Don't you get tired of talking nonsense. 1 of 6 person bought the game is different than only 1 out of 6 are interested in the game.
Nintendo does the same with their flagship franchise. Why do you think there is a discrepancies between the top Nintendo exclusives with the botton part?
You have deals like this since forever.
When games like astral chain are struggling.
Also you forget the used market
There was a site that used to track the number of players on psn that got shut down it had gow at over 30mil players 2 years ago.
Now we have to justify bundles.
Horizon is a hot new game, people want to play that. If I din't have ps5 I would gladly buy this bundle.
Star wars is also being bundle with ps5 people buy what they want is their money.
You are annoying as hell let me tell you
"Shady practice" the shit you read sometimes