Glad I didn't listen to the salt boys this time around. Motion controls are good, story is great, characters are great, art direction is great. Fantastic Zelda game so far, excited to play a shitton more tomorrow.
Also I hate to use the word "retarded" but what other word describes the console warrior posts in this thread about the controls? Straight embarrassing, yall call yourselves pro gamers smdh.
I finaly played some this very morning, not much, I'm currently following that blue lady fairy being, so don't really have an opinion yet besides that I'm really digging the art style, vibe and characters
If you want to play with button controls, that's fine, but personally I think it gimps the game of its identity. Motion controls are an essential part of Skyward Sword's D.N.A.
Playing the game without it is kinda missing the point, which is why I always roll my eyes when I see some of the latest reviews talking about how you can now "finally play it without motion"
Yeah.. no thanks, I'll keep playing the game how it was intended to be played.
Yeah I get what your saying and more or less agree. But personally I'm just not a huge fan of motion controls so I'm playing with the analog stick.. It's far from perfect and feels weird but I'll manage. I'm sure I'm going to give the motion controls a good try when I feel like it. Glad I've got options.