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NBC News: 'Rick and Morty' co-creator Justin Roiland (and Squanch Games Founder/CEO) faces felony domestic violence charges


There’s so many cancel culture clowns here. It’s amazing how people can’t separate the work from someone’s personal lives. It’s the whole Harry Potter thing all over again. Too many delicate snowflakes in this world, it made so many people weak minded and frail. Growing up in the 90’s we never had to deal with this shit. No wonder the world is getting worse.
Damn some of you burying a guy that has been charged THREE years ago by an anonymous female and pleaded not guilty. Did anyone stop to think that maybe he is being setup or the woman crying wolf since he is a celebrity? Why is it automatically the man guilty when there is literally zero proof for us readers to extract. And even if there was domestic violence, which i of course dont condone, why does everyone think that means he tied her to a tree and was beating her for months. Dana White of UFC just recently slapped his wife once and was already charged for "domestic violence". So the ones saying he should go to jail or die...you guys are fucked in the head.


Amazing to see the Twitter Court in action. The guys charged, not convicted.

This guys life is ruined even before ruling is found.

Of course they are gleeful of his misfortune due to hating his work..!

Edit: Reading up on this, seems like there's a bunch of accusations on reddit of Roiland grooming and assaulting and/or raping young women. Combine that with his candid use of alcohol during the production of r&m(!).. And his jesting about being sexually abused by a cousin prior.

Make of it what you will, but I still uphold the "fuck cancel culture"-stance.
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So, if something gets posted on social media we get comments like - his life is ruined, why is he not taken to court.
In this case nothing was posted on social media for almost 3 years, there will be a trial...and we still get "his life is ruined" comments.



Person claims Roiland likes young girls & that they were groomed from under age to legal age, the one person cussing Roiland out in the messages says they are 18 though, what whilst a bit weird for a nearly 40 year old dude to pursue is a legal consenting age.

I have the feeling Roiland is probably a very strange dude that likes younger girls and will happily use his influence to get laid. (But I'm pretty sure this applies to loads of famous people over the years)

Obviously people will have different opinions whether they think this is morally wrong or not.

I do think he will probably end up cancelled though, especially as the 16 year old girl says she was groomed. & 18 is legal consenting age in the USA (16 here in the UK, but this irrelevant as this American stuff)

Will just wait and see how this plays out, as could be twitter fan fiction & and there is no receipts from the person who wrote up the long ass post.

Probably safe to assume Microsoft won't fund High on Life 2, as they dropped moon studios after reports off an abusive workplace. (I'm still a little sad over this one, as Ori is one my fave game series ever)

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King Snowflake
There’s so many cancel culture clowns here. It’s amazing how people can’t separate the work from someone’s personal lives. It’s the whole Harry Potter thing all over again. Too many delicate snowflakes in this world, it made so many people weak minded and frail. Growing up in the 90’s we never had to deal with this shit. No wonder the world is getting worse.
Cancel people are not delicate snowflakes. They are angry, vindictive cunts who don't care what collateral damage they cause as long as they get to validate their outrage with destruction.

Harry Potter is a great example in the extreme case. The IP is huge and has spawned 8 blockbusters, theme park sections, many games over the last 20 years all of which contributed to the livelihoods of thousands. But the Author is a moron and a bigot. So fucking what? If you cancel the game coming out for that reason alone then you are valuing your outrage over the hard work of a few hundred people for several years and the enjoyment of millions of fans who enjoyed the authors work from 20 years ago. If you cant see the whole picture over your outrage then you are a stupid fucking animal.

Now canceling Roiland would have a smaller impact in the short term, but his game was a success and the show is, and many people are currently depending on that success for employment. Does what he did with a partner 3 years ago when they were both fucked up really have to have a negative impact on anyone other than himself? For all we know he could have locked her in the basement because she was throwing shit at him in the kitchen and needed her to calm down for his own safety. It looks bad when you remove the details, but who the fuck knows and why should anyone care unless it was on the extreme end.

FFS I got charged for assault and battery on a police officer because he reached into a window at a party, pulled me out by my hair and got inadvertently burned by the cigarette I was holding. He had no right to enter the house that way, but did and then I was the bad guy. Cops lie to make charges worse and get an easy plea in court.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The purple forum loses their mind with this stuff, tripping over themselves to out virtue-signal the prior poster. Expect some people with sane takes to be banned and come back over here.

I don’t subscribe to ‘believe all women’. We’ve had a popular case in Toronto of Jian Ghomeshi who was acquitted, and recently Amber Heard shown to be a liar. I’ll see what gets decided in court and base my viewpoint following that.

Or you could base your decision on what gets presented in court. It's not like all juries get it "right" per say.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
And so what? I just have to see his products and play his games, not marry him.

This is such a weird comment to make. Why does it matter to us that you'll still play his games and watch his shows? Those things he created have NOTHING to do with this potential crime he commented.


Gold Member
I’ll never understand how someone can’t separate the art from the artist by now. You have to know that the majority of artist are pieces of shit. If not, you’re just lying to yourself and drawing stupid inconsistent lines in the sand.

Mel Gibson is a pos. Doesn’t make Braveheart or Lethal Weapon bad.

Michael Jackson, I mean, I don’t know where to begin, doesn’t make his music bad.

I’m not defending this dude, I’m just going after those that lie to themselves that think they’re never going to support a bad person. Because, you do. You do it daily. With the food you buy, the clothes you wear and the taxes you pay.


Guess we just gotta wait and see...

Kk, done waiting

Night Court Work GIF by Laff
I searched his name and found a ton of older allegations against him, ranging from rape to grooming of a minor, saw some screenshots of text messages he sent that make him look pretty bad. It looks like these are nothing new for Justin Roiland but this appears to be the first time the stories are gaining traction.


Uh no. He's a popular figure with a rabid fanbase. Release her name and she's gonna get harassed to hell and back.

Let the courts and evidence sort it out, the public doesn't need to know her name.

As for the charges, sounds bad, but unless I know the actual details, can't tell for sure how awful the situation actually got.
The public doesn't need to know HIS name either, but he can be bullied and canceled since he's not a woman, right?


CliffyB's Cock Holster
A modest proposal: Let's wait for actual legal investigation and proceedings before arriving at firm judgement either way.

Talk is cheap, especially within social media, so using elements of that as fodder to bolster any position is I think highly premature and potentially distorting.


The public doesn't need to know HIS name either, but he can be bullied and canceled since he's not a woman, right?
What are you going on about? You do understand the difference between victim and person accused of a crime correct, and criminal/arrest records being made public? And of harassment of victims and the need to prevent that, male or female?

The part about being 'bullied' is especially mystifying, since it implies that you think he's being bullied, but are fine with dragging the victim into the spotlight so they can be 'bullied' as well, despite no apparent wrongdoing on their part, but seemingly because the victim is female and you'd think it fair that both victim and accused should be treated the same because the former is female and the latter male.


A modest proposal: Let's wait for actual legal investigation and proceedings before arriving at firm judgement either way.

Talk is cheap, especially within social media, so using elements of that as fodder to bolster any position is I think highly premature and potentially distorting.
I doubt it matters much to say this. Confirmation bias already kicked in with some people who disliked him or with people ready with kneejerk pitchfork/lighting-up-torch reactions(or with people blindly defending him), to matters such as these.

Some people were running with the idea of him beating her, despite a 'domestic battery' charge could possibly be a grab, push, ripping their clothes, shaking them etc, or 'false imprisonment' charge being someone blocking a door or locking the car doors when someone asked to leave.

Whenever drama kicks up, emotions kick in first, logic and facts kick in much later.
What are you going on about? You do understand the difference between victim and person accused of a crime correct, and criminal/arrest records being made public? And of harassment of victims and the need to prevent that, male or female?

The part about being 'bullied' is especially mystifying, since it implies that you think he's being bullied, but are fine with dragging the victim into the spotlight so they can be 'bullied' as well, despite no apparent wrongdoing on their part, but seemingly because the victim is female and you'd think it fair that both victim and accused should be treated the same because the former is female and the latter male.
You’ll learn quick that most forum users don’t like women.
There’s so many cancel culture clowns here. It’s amazing how people can’t separate the work from someone’s personal lives. It’s the whole Harry Potter thing all over again. Too many delicate snowflakes in this world, it made so many people weak minded and frail. Growing up in the 90’s we never had to deal with this shit. No wonder the world is getting worse.

That's probably because you were a kid in the '90s. I was a kid in the '90s, too, so outside of the Bill Clinton stuff, a lot of these scandals weren't even on my radar. There was also no social media back then (thankfully).

Truth is though there was stuff like this happening back in the '90s, too. Andrew Dice Clay, Arsenio Hall, are a couple of examples I know of. Not saying it was right or wrong, just that it happened. It was just less frequent and we heard much less about it in the instances where it actually happened.
I do think it's funny how ResetERA aren't retroactively banning High on Life discussion, yet still have a ban on Hogwarts Legacy, despite the fact in both cases there's only a single person among an entire team involved.

Guess it goes to show where their priorities are. I'm not even saying they should ban High on Life discussion, just that they should unban Hogwarts Legacy hype/talk. Why punish a team of hundreds for the words of a single person, who wasn't even really involved in the game's production (to my knowledge) anyway?

Gotta separate art from the artists, particularly when the art involves giant teams with plenty of heavyweights. John Kricfalusi is a groomer (very likely), but I still watch Ren & Stimpy from time to time. I can do that while also condemning & criticizing him for grooming young female fans. I still tolerate Rurouni Kenshin, even though I'm glad AF its creator was arrested for child pr0n.

I'll admit my respect for the works caught in the crossfire has diminished somewhat, to varying degrees depending on how much it was a team effort vs. just a singular person involved. But I can still appreciate elements of those works that can be isolated from them, and be honest about how those works influenced me for the better. The mistakes of these creators just serve as a reminder what to absolutely avoid ever ending up as.


What happened too innocent till proven guilty with you fucks
Goes out the window since Twitter. It's basically a legal lynch mob. I wonder why we don't re-introduce good old fashioned pillory on the market. It's practically the same, just with words instead of thrown horse shit. But leftist fashist are obviously too high in the clouds and too busy with virtue signalling to realise that.
See how many cancel 🤡🤡 we have here…
Wtf? This isnt a situation to joke about. We dont know the facts and if hes guilty or not. The real question is when will Microsoft release a press statement to support domestic violence victims or remove "High on Life" from Gamepass until further notice?

Escalate Customer Service GIF by FILMRISE


The shit he caused at all the McDonalds having those raving autists yelling at poor wage slaves over a lack of sauce packets alone is enough cancer on society.

Hopefully this makes him go away.


Wonder if they'll start yanking other games he was involved with from various app stores. I mean he did Trover Saves the Universe for one. Didn't he do Accounting?

Lone Wolf


Person claims Roiland likes young girls & that they were groomed from under age to legal age, the one person cussing Roiland out in the messages says they are 18 though, what whilst a bit weird for a nearly 40 year old dude to pursue is a legal consenting age.

I have the feeling Roiland is probably a very strange dude that likes younger girls and will happily use his influence to get laid. (But I'm pretty sure this applies to loads of famous people over the years)

Obviously people will have different opinions whether they think this is morally wrong or not.

I do think he will probably end up cancelled though, especially as the 16 year old girl says she was groomed. & 18 is legal consenting age in the USA (16 here in the UK, but this irrelevant as this American stuff)

Will just wait and see how this plays out, as could be twitter fan fiction & and there is no receipts from the person who wrote up the long ass post.

Probably safe to assume Microsoft won't fund High on Life 2, as they dropped moon studios after reports off an abusive workplace. (I'm still a little sad over this one, as Ori is one my fave game series ever)


18 is not legal consenting age in the USA. It varies by state. For example, it is 17 in NY.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Wtf? This isnt a situation to joke about. We dont know the facts and if hes guilty or not. The real question is when will Microsoft release a press statement to support domestic violence victims or remove "High on Life" from Gamepass until further notice?

Escalate Customer Service GIF by FILMRISE
This shit has to stop.

Stupid Internet mob has forced companies to publicly take a stand against something so its more or less worthless statements.

*some shit happens*
Company partner: "yadda yadda we don't support their actions*

Why do they need to go out and say they don't support domestic violence?

Why would anyone think Microsoft supports domestic violence?

Because some moron, from an entire team that has made a game, apparently is a wife beater, or alleged from now what I understand, Microsoft has to rush out and say they don't support it?

People who needs a company to say they take a stand against it probably has some more serious problems to attend to in real life.

I can't figure out why anyone expects Microsoft to say anything about it.

And I would say that regardless of company.

Of course they are against it. Who in their right mind would think they aren't?

Thoughts and prayers to my man PixelatedBeast PixelatedBeast for every like I get 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

I mean, it's cool if they publicly say it. But the thinking mentality that if they don't then Spencer nadella and every single person from Microsoft is a wife beater and abusers.

Come On Reaction GIF by GIPHY News

Try to keep a product, made by an entire team, and one person apart.

Removing it from GP and the store will make the entire team suffer.

PSA - English is not my native language. From what I understand he hasn't got a sentence yet,so AFAIK no one knows if he get charged or not yet.
He is a PoS if its true, but from what I understand he hasn't got the sentence yet.

I ain't dying in here for a wife beater if he turns out to be one, I'm just fucking tired of the expectancy on companies having to scream about everything otherwise they support all evil actions.
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