I'm just curious about timeline, since Village (particularly Rose's DLC) took things way into the future (beyond where current leads would be relavent action heroes anymore- like literally in late 60s at that point)- Heck isn't Chris basically 50-something in Village's main timeline). So, I'm guessing the next time takes place before the Rose DLC..
That said, I think Leon is meant to be younger (he was a RCPDrook in RE1, where Chris and Jill were top of their games Stars members at that point). Also, Jill had all kinds of experimental juju done on her in RE5, so maybe she doesn't age normally or something (and didn't she have borderline superpowers at that point?), but maybe they declined over the years, and she is more normal-ish by now.
I know there were movies and shit involving the classic, non-Winters cast past RE6, but I don't get into that stuff, so if others can elaborate on these characters status, that would be great...