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I much prefer turn based battle systems in RPGs. Particularly JRPGs. What do you prefer?


Honestly I don't understand why Turn based and Real time are often "opposed".

I like all type of combat system : Real time, Turn based, RTTP... If the game is good and the combat system serves the game well then I am all in !

Baldur's Gate 3 turn based combat is exceptional. I love the RTTP from the previous game but here the turn based does wonders on the strategic level.
However, "turn based" on old Final Fantasy ("ATB system") is not so great for me (Time still running when selecting an attack in menus ?! Always disliked it). I prefer the Final Fantasy X "true Turn based".

I also like action in Real time. Obviously the Souls game are a prime example. Also love it on old DMC, FFXV (a bit hybrid but really enjoyable) and many more games...
However in Final Fantasy XVI, it was nice at first but quickly redundant and repetitive.

So anything can work for me as long as well executed and serves the gameplay.



I think BG3 nails it, although Sea of Stars is interesting in that you can time your attack and defense button presses to augment the roll. I like that, too.
Nowadays? I'd say action-focused, but I don't have anything against turn-based. As long as the game and its system are good, that's enough for me.


Depends on the game, really. I dislike turn-based combat in most computer RPGs because it's just number-crunching and dull-looking animations, but in a game like Wasteland 2 or 3, the turn-based combat was fun because it felt more like X-COM. I loved Planescape Torment's story, lore and atmosphere, but the combat-heavy sections were a fucking slog to get through because I found the action thoroughly unengaging.

So I dunno, it all depends on how it's presented, I guess.


Historically, I haven't enjoyed many turn-based battle systems, because they feel slow and laborious to me. There have been a few exceptions (e.g., KOTOR, Lost Odyssey).

The fact that BG3 is turn-based is one reason I'm hesitant to play it, although the thread is making me reconsider that, because most people seem to prefer turn-based, and the OP makes a good point about strategy. I will probably give BG3 a whirl sometime.


The fact that BG3 is turn-based is one reason I'm hesitant to play it, although the thread is making me reconsider that, because most people seem to prefer turn-based, and the OP makes a good point about strategy. I will probably give BG3 a whirl sometime.
Honestly the turn based system is perfect for Baldur's Gate 3. The strategic depth of this game is insane and the turn based system sublimes it.

I find the combat to be quite dynamic even in turn based.


My favorite turn based battle system has got to be the press turn system from Shin Megami Tensei. It very old, but it is always fresh. I really liked the smirk system they added to it in SMT IV, but it hasn't been applied to other games.
I still like other RPG systems though. Star Ocean has a nice combat system where you can find fancy combos and never let your opponent attack, switching characters on the fly.


Turn based FFX had the best combat system (snappy)

FF7 my fav materia system.

I think FF7R battle system is the best action hybrid aswel.

Shoutout to Yakuza LAD. P5. Front Mission 3. (Best srpg of all time)
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