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LTTP: Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, yes I paid for Loftwing


So this is an interesting one for me, at the time of its release I met a great girl who in a few weeks is to become my wife! So as you do when meeting a new spouse, gaming kinda went on the backburner for a few months for other "Activities" shall we say. In this case 2 huge releases in Skyrim and Skyward Sword. So its time to continue my weird play order of Zelda games (Seriously, I started with Majoras Mask and then did LTTP, 1, 2, ALBW, WW, TP, BOTW, Links Awakening HD and then OoT, I don't even remember finishing MM up to WW as I was young )

I've always wanted the CE of this game with the Gold Wiimote and finally this year I decided to not focus on bad AAA games or indie games that I picked up for no other reason that it looked cool for an hour and filled in my collection, right now Mario and Zelda games are the main focus.

However, I'm not playing the Wii version, as I also picked up the HD version on release alongside the Amiibo and put a few good hours in that week, but dropped it for other things. Well its time to go back! So far I've up to the Earth Temple and picked up the bomb bag.

First thoughts:

  • The Motion Controls are good for the most part, aiming seems to not always be centered though and flying the damned Beetle or Loftwing is a nightmare (I can switch to sticks for these moments I guess, but I wish it was a permanent option)
  • Graphically, this looks good! Very TP mixed with some of WW in a lot of ways
  • Pro Controller, fuck me why do I have to hold the L button to turn the camera, I would have preferred to hold for the sword but I keep forgetting, I play at a Desk with a Monitor so this may be a game I go over to the Big TV for with Motion Controls
  • Its very Linear so far, its weird to me in a Zelda game
  • You can see some of the influence that BotW gains here

Kev Kev

gaming kinda went on the backburner for a few months for other "Activities" shall we say.

Its very Linear so far, its weird to me in a Zelda game
yeah there was something about it that felt more constricted than other zelda. i thought it simialr to wind waker, but i loved wind waker because even though you had all these locations that were spread out over a whole ocean, they were fun and interesting places to explore, with verticality and explorability, things to do, reasons to go back, etc. i didnt feel that with SS. it felt very much go here and do this, straight forward, and just kind of easy like it played itself at times.

i could never out my finger on it exactly but SS just didnt have that "it factor" for me
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Gold Member
I had never played it before the Switch release and thought it was pretty fun.
The motion controls work well and the dungeons were pretty fun if not quite as amazing as I had heard.

But yeah it's very linear, and some of the backtracking got annoying


yeah there was something about it that felt more constricted than other zelda. i thought it simialr to wind waker, but i loved wind waker because even though you had all these locations that were spread out over a whole ocean, they were fun and interesting places to explore, with verticality and explorability, things to do, reasons to go back, etc. i didnt feel that with SS. it felt very much go here and do this, straight forward, and just kind of easy like it played itself at times.

i could never out my finger on it exactly but SS just didnt have that "it factor" for me

At first I thought it may have been because it was on Wii, but so was TP (despite being a GC game originally) so I'm not sure

Then again, it was the first Wii Motion plus game and Link is Right Handed in this game (is that a Retcon, this is the first in the timeline after all and Link is usually Left Handed)


I've actually been on a zelda run myself. Loved wind waker hd on wii u. Absolutely hate majoras mask. The game is like a giant side quest.
Yea MM I remember needing a Guide for (was about 11 or 12 when I played it) so when I do replay it I'm not sure if I want to play the Switch version or wait until I pick up the 3DS remaster (The n64 version would be ideal but its a damned expensive Cart with Box to pick up)


Earth Temple complete, the Boss here "Scaldera" is actually pretty cool, a similar throwback to a similar OoT boss but a lot fairer
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Played some more this morning after giving Outriders another try (man that game is good but boring) and got through the Lantru Mines and Desert to the Temple of Time

The desert area is gorgeous and I like the time manipulation mechanic in these areas so far, the enemies require a bit more thought to fight which has surprised me for a Wii game that’s dependant on motion controls

I also cannot stress how much better the bombs now work with the bomb bag, actually able to line things up without the fucking bomb flower going off, a must for the Pro Controller!
It's in essence my dream Wii game! I LOVE that you swing the Wiimote as a sword. Always imagined a 3D Megaman X game featuring Zero with combat like that. Skyward Sword had the balls to pull it off, so I was there Day 1 for it. It's the first Zelda game I beat, and the game that took me the longest time to beat to date, I took like a year of time to actually beat it, I got stuck and dropped it several times but boy am I glad I beat it! The game was full of charm, awesome gameplay, etc. I double dipped and got the Switch version too


It's in essence my dream Wii game! I LOVE that you swing the Wiimote as a sword. Always imagined a 3D Megaman X game featuring Zero with combat like that. Skyward Sword had the balls to pull it off, so I was there Day 1 for it. It's the first Zelda game I beat, and the game that took me the longest time to beat to date, I took like a year of time to actually beat it, I got stuck and dropped it several times but boy am I glad I beat it! The game was full of charm, awesome gameplay, etc. I double dipped and got the Switch version too
For me it was the realization that Star Wars and the lightsabers could be done in games…

Still waiting….


I really really loved the Lanayru Mining Facility dungeon, not too long had 2 interesting mechanics in the time manip and the Gust Bellows with the Sand and an easy but unique boss (Dark Souls this is not lol) I can see why these Dungeons are well loved
I have played every Zelda except the cdi crap, and beaten most of them. My favorite is definitely LttP followed by Ocarina, least favorite was Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. I disliked TP so much that I completely skipped Skyward.
If big N would sell the Switch version for a reasonable price I'd probably try it out.


This is really picking up for me, defeated the Imprisoned and unlocked the New song for the Harp, now have to go back to Farron Woods with the new song, I guess this is where the backtracking is starting (get new song, back to new area, new song, new area) but really enjoying it


So after a few days away to play a few other games ( Destiny and Monster hunter Rise (I needed to play some catch up stuff ready for Sunbreak) ) I've played on, re did the Skyview temple and onto the Ancient Cistern.

My god are the Water Controls bad on a Pro Controller


And I've found the gimmick of this Dungeon, I wanna punch whoever thought adding a whip to this game via Button/Stick controls, this is dreadful....


How's the regular controls? I don't want to play with the motion controls
I mean they're usable but fucking weird, the Analog stick for the Sword is fine but limted, you have to really think be measured as you have stamina as well

My biggest issue is that you have to hold L to move the camera, by default moving the stick pulls out and swings the sword, something I wish I could reverse (so Hold the L button for the Sword) or only be able to use the sword when holding Lock on. Swimming can be a pain at first but its ok, I've played worse games for that

Gagdet wise only the fucking whip has been an issue


Yeah, the whip is weird on button controls. I never got it to work on the first try, I had to swing the stick back and forth multiple times to make it latch it to what I was targeting
I’ve managed to get it to work consistently now, the trick is to, believe it or not, act like it’s a whip, so hold it back and quicker move it forward


Ancient Cistren down, I liked the Boss in this one, very Zelda Esque in cutting him down first before damage, it makes it a Unique challenge,

So now back to the desert...


OK this game definitely needs some credit for the Time Shifting Mechanic, its really incredibly done and reminds me an awful lot of the last Rachet and Clank


The Sandship was very very fun, the Boss was easy but it was a cool fight, I can only imagine this on Wii in 2011 being an amazing moment, the Powered Up Sword Stuff should be slightly quicker though imo


Beat the Fire Sanctuary, not a fan of this Dungeon but I love the fights with Ghirahim, they feel like a dance and so satisfying to out fight him


The Imprisoned coming back with Arms is an interesting choice, I was pretty tired so put in Half hour to beat it, also for a game thats supposed to be the First in the timeline they really undersell getting the Master Sword, I love the way BotW does that

Still I assume the Hylian Shield is here somewhere, could be a side quest or part of the main at this point, who fukcing knows with Zelda
I hated SS when it first released and went back to it probably 2 years ago. I still need to finish it (never have so far) but the game does itself no favors towards the end, lots of padding.

When it's on, it's some of the best Zelda you can ask for but when it's off, it's easily the worst in the series.

As others have mentioned, the OST is breathtaking at times.

I have the golden Wiimote. Most recent playthrough was via the Wii U and played on the gamepad screen. As dumb as it sounds, the Wii version of the game looks freaking gorgeous on that small 480p screen. It really showcases the watercolor/painting art style. Wii version looks like a bag of smashed assholes when upscaled on a 1080p TV.
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The Imprisoned coming back with Arms is an interesting choice, I was pretty tired so put in Half hour to beat it, also for a game thats supposed to be the First in the timeline they really undersell getting the Master Sword, I love the way BotW does that

Still I assume the Hylian Shield is here somewhere, could be a side quest or part of the main at this point, who fukcing knows with Zelda
Potential Minor Spoiler: I'm pretty sure you can only get it by beating the boss rush mode
Not a bad game, but unlike some Zeldas it's not better than the sum of it's parts.

It's a bit like overly sweet ice cream, you keep licking it thinking at some point you'll stop being thirsty, but you never do.
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I can see where the complaints of Backtracking are coming from now, for the 3rd time I fight the same Imprisoned boss with slightly different mechanics, then I need to go back to each fucking Section of the World for a 3rd time for the Song of Hero, the Farron Woods one was fine, reminded me of Mario Odyessey in a way collecting the notes, but the Eldin Volcano one can fuck off


On to the final Dungeon, the backtracking was hell for the Farron Woods part but good for the next two, its kinda weird like that, I am getting tired of the lack of clues as things to find are so obtuse at times, I know thats a Zelda thing but christ sometimes just give the player a kind of nudge (unlocking the Sky Loft is a perfect example, the sheer amount of busy work and guessing for something that was told to you 20 hours ago for example )

Anyway, game is becoming a fav of mine already in spite of that, I hope the ending isn't shit


And Credits rolled, what a fantastic game! It did grate a little towards the end but the last hour or so were very very good

A lot to like about this, the Controls were fine once I'd gotten used to them and very responsive but play this with Motion Controls, the Pro controller does the job but it does feel like it was made for the Wii Controller

As for next time, I think Zelda needs a break, I've finished all of them now and tbh the Lure of replaying LTTP and WW could be a good time (especially if WW get a Switch port, though I do own the Wii U version already)


Gold Member
And Credits rolled, what a fantastic game! It did grate a little towards the end but the last hour or so were very very good

A lot to like about this, the Controls were fine once I'd gotten used to them and very responsive but play this with Motion Controls, the Pro controller does the job but it does feel like it was made for the Wii Controller

As for next time, I think Zelda needs a break, I've finished all of them now and tbh the Lure of replaying LTTP and WW could be a good time (especially if WW get a Switch port, though I do own the Wii U version already)

I like Skyward Sword more the BOTW as the weapon durability killed BOTW for me, but you can see where parts of BOTW did evolve from Skyward Sword, like the glider.


I like Skyward Sword more the BOTW as the weapon durability killed BOTW for me, but you can see where parts of BOTW did evolve from Skyward Sword, like the glider.
Yea I get that, once you get the Master Sword it becomes less of an issue but still I wish you could turn it off
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