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Prosecutor seeks death for Florida school gunman


I agree, this guy needs to go. I know some people are against the death penalty, but some heinous acts are just beyond second chances.
Y'all talking about an 18 year old child who can't even drink legally. Not some grizzled War veteran.

He is very much a product u.s. culture. Nobody wants to claim that stink though


Y'all talking about an 18 year old child who can't even drink legally. Not some grizzled War veteran.

He is very much a product u.s. culture. Nobody wants to claim that stink though

18 year old child?

Child is what you call someone who hasn’t even hit puberty yet. He’s a freaking grown ass adult who is also of the age of majority! SMH, this guy is no child. English is a precise language, use it correctly.
Death is far too swift and civilized a punishment for him.

Who cares? Fuck it those poor children need justice. I don’t want my tax payer money funding towards imprisioning him/feed him for life.

Also forgive me if I’m wrong, but I’m assuming you don’t have children. As a parent to have to bury your baby for going to school ...my god my kids :(
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Who cares? Fuck it those poor children need justice. I don’t want my tax payer money funding towards imprisioning him/feed him for life.

Also forgive me if I’m wrong, but I’m assuming you don’t have children. As a parent to have to bury your baby for going to school ...my god my kids :(

I think you misunderstand my meaning. Death is the easy path for him. He will never have to feel pain again in his life if he is dead. There are no little devils that will be burning him once he ceases to draw breath. The only people living with pain are his still living victims and the families of those who he murdered. He should never have a comfortable, happy day ever again in his life (once convicted). He deserves worse than Tityos of Greek mythology.
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I think you misunderstand my meaning. Death is the easy path for him. He will never have to feel pain again in his life if he is dead. There are no little devils that will be burning him once he ceases to draw breath. The only people living with pain are his still living victims and the families of those who he murdered. He should never have a comfortable, happy day ever again in his life (once convicted). He deserves worse than Tityos of Greek mythology.

I feel he deserves the easy path out. I understand your logic, however we have penalties like this as a deterrent for a reason. I’m sorry I just will agree to disagree with you on this one.


Y'all talking about an 18 year old child who can't even drink legally. Not some grizzled War veteran.

He is very much a product u.s. culture. Nobody wants to claim that stink though
He's 19 now and he'll be 20 later this year. When does somebody stop being a child?
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18 year old child?

Child is what you call someone who hasn’t even hit puberty yet. He’s a freaking grown ass adult who is also of the age of majority! SMH, this guy is no child. English is a precise language, use it correctly.

Yes exactly.

Pretty sure a child doesn't buy assault rifles and guns down class mates. I say get rid of him. I don't feel like paying for another person in prison, that caused so much grief to people and their families. Ending him will bring closer to the victims.

Well they aren't going to just execute him right away so he would still be prison while on death row. Tsarnaev is still alive btw.


Gold Member
I’m not sure the constitution allows for the type of punishment he deserves. That being said, death alone is far too easy of a punishment.

Knowing his last day is coming up is far more punishing than living your entire life in a cell, it’s not like the conditions are horrendous.


Just throw him in gen pop. He'll probably get beat to death within a couple days.
Or just don’t feed him, the problem will sort itself.
Let him loose in the middle east...
See what happens...

Holy hell, you guys.
One of the most important aspects of our justice system is that we go by the book and prove we're better than those that've wronged us, not that we abuse or torture people to death for some sort of sick catharsis.
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Holy hell, you guys.
One of the most important aspects of our justice system is that we go by the book and prove we're better than those that've wronged us, not that we abuse or torture people to death for some sort of sick catharsis.

The only way I’d support death penalty for him is if every possible harvestable organ could be used to save lives. (Tho would people want the organs of such a person in them?) Otherwise he needs to spend his life reminded daily of the lives he ruined and the families he devistated.


Holy hell, you guys.
One of the most important aspects of our justice system is that we go by the book and prove we're better than those that've wronged us, not that we abuse or torture people to death for some sort of sick catharsis.
Yeah your right they should just kill him legally. That's a lot better.


Just throw him in gen pop. He'll probably get beat to death within a couple days.
Yeah, I'm not defending this guy but saying he should be tortured beat etc isn't cool. If you did that you'd be as bad as him, because that kind of behavior is never justified.


Yeah, I'm not defending this guy but saying he should be tortured beat etc isn't cool. If you did that you'd be as bad as him, because that kind of behavior is never justified.
I wasn't saying he should be beaten just more like who cares? But yeah I guess that still sounds kinda bad.


First two comments nail it, but yea the volcano idea I support as well.

There's no place in a civilized society for this person.

"His attorney Assistant Public Defender Melisa McNeill reiterated that Cruz would plead guilty if prosecutors waived the death penalty, which they refused to do."
How do you morally go to work to defend a school shooter? What?
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Yeah your right they should just kill him legally. That's a lot better.

You're attacking a strawman in making an assumption that I support the death penalty.
And what a bizarre and transparent to try to spin your response as taking the moral high ground when you were the one originally endorsing almost literally "throwing a man to the wolves."
Like, you don't get to pretend you have altruistic intentions right after going "Let's just abandon him in a place that's murderously hostile towards him. Wink wink."

Your username is certainly apt in that you seem to always go for the most inflammatory, divisive response possible.
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First two comments nail it, but yea the volcano idea I support as well.
There's no place in a civilized society for this person.

"There's no place in civilized society for this person. I agree with above posters that he shouldn't just die, he should suffer."
Yes, tell me more about "civilized society," person who advocates throwing people into volcanoes.

"His attorney Assistant Public Defender Melisa McNeill reiterated that Cruz would plead guilty if prosecutors waived the death penalty, which they refused to do."
How do you morally go to work to defend a school shooter? What?

How incredibly naive. You don't really "get" how lawyers work, huh?


I wasn't saying he should be beaten just more like who cares? But yeah I guess that still sounds kinda bad.

"I wasn't saying it should happen, just that we could orchestrate circumstances that inevitably lead to that outcome and then turn a blind eye, because who cares?"
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Gold Member
We all have different views on the death penalty, I’m in full support, generally one of the biggest reasons against it is innocents may be wrongly convicted which is not the case here.

Imagine being one of these parents, never ever getting to wake up in the morning with your child again.


Oh yes the deathsentence, one of the pillars of a civilised society.. :(
and apparently some people don’t know the difference between justice and vengeance..

The only thing i agree with, is he shouldn’t be let out into society again..
He should get mental treatment though, since he is psychologically unstable..
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We all have different views on the death penalty, I’m in full support, generally one of the biggest reasons against it is innocents may be wrongly convicted which is not the case here.

Imagine being one of these parents, never ever getting to wake up in the morning with your child again.
But that’s a freaking slippery slope, if you can at whim decide when and when it’s not the right choice to allow the death penalty..
I understand that the parents would love for nothing other than for this guy to be cut up into little peace’s.. but the legal system is not in place to serve vengeance..
He's 19 now and he'll be 20 later this year. When does somebody stop being a child?

At my job, a subordinate's relative died this weekend. Cause of death unknown. On Sunday, she said she didn't feel well, and her mother said she probably should stay home and rest. Family went to church and came back home and found her dead.

She was 19. Was just talking her first classes, working her first job, had her first kiss. She was a child.

God Enel

"There's no place in civilized society for this person. I agree with above posters that he shouldn't just die, he should suffer."
Yes, tell me more about "civilized society," person who advocates throwing people into volcanoes.

Thank you. If you wouldn't have written it I surely would have. Thumbs up again.
"There's no place in civilized society for this person. I agree with above posters that he shouldn't just die, he should suffer."
Yes, tell me more about "civilized society," person who advocates throwing people into volcanoes.

Could you please point out why what he proposes isn't civil, because you're seemingly working from the axiom that "throwing people in volcanoes isn't something we do in a civil society". Or is it based on some principle instead? Or it derived out of cultural perception?
More so, perhaps he's using the volcano as an emotional response or hyperbole, while also thinking that a person should suffer as punishment?

Speaking as someone against the death penalty, I'd say that executing him is wrong because we shouldn't view killing people as some mean of punishment and that killing is wrong, unless the pact is being broken in the moment. Killing a killer in the moment makes sense as the deontological principle is being broken and saves someone, but after being disarmed the dead people won't come back and the deontological principle was broken before disarmament and isn't active after.
Then again, I understand that some have a completely different basis for viewing it.
At my job, a subordinate's relative died this weekend. Cause of death unknown. On Sunday, she said she didn't feel well, and her mother said she probably should stay home and rest. Family went to church and came back home and found her dead.

She was 19. Was just talking her first classes, working her first job, had her first kiss. She was a child.

Sorry about your anecdote but an 18 or 19 year old is not a child by any stretch of the imagination. What the hell is wrong with you? At that age you can get married, start a career, fight for your country, etc etc. This cold blooded killer carried out a heinous act with malice aforethought. Calling him a child and insinuating this removes a degree of culpability from him is offensive to his victims imo. Bleeding hearts like you really wind me up, in your quest to appear the most "woke" possible you trample over the real victims in order to defend the indefensible.


You're attacking a strawman in making an assumption that I support the death penalty.
And what a bizarre and transparent to try to spin your response as taking the moral high ground when you were the one originally endorsing almost literally "throwing a man to the wolves."
Like, you don't get to pretend you have altruistic intentions right after going "Let's just abandon him in a place that's murderously hostile towards him. Wink wink."

Your username is certainly apt in that you seem to always go for the most inflammatory, divisive response possible.
As you said, we should follow the laws and judicial system. The death penalty is part of that judicial system you support. So yeah ya kinda support the death penalty. No straw needed. Just you saying state sponsored death is preferred to him getting his ass beat to death or shot by ISIS. Clearly you just want to argue and be outraged that people don't give a flying fuck what happens to this waste of air.
Sorry about your anecdote but an 18 or 19 year old is not a child by any stretch of the imagination. What the hell is wrong with you? At that age you can get married, start a career, fight for your country, etc etc. This cold blooded killer carried out a heinous act with malice aforethought. Calling him a child and insinuating this removes a degree of culpability from him is offensive to his victims imo. Bleeding hearts like you really wind me up, in your quest to appear the most "woke" possible you trample over the real victims in order to defend the indefensible.

Meadow Pollack, a victim in the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, was 18 years old. You, and others, are saying we should think of her as an adult the same way as we should think about Chris Hixon (49), Scott Beigel (35), Aaron Feis (37), who were also victims. A HS senior compared to men upwards of twice her age. (Or Hawking who passed away, at 76, four times her age.)

Because Pollack is just one year older than Nicholas Dworet, Joaquin Oliver, and Helena Ramsay, also victims, she should be counted among the adult fatalities rather than the children. People who actually did get married, start careers, have children of their own.

At my job, a subordinate's relative died this weekend. Cause of death unknown. On Sunday, she said she didn't feel well, and her mother said she probably should stay home and rest. Family went to church and came back home and found her dead.

She was 19. Was just talking her first classes, working her first job, had her first kiss. She was a child.

She also had some intrinsic value in the world, in and of herself. I believe in assuming that people have positive value by potential until they prove otherwise by their actions.

Of course, a school shooter then has actualized negative value by taking the lives of multiple people like her who had intrinsic positive value.

To be honest, I don't understand the sympathy towards the violent when it comes to calls for rehabilitation. There are statistically very few violent people (e.g. murderers, rapists, etc.) in modern populations compared with the nonviolent population. How much does one person really matter in the grand scheme of things? These people are vanishingly unlikely to ever do anything of worth enough to make up for the disruption they caused to others' lives. To focus on rehabilitating the one in a hundred thousand murderer does not really benefit anyone.
Meadow Pollack, a victim in the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, was 18 years old. You, and others, are saying we should think of her as an adult the same way as we should think about Chris Hixon (49), Scott Beigel (35), Aaron Feis (37), who were also victims. A HS senior compared to men upwards of twice her age. (Or Hawking who passed away, at 76, four times her age.)

Because Pollack is just one year older than Nicholas Dworet, Joaquin Oliver, and Helena Ramsay, also victims, she should be counted among the adult fatalities rather than the children. People who actually did get married, start careers, have children of their own.


You are not either a child or an adult, mutually exclusively.

You are using the word "child" due to the imagery it provokes - innocence, naivety, lack of malovence, fragility. This imagery does not apply to someone who planned and orchestrated mass murder for fun. I reject the emotional manipulation that comes with these targeted word choices.
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You are using the word "child" due to the imagery it provokes - innocence, naivety, lack of malovence, fragility. This imagery does not apply to someone who planned and orchestrated mass murder for fun. I reject the emotional manipulation that comes with these targeted word choices.
The best way to reject such language is to ignore if for the irrelevant thing that it is and just move forward, not focus on it like you are doing...

The fact is this was a young guy who did something horrible out of madness, not some middle aged political terrorist. People have different feelings about how we react to such things, we don't have to agree but you should respect it at least...


Death is far too swift and civilized a punishment for him.
if some POS did this to my family i would gladly take a knife and slice SLOWLY and cut something off. whatever i deem worthwhile to cut off and not some POS republican/christian/alt-right/etc. to tell me otherwise.

i gladly agree with the prosecutor here and smh at every single person who disagrees with this person and wants to waste taxpayer money on this POS


As you said, we should follow the laws and judicial system. The death penalty is part of that judicial system you support. So yeah ya kinda support the death penalty. No straw needed. Just you saying state sponsored death is preferred to him getting his ass beat to death or shot by ISIS. Clearly you just want to argue and be outraged that people don't give a flying fuck what happens to this waste of air.

Being idealistic about our system of law is not the same as a tacit agreement about all aspects of it.
You're just attempting to distill everything down to a simple label because that makes the strawmen easier to conjure.

I mean, sure, in your hypothetical I suppose lethal injection would be slightly better than being beaten or tortured to death on foreign soil by hostile enemy combatants, but you know that those aren't the only two extremes that exist - why can you only converse in strawmen?

if some POS did this to my family i would gladly take a knife and slice SLOWLY and cut something off. whatever i deem worthwhile to cut off and not some POS republican/christian/alt-right/etc. to tell me otherwise.

i gladly agree with the prosecutor here and smh at every single person who disagrees with this person and wants to waste taxpayer money on this POS

"I would gladly slowly torture this person to eath and screw anyone from specific political parties trying to tell me I'm disgusting or wrong."

Yeah, I don't really think political parties play into this scenario at all and you're only bringing them up in an attempt to start an argument on a separate front.
Regardless of who they are or what they've done, if you relish the idea of slowly torturing a person to death with a knife, you're sick and something's wrong with you.
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