If we lived in a sane society this would be winning..
But we live in a Lizzo world sadly.
LMAO. The only reason the Deck exists is that the Switch came first and has been successful.
Funny how a 800p LCD screen is perfectly fine for the 2022 Deck, but people were ridiculing the Switch for having a 720p LCD in 2017 when ”muh cheap phone has a 1080p OLED, lol Nintendoomed!!”
And you talk about sanity?
Yes because everyone wants a bulky portable that last 30 mins.
Atari and Sega really seemed to believe that, too.
Luckily the Deck has something people actually want - ie, games.
Anyway, the Switch IS long overdue a hardware upgrade. I am amazed that Nintendo managed to convince devs to bother making “impossible” ports for the system, and even more amazed that people actually bought those when they prolly had much better alternatives at home. But Switch is closing in to 6 years on the market, that’s a hardware cycle through and through.
I’m also quite disappointed that Nintendo themselves never cared to make the kind of smaller games that were the bread and butter of their handhelds. There’s more Fire Emblem and Pokémon than anyone could possibly wish for, but where are the Link Between World’s, the Chibi-Robo’s, the Layton-like adventures? The Switch needs quality in a budget, not only $60 games that most of the time don’t deserve the price tag.