change Deacon's clothing to like a big puffy coat and beanie with a backpack to make him look more like an actual post apocalyptic survivor and less like a 'biker' if that makes sense.
Some other visual mods but I'm still looking at Nexus to find more useful mods to enhance the gameplay.

I'll edit my post later today and link the mods here. I really have to start getting a mod manager so I know what I have installed too.

*Sorry for the long post lol*


It was Pokémon Unite, but I think I'm done with it.

I bought Okami (again) yesterday as I never got around to playing it. I think that's what I'll go for next.
Ah shit sorry I won't be able to link you the exact mods as I'm in the office today but when I get home I will edit my post with the mods I downloaded.
Its not much as I just started the game. About like 5 mods so far but one of the most useful ones is almost instantly opening car hood/trunk.
I hate sitting through that 6 second animation of opening a vehicle hood/trunk. I think the mod I downloaded has options on the speed of opening them too.
Also have a visual mod to change Deacon's clothing to like a big puffy coat and beanie with a backpack to make him look more like an actual post apocalyptic survivor and less like a 'biker' if that makes sense.
Some other visual mods but I'm still looking at Nexus to find more useful mods to enhance the gameplay.

I'll edit my post later today and link the mods here. I really have to start getting a mod manager so I know what I have installed too.

*Sorry for the long post lol*
no problem, thanks for taking the time to point those out!


Batman: The Telltale Series

Far easier and less stressful than the sequel (which I played first). A more enjoyable experience.


I just dropped Jedi Fallen Order PS5 version, I'm quite far into it and I just can't deal with how badly designed this game is, so many glitches and bugs. I also hate backtracking through the worlds and killing the same enemies over and over, it's become a slog and I feel nothing for these shallow characters and story.

Will go back to FF7R Intergrade for PS5.


Gold Member
I bought the FF1 pixel remaster on steam and I'm enjoying myself. It's something that looks much better in motion. I'll probably be picking up FF3 as well. Not touching FF2 in any way shape or form, though.


When you've massacred all the Bosses in Dark Souls III and the Final Boss at your first attempt:
Picard Role Model GIF by Star Trek

Realizing the void it created..


Well at least I can go for the Plat...



Decided to get out of my comfort zone with Hades, and have been messing around with the gun. It might be the best weapon in the game to focus on and learn enemy patterns.

only phase one, but it’s the easiest to see his basic pattern… which I’m able to focus on using lucifer


Gravity Rush for the 1st time.
And Skyward Sword HD for the 1st time

Also I keep jumping on Returnal for the daily missions, its addictive
no problem, thanks for taking the time to point those out!
Days Gone mods so far:

1) Extended explosion radius (increases explosion radius of grenades and other throwables like molotovs etc.)
2) More Ears (gives you 2 ears for each freaker kill instead of 1 which makes sense since these things have 2 ears lol)
3) Better Light (gives you a brighter LED light)
4) Black fireman axe handle (because why not)
5) Weapon free slot (allows you to pick up any weapon in the game and swap it with your current weapon you're holding)
6) Better Suppressors (makes oil can suppressors last a little bit longer)
7) Deacon grey beard (just a cosmetic mod to make his beard hairs grey)
8) Side Mirrors (adds side mirrors to your bike)

There are more mods i'm looking at through Nexus. I tried the Winter Soldier look for Deacon which I installed but this outfit doesn't have a backpack and looks odd to have weapons just stuck to his back 😂
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Ok I’m done with hades for the day but aphrodite is my new jam.

her charm is even an interupt and it procs all the time
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Tactics Ogre on a PSP 1k.. it's like an entirely new game... All of these PSP titles feel totally adequate when you're holding this sexy beast


The Ascent and Wreckfest.

Lately more Wreckfest. Finding it more fun in short bursts, and the The Ascent is starting to feel tedious.


Neo Member
God of War - I’m addicted! Tackling my backlog slowly but surely and this game is just amazing, I see the hype and it’s a shame I waited so long to play it, but loving every moment. Taking my time and doing loads of side quests, looting/gear hunting etc.

Rust - A friend of mine convinced me to get this recently. I didn’t think it would be my sort of game but we’ve put countless hours into it so far. Very fun and addicting but the console version (the one we play) does need a lot of work in the shape of different servers (solo, 2s, 3s etc) and further additions. The community can be quite toxic we’ve found and we’ve struggled to maintain our loot/bases without being raided. Hours of work can be lost easily. It’s not very beginner friendly but when coming to grips with it and if up for a challenge it can be enjoyable.

Also finishing up Spyro 3, playing Cold War sporadically and enjoying Microsoft Flight Simulator.


Playing Ys VIII. I'm not sure what took me so long to play this game.
i've got that on the vita at home, i've heard good things, i watched through the opening cut scene(s) on the boat on the can and, fuck me, i just couldn't even... i'm on a work trip atm and i chose to bring my PSP 1k instead... not regretting it thus far... I WILL give Ys 8 a go in the mid future, for sure.

EDIT: care to talk it up a bit?
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Neo Member
I'm bouncing back and forth between the Quest 2 and PS5, but tend to spend more time enjoying myself on the Quest, due to its more active and immersive nature. I just finished Rift Apart, and it was a technical showcase...that's about it, whereas Stride, which just came out for the Quest (its been on PCVR for awhile) is quite simplistic graphically but truly manifests the parkour fantasy I had back in 2008 when I first played Mirror's Edge.
Finished Scarlet Nexus (solid game 8/10)

Played The Ascent (Graphics 9/10)

Played some Flight Sim (Easily the best true next gen exclusive on X/S and gamepass)

Now I'm on to my Switch games....

Skyward Sword HD, never played the Wii version so technically this is my first 3D Zelda experience on Switch that I like so far, wasn't a fan of BOTW

Replayed a little of No More Heroes 2, to get ready for NMH3

Still got a backlog of several games I'll finish.....someday
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Days Gone mods so far:

1) Extended explosion radius (increases explosion radius of grenades and other throwables like molotovs etc.)
2) More Ears (gives you 2 ears for each freaker kill instead of 1 which makes sense since these things have 2 ears lol)
3) Better Light (gives you a brighter LED light)
4) Black fireman axe handle (because why not)
5) Weapon free slot (allows you to pick up any weapon in the game and swap it with your current weapon you're holding)
6) Better Suppressors (makes oil can suppressors last a little bit longer)
7) Deacon grey beard (just a cosmetic mod to make his beard hairs grey)
8) Side Mirrors (adds side mirrors to your bike)

There are more mods i'm looking at through Nexus. I tried the Winter Soldier look for Deacon which I installed but this outfit doesn't have a backpack and looks odd to have weapons just stuck to his back 😂
try this one

I don't know what the guy did, but the shooting just looks overall better than the console version.
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Last few weeks I rounded off the platinum in Nioh 2 after over a year. Was missing 3 trophies that involved some rng and grinding.

Finished Returnal with Platinum. Best game of 2021 so far.

Played Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart some.

Tried some of The Ascent. Played some Flight Sim on Series X too.

Also do some dbd now and then too.
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