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Forget the Tony Hawk remaster, Skatemasta Tcheco is in town on Xbox One, PS4 and Switch!

Bullet Club

Forget the Tony Hawk remaster, Skatemasta Tcheco is in town on Xbox One, PS4 and Switch!


Eastasiasoft suggests we stop banging on about that Tony Hawk remaster, and find time in our lives for that other skateboarding franchise. No, not Skate (come on, EA), but Skatemasta Tcheco!

You might not remember the first, Tcheco in the Castle of Lucio. We actually reviewed the thing and had positive things to say, including a 3.5/5 score. It grindrailed out of our minds too, so you’d be excused for forgetting.

Skatemasta Tcheco ollies onto Xbox One today, and kickflips onto PS4 and Switch. Yep, we know our skateboarding terms.

While published by Eastasiasoft, it’s a Ratalaika collaboration, which means retro-styled platforming. We got real Skate or Die and Wonderboy vibes from the trailer, as the audio and graphics are clearly aiming for the NES and Master System era of gaming.

Even more so, there’s a tongue in Tcheco’s cheek. Scan the screenshots on the official page and you’ll find bosses and enemies that look remarkably like Sonic the Hedgehog and Donkey Kong. This is not just an homage to the 8-bit era’s graphics – it’s going to be ‘aping’ the characters of that period too.

This won’t be everyone’s cup of tea (even typing the ‘word’ Skatemasta makes us a little bit sick), but the previous game sold well enough to warrant a sequel, and our review showed it had merit. It may be that this is peak Ratalaika, rather than shovelled Ratalaika.

Features include:
  • Chill out with gameplay that’s easy to learn and fun to master!
  • Keep moving with the automatic scroll of each unique stage.
  • Execute crazy cool attacks to wipe out colorful enemies.
  • Play levels in any order!
  • Enjoy sounds and aesthetics inspired by 8-bit classics.

A review is incoming, so expect TheXboxHub verdict soon. Otherwise, check Skatemasta Tcheco out now on Xbox One for £4.19 – discounted to £3.35 for two weeks. Or you’ve got the option of PS4 or Switch. You’ll never go back to the Hawk.

Game Description:

Tcheco is back for another herculean journey on his shiny new skateboard. Survive bigger and crazier auto-scrolling stages as you smash and flip over everything that tries to stop Tcheco in his tracks! From beaches and cityscapes to a sports stadium and even the moon, traverse a vibrant selection of stages in any order as you roll your way to victory.

Source: Xbox Hub

Tony who?
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