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Selena Gomez Files $10 Million Lawsuit Against Mobile Game for Stealing Her Likeness


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Selena Gomez has filed a $10 million lawsuit against the makers of a mobile game, alleging that it rips off her likeness and those of other celebrities.

“Clothes Forever — Styling Game” is available for download in Apple’s App Store. It allows users to buy “diamonds” for prices ranging from $.99 up to $99.99, and to go on virtual shopping trips with celebrities.

“Interact with the most beautiful models and celebrities; the likes of Kardashian, Gigi, Beyonce, Taylor, and more will be dropping by and asking for YOUR fashion advise!” the promotional material states.

Gomez alleges that one of the characters is obviously based on her, and that she has never agreed to have her likeness used in any mobile game.

“Defendants never requested, consulted, or informed Gomez regarding the use of any of her publicity rights in connection with the Game,” the suit states. “Nor, if asked, would Gomez have consented to such use for the Game, which apparently relies on the unsavory practice of luring its users to make in-game purchases in amounts as much as $99.99 to fund imaginary spending in the Game and unlock features.”

Gomez is suing Guangzhou Feidong Software Technology Co., the China-based seller of the game, as well as MutantBox Interactive Limited, the British company that holds copyrights to the game.

The suit notes that Gomez has “carefully curated all endorsements and business opportunities” in a way that advances her goals and her image as a role model for youth.

The suit also states that the mobile game is “bug-riddled” and that it is “rated a measly 3.5 stars out of 5” by reviewers in the App Store.



4-Time GIF/Meme God
Then a chinese lawyer uses "Hollywood has close to none original stuff since the 50s, why we will have?"
- that makes no sense
- A lot of chinese people will be unemployed because of you
- but
- you're mean
Judge sentences Selena Gomez to pay the company and China itself 50 million on moral damages

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Good. Throw the book at these mobile devs - having worked in the mobile space, this issue is even more rampant than you probably think.

Not that anything will come of this since China's pretty much Teflon and has sexual powers from eating bats.
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She has reached a level of celebrity and fame in her young life that most girls will only dream of, and all she does is complain.


Ellen Page saying The Last of Us ripped off her likeness
She has way more leverage with this claim now. They did all but confirm it by making Ellie an lesbian in 2.
She has reached a level of celebrity and fame in her young life that most girls will only dream of, and all she does is complain.
This is honestly a poor argument. I don't care about Gomez at all, but the fact that someone ripps of your looks to make a cheap buck is something you should care about regardless of how wealthy you are.
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Darkness no more
These Chinese mobile game companies have no shame. So much stuff is blatantly ripped off of other things.


China does whatever the fuck it wants, they've been stealing intellectual property from everyone for years, this lawsuit will go nowhere.


These Chinese mobile game companies have no shame. So much stuff is blatantly ripped off of other things.
That's because it isn't something to be ashamed of in China. I'm not entirely sure they're wrong, either. Instead of heaping the majority of the reward on the idea they end up giving it to whichever companies most efficiently bring that idea to market. It's hard to judge which approach is better when they're locked in a symbiotic relationship.

We can joke about cheap, poorly manufactured Chinese products but would those products exist without a demand for them? Nope.
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I for one would be pissed if it was a game about buying virtual diamonds. Fuck that micro transactions shit.

It'll probably go nowhere. Sadly I also didn't even have to go into the thread to guess it was a Chinese company.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, they clearly ripped off the image.... but who fucking cares?? She's already rich as fuck. Does she really need more money?

"That picture looks like me!! Give me 10 million dollars!". Fuck off.
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Unconfirmed Member
China literally fucked the world and nobodies done dick about that


what is she doing


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
I can actually see it this time. In the past, these lawsuits/accusations have been retarded. (Lindsay Lohan saying GTA5 ripped off her likeness, Ellen Page saying The Last of Us ripped off her likeness)

I like you compare some obvious with something obvious. It was clearly obvious that Lindsay Lohan and Ellen page. Everyone could see that they copied their looks.


Yeah, they clearly ripped off the image.... but who fucking cares?? She's already rich as fuck. Does she really need more money?

"That picture looks like me!! Give me 10 million dollars!". Fuck off.

The fact they are using her likeness to obtain money isnt something that should be punished?

Fucking rofl at the insane defence force here. I guess she's a woman so she must be in the wrong right? Oh she already has.millions I guess she doesnt need to worry about Chinese devs stealing her likeness to make profit off of 😂.

Emberassing posts here.


reading the headline I was like "oh god no, not another celeb trying to milk money with dubious bullshit"

then I saw the image... and was like 🤣
I mean, they mirrored it! at least they did that... lol
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